private String8Set SplitRows(String8 block, PartialArray <int> rowPositionArray)
            // Split the block into lines (and save the split for use splitting columns)
            _blockLines = block.Split(UTF8.Newline, _lineArray);

            // Reset where which line the next row begins with
            _nextLineIndex = 0;


            for (int i = 0; i < _blockLines.Count - 1; ++i)
                String8 line = _blockLines[i];

                // An empty line (or \n\r\n) indicates a new logical row
                if (line.Length == 0 || (line.Length == 1 && line[0] == UTF8.CR))
                    rowPositionArray.Add(_lineArray[i + 1]);

            rowPositionArray.Add(block.Length + 1);

            return(new String8Set(block, 1, rowPositionArray));
Beispiel #2
        public static void WriteMatchesForToolUse(TextWriter writer, PartialArray <Symbol> results)
            for (int i = 0; i < results.Count; ++i)
                Symbol result        = results[i];
                Path8  containerName = result.ContainerName;
                if (!containerName.IsEmpty)


                // Write full location (local/found code) or package (package index)
                if (result.HasLocation)

        /// <summary>
        ///  Split a string into alphanumeric words without allocation by using
        ///  the same PartialArray&lt;int&gt; in a loop. When traversing over the
        ///  returned String8Set, check if each first letter IsAlphaNumeric to
        ///  decide whether to include it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="value">String8 to split</param>
        /// <param name="buffer">PartialArray to contain split positions [allows reuse without allocations]</param>
        /// <returns>String8Set containing value split at alpha-to-non-alpha boundaries</returns>
        public static String8Set Split(String8 value, ref PartialArray <int> buffer)
            // Reset the buffer for our use

            if (!value.IsEmpty())
                // Add the beginning as a part

                bool inWord = IsAlphaNumeric(value[0]);

                for (int i = 1; i < value.Length; ++i)
                    bool charIsAlpha = IsAlphaNumeric(value[i]);

                    if (inWord != charIsAlpha)
                        // Add a boundary at each alpha to non-alpha transition
                        inWord = charIsAlpha;

                // Add the remaining part of the string

            return(new String8Set(value, 0, buffer));
        public void AlphanumericSplitter_Performance()
            String8            code           = AllCodeText.AllCode8;
            String8Set         set            = default(String8Set);
            PartialArray <int> matchContainer = new PartialArray <int>();

            int iterations      = 10;
            int totalWordsSplit = 0;
            int validCount      = 0;

            // Split Goal: 75k per millisecond [75 MB/sec]
            Verify.PerformanceByBytes(75 * LongExtensions.Megabyte, () =>
                for (int iteration = 0; iteration < iterations; ++iteration)
                    set = AlphanumericSplitter.Split(code, ref matchContainer);

                    totalWordsSplit += set.Count;
                    if (set.Count > 0)
                        int matchIndex = AlphanumericSplitter.IsAlphaNumeric(set[0][0]) ? 0 : 1;
                        for (; matchIndex < set.Count; matchIndex += 2)
                            String8 word = set[matchIndex];
                            if (word.Length > 2)

                return(iterations * code.Length);
        public void PartialArray_MembersProvided()
            // Build a partially filled array
            int[] array = new int[10];
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
                array[i] = i;

            // Build a PartialArray around it
            PartialArray <int> a = new PartialArray <int>(array, 5, true);

            // Verify it knows it's partially full already
            Assert.AreEqual(5, a.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(3, a[3]);
            Assert.AreEqual(10, a.Capacity);

            // Add another value; verify it goes to the right place
            Assert.AreEqual(6, a.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(5, a[5]);
            Assert.AreEqual(5, array[5]);
Beispiel #6
        private static void GoToDefinition(PackageDatabase db, MemberQuery[] searches, int iterations = 1)
            PartialArray <Symbol> lastSuccessfulResults = new PartialArray <Symbol>();
            PartialArray <Symbol> results = new PartialArray <Symbol>(10);

            using (new TraceWatch("Go To Definition {0:n0} times across {1:n0} values...", iterations, searches.Length))
                for (int iteration = 0; iteration < iterations; ++iteration)
                    MemberQuery query = searches[iteration % searches.Length];
                    query.TryFindMembers(db, ref results);
                    if (results.Count > 0)
                        results.CopyTo(ref lastSuccessfulResults);

            if (lastSuccessfulResults.Count > 0)
                Console.WriteLine("NOT FOUND.");

Beispiel #7
        public void PackageDatabase_Basic()
            // Build a sample database. Verify all add operations work. Verify serialization happens. Verify load is able to read serialized bits without error.

