Beispiel #1
    /// <summary>
    /// Loads the web part form.
    /// </summary>
    protected void LoadForm()
        // Load settings
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form[hdnIsNewWebPart.UniqueID]))
            IsNewWebPart = ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(Request.Form[hdnIsNewWebPart.UniqueID], false);
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form[hdnInstanceGUID.UniqueID]))
            InstanceGUID = ValidationHelper.GetGuid(Request.Form[hdnInstanceGUID.UniqueID], Guid.Empty);

        // Indicates whether the new variant should be chosen when closing this dialog
        selectNewVariant = IsNewVariant;

        // Try to find the web part variant in the database and set its VariantID
        if (IsNewVariant)
            Hashtable varProperties = WindowHelper.GetItem("variantProperties") as Hashtable;
            if (varProperties != null)
                // Get the variant code name from the WindowHelper
                string variantName = ValidationHelper.GetString(varProperties["codename"], string.Empty);

                // Check if the variant exists in the database
                int variantIdFromDB = VariantHelper.GetVariantID(VariantMode, PageTemplateID, variantName, true);

                // Set the variant id from the database
                if (variantIdFromDB > 0)
                    VariantID    = variantIdFromDB;
                    IsNewVariant = false;

        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(WebPartID))
            // Get the page info
            pi = CMSWebPartPropertiesPage.GetPageInfo(AliasPath, PageTemplateID, CultureCode);

            if (pi == null)
                pnlExport.Visible = false;

            // Get template
            pti = pi.UsedPageTemplateInfo;

            // Get template instance
            templateInstance = pti.TemplateInstance;

            if (!IsNewWebPart)
                // Standard zone
                webPartInstance = templateInstance.GetWebPart(InstanceGUID, WebPartID);

                // If the web part not found, try to find it among the MVT/CP variants
                if (webPartInstance == null)
                    // MVT/CP variant

                    // Clone templateInstance to avoid caching of the temporary template instance loaded with CP/MVT variants
                    var tempTemplateInstance = templateInstance.Clone();
                    tempTemplateInstance.LoadVariants(false, VariantModeEnum.None);

                    webPartInstance = tempTemplateInstance.GetWebPart(InstanceGUID, -1);

                    // Set the VariantMode according to the selected web part/zone variant
                    if (webPartInstance?.ParentZone != null)
                        VariantMode = (webPartInstance.VariantMode != VariantModeEnum.None) ? webPartInstance.VariantMode : webPartInstance.ParentZone.VariantMode;
                        VariantMode = VariantModeEnum.None;
                    // Ensure that the ZoneVariantID is not set when the web part was found in a regular zone
                    ZoneVariantID = 0;

                if ((VariantID > 0) && webPartInstance?.PartInstanceVariants != null)
                    // Check OnlineMarketing permissions.
                    if (CheckPermissions("Read"))
                        webPartInstance = webPartInstance.FindVariant(VariantID);
                        // Not authorized for OnlineMarketing - Manage.
                        RedirectToInformation(String.Format(GetString("general.permissionresource"), "Read", (VariantMode == VariantModeEnum.ContentPersonalization) ? "CMS.ContentPersonalization" : "CMS.MVTest"));

                if (webPartInstance == null)
                    UIContext.EditedObject = null;

            // Keep xml version
            if (webPartInstance != null)
                xmlVersion = webPartInstance.XMLVersion;

            // Get the form info
            FormInfo fi = GetWebPartFormInfo();

            // Get the form definition
            if (fi != null)
                fi.ContextResolver.Settings.RelatedObject = templateInstance;
                form.AllowMacroEditing = true;

                // Get data row with required columns
                DataRow dr = fi.GetDataRow();

                if (IsNewWebPart || (xmlVersion > 0))

                // Load values from existing web part
                LoadDataRowFromWebPart(dr, webPartInstance, fi);

                // Set a unique WebPartControlID for the new variant
                if (IsNewVariant || IsNewWebPart)
                    dr["WebPartControlID"] = GetUniqueWebPartId();

                // Init the form
                InitForm(form, dr, fi);

                UIContext.EditedObject = null;