public void Prefetch_InitialPages()
            const int NumBooks = 3;
            var context = new PageCacheContext(ScreenWidth, GetLibrary(NumBooks));

            // Run method 
            var policy = new PagePrefetchAndRetainPolicy()
                Retain_Initial = 10
            var keys = policy.PrefetchKeyOrder(context);
            AssertMustRetainAllKeys(keys, policy, context);

            // Check for each book
            var booksPos = context.BookPositions;
            for (int bookIdx = 0; bookIdx < NumBooks; bookIdx++)
                // Has the GUID
                CollectionAssert.Contains(keys.Select(x=>x.BookId), booksPos[bookIdx].BookId);

                // Has all the elements
                var bookKeys = LinqExtensions.IntRange(1, 10)
                    .Select(x => new PageKey(booksPos[bookIdx].BookId, x, ScreenWidth));
                CollectionAssert.IsSubsetOf(bookKeys, keys);
        public void EmptyPolicy()
            var policy = new PagePrefetchAndRetainPolicy();

            var key = new PageKey(Guid.Empty, 1, ScreenWidth);
            var context = new PageCacheContext(ScreenWidth, GetLibrary(0));

            Assert.IsFalse(policy.MustRetain(key, context), "not retain with empty library");

            var dict = GetCacheDict(0);
            CollectionAssert.IsEmpty(policy.KeysToRemove(dict, context), "no keys exist");

            dict = GetCacheDict(5);
            CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(dict.Keys, policy.KeysToRemove(dict, context), "return all keys");

            CollectionAssert.IsEmpty(policy.PrefetchKeyOrder(context), "prefetch list empty");
        public void Prefetch_CurrentBookFirst()
            const int NumBooks = 3;
            var library = GetLibrary(NumBooks);
            library.CurrentBook = library.Books.Last();

            var context = new PageCacheContext(ScreenWidth, library);

            // Run method 
            var policy = new PagePrefetchAndRetainPolicy()
                Retain_Initial = 10
            var keys = policy.PrefetchKeyOrder(context);

            // Has all the elements
            var curBookKeys = LinqExtensions.IntRange(1, 10)
                .Select(x => new PageKey(library.CurrentBook.Id, x, ScreenWidth));

            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(curBookKeys, keys.Take(10), "current book's pages come first");
        public void Prefetch_CurrentPage()
            var library = GetLibrary(1);
            Book book = library.Books[0];
            book.CurrentPosition = PositionInBook.FromPhysicalPage(33, 100);

            var context = new PageCacheContext(ScreenWidth, library);

            var policy = new PagePrefetchAndRetainPolicy();
            var keys = policy.PrefetchKeyOrder(context);
            AssertMustRetainAllKeys(keys, policy, context);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, keys.Count());
            Assert.AreEqual(33, keys.First().PageNum);
        public void Remove_KeepOtherItems()
            var context = new PageCacheContext(ScreenWidth, GetLibrary(1));

            var policy = new PagePrefetchAndRetainPolicy()
                OtherItemsToKeepCount = 7

            var dict = GetCacheDict(10);
            var keysToRemove = policy.KeysToRemove(dict, context);

            // Keeping 7 items, removing 3
            Assert.AreEqual(3, keysToRemove.Count());
            // Makes sure *oldest* ones are removed
            Assert.AreEqual(BaseTime + TimeSpan.FromDays(0), dict[keysToRemove.ElementAt(2)].LastAccessTime);
            Assert.AreEqual(BaseTime + TimeSpan.FromDays(1), dict[keysToRemove.ElementAt(1)].LastAccessTime);
            Assert.AreEqual(BaseTime + TimeSpan.FromDays(2), dict[keysToRemove.ElementAt(0)].LastAccessTime);

            // Must NOT retain those keys
            foreach (var key in keysToRemove)
                Assert.IsFalse(policy.MustRetain(key, context));
        public void Remove_AllNotFetched()
            var library = GetLibrary(3);
            var context = new PageCacheContext(ScreenWidth, library);

            var policy = new PagePrefetchAndRetainPolicy()
                Retain_Initial = 2

            var dict = GetCacheDict(10, library.Books.ToArray());

            var keysToRemove = policy.KeysToRemove(dict, context);

                LinqExtensions.IntRange(3, 8).RepeatSequence(3),
                keysToRemove.Select(x => x.PageNum));
        public void Prefetch_ThreeBooksComplex()
            var library = GetLibrary(3);
            Book curBook = library.Books.Last();
            library.CurrentBook = curBook;
            curBook.CurrentPosition = PositionInBook.FromPhysicalPage(33, 100);
            library.Books[1].CurrentPosition = PositionInBook.FromPhysicalPage(66, 100);

            var context = new PageCacheContext(ScreenWidth, library);

            var policy = new PagePrefetchAndRetainPolicy()
                Retain_InCurrentBookAfter = 3,
                Retain_InCurrentBookBefore = 1,
                Retain_InOtherBookAfter = 2,
                Retain_InOtherBookBefore = 1,

                Retain_Initial = 2

            var keys = policy.PrefetchKeyOrder(context);
            AssertMustRetainAllKeys(keys, policy, context);

                LinqExtensions.RepeatElements(curBook.Id, 7),
                keys.Take(7).Select(x => x.BookId), "First items from current book");

            // Complex pattern, read the rules...
                new int[] { 
                    33, 34, 35, 32, 36, 1, 2, 
                    1, 2,
                    66, 67, 68, 65, 1, 2
                keys.Select(x => x.PageNum));
        public void Prefetch_CurrentPageComplex()
            var library = GetLibrary(1);
            Book book = library.Books[0];
            library.CurrentBook = book;
            book.CurrentPosition = PositionInBook.FromPhysicalPage(33, 100);

            var context = new PageCacheContext(ScreenWidth, library);

            var policy = new PagePrefetchAndRetainPolicy()
                Retain_InCurrentBookBefore = 2,
                Retain_InCurrentBookAfter = 7,
                Retain_Initial = 3

            var keys = policy.PrefetchKeyOrder(context);
            AssertMustRetainAllKeys(keys, policy, context);

            // current, 2 x after, 1 x before..., initial
                new int[] { 33, 34, 35, 32, 36, 37, 31, 38, 39, 40, 1, 2, 3 },
                keys.Select(x => x.PageNum));
        public void Prefetch_CurrentPageBefore()
            var library = GetLibrary(1);
            Book book = library.Books[0];
            library.CurrentBook = book;
            book.CurrentPosition = PositionInBook.FromPhysicalPage(33, 100);

            var context = new PageCacheContext(ScreenWidth, library);

            var policy = new PagePrefetchAndRetainPolicy()
                Retain_InCurrentBookBefore = 10

            var keys = policy.PrefetchKeyOrder(context);
            AssertMustRetainAllKeys(keys, policy, context);

            // Note that current page is added to the total, so 11 items, not 10
                LinqExtensions.IntRange(33-10, 11).Reverse(), 
                keys.Select(x => x.PageNum));