Beispiel #1
        private void Log_reader_CreateGameEvent(object sender, Parsers.PowerLogParser.CreateGameEventArgs e)
            // Reset

            this.AddLog("====== New Game Starts ======");

 internal static List<Travelbug> Parse(Parsers.gpx.gc101.Travelbug[] bugs)
     List<Travelbug> travelbugs = new List<Travelbug>();
     if (bugs == null || bugs.Count() == 0) return travelbugs;
     foreach (var item in bugs)
         travelbugs.Add(new Travelbug()
             Name = item.Name,
             TravelbugId = item.Ref
     return travelbugs;
 internal static List<Waypoint> Parse(Parsers.gpx.gc101.LogWaypoint[] logWaypoints)
     List<Waypoint> waypoints = new List<Waypoint>();
     if (logWaypoints == null || logWaypoints.Count() == 0) return waypoints;
     foreach (var item in logWaypoints)
         waypoints.Add(new Waypoint()
             Location = GeoPoint.Parse(Double.Parse(item.Latitude), Double.Parse(item.Longitude)),
             Tags = new List<Tag>()
                 new Tag() { Text = "LogWaypoint", Type = TagType.System }
     return waypoints;
Beispiel #4
 internal static List<Log> Parse(Parsers.gpx.gc101.Log[] logs)
     List<Log> parsedLogs = new List<Log>();
     if (logs == null || logs.Count() == 0) return parsedLogs;
     foreach (var item in logs)
         parsedLogs.Add(new Log()
             Author = new User()
                 Name = item.Finder.First().Name,
                 Id = int.Parse(item.Finder.First().Id)
             Date = item.Date,
             Id = int.Parse(item.Id),
             Text = item.Text.First().value,
             Type = item.Type,
             Waypoints = Waypoint.Parse(item.LogWayPoints)
     return parsedLogs;
 public static SupportedSourceFile Make(Parsers.IParser parser)
     List<string> ext = new List<string>();
     foreach (string ex in parser.FilesExtensions)
         if (ex[ex.Length - 1] != Parsers.Controller.HideParserExtensionPostfixChar)
     if (ext.Count > 0)
         return new SupportedSourceFile(ext.ToArray(), parser.Name);
     return null;
 private Parsers.DataFieldExpression createDataFieldExpression(Parsers.ConditionalOperator @operator, MethodCallExpression expression)
     var result = new Parsers.DataFieldExpression() { Operator = @operator };
     Type type;
     object constant = null;
     string fieldName = getFieldName(expression.Object, out type);
     constant = getConstantValue(expression.Arguments.First());
     result.DataFieldType = type;
     result.DataFieldName = fieldName;
     result.Value = constant;
     return result;
Beispiel #7
 public LinkReferenceParser(Parsers parsers)
     Parsers = parsers;
Beispiel #8
        public void FixPeopleCategoriesYOBUncertain()
            // year of birth uncertain
            const string u = "\r\n" + @"[[Category:Year of birth uncertain]]";

            const string u2 = @"'''Charles Meik''' (born around 1330 in [[Ghent]] - [[22 July]] [[1387]]) {{Persondata}}";

            Assert.AreEqual(u2 + u + @"
[[Category:1387 deaths]]", Parsers.FixPeopleCategories(u2, "foo"));

            const string u2a = @"'''Charles Meik''' (born either 1330 or 1331 in [[Ghent]] - [[22 July]] [[1387]]) {{Persondata}}";

            Assert.AreEqual(u2a + u + @"
[[Category:1387 deaths]]", Parsers.FixPeopleCategories(u2a, "foo"));

            const string u2b = @"'''Charles Meik''' (born ~1330 in [[Ghent]] - [[22 July]] [[1387]]) {{Persondata}}";

            Assert.AreEqual(u2b + u + @"
[[Category:1387 deaths]]", Parsers.FixPeopleCategories(u2b, "foo"));

            const string u3 = @"'''Yusuf Ibn Muhammad Ibn Yusuf al-Fasi''' ([[1530]]/[[1531|31]]{{Fact|date=February 2007}} in [[Ksar-el-Kebir]], [[Morocco]] – 14 August [[1604]] in [[Fes, Morocco]]) {{persondata}}";

            Assert.AreEqual(u3 + u + @"
[[Category:1604 deaths]]", Parsers.FixPeopleCategories(u3, "foo"));

            // no matches when approximate year of birth
            const string b12 = @"'''Judith Victor Grabiner''' (born about 1938) is {{Persondata}}";

            Assert.AreEqual(b12 + u, Parsers.FixPeopleCategories(b12, "foo"));

            const string b13 = @"'''Judith Victor Grabiner''' (born circa 1938) is {{Persondata}}";

            Assert.AreEqual(b13 + u, Parsers.FixPeopleCategories(b13, "foo"));

            const string b14 = @"'''Judith Victor Grabiner''' (born before 1938) is {{Persondata}}";

            Assert.AreEqual(b14 + u, Parsers.FixPeopleCategories(b14, "foo"));

            const string b15 = @"'''Judith Victor Grabiner''' (born 1938 or 1939) is {{Persondata}}";

            Assert.AreEqual(b15 + u, Parsers.FixPeopleCategories(b15, "foo"));

            // born BC
            const string b16 = @"'''Phillipus Rhodicus''' (born 220 BC) was a {{Persondata}}";

            Assert.AreEqual(b16 + "\r\n" + @"[[Category:220 BC births]]", Parsers.FixPeopleCategories(b16, "foo"));

            // no change: birth date not present so not 'uncertain'
            const string n1 = @"'''Thomas F. Goreau''' (born in [[Germany]], died 1970 in [[Jamaica]]) was [[Category:1970 deaths]]";

            Assert.AreEqual(n1, Parsers.FixPeopleCategories(n1, "foo"));

            const string n2 = @"'''Charles Meik''' (born? - 1923) was an {{Persondata}}";

            Assert.AreEqual(n2, Parsers.FixPeopleCategories(n2, "foo"));

            const string n2a = @"'''Anatoly Rasskazov''' (born 1960(?)) was {{persondata}}";

            Assert.AreEqual(n2a, Parsers.FixPeopleCategories(n2a, "foo"));

            // no changes
            const string n3 = @"'''Johannes Widmann''' (born c. 1460 in [[Cheb|Eger]]; died after 1498 in [[Leipzig]]) [[Category:1460s births]]";

