Beispiel #1
        private ParserParagraph CreateChunkMultiple(string aName, DChunk aChunk)
            ParserParagraph para = new ParserParagraph(aName);
            ParserLine l1 = ParserLine.NewSymFormat("Owning Process %08x OS ASIDS %08x\r\n");

            l1.SetTargetProperties(aChunk, "OwningProcessAddress", "OSAsids");
            ParserLine l2 = ParserLine.NewSymFormat("Size %x, MaxSize %x, Base %08x\r\n");

            l2.SetTargetProperties(aChunk, "Size", "MaxSize", "Base");
            ParserLine l3 = ParserLine.NewSymFormat("Attrib %x, StartPos %x\r\n");

            l3.SetTargetProperties(aChunk, "Attributes", "StartPos");
            ParserLine l4 = ParserLine.NewSymFormat("Type %d\r\n");

            l4.SetTargetProperty(aChunk, "ChunkType");
            ParserLine l5 = ParserLine.NewSymFormat("PTE: %08x, PDE: %08x\r\n");

            l5.SetTargetProperties(aChunk.Permissions, "Pte", "Pde");
            ParserLine l6 = ParserLine.NewSymFormat("PageTables=%08x, PageBitMap=%08x\r\n");

            l6.SetTargetProperties(aChunk, "PageTables", "PageBitMap");

            para.Add(l1, l2, l3, l4, l5, l6);
Beispiel #2
        private ParserParagraph CreateThreadCommon(string aName, NThread aThread)
            ParserParagraph para = new ParserParagraph(aName);
            ParserLine l1 = ParserLine.NewSymFormat("Next=%08x Prev=%08x Att=%02x\r\n");

            l1.SetTargetProperties(new object[] { aThread.LinkedListInfo, aThread.LinkedListInfo, aThread }, "Next", "Previous", "Attributes");
            ParserLine l2 = ParserLine.NewSymFormat("HeldFM=%08x WaitFM=%08x AddrSp=%08x\r\n");

            l2.SetTargetProperties(new object[] { aThread.MutexInfo, aThread.MutexInfo, aThread }, "HeldAddress", "WaitAddress", "AddressSpace");
            ParserLine l3 = ParserLine.NewSymFormat("Time=%d Timeslice=%d ReqCount=%d\r\n");

            l3.SetTargetProperties(new object[] { aThread.TimeInfo, aThread.TimeInfo, aThread.CountInfo }, "Time", "Timeslice", "RequestSemaphoreCount");
            ParserLine l4 = ParserLine.NewSymFormat("LastStartTime=%08x TotalCpuTime=%lx Tag=%08x\r\n");

            l4.SetTargetProperties(aThread.TimeInfo, "LastStartTime", "TotalCpuTime", "Tag");
            ParserLine l5 = ParserLine.NewSymFormat("ReturnValue=%d, UCT=%d\r\n");

            l5.SetTargetProperties(aThread, "ReturnValue", "UserContextType");
            ParserLine l6 = ParserLine.NewSymFormat("SuspendCount=%d CsCount=%d CsFunction=%08x\r\n");

            l6.SetTargetProperties(aThread.CountInfo, "SuspendCount", "CsCount", "CsFunctionRaw");
            ParserLine l7 = ParserLine.NewSymFormat("SavedSP=%08x ExtraContext=%08x ExtraContextSize=%08x\r\n");

            l7.SetTargetProperties(new object[] { aThread, aThread.ExtraContextInfo, aThread.ExtraContextInfo }, "SavedSP", "ExtraContext", "ExtraContextSizeRaw");
            para.Add(l1, l2, l3, l4, l5, l6, l7);
Beispiel #3
        public override ParserField Process(Capture aCapture, int aStartAt, ParserLine aLine)
            ParserField ret = null;
            RegExTranslatorExtractionInfo m = new RegExTranslatorExtractionInfo(aLine.OriginalValue, aStartAt);

            if (m.Success && m.ValueTypeChar == 'X')
                // Build the regular expression
                StringBuilder regex = new StringBuilder("[A-Fa-f0-9]");
                if (m.Width != RegExTranslatorExtractionInfo.KNoWidthSpecified)
                    // Add specific length suffix
                    // Add "one or more" suffix

                ret = CreateField(regex.ToString(), m.Name, m.ValueType, m.CapturePos, m.CaptureLength, true);
                ret.FormatSpecifier.NumberBase = m.NumberBase;
        private ParserParagraph PrepareUserStack(ThreadStackInfo aStackInfo)
            ParserParagraph para = new ParserParagraph(KParagraphUser);
            ParserLine l0 = ParserLine.New("No user-mode stack");