            // Round trip an empty database. Verify no file written.
            string          serializationPath = "EmptyPackage.idx";
            PackageDatabase db = new PackageDatabase();


            // Round trip a database without anything indexed. Verify file written, reload and search work without exceptions
            db.MutableRoot.AddChild(new MutableSymbol("System", SymbolType.Namespace));

            PackageDatabase readDB = new PackageDatabase();

            Verify.RoundTrip(db, readDB);

            PartialArray <Symbol> results = new PartialArray <Symbol>(10);

            new MemberQuery(NS_SAMPLE, false, false).TryFindMembers(readDB, ref results);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, results.Count);
Beispiel #8
 /// <summary>
 ///  Convert a whole PartialArray of identifiers from the ones assigned by FindOrAdd
 ///  to the values being serialized out.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="stringIdentifiers">PartialArray containing string identifiers for this StringStore</param>
 public void ConvertToImmutable(PartialArray <int> stringIdentifiers)
     for (int i = 0; i < stringIdentifiers.Count; ++i)
         stringIdentifiers[i] = this.GetSerializationIdentifier(stringIdentifiers[i]);
        /// <summary>
        ///  Construct a BaseTabularReader to read the given stream.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stream">Stream to read</param>
        /// <param name="hasHeaderRow">True to read the first row as column names, False not to pre-read anything</param>
        public BaseTabularReader(Stream stream, bool hasHeaderRow = true)
            _reader = stream;

            _columnHeadingsList = new List <string>();
            _columnHeadings     = new Dictionary <string, int>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            _buffer              = new byte[64 * 1024];
            _rowCountRead        = 0;
            _nextRowIndexInBlock = 0;
            _rowPositionArray    = new PartialArray <int>(64, false);
            _cellPositionArray   = new PartialArray <int>(1024, false);

            // Read the heading row and record heading positions
            if (hasHeaderRow)
                if (!NextRow())
                    throw new IOException("Reader didn't find any rows when trying to read a header row.");

                for (int i = 0; i < _currentRow.Count; ++i)
                    string columnName = this.Current(i).ToString();
                    _columnHeadings[columnName] = i;

                // Header row doesn't count toward row count read
                _rowCountRead = 0;
        public static string SplitAndJoin(string value)
            String8 value8 = String8.Convert(value, new byte[String8.GetLength(value)]);

            PartialArray <int> boundaryArray = new PartialArray <int>();
            String8Set         set           = AlphanumericSplitter.Split(value8, ref boundaryArray);

            bool firstPart = true;

            StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();

            using (StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(result))
                for (int i = 0; i < set.Count; ++i)
                    String8 part = set[i];
                    if (!part.IsEmpty() && AlphanumericSplitter.IsAlphaNumeric(part[0]))
                        if (!firstPart)
                        firstPart = false;


        public ImmutableStringStore ConvertToImmutable(out int[] identifierToSerializedIdentifier)
            int valueCount = _values.Count;

            // Build an array of string indexes sorted by the strings
            int[] valueIndexesSorted = new int[valueCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < valueCount; ++i)
                valueIndexesSorted[i] = i;

            // Sort index array to point to values in sorted order
            // NOTE: Sort is case insensitive stable (case insensitive search and minimal diff size)
            Array.Sort(_values.ToArray(), valueIndexesSorted, s_comparer);

            // Build a map from the original identifiers (ascending order by when inserted) to the new ones (sorted order) to fix references
            int[] map = new int[valueCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < valueCount; ++i)
                int oldIdentifier = valueIndexesSorted[i];
                int newIdentifier = i;
                map[oldIdentifier] = newIdentifier;

            // Walk in sorted order and determine the byte position where each value will be written
            int totalLength = 0;

            PartialArray <int> positions = new PartialArray <int>(new int[valueIndexesSorted.Length + 1]);

            for (int i = 0; i < valueIndexesSorted.Length; ++i)

                // Compute space needed for this value and delimiter (\r\n delimited)
                totalLength += String8.GetLength(_values[valueIndexesSorted[i]]) + 2;