            Assert.AreEqual(n3, Parsers.FixPeopleCategories(n3, "foo"));

            const string n4 = @"'''John Hulme''' (born circa 1970) is [[Category:Living people]]
[[Category:Year of birth missing (living people)]]";

            Assert.AreEqual(n4, Parsers.FixPeopleCategories(n4, "foo"));

            const string n4a = @"'''John Hulme''' (born c.1970) is [[Category:Living people]]
[[Category:Year of birth missing (living people)]]";

            Assert.AreEqual(n4a, Parsers.FixPeopleCategories(n4a, "foo"));

            const string n4b = @"'''John Hulme''' (born C.1970) is [[Category:Living people]]
[[Category:Year of birth missing (living people)]]";

            Assert.AreEqual(n4b, Parsers.FixPeopleCategories(n4b, "foo"));
Beispiel #9
 public MissingDefaultsort(Parsers p)
     parsers = p;
Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes the inline of the specified <see cref="LeafBlock"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="leafBlock">The leaf block.</param>
        public void ProcessInlineLeaf(LeafBlock leafBlock)
            if (leafBlock == null)

            // clear parser states
            Array.Clear(ParserStates, 0, ParserStates.Length);

            Root = new ContainerInline()
                IsClosed = false
            leafBlock.Inline = Root;
            Inline           = null;
            Block            = leafBlock;
            BlockNew         = null;
            LineIndex        = leafBlock.Line;

            previousSliceOffset             = 0;
            previousLineIndexForSliceOffset = 0;
            var text = leafBlock.Lines.ToSlice(lineOffsets);


            int previousStart = -1;

            while (!text.IsEmpty)
                // Security check so that the parser can't go into a crazy infinite loop if one extension is messing
                if (previousStart == text.Start)
                    ThrowHelper.InvalidOperationException($"The parser is in an invalid infinite loop while trying to parse inlines for block [{leafBlock.GetType().Name}] at position ({leafBlock.ToPositionText()}");
                previousStart = text.Start;

                var c = text.CurrentChar;

                var textSaved = text;
                var parsers   = Parsers.GetParsersForOpeningCharacter(c);
                if (parsers != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < parsers.Length; i++)
                        text = textSaved;
                        if (parsers[i].Match(this, ref text))
                            goto done;
                parsers = Parsers.GlobalParsers;
                if (parsers != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < parsers.Length; i++)
                        text = textSaved;
                        if (parsers[i].Match(this, ref text))
                            goto done;

                text = textSaved;
                // Else match using the default literal inline parser
                LiteralInlineParser.Match(this, ref text);

                var nextInline = Inline;
                if (nextInline != null)
                    if (nextInline.Parent == null)
                        // Get deepest container
                        var container = FindLastContainer();
                        if (!ReferenceEquals(container, nextInline))

                        if (container == Root)
                            if (container.Span.IsEmpty)
                                container.Span = nextInline.Span;
                            container.Span.End = nextInline.Span.End;
                    // Get deepest container
                    var container = FindLastContainer();

                    Inline = container.LastChild is LeafInline ? container.LastChild : container;
                    if (Inline == Root)
                        Inline = null;

                //if (DebugLog != null)
                //    DebugLog.WriteLine($"** Dump: char '{c}");
                //    leafBlock.Inline.DumpTo(DebugLog);

            Inline = null;
            //if (DebugLog != null)
            //    DebugLog.WriteLine("** Dump before Emphasis:");
            //    leafBlock.Inline.DumpTo(DebugLog);

            // PostProcess all inlines
            PostProcessInlines(0, Root, null, true);


            //if (DebugLog != null)
            //    DebugLog.WriteLine();
            //    DebugLog.WriteLine("** Dump after Emphasis:");
            //    leafBlock.Inline.DumpTo(DebugLog);
Beispiel #11
 /// <summary> Scans a non-nestable block comment.</summary>
 /// <param name="open">the opening pattern.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="close">the closing pattern.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="commented">the commented pattern.
 /// </param>
 /// <returns> the Scanner for the block comment.
 /// </returns>
 public static Scanner IsBlockComment(Scanner open, Scanner close, Scanner commented)
     return(Parsers.Sequence(open, close.Not().Seq(commented).Many_(), close));
Beispiel #12
 /// <summary> the haskell style delimiter of tokens.
 /// whitespace, line comment, block comment.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns> the scanner.
 /// </returns>
 public static Scanner IsHaskellDelimiter()
     return(Parsers.Plus(IsWhitespaces(), IsHaskellBlockComment(), IsHaskellLineComment()).Many_()
            .Rename("haskell delimiter"));
Beispiel #13
        public override bool Check(ArticleInfo article)
            Parsers.LivingPeople(article.Text, out Skip);

Beispiel #14
        public override bool Check(ArticleInfo article)
            Parsers.ChangeToDefaultSort(article.Text, article.Title, out Skip);

Beispiel #15
        private void Start()

            StartTime = new TimeSpan(DateTime.Now.Day, DateTime.Now.Hour, DateTime.Now.Minute, DateTime.Now.Second, DateTime.Now.Millisecond);
            intLimit  = (int)nudLimitResults.Value;

            List <Scan> s = new List <Scan>();

            s.Add(new CheckNamespace(namespaces));

            if (chkIgnoreRedirects.Checked)
                s.Add(new IsNotRedirect());

            if (chkArticleDoesContain.Checked)
                if (ArticleContains != null) // simple search
                    s.Add(new TextContains(MakeReplacementDictionary(ArticleContains, ArticleCaseSensitive)));
                else // regex
                    s.Add(new TextContainsRegex(ArticleDoesRegex));

            if (chkArticleDoesNotContain.Checked)
                if (ArticleDoesNotContain != null)
                    s.Add(new TextDoesNotContain(MakeReplacementDictionary(ArticleDoesNotContain, ArticleCaseSensitive)));
                    s.Add(new TextDoesNotContainRegex(ArticleDoesNotRegex));

            if (chkTitleContains.Checked)
                s.Add(new TitleContains(TitleDoesRegex));

            if (chkTitleDoesNotContain.Checked)
                s.Add(new TitleDoesNotContain(TitleDoesNotRegex));

