Beispiel #1
 public void NestedEachLoopsTest()
     var pageList = new PageListModel()
     Items = new List<PageModel>()
       new PageModel() {Title = "A", Headline="B" },
       new PageModel() {Title = "C", Headline="D" },
       new PageModel() {Title = "E", Headline="F" }
       ShouldRender("NestedEachLoopsTest1", pageList, "ABCDEF");
       ShouldRender("NestedEachLoopsTest2", pageList, "ACE");
       ShouldRender("NestedEachLoopsTest3", pageList, "BDF");
       ShouldRender("NestedEachLoopsTest4", pageList, "AB");
       ShouldRender("NestedEachLoopsTest5", pageList, "A");
       ShouldRender("NestedEachLoopsTest6", pageList, "00A1B10C1D20E1F");
        public override ActionResult Index(PageListBlock currentBlock)
            var pages = FindPages(currentBlock);

            pages = Sort(pages, currentBlock.SortOrder);

            if (currentBlock.Count > 0)
                pages = pages.Take(currentBlock.Count);

            var model = new PageListModel(currentBlock)
                Pages = pages

            ViewData.GetEditHints <PageListModel, PageListBlock>()
            .AddConnection(x => x.Heading, x => x.Heading);

Beispiel #3
        public ActionResult GrantPermission(PageListModel model)
            //3x3 me first number pagename id and second number is roleId
            var s    = new Dictionary <int, string>();
            var role = Services.RoleService.GetAll();

            //var role = db.Result<List<RoleModel>>("api/role/getAllForPagePermission?companyId=" + CompanyId, "", db.get);

            s = Processing(model, role);

            var list = new List <PagePermissionModel>();

            foreach (var first in role)
                foreach (var second in s)
                    if (first.Id == second.Key)
                        var ls = second.Value.Split('#');
                        foreach (var i in ls)
                            var newmodel = new PagePermissionModel();
                            if (i != "")
                                newmodel.RoleId      = first.Id;
                                newmodel.PageId      = Int32.Parse(i);
                                newmodel.IsActive    = true;
                                newmodel.IsAdminPage = model.IsAdminPage;
                                newmodel.PageAction  = newmodel.RoleId.ToString() + "x" + newmodel.PageId.ToString();
            // var model1 = db.Result<List<CompanyPageModel>>("api/role/setGrantPermission?companyId=" + CompanyId, list,;
            //   TempData["Success"] = msg.Success;
            return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Role"));
        public PagedListData <List <SysLoginLog> > GetListByQuery(QueryLoginLogModel query)
            var model = new PageListModel()
                WithColumn = @"[Id]
                WithWhere  = " 1=1",
                LeftColumn = string.Empty,
                LeftJoin   = string.Empty,

            var pageSearch = new PageSearch()
                OrderBy   = " LogDate desc",
                PageIndex = query.PageIndex,
                PageSize  = query.PageSize,
                Where     = query.Where

            return(this.PagedListQuery(model, pageSearch));
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Page Action Result
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult Pages(int?page, int?sortColumnIndex, int?sortDirection)
            PageListModel    model       = new PageListModel();
            SearchAttributes searchParam = new SearchAttributes();

            searchParam.CurrentPageNumber = (page.HasValue && page.Value > 0) ? page.Value : 1;
            searchParam.RecordsPerPage    = AppSettingsUtility.GetInt(AppSettingsKeys.RecordsPerPage);
            searchParam.SortColumnIndex   = 1;
            searchParam.SortDirection     = (sortDirection.HasValue && sortDirection.Value == 1) ? Entity.SortDirection.Descending : Entity.SortDirection.Ascending;