            l0.ElementComplete += new ParserElementBase.ElementCompleteHandler(NoUserStackCallBack);
            ParserLine l1 = ParserLine.NewSymFormat("User stack base at %08x, size == %x\r\n");

            l1.SetTargetProperties(aStackInfo, "BaseAddress", "Size");
            ParserLine l2 = ParserLine.NewSymFormat("Stack pointer == %08x\r\n");

            l2.SetTargetProperties(aStackInfo, "StackPointer");
            // Not needed - ParserLine l3 = ParserLine.NewSymFormat( "Stack mapped at %08x\r\n" );
            //l3.SetTargetProperties( aStackInfo.Data, "MappedAddress" );

            // Collect the raw stack bytes
            ParserLine l4 = ParserLine.NewSymFormat("%08x: %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x");

            l4.IsNeverEnding       = true;
            l4.DisableWhenComplete = false;
            l4.SetTargetMethod(aStackInfo.Data, "Add");

            // Record the starting address of the stack data
            l4[0].SetTargetMethod(this, "SetFirstStackBytesStartingAddress");
            l4[0].Tag = aStackInfo;
            para.Add(l0, l1, l2, l4);
Beispiel #5
        private ParserParagraph CreateMonitorProcessCommon(string aName, DProcess aProcess)
            ParserParagraph para = new ParserParagraph(aName);
            ParserLine l1 = ParserLine.NewSymFormat("ExitInfo %d,%d,%lS\r\n");

            l1.SetTargetProperties(aProcess.ExitInfo, "Type", "Reason", "Category");
            ParserLine l2 = ParserLine.NewSymFormat("Flags %08x, Handles %08x, Attributes %08x\r\n");

            l2.SetTargetProperties(aProcess, "Flags", "Handles", "Attributes");
            ParserLine l3 = ParserLine.NewSymFormat("DataBssChunk %08x, CodeSeg %08x\r\n");

            l3.SetTargetProperties(aProcess, "DataBssStackChunkAddress", "CodeSegAddress");
            ParserLine l4 = ParserLine.NewSymFormat("DllLock %08x, Process Lock %08x SID %08x\r\n");

            l4.SetTargetProperties(new object[] { aProcess.LockInfo, aProcess.LockInfo, aProcess }, "DllMutexAddress", "ProcessMutexAddress", "SID");
            ParserLine l5 = ParserLine.NewSymFormat("TempCodeSeg %08x CodeSeg %08x Capability %08x %08x\r\n");

            l5.SetTargetProperties(new object[] { aProcess, aProcess, aProcess.Capabilities, aProcess.Capabilities }, "TempCodeSegAddress", "CodeSegAddress", "HighDWord", "LowDWord");
            ParserLine l6 = ParserLine.NewSymFormat("Id=%d");

            l6.SetTargetProperties(aProcess, "Id");

            para.Add(l1, l2, l3, l4, l5, l6);
Beispiel #6
        private ParserParagraph CreateMonitorProcessMemModelMultiple(string aName, DProcess aProcess, ParserElementBase.ElementCompleteHandler aLastFieldHandler)
            ParserParagraph para = new ParserParagraph(aName);

            para.Tag = aProcess;
            if (aLastFieldHandler != null)
                para.ElementComplete += new ParserElementBase.ElementCompleteHandler(aLastFieldHandler);

            // Misc
            ParserLine l0 = ParserLine.NewSymFormat("OS ASID=%d, LPD=%08x, GPD=%08x\r\n");

            l0.SetTargetProperties(aProcess, "OSASID", "LPD", "GPD");

            // Loop body - construct this first as we use it for the header line
            ParserLine l2 = ParserLine.NewSymFormat("%d: Chunk %08x, access count %d\r\n");

            l2[1].SetTargetMethod(this, "AddChunkToProcess");
            l2[2].SetTargetMethod(this, "SetChunkAccessCount");

            // Loop header
            ParserLine l1 = ParserLine.NewSymFormat("ChunkCount=%d ChunkAlloc=%d\r\n");

            l1[0].SetTargetMethod(l2, "SetRepetitions");

            para.Add(l0, l1, l2);
        public override void Finalise()
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(ParserEngine.Count == 1);   // paragraphs
            ParserParagraph para = ParserEngine[0];