            if (chkSearchDates.Checked)
                s.Add(new DateRange(dtpFrom.Value, dtpTo.Value));

            if (chkProtection.Checked)
                s.Add(new Restriction(MoveDelete.EditProtectionLevel, MoveDelete.MoveProtectionLevel));

            if (cmboLength.SelectedIndex == 1)
                s.Add(new CountCharacters(MoreLessThan.MoreThan, (int)nudLength.Value));
            else if (cmboLength.SelectedIndex == 2)
                s.Add(new CountCharacters(MoreLessThan.LessThan, (int)nudLength.Value));

            if (cmboLinks.SelectedIndex == 1)
                s.Add(new CountLinks(MoreLessThan.MoreThan, (int)nudLinks.Value));
            else if (cmboLinks.SelectedIndex == 2)
                s.Add(new CountLinks(MoreLessThan.LessThan, (int)nudLinks.Value));

            if (cmboWords.SelectedIndex == 1)
                s.Add(new CountWords(MoreLessThan.MoreThan, (int)nudWords.Value));
            else if (cmboWords.SelectedIndex == 2)
                s.Add(new CountWords(MoreLessThan.LessThan, (int)nudWords.Value));

            Parsers parsers = new Parsers();

            if (chkBadLinks.Checked)
                s.Add(new HasBadLinks());
            if (chkNoBold.Checked)
                s.Add(new HasNoBoldTitle(parsers));
            if (chkSimpleLinks.Checked)
                s.Add(new HasSimpleLinks());
            if (chkHasHTML.Checked)
                s.Add(new HasHTMLEntities(parsers));
            if (chkHeaderError.Checked)
                s.Add(new HasSectionError(parsers));
            if (chkUnbulletedLinks.Checked)
                s.Add(new HasUnbulletedLinks());
            if (chkTypo.Checked)
                s.Add(new Typo());
            if (chkDefaultSort.Checked)
                s.Add(new MissingDefaultsort(parsers));

            Main = new MainProcess(s, fileName, Priority, chkIgnoreComments.Checked, txtStartFrom.Text);
            progressBar.Value  = 0;
            Main.StoppedEvent += Stopped;
            Main.OutputQueue   = Queue;
        public string ProcessArticle(IAutoWikiBrowser sender, IProcessArticleEventArgs eventargs)
            //If menu item is not checked, then return
            if (!PluginEnabled || Settings.Categories.Count == 0)
                eventargs.Skip = false;

            string text = eventargs.ArticleText;
            string removed = "", replaced = "";

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> p in Settings.Categories)
                bool noChange;

                if (p.Value.Length == 0)
                    text = Parsers.RemoveCategory(p.Key, text, out noChange);
                    if (!noChange)
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(removed))
                            removed += ", ";

                        removed += Variables.Namespaces[Namespace.Category] + p.Key;
                    text = Parsers.ReCategoriser(p.Key, p.Value, text, out noChange);
                    if (!noChange)
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(replaced))
                            replaced += ", ";

                        replaced += Variables.Namespaces[Namespace.Category]
                                    + p.Key + FindandReplace.Arrow + Variables.Namespaces[Namespace.Category] + p.Value;
                if (!noChange)
                    text = Regex.Replace(text, "<includeonly>[\\s\\r\\n]*\\</includeonly>", "");

            string editSummary = "";

            if (Settings.AppendToEditSummary)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(replaced))
                    editSummary = "replaced: " + replaced.Trim();

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(removed))
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(editSummary))
                        editSummary += ", ";

                    editSummary += "removed: " + removed.Trim();
            eventargs.EditSummary = editSummary;

            eventargs.Skip = (text == eventargs.ArticleText) && Settings.Skip;

Beispiel #17
        public IEnumerator Load()
            if (File.Exists(filePath))
                var    csvData = FileManager.ReadCsv(filePath);
                var    grid    = CsvParser2.Parse(csvData);
                string device  = "";

                // id = Pacient.Loaded.Id;

                if (scp.IsConnected && !scm.IsConnected && !scc.IsConnected && !sco.IsConnected) // PITACO
                    Debug.Log("Dispositivo(s): P");
                    device = "P";
                    if (!scp.IsConnected && scm.IsConnected && !scc.IsConnected && !sco.IsConnected) // MANO
                        Debug.Log("Dispositivo(s): M");
                        device = "M";
                        if (!scp.IsConnected && !scm.IsConnected && scc.IsConnected && !sco.IsConnected) // CINTA
                            Debug.Log("Dispositivo(s): C");
                            device = "C";
                            if (scp.IsConnected && !scm.IsConnected && scc.IsConnected && !sco.IsConnected) // PITACO + CINTA
                                Debug.Log("Dispositivo(s): PC");
                                device = "PC";
                                if (!scp.IsConnected && scm.IsConnected && scc.IsConnected && !sco.IsConnected) // MANO + CINTA
                                    Debug.Log("Dispositivo(s): MC");
                                    device = "MC";
                                    if (scp.IsConnected && !scm.IsConnected && !scc.IsConnected && sco.IsConnected) // PITACO + OXÍMETRO
                                        Debug.Log("Dispositivo(s): PO");
                                        device = "PO";
                                        if (!scp.IsConnected && scm.IsConnected && !scc.IsConnected && sco.IsConnected) // MANO + OXÍMETRO
                                            Debug.Log("Dispositivo(s): MO");
                                            device = "MO";
                                            if (!scp.IsConnected && !scm.IsConnected && scc.IsConnected && sco.IsConnected) // CINTA + OXÍMETRO
                                                Debug.Log("Dispositivo(s): CO");
                                                device = "CO";
                                                if (scp.IsConnected && !scm.IsConnected && scc.IsConnected && sco.IsConnected) // PITACO + CINTA + OXÍMETRO
                                                    Debug.Log("Dispositivo(s): PCO");
                                                    device = "PCO";
                                                    if (!scp.IsConnected && scm.IsConnected && scc.IsConnected && sco.IsConnected) // MANO + CINTA + OXÍMETRO
                                                        Debug.Log("Dispositivo(s): MCO");
                                                        device = "MCO";
                                                        if (!scp.IsConnected && !scm.IsConnected && !scc.IsConnected && sco.IsConnected) // OXÍMETRO
                                                            Debug.Log("Dispositivo(s): O [Combinação incorreta, o dispositivo Oxímetro não pode ser usado sozinho]");
                                                            device = "O";
                                                            if (scp.IsConnected && scm.IsConnected && !scc.IsConnected && !sco.IsConnected) // PITACO + MANO
                                                                Debug.Log("Dispositivo(s): PM [Combinação incorreta, somente Pitaco será considerado]");
                                                                device = "P";
                                                                if (scp.IsConnected && scm.IsConnected && scc.IsConnected && !sco.IsConnected) // PITACO + MANO + CINTA
                                                                    Debug.Log("Dispositivo(s): PMC [Combinação incorreta, somente Pitaco e Cinta serão considerados]");
                                                                    device = "PC";
                                                                    if (scp.IsConnected && scm.IsConnected && !scc.IsConnected && sco.IsConnected) // PITACO + MANO + OXÍMETRO
                                                                        Debug.Log("Dispositivo(s): PMO [Combinação incorreta, somente Pitaco e Oxímetro serão considerados]");
                                                                        device = "PO";
                                                                        if (scp.IsConnected && scm.IsConnected && scc.IsConnected && sco.IsConnected) // PITACO + MANO + CINTA + OXÍMETRO
                                                                            Debug.Log("Dispositivo(s): PMCO [Combinação incorreta, somente Pitaco, Cinta e Oxímetro serão considerados]");
                                                                            device = "PCO";