            // Build byte[] with the concatenated values
            byte[] sortedValueBytes = new byte[totalLength];

            int nextWritePosition = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < valueIndexesSorted.Length; ++i)
                // Copy value to output array
                String8 newValue = String8.Convert(_values[valueIndexesSorted[i]], sortedValueBytes, nextWritePosition);
                nextWritePosition += newValue.Length;

                sortedValueBytes[nextWritePosition]     = UTF8.CR;
                sortedValueBytes[nextWritePosition + 1] = UTF8.LF;
                nextWritePosition += 2;

            // Build the ImmutableStore equivalent of this and an array to translate identifiers
            identifierToSerializedIdentifier = map;
            return(new ImmutableStringStore(new String8Set(new String8(sortedValueBytes, 0, sortedValueBytes.Length), 2, positions)));
Beispiel #12
 public void Clear()
     this.Strings           = new StringStore();
     this.NameIdentifiers   = new PartialArray <int>();
     this.TargetIdentifiers = new PartialArray <int>();
     this.Types             = new PartialArray <byte>();
     this.EventTimes        = new PartialArray <long>();
        public BufferedRowReader(Stream stream, Func <String8, PartialArray <int>, String8Set> splitRows)
            _stream    = stream;
            _splitRows = splitRows;

            _buffer           = new byte[Math.Min(stream.Length + 1, 64 * 1024)];
            _rowPositionArray = new PartialArray <int>(64, false);
Beispiel #14
        internal static string SearchToString(IMemberDatabase db, string memberName)
            MemberQuery           query   = new MemberQuery(memberName, false, false);
            PartialArray <Symbol> results = new PartialArray <Symbol>(10);

            query.TryFindMembers(db, ref results);
Beispiel #15
 protected override String8Set SplitCells(String8 row, PartialArray <int> cellPositionArray)
     // Remove trailing '\r' to handle '\r\n' and '\n' line endings uniformly
     if (row.EndsWith(UTF8.CR))
         row = row.Substring(0, row.Length - 1);
Beispiel #16
        public void Indexer_GenericSignature()
            MemberQuery           q       = new MemberQuery("GenericSignature", true, false);
            PartialArray <Symbol> results = new PartialArray <Symbol>(10);

            Assert.IsTrue(q.TryFindMembers(DB, ref results));
            Symbol first = results[0];

            Assert.AreEqual("List<Q>", first.Parameters.ToString());
Beispiel #17
        public void ReadBinary(BinaryReader r)
            _delimiterWidth = r.ReadInt32();

            _content = new String8();

            _partPositions = new PartialArray <int>();
Beispiel #18
 private List <Symbol> FilterToViableTypes(PartialArray <Symbol> symbols)
     // Don't return nested types.  Currently their value does not seem worth
     // it given all the extra stuff we'd have to plumb through.  Namely
     // going down the "using static" code path and whatnot.
     return(new List <Symbol>(
                from symbol in symbols
                where this.IsType(symbol) && !this.IsType(symbol.Parent())
                select symbol));
        public bool Run(TextWriter writer)
            bool   result       = true;
            string testDataPath = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, @"..\..\TestData\PackageDatabases");
            string rootPath     = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFiles);

            string[] dirs  = new string[] { "v4.0", "v4.5.2" };
            string[] files = new string[] { "System.Data.dll" };

            rootPath = Path.Combine(rootPath, @"Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\.NETFramework\");

            foreach (string dir in dirs)
                foreach (string file in files)
                    HashSet <string> publicNonNested = new HashSet <string>();
                    HashSet <string> otherTypes      = new HashSet <string>();
                    string           assemblyPath    = Path.Combine(rootPath, dir, file);
                    Walk(assemblyPath, publicNonNested, otherTypes);

                    PackageDatabase db = Indexer.IndexCommand.Index(assemblyPath, true, true);
                    File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(testDataPath, file + "." + dir + ".actual.txt"), db.ToString());

                    var results = new PartialArray <Symbol>(10);

                    foreach (string typeName in publicNonNested)
                        var query = new MemberQuery(typeName, false, false);
                        query.TryFindMembers(db, ref results);

                        if (results.Count == 0)
                            writer.WriteLine("Found " + results.Count + " (instead of 1 or more) matches for " + typeName);
                            result = false;

                    foreach (string typeName in otherTypes)
                        var query = new MemberQuery(typeName, true, true);
                        query.TryFindMembers(db, ref results);

