public void DisplaySitesInfo(Campground campground) { Console.Clear(); ParkSqlDAL campSitesDal = new ParkSqlDAL(_dbConnectionString); List <Site> sites = campSitesDal.GetSites(campground.CampgroundId); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(" " + campground.CampgroundName + " Camp Site Information"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(" {0,0} {1,15} {2,15} {3,15} {4,15}", "Site #", "Max Occupancy", "Accessibility", "Max RV Length", "Utilities"); Console.WriteLine(); for (int index = 0; index < sites.Count; index++) { string siteInfo = sites[index].SiteNumber.ToString() + ") " + " " + sites[index].MaxOccupancy.ToString().PadLeft(10) + " " + sites[index].AccessibilityStr.PadLeft(15) + " " + sites[index].MaxRvLength.ToString().PadLeft(15) + " " + sites[index].UtilitiesStr.PadLeft(20); if (sites[index].SiteNumber <= 9) { Console.WriteLine(" " + siteInfo); } else { Console.WriteLine(" " + siteInfo); } } }
private void PrintParkInfo() { ParkSqlDAL parkDal = new ParkSqlDAL(connectionString); List <Park> parksById = parkDal.GetAllParksById(); const int columnWidth = 21; Console.Clear(); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Console.WriteLine(" " + parksById[selectedParkId - 1].Name + " Park Information: \n"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; Console.WriteLine(" Location:".PadRight(columnWidth) + parksById[selectedParkId - 1].Location); Console.WriteLine(" Established:".PadRight(columnWidth) + parksById[selectedParkId - 1].Establish_Date.Date.ToString("M/d/yyyy")); Console.WriteLine(" Area:".PadRight(columnWidth) + parksById[selectedParkId - 1].Area.ToString("###,###") + " sq km"); Console.WriteLine(" Visitors:".PadRight(columnWidth) + parksById[selectedParkId - 1].Visitors.ToString("#,###,###") + " Annually\n"); var words = parksById[selectedParkId - 1].Description.Split(' '); var lines = words.Skip(1).Aggregate(words.Take(1).ToList(), (l, w) => { if (l.Last().Length + w.Length >= Console.WindowWidth - 1) { l.Add(w); } else { l[l.Count - 1] += " " + w; } return(l); }); foreach (string line in lines) { Console.WriteLine(line); } Console.WriteLine(); }
// GET: Home public ActionResult Home() { ParkSqlDAL dal = new ParkSqlDAL(connectionString); List <Park> parks = dal.GetParks(); return(View(parks)); }
// Gets a single parks information private Park GetPark(int parkId) { IParkDAL parkdal = new ParkSqlDAL(DatabaseConnectionString.DatabaseString); Park park = parkdal.GetPark(parkId); return(park); }
private Park DisplayPark(string input) { Park selectedPark = null; ParkSqlDAL dal = new ParkSqlDAL(connectionString); List <Park> parkInfo = dal.GetAllParks(); bool parsed = int.TryParse(input, out int selection); if (parsed) { if (selection <= parkInfo.Count() && selection != 0) { selectedPark = parkInfo[selection - 1]; Console.WriteLine(selectedPark.ToString()); return(selectedPark); } else { Console.Write("The park number you have selected is invalid, "); } } else { Console.Write("Please enter a park number or "); } return(selectedPark); }
public void ParkHasList() { ParkSqlDAL parkSql = new ParkSqlDAL(); output = parkSql.ListAllParks(); Assert.IsNotNull(output); }
public void ReturnAllParksInData() { ParkSqlDAL testPark = new ParkSqlDAL(connectionString); List <Park> testList = testPark.AllParks(); Assert.AreEqual(4, testList.Count); }
public ActionResult Detail(string id) { if (id == null) { id = "CVNP"; } ParkSqlDAL ParkSql = new ParkSqlDAL(connectionString); var tempValue = Session["tempValue"]; if (tempValue == null) { tempValue = 0; } WeatherSqlDAL sqlweather = new WeatherSqlDAL(connectionString); ParkModel park = ParkSql.SelectedParkDecriptiveDetails(id); park.WeatherList = sqlweather.SpecificParkWeather(id); Session["tempValue"] = tempValue; park.TempValueProperty = (int)tempValue; ViewBag.WeatherData = park.WeatherList; return(View("Detail", park)); }
private void ViewParkCampgrounds() { ParkSqlDAL dal = new ParkSqlDAL(DatabaseConnection); List <Park> parks = dal.SeeParks(); Console.WriteLine("Which park would you like to choose?"); if (parks.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < parks.Count; i++) { Console.WriteLine((i + 1).ToString().PadRight(10) + parks[i].Name); } } int parsedUserInput = 0; while (parsedUserInput <= 0 || parsedUserInput > parks.Count) { string userInput = Console.ReadLine(); Int32.TryParse(userInput, out parsedUserInput); if (parsedUserInput <= 0 || parsedUserInput > parks.Count) { Console.WriteLine("Please enter a valid number"); } } Park userPark = parks[parsedUserInput - 1]; SubCLIOne submenu = new SubCLIOne(); submenu.Display(userPark); }