                for (var i = 2; i < 12; i++)
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(grid[i][0]))

                    if (device == grid[i][0])
                        parAux = new Parameters
                            device           = grid[i][0],                // Dispositivo
                            FusionType       = grid[i][1],                // Tipo de Fusão
                            FusionSubDevice  = grid[i][2],
                            FusionPrefPitaco = Parsers.Float(grid[i][3]), // Porcentagem Preferencial Pitaco
                            FusionPrefMano   = Parsers.Float(grid[i][4]), // Porcentagem Preferencial Mano
                            FusionPrefCinta  = Parsers.Float(grid[i][5]), // Porcentagem Preferencial Cinta
                            FusionFunctIns   = grid[i][6],
                            FusionFunctExp   = grid[i][7]

                for (var i = 16; i < 26; i++)
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(grid[i][0]))

                    if (device == grid[i][0])
                        par = new Parameters
                            device           = parAux.device,           // Dispositivo
                            FusionType       = parAux.FusionType,       // Tipo de Fusão
                            FusionSubDevice  = parAux.FusionSubDevice,
                            FusionPrefPitaco = parAux.FusionPrefPitaco, // Porcentagem Preferencial Pitaco
                            FusionPrefMano   = parAux.FusionPrefMano,   // Porcentagem Preferencial Mano
                            FusionPrefCinta  = parAux.FusionPrefCinta,  // Porcentagem Preferencial Cinta
                            FusionFunctIns   = parAux.FusionFunctIns,
                            FusionFunctExp   = parAux.FusionFunctExp,

                            lostWtimes                = int.Parse(grid[i][1]),     // Perdeu W vezes (Alt. e Tam.) %%%%%%%%%%%%%
                            decreaseHeight            = Parsers.Float(grid[i][2]), // Fator de decremento da ALTURA dos Alvos %%%%%%%%%%%%%
                            decreaseSize              = Parsers.Float(grid[i][3]), // Fator de decremento do TAMANHO dos Obstáculos %%%%%%%%%%%%%
                            lostXtimes                = int.Parse(grid[i][4]),     // Perdeu X vezes (Recalibrar disp.) %%%%%%%%%%%%%
                            AdditionalDistance        = Parsers.Float(grid[i][5]), // Distância adicional entre Obstáculos %%%%%%%%%%%%%
                            ObjectsSpeedFactor        = Parsers.Float(grid[i][6]), // Fator de cálculo da velocidade de movimento dos objetos de jogo (Alvos e Obstáculos)
                            ScoreCalculationFactor    = Parsers.Float(grid[i][7]), // Fator de Cálculo da Pontuação %%%%%%%%%%%%%
                            MinimumExtensionBelt      = Parsers.Float(grid[i][8]), // Valor mínimo exigido da Cinta de Pressão
                            MinimumNormalOxygenation  = int.Parse(grid[i][9]),     // Oxigenação Normal Mínima
                            MinimumRegularOxygenation = int.Parse(grid[i][10])     // Oxigenação Regular Mínima

                parameters = par;

                yield return(new WaitForSeconds(10f)); // Tenta carregar os parâmetros a cada 10 segundos

Beispiel #18
 public string GetTokenString(Parsers.Position position)
     return new String(buffer, position.FirstOffset, position.LastOffset - position.FirstOffset + 1);
Beispiel #19
 /// <summary> Any delimiter with whitespace, non-nested block comment and line comment.</summary>
 /// <param name="lcomment">line comment starting string.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="openc">block comment opening string.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="closec">block comment closing string.
 /// </param>
 /// <returns> the scanner.
 /// </returns>
 public static Scanner IsStdDelimiter(string lcomment, string openc, string closec)
     return(Parsers.Plus(IsWhitespaces(), IsLineComment(lcomment), IsBlockComment(openc, closec)).Many_()
        public override bool Check(ArticleInfo article)
            string articleTextAfter = Parsers.ReorderReferences(article.Text);

Beispiel #21
 public LivingPerson(Parsers p)
     parsers = p;
Beispiel #22
 /// <summary> scans a quoted string that is opened by c1 and closed by c2.</summary>
 /// <param name="open">the opening character.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="close">the closing character.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="quoted_scanner">the scanner quoted character. This scanner will be repeated until the close pattern is met.</param>
 /// <returns> the scanner.
 /// </returns>
 public static Scanner IsQuotedBy(Scanner open, Scanner close, Scanner quoted_scanner)
     return(Parsers.Sequence(open, quoted_scanner.Many_(), close).Rename("quoted"));
        public override bool Check(ArticleInfo article)
            int bracketLength;

            return(Parsers.UnbalancedBrackets(article.Text, out bracketLength) != -1);
Beispiel #24
 /// <summary> the T-SQL style delimiter of tokens.
 /// whitespace and line comment.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns> the scanner.
 /// </returns>
 public static Scanner IsSqlDelimiter()
     return(Parsers.Plus(IsWhitespaces(), IsSqlLineComment(), IsJavaBlockComment()).Many_()
            .Rename("sql delimiter"));
        public override bool Check(ArticleInfo article)
            Parsers.FixHeadings(article.Text, article.Title, out Skip);