                        if (results.Count == 0)
                            writer.WriteLine("Found " + results.Count + " (instead of 1 or more) matches for " + typeName);
                            result = false;
Beispiel #20
        public void Indexer_PrivateMethod()
            MemberQuery           q       = new MemberQuery("PrivateMethod", true, false);
            PartialArray <Symbol> results = new PartialArray <Symbol>(10);

            // Verify private methods are indexed and modifiers are right
            Assert.IsTrue(q.TryFindMembers(DB, ref results));
            Symbol first = results[0];

            Assert.AreEqual(SymbolModifier.Private, first.Modifiers);
Beispiel #21
        /// <summary>
        ///  Split a string on a given delimiter only outside matching double quotes.
        ///  Used to split CSV content where the delimiters are ignored within quotes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="value">String8 value to split</param>
        /// <param name="delimiter">Delimiter to split on</param>
        /// <param name="positions">PartialArray&lt;int&gt; to contain split positions</param>
        /// <returns>String8Set containing split value</returns>
        public static String8Set SplitOutsideQuotes(String8 value, byte delimiter, PartialArray <int> positions)
            if (value.IsEmpty())

            // Clear any previous values in the array

            // The first part always begins at the start of the string

            byte[] array = value._buffer;
            int    i     = value._index;
            int    end   = i + value._length;

            // Walk the string. Find and mark delimiters outside of quotes only
            while (i < end)
                // Outside Quotes
                for (; i < end; ++i)
                    // If a quote is found, we're now inside quotes
                    if (array[i] == UTF8.Quote)

                    // If a delimiter is found, add another split position
                    if (array[i] == delimiter)
                        positions.Add(i - value._index + 1);

                // Inside Quotes
                for (; i < end; ++i)
                    // If a quote was found, we're now outside quotes
                    if (array[i] == UTF8.Quote)

            // The last part always ends at the end of the string
            positions.Add(value.Length + 1);

            return(new String8Set(value, 1, positions));
Beispiel #22
        /// <summary>
        ///  Search the given IMemberDatabase for matches to this query, up to the given
        ///  result count limit.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="db">Database to search</param>
        /// <param name="maxResultCount">Maximum count of results to return</param>
        /// <returns>Array of Symbol for each result</returns>
        public Symbol[] FindMembers(IMemberDatabase db, int maxResultCount)
            PartialArray <Symbol> results = new PartialArray <Symbol>(maxResultCount);

            if (!TryFindMembers(db, ref results))
                return(EmptyArray <Symbol> .Instance);

Beispiel #23
        internal static Symbol GetTryLogFromSample(PackageDatabase db)

            MemberQuery           q       = new MemberQuery("TryLog", false, false);
            PartialArray <Symbol> matches = new PartialArray <Symbol>(5);

            Assert.IsTrue(q.TryFindMembers(db, ref matches));
            Assert.AreEqual(2, matches.Count);

Beispiel #24
        private void GoToDefinition()
            Position current = new Position();



            LocationWithinFile p = VS.GetCurrentLocation(Options.DatabasePath);

            if (p == null)
                Console.WriteLine("Unable to find current cursor position.");
                Console.WriteLine("Finding Symbol at {0}({1}, {2})", p.FilePath, p.Line, p.CharInLine);

            RoslynDefinitionFinder finder = new RoslynDefinitionFinder(p.FilePath, this.References);
            MemberQuery            query  = finder.BuildQueryForMemberUsedAt(p.Line, p.CharInLine);

            query.IgnoreCase = Options.IgnoreCase;

            if (query == null)
                Console.WriteLine("Unable to identify symbol.");

            Console.Write("Roslyn identified as {0}", query.SymbolName);
            if (query.Parameters.Length > 0)
                Console.Write("({0})", query.Parameters);

            PartialArray <Symbol> results = new PartialArray <Symbol>(1);

            if (query.TryFindMembers(this.Database, ref results))
                Console.WriteLine("NOT FOUND");

Beispiel #25
        public ItemTree(int rootIdentifier)
            _parentIndex      = new PartialArray <int>();
            _firstChildIndex  = new PartialArray <int>();
            _nextSiblingIndex = new PartialArray <int>();
            _nameIdentifier   = new PartialArray <int>();