private void DisplayReservationConfirmation(int result) { string command = menus.ConfirmationMenu(); ParkSqlDAL reservationDal = new ParkSqlDAL(_dbConnectionString); bool exit = false; while (!exit) { if (command == "R" || command == "r") { DisplayReservationDetails(result); } else if (command == "M" || command == "m") { DisplayMenu(); } else if (command == "Q" || command == "q") { menus.QuitMenu(); exit = true; } else { menus.InvalidEntry(); } Console.ReadKey(); Console.Clear(); } }
// GET: Home public ActionResult Index() { ParkSqlDAL parkDAL = new ParkSqlDAL(connectionString); List <Park> parkList = parkDAL.GetParks(); return(View("Index", parkList)); }
private void ShowAllNationalParks() { Console.WriteLine("Showing Parks"); ParkSqlDAL dal = new ParkSqlDAL(connectionString); List <Park> allParks = dal.GetAllParks(); foreach (Park p in allParks) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Park ID: " + p.Park_id); Console.WriteLine("Park Name: " + p.Name); Console.WriteLine("Park Location:" + p.Location); Console.WriteLine("Date of Park Establishment: " + p.Establish_date); Console.WriteLine("Park Size: " + p.Area); Console.WriteLine("Number of vistors in Park: " + p.Vistitors); Console.WriteLine("Description of Park: " + p.Description); } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Would you Like to see a Parks campgrounds(Y/N)?"); string input = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper(); if (input == "Y") { int userInputParkId = CLIHelper.GetInteger("Please enter a Park Id"); ShowAllCampgroundInAPark(userInputParkId); } return; }
public void TestCampgroundList() { TransactionScope test = new TransactionScope(); ParkSqlDAL parkDAL = new ParkSqlDAL(connectionString); List <Park> park = parkDAL.GetParks(); CampgroundSqlDAL campgroundDAL = new CampgroundSqlDAL(connectionString); List <Campground> testNumberOfCampsAcadia = campgroundDAL.GetAllCampgroundFromPark(park[0]); List <Campground> testNumberOfCampsArches = campgroundDAL.GetAllCampgroundFromPark(park[1]); List <Campground> testNumberOfCampsCuyahogaValley = campgroundDAL.GetAllCampgroundFromPark(park[2]); //assert bool outputAcadia_doesCampCountNumberMatch = testNumberOfCampsAcadia.Count == 3; Assert.IsTrue(outputAcadia_doesCampCountNumberMatch); bool outputArches_doesCampCountNumberMatch = testNumberOfCampsArches.Count == 3; Assert.IsTrue(outputArches_doesCampCountNumberMatch); bool outputCuyahogaValley_doesCampCountNumberMatch = testNumberOfCampsCuyahogaValley.Count == 1; Assert.IsTrue(outputCuyahogaValley_doesCampCountNumberMatch); test.Dispose(); }
private void DisplayReservationDetails(int reservationId) { Console.Clear(); ParkSqlDAL reservationDal = new ParkSqlDAL(_dbConnectionString); List <Reservation> confirmedReservation = reservationDal.GetConfirmedReservationInfo(reservationId); Console.WriteLine(); bool exit = false; while (!exit) { string command = menus.ConfirmedReservationDetails(confirmedReservation); if (command == "M" || command == "m") { DisplayMenu(); } else if (command == "Q" || command == "q") { menus.QuitMenu(); } else { menus.InvalidEntry(); exit = true; } Console.ReadKey(); Console.Clear(); } }
// GET: Home public ActionResult Index() { ParkSqlDAL sql = new ParkSqlDAL(connectionString); List <ParkModel> newList = sql.NationalParksList(); return(View(newList)); }
//Get: ParkInterface public ActionResult ParkInterface(int id) { ParkSqlDAL parkDAL = new ParkSqlDAL(connectionString); Park park = parkDAL.GenerateParkName(id); return(View("ParkInterface", park)); }
public void TestParkNames() { TransactionScope testParkNames; testParkNames = new TransactionScope(); ParkSqlDAL parkDAL = new ParkSqlDAL(connectionString); List <Park> park = parkDAL.GetParks(); string park_1_Name = "Acadia"; string park_2_Name = "Arches"; string park_3_Name = "Cuyahoga Valley"; bool output_Name_Matches1 = park[0].name == park_1_Name; Assert.IsTrue(output_Name_Matches1); bool output_Name_Matches2 = park[1].name == park_2_Name; Assert.IsTrue(output_Name_Matches2); bool output_Name_Matches3 = park[2].name == park_3_Name; Assert.IsTrue(output_Name_Matches3); testParkNames.Dispose(); }
public void PrintParkCampGround(int parkSelection) { Console.Clear(); CampGroundSqlDAL campGroundsinPark = new CampGroundSqlDAL(databaseconnectionString); ParkSqlDAL park = new ParkSqlDAL(databaseconnectionString); List <Campground> printCampGrounds = new List <Campground>(); try { printCampGrounds = campGroundsinPark.GetParkCampGround(park.GetParkID(parkSelection)); } catch (SqlException ex) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid input. Please try again."); return; } Console.WriteLine("\tName".PadRight(35) + "Open".PadRight(13) + "Close".PadRight(13) + "Daily Fee"); int count = 0; foreach (Campground campground in printCampGrounds) { Console.WriteLine($"#{count + 1} \t{printCampGrounds[count].ToString()}"); count++; } CampGroundView(parkSelection); }