 public LinkParser(Parsers parsers)
     Parsers = parsers;
 public override bool Check(ArticleInfo article)
     return(Parsers.MissingDefaultSort(article.Text, article.Title));
Beispiel #28
 public RequiresParser2()
     parser2 = new Parsers();
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs numerous minor improvements to the page text
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parsers">A parser object</param>
        /// <param name="removeText"></param>
        /// <param name="skip">Skip options</param>
        /// <param name="replaceReferenceTags">If true, <div class="references-small"><references/></div> and so on
        /// <param name="restrictDefaultsortAddition"></param>
        /// will be replaced with {{reflist}}</param>
        public void PerformGeneralFixes(Parsers parsers, HideText removeText, ISkipOptions skip, bool replaceReferenceTags, bool restrictDefaultsortAddition, bool noMOSComplianceFixes)
        { //TODO: 2009-01-28 review which of the genfixes below should be labelled 'significant'



            // call this before FixHeaderErrors so that Parsers.Conversions cleans up from ArticleIssues
            AWBChangeArticleText("Fixes for {{article issues}}", parsers.ArticleIssues(ArticleText), true);

            FixHeaderErrors(parsers, Variables.LangCode, skip.SkipNoHeaderError);

            FixPeopleCategories(parsers, skip.SkipNoPeopleCategoriesFixed);

            SetDefaultSort(Variables.LangCode, skip.SkipNoDefaultSortAdded, restrictDefaultsortAddition);

            AWBChangeArticleText("Fix categories", Parsers.FixCategories(ArticleText, Namespace.IsMainSpace(Name)), true);

            AWBChangeArticleText("Fix images", Parsers.FixImages(ArticleText), true);

            AWBChangeArticleText("Fix whitespace in links", Parsers.FixLinkWhitespace(ArticleText, Name), true);

            // does significant fixes
            AWBChangeArticleText("Fix syntax", Parsers.FixSyntax(ArticleText), true, true);

            AWBChangeArticleText("Fix citation templates", Parsers.FixCitationTemplates(ArticleText), true, false);

            AWBChangeArticleText("Fix temperatures", Parsers.FixTemperatures(ArticleText), true);

            AWBChangeArticleText("Fix non-breaking spaces", parsers.FixNonBreakingSpaces(ArticleText), true);

            AWBChangeArticleText("Fix main article", Parsers.FixMainArticle(ArticleText), true);

            if (replaceReferenceTags)
                AWBChangeArticleText("Fix reference tags", Parsers.FixReferenceListTags(ArticleText), true);

            AWBChangeArticleText("Fix empty links and templates", Parsers.FixEmptyLinksAndTemplates(ArticleText), true);

            AWBChangeArticleText("FixReferenceTags", Parsers.FixReferenceTags(ArticleText), true);

            AWBChangeArticleText("DuplicateUnnamedReferences", Parsers.DuplicateUnnamedReferences(ArticleText), true);

            AWBChangeArticleText("DuplicateNamedReferences", Parsers.DuplicateNamedReferences(ArticleText), true);

            AWBChangeArticleText("ReorderReferences", Parsers.ReorderReferences(ArticleText), true);

            AWBChangeArticleText("Fix empty references", Parsers.SimplifyReferenceTags(ArticleText), true);

            // does significant fixes
            if (IsMissingReferencesDisplay)
                AWBChangeArticleText("Add missing {{reflist}}", Parsers.AddMissingReflist(ArticleText), true, true);

            AWBChangeArticleText("Mdashes", parsers.Mdashes(ArticleText, Name, NameSpaceKey), true);

            CiteTemplateDates(parsers, skip.SkipNoCiteTemplateDatesFixed);

            //Just a bit broken/Some unwanted fixes (moving of <ref> tags around)
            //AWBChangeArticleText("Fix Footnotes", parsers.FixFootnotes(articleText), true);


            AWBChangeArticleText("Remove empty comments", Parsers.RemoveEmptyComments(ArticleText), false);

            if (!noMOSComplianceFixes)
                AWBChangeArticleText("Fix Date Ordinals/Of", parsers.FixDateOrdinalsAndOf(ArticleText, Name), true, true);

            //if (Variables.IsWikimediaProject)
            //    AWBChangeArticleText("External to internal links", Parsers.ExternalURLToInternalLink(articleText), true);
            //    Variables.Profiler.Profile("ExternalURLToInternalLink");


            if (!Globals.UnitTestMode) // disable to avoid ssslow network requests
                // pass unhidden text to MetaDataSorter so that it can allow for comments around persondata, categories etc.
                AWBChangeArticleText("Sort meta data",
                                     parsers.SortMetaData(ArticleText, Name), true);


            // must call EmboldenTitles before calling FixLinks
            EmboldenTitles(parsers, skip.SkipNoBoldTitle);


            AWBChangeArticleText("Format sticky links",
                                 Parsers.StickyLinks(Parsers.SimplifyLinks(ArticleText)), true);

            //AWBChangeArticleText("Remove duplicate wikilink", parsers.RemoveDuplicateWikiLinks(articleText), true);



            Variables.Profiler.Profile("End of general fixes");
Beispiel #30
        public void FixPeopleCategoriesUncat()
            const string a1 = @"'''Fred Smith''' (born 1960) is a bloke. {{Persondata}} {{Uncat|date=May 2010}}";
            const string b2 = @"[[Category:1960 births]]";

            Assert.AreEqual(a1.Replace("Uncat", "Improve categories") + "\r\n" + b2, Parsers.FixPeopleCategories(a1, "foo"), "renames uncat to cat improve when cats added");