            // Add sentinel root
Beispiel #26
        public void PackageDatabase_SearchPerformance()
            PackageDatabase db = BuildCheckAndConvert();

            MemberQuery[] queries =
                new MemberQuery("Diag",                      false, false), // Namespace Prefix
                new MemberQuery("Log",                       false, false), // Prefix of Type and Methods
                new MemberQuery("Logger",                    true, false),  // Class and Method name exactly
                new MemberQuery("Sample.Diagnostics.Logger", true, true),   // Full Qualified Class Name
                new MemberQuery("LoggA",                     false, false)  // Prefix with no matches

            PartialArray <Symbol> results = new PartialArray <Symbol>(40);

            int iterations = 20000;

            // Goal: ~1M searches per second [5 x 20k = 100k in under 100ms]
            Verify.PerformanceByOperation(1 * LongExtensions.Million, () =>
                for (int i = 0; i < iterations; ++i)
                    for (int j = 0; j < queries.Length; ++j)
                        queries[j].TryFindMembers(db, ref results);

                return(iterations * queries.Length);

            // ==== Case Sensitive ====
            for (int j = 0; j < queries.Length; ++j)
                queries[j].IgnoreCase = true;

            // Goal: ~1M searches per second [5 x 20k = 100k in under 100ms]
            Verify.PerformanceByOperation(1 * LongExtensions.Million, () =>
                for (int i = 0; i < iterations; ++i)
                    for (int j = 0; j < queries.Length; ++j)
                        queries[j].TryFindMembers(db, ref results);

                return(iterations * queries.Length);
        public void AlphanumericSplitter_EndToEndPerformance()
            String8            code           = AllCodeText.AllCode8;
            String8Set         set            = default(String8Set);
            PartialArray <int> matchContainer = new PartialArray <int>(2048);

            HashSet <String8> uniqueWords = new HashSet <String8>();
            StringStore       strings     = new StringStore();
            MemberIndex       index       = new MemberIndex();

            int iterations      = 10;
            int totalWordsSplit = 0;

            // Split, Add, Index Goal: 30k per millisecond [30 MB/sec]
            Verify.PerformanceByBytes(30 * LongExtensions.Megabyte, () =>
                for (int iteration = 0; iteration < iterations; ++iteration)
                    String8Set codeByLine = code.Split(UTF8.Newline, new PartialArray <int>());
                    for (int lineIndex = 0; lineIndex < codeByLine.Count; ++lineIndex)
                        // Convert and Split the line
                        String8 line = codeByLine[lineIndex];
                        set          = AlphanumericSplitter.Split(line, ref matchContainer);

                        totalWordsSplit += set.Count;

                        if (set.Count > 0)
                            int matchIndex = AlphanumericSplitter.IsAlphaNumeric(set[0][0]) ? 0 : 1;
                            for (; matchIndex < set.Count; matchIndex += 2)
                                // If the word is long enough...
                                String8 word = set[matchIndex];
                                if (word.Length > 2)
                                    if (!uniqueWords.Contains(word))
                                        int wordIdentifier = strings.FindOrAddString(word);
                                        index.AddItem(wordIdentifier, lineIndex);

                return(iterations * code.Length);
Beispiel #28
        // Each column needs to be constructed and added to the BaseItemSet collection
        public SampleSet() : base()
            this.Name = new String8Column(this.Strings);

            this.Target = new String8Column(this.Strings);

            this.Type = new PartialArray <byte>();

            this.EventTime = new PartialArray <long>();
        public MergedMembersDatabase(StringStore sharedStore = null)
            this.StringStore = sharedStore;
            if (this.StringStore == null)
                this.StringStore = new StringStore();

            this.MergedMembers = new ItemTree();
            this.MergedMemberSourcePackageIdentifier = new PartialArray <int>();

            this.MergedMemberDuplicateCount = new PartialArray <int>();
        public BufferedRowReader(Stream stream, Func<String8, PartialArray<int>, String8Set> splitRows)
            _stream = stream;
            _splitRows = splitRows;

            _startOfStream = true;

            long length = 64 * 1024;
            if (stream.CanSeek)
                length = Math.Min(length, stream.Length + 1);

