public IEnumerable <ParserItem> Find(string prefix, ParserItemType itemType)
     foreach (var item in Find(prefix, itemType, -1))
         yield return(item);
        public IEnumerable <ParserItem> Find(string prefix, ParserItemType itemType, int depth)
            if (s_FindWithType == null)
                var command = new SqliteCommand();
                command.CommandText = "SELECT " + s_ItemColumns + " FROM Items WHERE FullName LIKE @FullName";
                command.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
                command.Parameters.Add("FullName", DbType.String);
                command.Parameters.Add("ItemType", DbType.Int32);
                s_FindWithType = command;                 // Race condition shouldn't matter

            var findWithType = s_FindWithType.Clone() as SqliteCommand;

            if (itemType != ParserItemType.Any)
                findWithType.CommandText += " AND ItemType == @ItemType";
                findWithType.Parameters.Add("ItemType", DbType.Int32);
                findWithType.Parameters ["ItemType"].Value = (int)itemType;

            if (depth >= 0)
                findWithType.CommandText += " AND Depth == @Depth";
                findWithType.Parameters.Add("Depth", DbType.Int32);
                findWithType.Parameters ["Depth"].Value = depth;

            findWithType.Connection = m_conn;
            findWithType.Parameters ["FullName"].Value = prefix.Replace("%", "\\%") + "%";

            using (var reader = findWithType.ExecuteReader())
                while (reader.Read())
                    ParserItem item = new ParserItem();
                    yield return(item);
        ICompletionDataList GenerateCompletionData(CodeCompletionContext completionContext, PythonModule module,
                                                   TextEditorData editor, char completionChar)
            var triggerWord = GetTriggerWord(editor, completionContext);

            // Its annoying when the data is poped up during an assignment such as:
            // abc = _
            if (completionChar == '=' && String.IsNullOrEmpty(triggerWord))

            var triggerLine = editor.GetLineText(completionContext.TriggerLine);

            // if completionChar is ' ' and it is not a known completion type
            // that we can handle, return as early as possible
            if (completionChar == ' ')
                if (!triggerWord.Contains('.') &&
                    !triggerLine.StartsWith("class") &&
                    !triggerLine.StartsWith("def") &&
                    !triggerLine.StartsWith("from") &&

            // "self."
            if (module != null && triggerWord == "self" && completionChar == '.')
                var klass = GetClass(module, completionContext.TriggerLine);
                if (klass == null)
                    return(null);                    // nothing to complete, self not in a class
                return(new CompletionDataList(SelfDotCompletionData(klass)));

            var inFrom  = triggerLine.StartsWith("from ");
            var inClass = triggerLine.StartsWith("class ") || (triggerLine.StartsWith("class") && completionChar == ' ');
            var inDef   = triggerLine.StartsWith("def ") || (triggerLine.StartsWith("def") && completionChar == ' ');
            var parts   = triggerLine.Split(new char [] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            // "from blah "
            if (inFrom && parts.Length == 2 && completionChar == ' ')
                return(new CompletionDataList(new CompletionData[] { new CompletionData("import") }));
            // "from blah import "
            else if (inFrom && parts.Length > 2)
                triggerWord = parts [1] + ".";
                return(new CompletionDataList(
                           from ParserItem item in m_site.Database.Find(triggerWord)
                           where !item.FullName.Substring(triggerWord.Length).Contains('.')
                           select CreateCompletionData(item, triggerWord))

            // if we are in a new class line and not to '(' yet
            // we cannot complete anything at this time, finish now
            if (inClass && parts.Length < 2)

            // if we are in a new def line, the only time we can complete
            // is after an equal '='.  so ignore space trigger
            if (inDef && completionChar == ' ')
            else if (inDef && completionChar == '=')
                triggerWord = "";

            if (inClass)
                if (completionChar == '(')
                    triggerWord = "";
                    triggerWord = triggerLine.Substring(triggerLine.LastIndexOf('(') + 1);

            // limit the depth of search to number of "." in trigger
            // "xml." has depth of 1 so anything matching ^xml. and no more . with match
            int depth = 0;

            foreach (var c in triggerWord)
                if (c == '.')

            // anything in the sqlite store
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(triggerWord))
                // todo: try to complete on class/module/func/attr data

                return(new CompletionDataList(
                           from ParserItem item in m_site.Database.Find(triggerWord, ParserItemType.Any, depth)
                           select CreateCompletionData(item, triggerWord))

            ParserItemType itemType = String.IsNullOrEmpty(triggerWord) ? ParserItemType.Module : ParserItemType.Any;

            return(new CompletionDataList(
                       from ParserItem item in m_site.Database.Find("", itemType, depth)
                       select CreateCompletionData(item, triggerWord))
        public IEnumerable<ParserItem> Find(string prefix, ParserItemType itemType, int depth)
            if (s_FindWithType == null) {
                var command = new SqliteCommand ();
                command.CommandText = "SELECT " + s_ItemColumns + " FROM Items WHERE FullName LIKE @FullName";
                command.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
                command.Parameters.Add ("FullName", DbType.String);
                command.Parameters.Add ("ItemType", DbType.Int32);
                s_FindWithType = command; // Race condition shouldn't matter

            var findWithType = s_FindWithType.Clone () as SqliteCommand;

            if (itemType != ParserItemType.Any) {
                findWithType.CommandText += " AND ItemType == @ItemType";
                findWithType.Parameters.Add ("ItemType", DbType.Int32);
                findWithType.Parameters ["ItemType"].Value = (int)itemType;

            if (depth >= 0) {
                findWithType.CommandText += " AND Depth == @Depth";
                findWithType.Parameters.Add ("Depth", DbType.Int32);
                findWithType.Parameters ["Depth"].Value = depth;

            findWithType.Connection = m_conn;
            findWithType.Parameters ["FullName"].Value = prefix.Replace ("%", "\\%") + "%";

            using (var reader = findWithType.ExecuteReader ())
                while (reader.Read ())
                    ParserItem item = new ParserItem ();
                    item.Deserialize (reader);
                    yield return item;
 public IEnumerable<ParserItem> Find(string prefix, ParserItemType itemType)
     foreach (var item in Find (prefix, itemType, -1))
         yield return item;