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(para.Count == 8);   // lines

            // Go through each line and pull out the debug mask.
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                int baseIndex = (i * 2);

                // Get lines and check that each has one field
                ParserLine line1 = para[baseIndex];
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(line1.Count == 1);
                ParserLine line2 = para[baseIndex + 1];
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(line2.Count == 1);
                uint  val1     = line1[0].AsUint;
                uint  val2     = line2[0].AsUint;
                ulong combined = val1 + (val2 << 32);
                CrashDebugger.InfoDebugMask.SetValueByWordIndex(combined, baseIndex);
        public static void RegisterCommands(ParserEngine aEngine)
            foreach (KeyValuePair <TState, TStateMapplet> keyVP in iDictionary)
                string[] commandIds = keyVP.Value.CommandIdentifiers;
                foreach (string commandId in commandIds)
                    // Create paragraph and associate the state type with the tag so that
                    // we know what type of object to create later on when the line fires.
                    ParserParagraph command = new ParserParagraph(commandId);
                    command.Tag = keyVP.Key;

                    // Create line to match
                    ParserLine line = ParserLine.New(commandId);

                    // Make sure that the paragraph and line don't disable themselves whenever
                    // they see a matching line. Some of these objects are needed more than once!
                    command.DisableWhenComplete = false;
                    line.DisableWhenComplete    = false;
Beispiel #9
        void LineComplete(ParserElementBase aElement)
            ParserLine       line      = (ParserLine)aElement;
            TUserContextType tableType = (TUserContextType)line.Tag;
            UserContextTable table     = CrashDebugger.UserContextTableManager[tableType];

            // Each line should have a known number of entries stored within it's field collection.
            int expectedCount = UserContextTable.EntryCount * 2; // 2 fields per table entry
            int actualCount   = line.Count;

            if (expectedCount == actualCount)
                for (int i = 0; i < expectedCount; i += 2)
                    ParserField fieldType  = line[i + 0];
                    ParserField fieldValue = line[i + 1];
                    if (fieldType.IsUint && fieldValue.IsUint)
                        UserContextTable.TArmRegisterIndex reg = (UserContextTable.TArmRegisterIndex)(i / 2);
                        UserContextTableEntry entry            = table[reg];
                        UserContextTableEntry.TType type = (UserContextTableEntry.TType)fieldType.AsUint;
                        byte value = (byte)fieldValue.AsUint;
                        entry.Type   = type;
                        entry.Offset = value;
                throw new Exception("User Context Table Corruption");
Beispiel #10
        private ParserParagraph PrepareSupervisorStack(ThreadStackInfo aStackInfo)
            ParserParagraph para = new ParserParagraph("STACK_SUPERVISOR");
            ParserLine l1 = ParserLine.NewSymFormat("Supervisor stack base at %08x, size == %x\r\n");

            l1.ElementComplete += new ParserElementBase.ElementCompleteHandler(DisableUserStackParagraph);
            l1.SetTargetProperties(aStackInfo, "BaseAddress", "Size");
            ParserLine l2 = ParserLine.NewSymFormat("Stack pointer == %08x\r\n");

            l2.SetTargetProperties(aStackInfo, "StackPointer");

            // Collect the raw stack bytes
            ParserLine l3 = ParserLine.NewSymFormat("%08x: %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x");

            l3.IsNeverEnding       = true;
            l3.DisableWhenComplete = false;
            l3.SetTargetMethod(aStackInfo.Data, "Add");

            // Record the starting address of the stack data
            l3[0].SetTargetMethod(this, "SetFirstStackBytesStartingAddress");
            l3[0].Tag = aStackInfo;
            para.Add(l1, l2, l3);
        public void SetCustomCodeSegment(string aPrefix)
            // Find any existing custom entry and remove it
            int paraCount = iPrefixEngine_CodeSegment.Count;