            _buffer = new byte[length];
            _rowPositionArray = new PartialArray<int>(64, false);
Beispiel #31
        public IEnumerable<ReferenceAssemblyWithTypeResult> FindReferenceAssembliesWithType(
            string name, int arity, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            // Our reference assembly data is stored in the DB.
            IAddReferenceDatabaseWrapper databaseWrapper;
            if (!_sourceToDatabase.TryGetValue(NugetOrgSource, out databaseWrapper))
                // Don't have a database to search.  
                yield break;

            var database = databaseWrapper.Database;
            if (name == "var")
                // never find anything named 'var'.
                yield break;

            var query = new MemberQuery(name, isFullSuffix: true, isFullNamespace: false);
            var symbols = new PartialArray<Symbol>(100);

            if (query.TryFindMembers(database, ref symbols))
                var types = FilterToViableTypes(symbols);

                foreach (var type in types)
                    // Only look at reference assembly results.
                    if (type.PackageName.ToString() == MicrosoftAssemblyReferencesName)
                        var nameParts = new List<string>();
                        GetFullName(nameParts, type.FullName.Parent);
                        yield return new ReferenceAssemblyWithTypeResult(
                            type.AssemblyName.ToString(), type.Name.ToString(), containingNamespaceNames: nameParts);
Beispiel #32
        public IEnumerable<PackageWithTypeResult> FindPackagesWithType(
            string source, string name, int arity, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            //if (!StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase.Equals(source, NugetOrgSource))
            //    // We only support searching
            //    yield break;

            AddReferenceDatabase database;
            if (!_sourceToDatabase.TryGetValue(source, out database))
                // Don't have a database to search.  
                yield break;

            if (name == "var")
                // never find anything named 'var'.
                yield break;

            var query = new MemberQuery(name, isFullSuffix: true, isFullNamespace: false);
            var symbols = new PartialArray<Symbol>(100);

            if (query.TryFindMembers(database, ref symbols))
                // Don't return nested types.  Currently their value does not seem worth
                // it given all the extra stuff we'd have to plumb through.  Namely 
                // going down the "using static" code path and whatnot.
                var types = new List<Symbol>(
                    from symbol in symbols
                    where this.IsType(symbol) && !this.IsType(symbol.Parent())
                    select symbol);

                var typesFromPackagesUsedInOtherProjects = new List<Symbol>();
                var typesFromPackagesNotUsedInOtherProjects = new List<Symbol>();

                foreach (var type in types)
                    var packageName = type.PackageName.ToString();
                    if (_installerService.GetInstalledVersions(packageName).Any())

                var result = new List<Symbol>();

                // We always returm types from packages that we've use elsewhere in the project.
                int? bestRank = null;
                foreach (var type in typesFromPackagesUsedInOtherProjects)
                    if (type.PackageName.ToString() != MicrosoftAssemblyReferencesName)
                        var rank = GetRank(type);
                        bestRank = bestRank == null ? rank : Math.Max(bestRank.Value, rank);

                    yield return CreateResult(database, type);

                // For all other hits include as long as the popularity is high enough.  
                // Popularity ranks are in powers of two.  So if two packages differ by 
                // one rank, then one is at least twice as popular as the next.  Two 
                // ranks would be four times as popular.  Three ranks = 8 times,  etc. 
                // etc.  We keep packages that within 1 rank of the best package we find.
                // Note: we only do rankings for nuget packages.  Results from reference 
                // assemblies are always returned.
                foreach (var type in typesFromPackagesNotUsedInOtherProjects)
                    if (type.PackageName.ToString() != MicrosoftAssemblyReferencesName)
                        var rank = GetRank(type);
                        bestRank = bestRank == null ? rank : Math.Max(bestRank.Value, rank);

                        if (Math.Abs(bestRank.Value - rank) > 1)
                            yield break;

                    yield return CreateResult(database, type);
Beispiel #33
        public IEnumerable<PackageWithTypeResult> FindPackagesWithType(
            string source, string name, int arity, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            IAddReferenceDatabaseWrapper databaseWrapper;
            if (!_sourceToDatabase.TryGetValue(source, out databaseWrapper))
                // Don't have a database to search.  
                yield break;

            var database = databaseWrapper.Database;
            if (name == "var")
                // never find anything named 'var'.
                yield break;

            var query = new MemberQuery(name, isFullSuffix: true, isFullNamespace: false);
            var symbols = new PartialArray<Symbol>(100);

            if (query.TryFindMembers(database, ref symbols))
                var types = FilterToViableTypes(symbols);

                var typesFromPackagesUsedInOtherProjects = new List<Symbol>();
                var typesFromPackagesNotUsedInOtherProjects = new List<Symbol>();

                foreach (var type in types)
                    // Ignore any reference assembly results.
                    if (type.PackageName.ToString() != MicrosoftAssemblyReferencesName)
                        var packageName = type.PackageName.ToString();
                        if (_installerService.GetInstalledVersions(packageName).Any())

                var result = new List<Symbol>();

