private void ConnectPartialGraph(PartialGraph pgSource, PartialGraph pgTarget)
     foreach (StardewVertex vertex in pgSource.Vertices)
         if (vertex is WarpVertex)
             var warpVertex = (WarpVertex)vertex;
             if (warpVertex.TargetLocation == pgTarget.Location)
                 var newVertex = new StardewVertex(pgTarget.Location, warpVertex.TargetPosition);
                 var newEdge = new StardewEdge(vertex, newVertex, "Partial graph connection");
                 foreach (StardewVertex targetVertex in pgTarget.Vertices)
                     // Player vertex only needs to connect away from itself, all warp vertices and the target vertex must have an edge going to them
                     if (targetVertex != pgTarget.PlayerVertex)
                         var e = new StardewEdge(newVertex, targetVertex, $"From {newVertex.Location} to {targetVertex.Location}");
Beispiel #2
        public void Create()
            var a = Game1.currentLocation.warps;

            foreach (GameLocation loc in Game1.locations)
            partialGraphs = new Dictionary <GameLocation, PartialGraph>();
            //var edgeCosts = new List<Dictionary<Edge<ExtendedWarp>, double>>();
            foreach (GameLocation loc in Game1.locations)
                if (loc.Name == "Farm")
                    // TODO Connect barns/coops
                // TODO add player and target vertex and connect every node to it
                var partialGraph = new PartialGraph(loc);
                // Calculate which warps should correspond to a vertex. Dont add warps which are very close.
                var extWarpsToInclude = new List <ExtendedWarp>();
                for (int i = 0; i < loc.warps.Count; i++)
                    var  extWarpNew = new ExtendedWarp(loc.warps.ElementAt(i), loc);
                    bool shouldAdd  = true;
                    foreach (ExtendedWarp extWarpIncluded in extWarpsToInclude)
                        if (extWarpNew.TargetLocation == extWarpIncluded.TargetLocation && ExtendedWarp.Distance(extWarpNew, extWarpIncluded) < 5)
                            shouldAdd = false;
                    if (shouldAdd)
                // Create edges for partial graphs
                for (int i = 0; i < extWarpsToInclude.Count; i++)
                    var extWarp1 = extWarpsToInclude.ElementAt(i);

                    for (int j = 0; j < extWarpsToInclude.Count; j++)
                        var    LocTo    = Game1.getLocationFromName(loc.warps.ElementAt(j).TargetName);
                        var    extWarp2 = extWarpsToInclude.ElementAt(j);
                        var    path     = PathFindController.findPath(new Point(extWarp1.X, extWarp1.Y), new Point(extWarp2.X, extWarp2.Y), new PathFindController.isAtEnd(PathFindController.isAtEndPoint), loc, Game1.player, 9999);
                        double dist;
                        string edgeLabel;
                        if (path != null)
                            dist = (float)path.Count;
                            // TODO Player can run diagonally. Account for that.
                            edgeLabel = loc.Name + " - " + dist + "c";
                            dist      = (int)Vector2.Distance(new Vector2(extWarp1.X, extWarp1.Y), new Vector2(extWarp2.X, extWarp2.Y));
                            edgeLabel = loc.Name + " - " + dist + "d";

                        var edge = new LabelledEdge <ExtendedWarp>(extWarp1, extWarp2, edgeLabel, new GraphvizColor(255, 255, 255, 255), dist);
                partialGraph.AddPlayerVertex(new ExtendedWarp(new Warp(0, 0, "None", 0, 0, false), loc));
                partialGraphs.Add(loc, partialGraph);
            // Combine partial graphs into one
            foreach (var partialGraph in partialGraphs.Values)
            for (int i = 0; i < partialGraphs.Count; i++)
                var graph1 = partialGraphs.Values.ElementAt(i);
                for (int j = 0; j < partialGraphs.Count; j++)
                    var graph2 = partialGraphs.Values.ElementAt(j);
                    foreach (ExtendedWarp warp1 in graph1.Vertices)
                        if ( == "Saloon")
                        if (graph2.VertexCount > 0 && warp1.TargetLocation == graph2.Vertices.ElementAt(0).OriginLocation)
                            var copyVertex = new ExtendedWarp((Warp)warp1, warp1.OriginLocation);// copy to make the graph visually clearer
                            var edgeToCopy = new LabelledEdge <ExtendedWarp>(warp1, copyVertex, "Warp", new GraphvizColor(255, 255, 255, 255), 0);

                            foreach (ExtendedWarp warp2 in graph2.Vertices)
                                var newEdge = new LabelledEdge <ExtendedWarp>(copyVertex, warp2, warp2.OriginLocation.Name, new GraphvizColor(255, 255, 255, 255), ExtendedWarp.Distance(copyVertex, warp2));
                                // TODO: Calculate cost
                                if (warp2.TargetLocation?.Name == "Saloon")
            GraphvizAlgorithm <ExtendedWarp, LabelledEdge <ExtendedWarp> > graphviz = new GraphvizAlgorithm <ExtendedWarp, LabelledEdge <ExtendedWarp> >(this);

            graphviz.FormatVertex += (sender2, args) => args.VertexFormatter.Label = args.Vertex.Label;
            graphviz.FormatEdge   += (sender2, args) => { args.EdgeFormatter.Label.Value = args.Edge.Label; };
            graphviz.FormatEdge   += (sender2, args) => { args.EdgeFormatter.FontGraphvizColor = args.Edge.Color; };
            graphviz.ImageType     = GraphvizImageType.Jpeg;

            graphviz.Generate(new FileDotEngine(), "C:\\Users\\Gunnar\\Desktop\\graph123.jpeg");

            //var alg = new QuickGraph.Algorithms.ShortestPath.UndirectedDijkstraShortestPathAlgorithm<ExtendedWarp, Edge<ExtendedWarp>>;