            Assert.AreEqual(a1 + b2, Parsers.FixPeopleCategories(a1 + b2, "foo"), "no uncat renaming when cats not added");
            Assert.AreEqual(a1.Replace(@" {{Uncat|date=May 2010}}", "") + "{{Cat improve}}" + "\r\n" + b2, Parsers.FixPeopleCategories(a1.Replace(@" {{Uncat|date=May 2010}}", "") + "{{Cat improve}}", "foo"), "no Cat improve change when cat improve already there");
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks the article text for unbalanced brackets, either square or curly
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="bracketLength">integer to hold length of unbalanced bracket found</param>
 /// <returns>Index of any unbalanced brackets found</returns>
 public int UnbalancedBrackets(ref int bracketLength)
     return(Parsers.UnbalancedBrackets(ArticleText, ref bracketLength));
Beispiel #32
        public void FixPeopleCategoriesLimits()
            const string b2 = @"[[Category:1960 births]]";
            const string u  = "\r\n" + @"[[Category:Year of birth uncertain]]";
            // don't use born info if after died info in text
            const string n5 = @"'''Alexander II''' ({{lang-ka|ალექსანდრე II, '''''Aleksandre II'''''}}) (died [[April 1]], [[1510]]) was a.
* Prince David (born 1505)
[[Category:1510 deaths]]";

            Assert.AreEqual(n5, Parsers.FixPeopleCategories(@"'''Alexander II''' ({{lang-ka|ალექსანდრე II, '''''Aleksandre II'''''}}) (died [[April 1]], [[1510]]) was a.
* Prince David (born 1505)
[[Category:1510 deaths]]", "foo"));

            // don't pick up outside of zeroth section
            const string n6 = @"foo {{persondata}}
== hello ==
{{birth date and age|1960|01|9}}";

            Assert.AreEqual(n6, Parsers.FixPeopleCategories(n6, "foo"));

            // don't grab a number out of a reference
            const string n7 = @"'''Buck Peterson''' (born in [[Minnesota, United States]]<ref name=extreme_1970/>) {{persondata}}";

            Assert.AreEqual(n7, Parsers.FixPeopleCategories(n7, "foo"));

            // don't accept if dash before year: could be death date
            const string n8 = @"'''Wilhem Heinrich Kramer''' (born [[Dresden]] – 1765) {{persondata}}";

            Assert.AreEqual(n8, Parsers.FixPeopleCategories(n8, "foo"));

            // date of death too far from bold name to be correct
            const string n9 = @"'''Æthelstan''' was king of [[East Anglia]] in the 9th century.

As with the other kings of East Anglia, there is very little textual information available. He did, however, leave an extensive coinage of both portrait and non-portrait type (for example, Coins of England and the United Kingdom, Spink and Son, London, 2005 and the Fitzwilliam Museum database of early medieval coins. []

It is suggested that Æthelstan was probably the king who defeated and killed the Mercian kings [[Beornwulf of Mercia|Beornwulf]] (killed 826) and [[Ludeca of Mercia|Ludeca]] (killed 827). He may have attempted to seize power in [[East Anglia]] on the death of [[Coenwulf of Mercia]] (died 821). If this";

            // date of death over newline – too far away to be correct
            Assert.AreEqual(n9, Parsers.FixPeopleCategories(n9, "foo"));

            const string n10 = @"'''Fred''' blah
died 2002

            Assert.AreEqual(n10, Parsers.FixPeopleCategories(n10, "foo"));

            // don't grab numbers out of long wikilinks
            const string n11 = @"'''Marcus Caecilius Metellus''' was a son of [[Lucius Caecilius Metellus (died 221 BC)|Lucius Caecilius Metellus]]. Deported {{persondata}}";

            Assert.AreEqual(n11, Parsers.FixPeopleCategories(n11, "foo"));

            // birth and death
            const string bd1 = @"''Foo''' (8 May 1920 - 11 June 2004) was {{persondata}}";

            const string bd1a = @"
[[Category:1920 births]]", bd1b = @"
[[Category:2004 deaths]]";

            Assert.AreEqual(bd1 + bd1a + bd1b, Parsers.FixPeopleCategories(bd1, "foo"));

            Assert.AreEqual(bd1 + bd1a + bd1b, Parsers.FixPeopleCategories(bd1 + bd1a, "foo"));

            Assert.AreEqual(bd1 + bd1b + bd1a, Parsers.FixPeopleCategories(bd1 + bd1b, "foo"));

            const string image = @"[[File:long text here.jpg|thumb|250px|Long text here as well to make sure it is over 100 in total length [[this is a long wilikink]]]]

            Assert.AreEqual(image + bd1 + bd1a + bd1b, Parsers.FixPeopleCategories(image + bd1, "foo"), "Ignore File link at start of page");

            const string bd2 = @"''Foo''' (8 May 1920 – 11 June 2004) was {{persondata}}";

            Assert.AreEqual(bd2 + bd1a + bd1b, Parsers.FixPeopleCategories(bd2, "foo"));

            const string bd3 = @"'''Foo''' (8 May 1920 somewhere &ndash;11 June 2004) was {{persondata}}";

            Assert.AreEqual(bd3 + bd1a + bd1b, Parsers.FixPeopleCategories(bd3, "foo"));

            // approximate date check still applied
            string bd4 = @"''Foo''' (Circa 8 May 1920 – 11 June 2004) was {{persondata}}";

            Assert.AreEqual(bd4 + u + @"
[[Category:2004 deaths]]", Parsers.FixPeopleCategories(bd4, "foo"));

            const string bd5 = @"'''Autpert Ambrose (Ambroise)''' (ca. 730 – 784) {{persondata}}
[[Category:778 deaths]]";

            Assert.AreEqual(bd5 + u, Parsers.FixPeopleCategories(bd5, "foo"));

            const string bd6 = @"'''Saint Bruno of Querfurt''' (c. 970 – February 14 1009) (also known as ''Brun'' and ''Boniface''  {{persondata}}
[[Category:1009 deaths]]";

            Assert.AreEqual(bd6 + u, Parsers.FixPeopleCategories(bd6, "foo"));

            // all correct already
            const string bd7 = @"'''Agapetus II''' (born in [[Rome]]; died October, 955) was {{persondata}}
[[Category:955 deaths]]";

            Assert.AreEqual(bd7, Parsers.FixPeopleCategories(bd7, "foo"));

            // no change
            const string bd8 = @"'''Husain''' (d. April or May 1382) was a [[Jalayirids|Jalayirid]] ruler (1374-1382). He was the son of [[Shaikh Uvais]]. {{persondata}}
[[Category:1382 deaths]]";

            // add death and uncertain birth
            Assert.AreEqual(bd8, Parsers.FixPeopleCategories(bd8, "foo"));

            const string bd9 = @"'''Mannalargenna''' (ca. 1770-1835), a [[Tasmanian Aborigine]], was the chief of the Ben Lomond tribe (Plangermaireener). {{persondata}}";