                // We always returm types from packages that we've use elsewhere in the project.
                int? bestRank = null;
                foreach (var type in typesFromPackagesUsedInOtherProjects)
                    yield return CreateResult(database, type);

                // For all other hits include as long as the popularity is high enough.  
                // Popularity ranks are in powers of two.  So if two packages differ by 
                // one rank, then one is at least twice as popular as the next.  Two 
                // ranks would be four times as popular.  Three ranks = 8 times,  etc. 
                // etc.  We keep packages that within 1 rank of the best package we find.
                foreach (var type in typesFromPackagesNotUsedInOtherProjects)
                    var rank = GetRank(type);
                    bestRank = bestRank == null ? rank : Math.Max(bestRank.Value, rank);

                    if (Math.Abs(bestRank.Value - rank) > 1)
                        yield break;

                    yield return CreateResult(database, type);
        public Task<ImmutableArray<ReferenceAssemblyWithTypeResult>> FindReferenceAssembliesWithTypeAsync(
            string name, int arity)
            // Our reference assembly data is stored in the DB.
            if (!_sourceToDatabase.TryGetValue(NugetOrgSource, out var databaseWrapper))
                // Don't have a database to search.  
                return SpecializedTasks.EmptyImmutableArray<ReferenceAssemblyWithTypeResult>();

            var database = databaseWrapper.Database;
            if (name == "var")
                // never find anything named 'var'.
                return SpecializedTasks.EmptyImmutableArray<ReferenceAssemblyWithTypeResult>();

            var query = new MemberQuery(name, isFullSuffix: true, isFullNamespace: false);
            var symbols = new PartialArray<Symbol>(100);

            var results = ArrayBuilder<ReferenceAssemblyWithTypeResult>.GetInstance();
            if (query.TryFindMembers(database, ref symbols))
                var types = FilterToViableTypes(symbols);

                foreach (var type in types)
                    // Only look at reference assembly results.
                    if (type.PackageName.ToString() == MicrosoftAssemblyReferencesName)
                        var nameParts = new List<string>();
                        GetFullName(nameParts, type.FullName.Parent);
                        var result = new ReferenceAssemblyWithTypeResult(
                            type.AssemblyName.ToString(), type.Name.ToString(), containingNamespaceNames: nameParts);

            return Task.FromResult(results.ToImmutableAndFree());
        public Task<ImmutableArray<PackageWithTypeResult>> FindPackagesWithTypeAsync(
            string source, string name, int arity)
            if (!_sourceToDatabase.TryGetValue(source, out var databaseWrapper))
                // Don't have a database to search.  
                return SpecializedTasks.EmptyImmutableArray<PackageWithTypeResult>();

            var database = databaseWrapper.Database;
            if (name == "var")
                // never find anything named 'var'.
                return SpecializedTasks.EmptyImmutableArray<PackageWithTypeResult>();

            var query = new MemberQuery(name, isFullSuffix: true, isFullNamespace: false);
            var symbols = new PartialArray<Symbol>(100);

            var result = ArrayBuilder<PackageWithTypeResult>.GetInstance();
            if (query.TryFindMembers(database, ref symbols))
                var types = FilterToViableTypes(symbols);

                foreach (var type in types)
                    // Ignore any reference assembly results.
                    if (type.PackageName.ToString() != MicrosoftAssemblyReferencesName)
                        result.Add(CreateResult(database, type));

            return Task.FromResult(result.ToImmutableAndFree());
 private List<Symbol> FilterToViableTypes(PartialArray<Symbol> symbols)
     // Don't return nested types.  Currently their value does not seem worth
     // it given all the extra stuff we'd have to plumb through.  Namely 
     // going down the "using static" code path and whatnot.
     return new List<Symbol>(
         from symbol in symbols
         where this.IsType(symbol) && !this.IsType(symbol.Parent())
         select symbol);