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(paraCount >= 1);
            if (paraCount > 1)

            string prefixText = aPrefix.Trim();

            if (prefixText != string.Empty)
                ParserParagraph para = new ParserParagraph("Dynamic_CodeSegment");
                prefixText += "%08x-%08x %S";
                ParserLine l1 = ParserLine.NewSymFormat(prefixText);
                l1.SetTargetMethod(this, "TryToParseCodeSegment");
                l1.DisableWhenComplete = false;
                para.DisableWhenComplete = false;
        public void SetThreadMStateWaitObject(ParserParagraph aParagraph, ParserLine aLine, ParserFieldName aParameterName, uint aWaitObjectAddress)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(aParagraph.Tag is DThread);
            DThread thread = (DThread)aParagraph.Tag;

            thread.WaitObj = aWaitObjectAddress;
Beispiel #13
        private ParserParagraph CreateMessageQueueCommon(string aName, DMsgQueue aQueue)
            ParserParagraph para = new ParserParagraph(aName);
            ParserLine l1 = ParserLine.NewSymFormat("StartOfPool %08x, EndOfPool %08x\r\n");

            l1.SetTargetProperties(aQueue.PoolInfo, "Start", "End");
            ParserLine l2 = ParserLine.NewSymFormat("FirstFullSlot %08x, FirstFreeSlot %08x\r\n");

            l2.SetTargetProperties(aQueue.SlotInfo, "FirstFull", "FirstFree");
            ParserLine l3 = ParserLine.NewSymFormat("MaxMsgLength %d\r\n");

            l3.SetTargetProperties(aQueue, "MaxMessageLength");
            ParserLine l4 = ParserLine.NewSymFormat("MessageQueue state %S");

            l4.Tag = aQueue;
            l4.SetTargetMethod(this, "SetMessageQueueState");
            ParserLine l5 = ParserLine.NewSymFormat("ThreadWaitingForData %08x, DataAvailStatPtr %08x\r\n");

            l5.SetTargetProperties(new object[] { aQueue.WaitData, aQueue.WaitData.RequestStatus }, "WaitingThreadAddress", "Address");
            ParserLine l6 = ParserLine.NewSymFormat("ThreadWaitingForSpace %08x, SpaceAvailStatPtr %08x\r\n");

            l6.SetTargetProperties(new object[] { aQueue.WaitSpace, aQueue.WaitSpace.RequestStatus }, "WaitingThreadAddress", "Address");

            para.Add(l1, l2, l3, l4, l5, l6);
Beispiel #14
        private void CreateRegisterParagraphs(ParserEngine aEngine, NThread aThread, ParserElementBase.ElementCompleteHandler aLastFieldHandler)
                ParserParagraph para = new ParserParagraph("NTHREAD_REGS1");
                para.SetTargetMethod(aThread.Registers, "Add");
                ParserLine l1 = ParserLine.NewSymFormat("FPEXC %08x\r\n");
                ParserLine l2 = ParserLine.NewSymFormat("CAR %08x\r\n");
                ParserLine l3 = ParserLine.NewSymFormat("DACR %08x\r\n");
                para.Add(l1, l2, l3);

                ParserParagraph para = new ParserParagraph("NTHREAD_REGS2");
                para.SetTargetMethod(aThread.Registers, "Add");
                ParserLine l1 = ParserLine.NewSymFormat("R13_USR %08x R14_USR %08x SPSR_SVC %08x\r\n");
                ParserLine l2 = ParserLine.NewSymFormat(" R4 %08x  R5 %08x  R6 %08x  R7 %08x\r\n");
                ParserLine l3 = ParserLine.NewSymFormat(" R8 %08x  R9 %08x R10 %08x R11 %08x\r\n");
                ParserLine l4 = ParserLine.NewSymFormat(" PC %08x\r\n");
                if (aLastFieldHandler != null)
                    l4[0].ElementComplete += new ParserElementBase.ElementCompleteHandler(aLastFieldHandler);
                para.Add(l1, l2, l3, l4);
        private void CreateThreadMState(ParserParagraph aParagraph, DThread.TThreadState aState, string aMStateName, bool aCapturesWaitObject)
            StringBuilder format = new StringBuilder("Thread MState");

            format.Append(" " + aMStateName);
            if (aCapturesWaitObject)
                format.Append(" %8x");
            string     finalFormat = format.ToString();
            ParserLine l1          = null;

            if (aCapturesWaitObject)
                l1 = ParserLine.NewSymFormat(finalFormat);
                l1 = ParserLine.New(finalFormat);

            l1.Tag              = aState;
            l1.ElementComplete += new ParserElementBase.ElementCompleteHandler(ThreadMState_ElementComplete);
            if (aCapturesWaitObject)
                l1[0].SetTargetMethod(this, "SetThreadMStateWaitObject");
        public void SetCustomPointer(string aPrefix)
            // Find any existing custom entry and remove it
            int paraCount = iPrefixEngine_Pointer.Count;

