private ParagraphBlock CreateBlock()
            var paragraph = new ParagraphBlock();
            var cursor    = (TextCaret)paragraph.GetCaretAtStart();

            cursor.InsertText("This is some of the text")
            .InsertText("Some additional text");
        public void Verify_Serialization()
            var paragraph = new ParagraphBlock();
            var cursor    = (TextCaret)paragraph.GetCaretAtStart();
            var next      = cursor.InsertText("This is some of the text");

            next.InsertText("Some additional text");

            .BeEquivalentTo("This is some of the textSome additional text");

            var descriptorsLookup = new DescriptorsLookup(ParagraphBlock.Descriptor);

            // Act
            SerializationHelpers.VerifyDeserialization(paragraph, descriptorsLookup);