            Assert.AreEqual(bd9 + @"
[[Category:Year of birth uncertain]]
[[Category:1835 deaths]]", Parsers.FixPeopleCategories(bd9, "foo"));

            const string bd9b = @"'''Mannalargenna''' (c 1770-1835), a [[Tasmanian Aborigine]], was the chief of the Ben Lomond tribe (Plangermaireener). {{persondata}}";

            Assert.AreEqual(bd9b + @"
[[Category:Year of birth uncertain]]
[[Category:1835 deaths]]", Parsers.FixPeopleCategories(bd9b, "foo"));

            const string bd10 = @"'''King Godfred''' (ruled 804 - 810) {{persondata}}";

            Assert.AreEqual(bd10, Parsers.FixPeopleCategories(bd10, "foo"));

            const string bd11 = @"'''Rabat I''' (1616/7 - 1644/5) {{persondata}}";

            Assert.AreEqual(bd11 + u, Parsers.FixPeopleCategories(bd11, "foo"));

            const string bd12 = @"'''Lorenzo Monaco''' (born  '''Piero di Giovanni''' [[Circa|c.]]1370-1425) {{persondata}}
[[Category:1425 deaths]]";

            Assert.AreEqual(bd12 + u, Parsers.FixPeopleCategories(bd12, "foo"));

            const string bd13 = @"'''Mocius''' ('''Mucius''', died 288-295), also kno
[[Category:3rd-century deaths]]";

            Assert.AreEqual(bd13, Parsers.FixPeopleCategories(bd13, "foo"));

            // with flourit both dates are uncertain
            const string bd14 = @"'''Asclepigenia''' (fl. 430  – 485 AD) was {{persondata}}";

            Assert.AreEqual(bd14, Parsers.FixPeopleCategories(bd14, "foo"));

            const string bd14a = @"'''Asclepigenia''' ([[floruit|fl]]. 430  – 485 AD) was {{persondata}}";

            Assert.AreEqual(bd14a, Parsers.FixPeopleCategories(bd14a, "foo"));

            const string bd14b = @"'''Asclepigenia''' (flourished 430  – 485 AD) was {{persondata}}";

            Assert.AreEqual(bd14b, Parsers.FixPeopleCategories(bd14b, "foo"));

            const string bd14c = @"'''Asclepigenia''' ({{fl}} 430) was {{persondata}}";

            Assert.AreEqual(bd14c, Parsers.FixPeopleCategories(bd14c, "foo"));

            // no data to use here
            const string no1 = @"'''Bahram I''' (also spelled ''Varahran'' or ''Vahram'', ''r.'' 273&ndash;276) {{persondata}}";

            Assert.AreEqual(no1, Parsers.FixPeopleCategories(no1, "foo"));

            const string no2 = @"'''Trebellianus''' (d. 260-268), also {{persondata}}";

            Assert.AreEqual(no2, Parsers.FixPeopleCategories(no2, "foo"));

            const string no3 = @"'''[[Grand Ayatollah]] {{unicode|Muhammad Sādiq as-Sadr}}''' ([[Arabic]] محمّد صادق الصدر ) is an [[Iraq]]i [[Twelver]] [[Shi'a]] cleric of high rank. He is the father of [[Muqtada al-Sadr]] (born 1973). Sometimes the son is called by his father's name. He is the cousin of Grand Ayatollah [[Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr]] (died 1980). The al-Sadr family are considered [[Sayyid]], which is used among the Shia to denote persons descending directly from [[Muhammad]]. The family's lineage is traced through Imam [[Jafar al-Sadiq]] and his son Imam [[Musa al-Kazim]] the sixth and seventh Shia Imams respectively.";

            Assert.AreEqual(no3, Parsers.FixPeopleCategories(no3, "foo"));

            const string no4 = @"'''Bahram I''' (also spelled ''Varahran'' or ''Vahram'', ''r.'' 273&ndash;276) {{persondata}}";

            Assert.AreEqual(no4, Parsers.FixPeopleCategories(no4, "foo"));

            const string no5 = @"'''John Coggeshall''' (chr. December 9, 1601) Charles
[[Category:1835 deaths]]";

            Assert.AreEqual(no5, Parsers.FixPeopleCategories(no5, "foo"));

            const string ISO1 = @"'''Ben Moon''' (born [[1960-06-13]]) is a {{persondata}}";

            Assert.AreEqual(ISO1 + "\r\n" + b2, Parsers.FixPeopleCategories(ISO1, "foo"));

            const string bd15 = @"'''Kristina of Norway''' (born in [[1234]] in [[Bergen]] &ndash; circa [[1262]]), sometimes {{persondata}}";

            Assert.AreEqual(bd15 + @"
[[Category:1234 births]]", Parsers.FixPeopleCategories(bd15, "foo"));

            // sortkey usage
            const string s1 = @"'''Claire Hazel Weekes''' (1903&mdash;1990) was {{persondata}}
[[Category:1990 deaths|Weekes, Claire]]";

            Assert.AreEqual(s1 + @"
[[Category:1903 births|Weekes, Claire]]", Parsers.FixPeopleCategories(s1, "foo"));

            const string m1 = @"'''Hans G Helms''' (born [[8 June]] [[1960]] in [[Teterow]]; full name: ''Hans Günter Helms''; the bearer of the name does not use a full stop after the initial for his middle name) is a [[Germany|German]] experimental writer, composer, and social and economic analyst and critic. {{persondata}}";

            Assert.AreEqual(m1 + "\r\n" + b2, Parsers.FixPeopleCategories(m1, "foo"));

            // uncertain year of death
            const string m2 = @"'''Arthur Paunzen''' (born [[4 February]] [[1890]], died ?[[9 August]] [[1940]])
[[Category:1890 births]]";

            Assert.AreEqual(m2, Parsers.FixPeopleCategories(m2, "foo"));

            const string m3  = @"Foo {{death date and age|2008|8|21|1942|7|13|mf=y}} {{persondata}}";
            const string m3a = @"
[[Category:1942 births]]
[[Category:2008 deaths]]";

            Assert.AreEqual(m3 + m3a, Parsers.FixPeopleCategories(m3, "foo"));

            const string bug1 = @"'''Jane Borghesi''' (born 17 June{{Fact|date=January 2009}}, [[Melbourne]]) {{persondata}}";