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(paraCount >= 1);
            if (paraCount > 1)

            string prefixText = aPrefix.Trim();

            if (prefixText != string.Empty)
                ParserParagraph para = new ParserParagraph("Dynamic_Pointer");
                prefixText += "%08x";
                ParserLine l1 = ParserLine.NewSymFormat(prefixText);
                l1.SetTargetProperty(iEngine.AddressInfo, "Pointer");
Beispiel #17
        private void CreateThreadNState(ParserParagraph aParagraph, NThread aThread, string aNStateName, bool aCapturesWaitObject)
            StringBuilder format = new StringBuilder("NThread @ %8x Pri %d NState " + aNStateName);

            if (aCapturesWaitObject)
                format.Append(" %8x");
            string finalFormat = format.ToString();

            NThread.TNThreadState state = NThread.NStateFromString(aNStateName);
            ParserLine            l1    = ParserLine.NewSymFormat(finalFormat);

            l1.Tag = state;
            l1[0].SetTargetProperty(aThread, "Address");
            l1[1].SetTargetProperty(aThread, "Priority");
            if (aCapturesWaitObject)
                l1[2].SetTargetMethod(this, "SetThreadNStateWaitObject");
            l1.ElementComplete += new ParserElementBase.ElementCompleteHandler(NThreadState_ElementComplete);
Beispiel #18
        public void SetMessageQueueState(ParserLine aLine, ParserFieldName aFieldName, string aState)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(aLine.Tag is DMsgQueue);
            DMsgQueue queue = (DMsgQueue)aLine.Tag;

            DMsgQueue.TQueueState state = DMsgQueue.StateByString(aState);
            queue.State = state;
Beispiel #19
        private object[] BuildCustomFunctionArguments(TValueStoreMethodArguments[] aArgumentSpecification, ParserFieldFormatSpecifier aFieldFormatSpecifier, ParserFieldFormatValue aFieldFormatValue)
            List <object> args = new List <object>();

            foreach (TValueStoreMethodArguments argType in aArgumentSpecification)
                if (argType == TValueStoreMethodArguments.EValueStoreMethodArgumentNameAsString)
                else if (argType == TValueStoreMethodArguments.EValueStoreMethodArgumentNameAsObject)
                else if (argType == TValueStoreMethodArguments.EValueStoreMethodArgumentValue)
                else if (argType == TValueStoreMethodArguments.EValueStoreMethodArgumentParagraph)
                    ParserParagraph para = null;
                    if (aFieldFormatSpecifier.Field.Parent != null && aFieldFormatSpecifier.Field.Parent is ParserLine)
                        ParserLine line = (ParserLine)aFieldFormatSpecifier.Field.Parent;
                        if (line.Parent != null && line.Parent is ParserParagraph)
                            para = (ParserParagraph)line.Parent;
                else if (argType == TValueStoreMethodArguments.EValueStoreMethodArgumentLine)
                    ParserLine line = null;
                    if (aFieldFormatSpecifier.Field.Parent != null && aFieldFormatSpecifier.Field.Parent is ParserLine)
                        line = (ParserLine)aFieldFormatSpecifier.Field.Parent;
                else if (argType == TValueStoreMethodArguments.EValueStoreMethodArgumentField)
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, "Argument specification contains unresolved runtime reference");
        private void TryToParseCodeSegment(ParserLine aLine)
            string            line       = aLine.GetCurrentLine();
            CodeSegDefinition codeSegDef = CodeSegDefinitionParser.ParseDefinition(line);

            if (codeSegDef != null)
        void ThreadMState_ElementComplete(ParserElementBase aElement)
            ParserLine      line      = (ParserLine)aElement;
            ParserParagraph paragraph = line.Paragraph;

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(paragraph.Tag is DThread);
            DThread thread = (DThread)paragraph.Tag;

            DThread.TThreadState state = (DThread.TThreadState)line.Tag;
            thread.MState = state;
        public override void Prepare()
            // First, we need to know which thread we're dealing with
            // so that means we must look for the thread info
            ParserParagraph para = new ParserParagraph("STACK_THREAD_INFO");
            ParserLine l1 = ParserLine.NewSymFormat("STACK DATA for thread at %8x");

            l1.SetTargetMethod(this, "SetThreadAddress");
Beispiel #23
        void NoUserStackCallBack(ParserElementBase aElement)
            // Called back when a thread has no user stack - in which case, dump the
            // user-stack items as they will prevent us gathering the supervisor info.
            ParserLine      line = (ParserLine)aElement;
            ParserParagraph para = line.Paragraph;