/// <summary> /// Display the list of parks /// </summary> /// <returns>The park id selected by user</returns> private int DisplayAllParks() { int parkSelection = 0; while (true) { ParkSqlDAL dal = new ParkSqlDAL(DatabaseConnection); IList <Park> parks = dal.GetParks(); if (parks.Count > 0) { Console.WriteLine("Please select the national park that you wish to visit."); foreach (Park park in parks) { Console.WriteLine(park.ParkId.ToString().PadRight(10) + park.Name.PadRight(40)); } Console.Write(">> "); parkSelection = CLIHelper.GetInteger(Console.ReadLine()); if (parkSelection <= parks.Count && parkSelection > 0) { break; } Console.Clear(); } else { Console.WriteLine("**** SOLD TO PRIVATE CORPORATION-TEDDY ROOSEVELT SPINNING IN GRAVE ****"); } } return(parkSelection); }
public static int GetParkInteger(string message, string connectionString) { string userInput = String.Empty; int intValue = 0; int numberOfAttempts = 0; ParkSqlDAL parkDal = new ParkSqlDAL(connectionString); List <Park> parksAlphabetical = parkDal.GetAlphabeticalListOfAllParks(); do { if (numberOfAttempts > 0) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine(" Invalid input format. Please try again\n"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; } Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGreen; Console.Write(message); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; userInput = Console.ReadLine(); numberOfAttempts++; Console.WriteLine(); }while (!int.TryParse(userInput, out intValue) || intValue > parksAlphabetical.Count); return(intValue); }
public ActionResult Weather(string id) { IParkDAL DAL = new ParkSqlDAL(); List <Park> ParkList = DAL.getAllParksData(); List <Weather> weather = new List <Weather>(); foreach (Park p in ParkList) { if (id == p.ParkCode) { IWeatherDAL thisDAL = new WeatherSqlDAL(); weather = thisDAL.getWeatherByParkCode(p.ParkCode); } } bool isFaranheight; Session["Tempature"] = Request.Params["Tempature"]; if (Session["Tempature"] != null) { if (Session["Tempature"].ToString() == "F") { isFaranheight = true; } else { isFaranheight = false; } } else { isFaranheight = true; } // update to Faranheight or Celcius for (int i = 0; i < weather.Count; i++) { if (isFaranheight) { if (weather[i].Tempature == "F") { continue; } else { weather[i].Tempature = "F"; weather[i].High = ChangeFaranheightToCelcius(weather[i].High, "F"); weather[i].Low = ChangeFaranheightToCelcius(weather[i].Low, "F"); } } else { weather[i].Tempature = "C"; weather[i].High = ChangeFaranheightToCelcius(weather[i].High, "C"); weather[i].Low = ChangeFaranheightToCelcius(weather[i].Low, "C"); } } return(View("Weather", weather)); }
public void GetParkByIdTest() { ParkSqlDAL parkSqlDAL = new ParkSqlDAL(connectionString); Park park = parkSqlDAL.GetParkById("AAA"); Assert.AreEqual("AAA", park.ParkCode); }
public void GetAllParksTest() { ParkSqlDAL parkSqlDAL = new ParkSqlDAL(connectionString); List <Park> parks = parkSqlDAL.GetAllParks(); Assert.IsNotNull(parks); }
// GET: Home/Parklist public ActionResult ParkList() { Session["ParkList"] = "active"; IParkDAL DAL = new ParkSqlDAL(); List <Park> model = DAL.getAllParksData(); return(View("ParkList", model)); }
public void GetParkInfoTest() { ParkSqlDAL dal = new ParkSqlDAL(ConnectionString); var park = dal.GetParkInfo(1); Assert.AreEqual("Test Park", park.Name); }
public void GetParksTest() { ParkSqlDAL dal = new ParkSqlDAL(ConnectionString); var park = dal.GetParks(); Assert.AreEqual(1, park.Count); }
public void GetAllParksTest() { ParkSqlDAL parkDAL = new ParkSqlDAL(connectionString); List <Park> parkList = parkDAL.GetAllParks(); Assert.IsNotNull(parkList); Assert.AreEqual(parks, parkList.Count); }
public void GetAllParksTest() { ParkSqlDAL sqlDAL = new ParkSqlDAL(connectionString); List <Park> park = sqlDAL.GetAllParks(); Assert.IsNotNull(park); Assert.AreEqual(numParks + 1, park.Count); }
public void ParkSqlDalTests() { ParkSqlDAL parkDal = new ParkSqlDAL(connectionString); List <Park> parks = parkDal.GetParks(); Assert.IsNotNull(parks); }
// GET: Home public ActionResult Index() { ParkSqlDAL dal = new ParkSqlDAL(connectionString); List <Park> allParks = dal.GetAllParkData(); return(View("Index", allParks)); }