            Assert.AreEqual(bug1, Parsers.FixPeopleCategories(bug1, "foo"), "Don't take year from date param of template e.g. maintenance tag");

            const string miss1 = @"'''Alonza J. White''' (ca 1836 &ndash; [[August 29]] [[1912]]) {{persondata}}
{{DEFAULTSORT:White, Alonza J}}
[[Category:1912 deaths]]
[[Category:People from St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador]]", miss2 = @"[[Category:Year of birth missing]]";

            Assert.AreEqual(miss1 + u, Parsers.FixPeopleCategories(miss1 + "\r\n" + miss2, "foo"));

            const string both1 = @"'''Mary Ellen Wilson''' (1864–1956)<ref name=""amhum"">{{foo}}</ref> {{persondata}}", both2 = @"[[Category:1864 births]]
[[Category:1956 deaths]]";

            Assert.AreEqual(both1 + "\r\n" + both2, Parsers.FixPeopleCategories(both1, "foo"));

            const string bug2 = @"'''Foo''' (born {{circa}} 1925) was {{persondata}}";

            Assert.AreEqual(bug2 + u, Parsers.FixPeopleCategories(bug2, "foo"));

            const string bug3 = @"'''Joshua William Allen, 6th Viscount Allen''' [[Master of Arts (Oxbridge)|MA]] ({{circa}} [[1782]]–[[21 September]] [[1845]]) was an [[Irish peerage|Irish peer]].

{{DEFAULTSORT:Allen, Joshua Allen, 6th Viscount}}
[[Category:1845 deaths]]
[[Category:Viscounts in the Peerage of Ireland]]
[[Category:Year of birth uncertain]]";

            Assert.AreEqual(bug3, Parsers.FixPeopleCategories(bug3, "foo"));

            const string bug4 = @"
{{infobox person | birth_date = {{Birth date based on age at death |49 |1994|02|25}}
{{DEFAULTSORT:Goldberg, Robert P.}}
[[Category:American computer businesspeople]]
[[Category:American computer scientists]]
[[Category:Harvard University faculty]]
[[Category:1994 deaths]]
[[Category:Harvard University alumni]]
[[Category:Year of birth missing]]";

            Assert.AreEqual(bug4, Parsers.FixPeopleCategories(bug4, "foo"), "No birth year available in {{Birth date based on age at death}}");
Beispiel #33
 public Fast() : base(Parsers.Lines().Int().ToArray())
Beispiel #34
 public ActionStartEventArgs(Parsers.PowerLogParser.ActionStartEventArgs e, GameState game) : base(e)
 { = game;
Beispiel #35
 public BruteForce() : base(Parsers.Lines().Int().ToArray())
 private Parsers.DataFieldExpression createDataFieldExpression(Parsers.ConditionalOperator @operator, BinaryExpression expression)
     var result = new Parsers.DataFieldExpression() { Operator = @operator };
     Type type;
     object constant = null;
     string fieldName = getFieldName(expression.Left, out type);
     if (fieldName == null)
         fieldName = getFieldName(expression.Right, out type);
         constant = getConstantValue(expression.Left);
         constant = getConstantValue(expression.Right);
     result.DataFieldType = type;
     result.DataFieldName = fieldName;
     result.Value = constant;
     return result;
Beispiel #37
        public VersaTransVehicleRepository()
            _vehiclesWithDrivers   = new Dictionary <int, List <int> >();
            _employeesWithVehicles = new Dictionary <int, List <int> >();
            _vehicles = new Dictionary <int, VersaTransVehicle>();

            using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(Settings.DBConnectionString_VersaTrans))
                // Drivers
                using (SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand()
                    Connection = connection,
                    CommandType = CommandType.Text,
                    CommandText = "SELECT VehicleID, EmployeeID FROM VehicleDriver"
                    SqlDataReader dbDataReader = sqlCommand.ExecuteReader();

                    if (dbDataReader.HasRows)
                        while (dbDataReader.Read())
                            int vehicleID  = Parsers.ParseInt(dbDataReader["VehicleID"].ToString().Trim());
                            int employeeID = Parsers.ParseInt(dbDataReader["EmployeeID"].ToString().Trim());

                            if (!_vehiclesWithDrivers.ContainsKey(vehicleID))
                                _vehiclesWithDrivers.Add(vehicleID, new List <int>());

                            if (!_vehiclesWithDrivers[vehicleID].Contains(employeeID))

                            if (!_employeesWithVehicles.ContainsKey(employeeID))
                                _employeesWithVehicles.Add(employeeID, new List <int>());

                            if (!_employeesWithVehicles[employeeID].Contains(vehicleID))

                // Vehicles
                using (SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand()
                    Connection = connection,
                    CommandType = CommandType.Text,
                    CommandText = "SELECT RecordID, vehicle, VIN, plate1 FROM Vehicles"
                    SqlDataReader dbDataReader = sqlCommand.ExecuteReader();

                    if (dbDataReader.HasRows)
                        while (dbDataReader.Read())
                            VersaTransVehicle vehicle = dataReaderToVehicle(dbDataReader);
                            if (vehicle != null)
                                _vehicles.Add(vehicle.RecordID, vehicle);
Beispiel #38
				public StringValue(Parsers.Quote.Info quote)
					m_Quote = quote;
					m_Value = "";
					m_Expressions = new List<INode>();
Beispiel #39
 /// <summary> scanner for c++/java style block comment. </summary>
 /// <returns> the scanner.
 /// </returns>
 public static Scanner IsJavaBlockComment()
     //return isBlockComment("/*", "*/");
     return(Parsers.Sequence(IsString("/*"), p_javaBlockCommented(), IsString("*/")));
     //isNestableBlockComment("/*", "*/");
Beispiel #40
 /// <summary> scanner for haskell style block comment. ({- -})</summary>
 /// <returns> the scanner.
 /// </returns>
 public static Scanner IsHaskellBlockComment()
     return(Parsers.Seq(IsString("{-"), p_haskellBlockCommented(), IsString("-}")));
Beispiel #41
 public abstract void Parse(ErrorSink/*!*/ errors, IReductionsSink/*!*/ reductionsSink,
     Parsers.Position initialPosition, LanguageFeatures features);