            foreach (ParserLine l in para)
                l.IsDisabled = true;
        private void PrepareEntryParser()
            ParserParagraph para = new ParserParagraph("CODE SEGS");
            ParserLine l1 = ParserLine.NewSymFormat("\r\nCodeSeg at %08x:\r\n");
            ParserLine l2 = ParserLine.NewSymFormat("   FileName: %S\r\n");
            ParserLine l3 = ParserLine.NewSymFormat("   RunAddress: %08x\r\n");

            para.ElementComplete += new SymbianParserLib.BaseStructures.ParserElementBase.ElementCompleteHandler(ParagraphComplete);
            para.Add(l1, l2, l3);
Beispiel #25
        void NThreadState_ElementComplete(ParserElementBase aElement)
            ParserLine line = (ParserLine)aElement;

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(line.Tag is NThread.TNThreadState);
            NThread.TNThreadState state     = (NThread.TNThreadState)line.Tag;
            ParserParagraph       paragraph = line.Paragraph;

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(paragraph.Tag is NThread);
            NThread thread = (NThread)paragraph.Tag;

            thread.NState = state;
Beispiel #26
        public override ParserField Process(Capture aCapture, int aStartAt, ParserLine aLine)
            ParserField ret = null;
            RegExTranslatorExtractionInfo m = new RegExTranslatorExtractionInfo(aLine.OriginalValue, aStartAt);

            if (m.Success && m.ValueType == TParserValueType.EValueTypeString)
                ret = CreateField(".+", m.Name, m.ValueType, m.CapturePos, m.CaptureLength);
        private void PreparePrefixes_CodeSegment()
            ParserParagraph para = new ParserParagraph("Fixed_CodeSegment");
            ParserLine l1 = ParserLine.NewSymFormat("%08x-%08x %S");

            l1.SetTargetMethod(this, "TryToParseCodeSegment");
            l1.DisableWhenComplete = false;
            para.DisableWhenComplete = false;
Beispiel #28
        private void PrepareMandatoryParagraph()
            ParserParagraph para = new ParserParagraph("FaultInfo");
            ParserLine l1 = ParserLine.NewSymFormat("Fault Category: %S  Fault Reason: %08x\r\n");

            l1.SetTargetProperties(CrashDebugger.InfoFault, "Category", "Reason");
            ParserLine l2 = ParserLine.NewSymFormat("ExcId %08x CodeAddr %08x DataAddr %08x Extra %08x\r\n");

            l2.SetTargetProperties(CrashDebugger.InfoFault, "ExceptionId", "CodeAddress", "DataAddress", "ExtraInfo");
            para.Add(l1, l2);
        void CodeSegmentLineComplete(ParserElementBase aElement)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(iCurrentThread != null);
            ParserLine line = (ParserLine)aElement;
            int    index          = line[0].AsInt;
            int    count          = line[1].AsInt;
            uint   codeSegAddress = line[2].AsUint;
            uint   startAddress   = line[3].AsUint;
            uint   endAddress     = line[4].AsUint;
            string fileName       = line[5].AsString;
            DProcess process = iCurrentThread.OwningProcess;

            if (process != null)
                ProcessCodeSegCollection codeSegs = process.CodeSegments;
                ProcessCodeSeg           codeSeg  = codeSegs[codeSegAddress];
                if (codeSeg == null)
                    // The code seg is not directly part of the process handle list
                    // but it is some how mapped into the process?
                    // Try looking up the underlying code seg entry details from
                    // the crash debugger data itself. It should be part of the code
                    // seg listing so this should always work.
                    codeSeg = new ProcessCodeSeg(CrashDebugger, codeSegAddress, 0);
                codeSeg.ProcessLocalRunAddress = startAddress;
                codeSeg.Size = (endAddress - startAddress);
            int remaining = count - index;

            if (remaining == 0)
                // Queue up stack data...
                iHelperStack.CreateStackParagraphs(ParserEngine, iCurrentThread);
                // So that we capture the next line
Beispiel #30
        private ParserParagraph CreateParagraph(string aName, RegisterCollection.TType aType)
            RegisterCollection registers = CrashDebugger.InfoCpu[aType];
            ParserParagraph para = new ParserParagraph(aName);

            para.Tag = aType;
            para.SetTargetMethod(this, "AddRegister");
            if (aName.Length > 0)
                ParserLine header = ParserLine.New(aName + "\r\n");
                header.SetTargetMethod(this, "SwitchBank");