            //for Ajax Specific Request
            if (Request.IsAjaxRequest())
                return(View("~/Views/Shared/PartialViews/Admin/Page/_PageList.cshtml", model));
                return(View("~/Views/Admin/Page/PageList.cshtml", model));
Beispiel #6
        public async Task <IActionResult> Index(ProductAttributeFilterModel filter)
            var productAttributePageList = await _productAttributeService.GetAsync(new ProductAttributeFilter
                Page            = filter.Page,
                PageSize        = _pagerOptions.PageSize,
                Keyword         = filter.Search,
                CanGetInactived = true,
                StatusId        = filter.StatusId

            var productAttributes = productAttributePageList.Collections.Select(x => new ProductAttributeModel
                Id          = x.Id,
                Description = x.Description,
                Name        = x.Name,
                CreatedById = x.CreatedById,
                UpdatedById = x.UpdatedById,
                CreatedDate = x.CreatedDate,
                UpdatedDate = x.UpdatedDate,
                StatusId    = (ProductAttributeStatus)x.StatusId,
                UpdatedBy   = x.UpdatedBy,
                CreatedBy   = x.CreatedBy

            var productAttributePage = new PageListModel <ProductAttributeModel>(productAttributes)
                Filter      = filter,
                TotalPage   = productAttributePageList.TotalPage,
                TotalResult = productAttributePageList.TotalResult

            if (_httpHelper.IsAjaxRequest(Request))
                return(PartialView("Partial/_ProductAttributeTable", productAttributePage));

        public async Task <IActionResult> Index(ShortcutFilterModel filter)
            var shortcutPageList = await _shortcutService.GetAsync(new ShortcutFilter
                Page            = filter.Page,
                PageSize        = _pagerOptions.PageSize,
                Keyword         = filter.Search,
                TypeId          = filter.TypeId,
                CanGetInactived = true,
                StatusId        = filter.StatusId

            var shortcuts = shortcutPageList.Collections.Select(x => new ShortcutModel
                Description = x.Description,
                Id          = x.Id,
                Name        = x.Name,
                Icon        = x.Icon,
                TypeId      = (ShortcutType)x.TypeId,
                Url         = x.Url,
                Order       = x.Order,
                StatusId    = (ShortcutStatus)x.StatusId,
            var shortcutPage = new PageListModel <ShortcutModel>(shortcuts)
                Filter      = filter,
                TotalPage   = shortcutPageList.TotalPage,
                TotalResult = shortcutPageList.TotalResult

            if (_httpHelper.IsAjaxRequest(Request))
                return(PartialView("Partial/_ShortcutTable", shortcutPage));

        public async Task <IActionResult> Index(RoleFilterModel filter)
            var rolePageList = await _roleService.GetAsync(new RoleFilter
                Page     = filter.Page,
                PageSize = _pagerOptions.PageSize,
                Keyword  = filter.Search

            var roleModels = rolePageList.Collections.Select(x => new RoleModel
                CreatedById   = x.CreatedById,
                CreatedByName = x.CreatedByName,
                CreatedDate   = x.CreatedDate,
                UpdatedById   = x.UpdatedById,
                UpdatedDate   = x.UpdatedDate,
                UpdatedByName = x.UpdatedByName,
                Description   = x.Description,
                Id            = x.Id,
                Name          = x.Name

            var rolePage = new PageListModel <RoleModel>(roleModels)
                Filter      = filter,
                TotalPage   = rolePageList.TotalPage,
                TotalResult = rolePageList.TotalResult

            if (_httpHelper.IsAjaxRequest(Request))
                return(PartialView("_RoleTable", rolePage));

Beispiel #9
 public ActionResult PageList()
     return(View("PageList", PageListModel.Get()));
 public void FilterByPageList()
     PageListModel <UserEntity> page = new PageListModel <UserEntity>();
     var res = UserService.Instance.Filter(page);
Beispiel #11
 public virtual PageListModel <T> Filter(PageListModel <T> info)
Beispiel #12
        public PageListModel <UserEntity> GetAll([FromQuery] PageListModel <UserEntity> info)
            var res = UserService.Instance.Filter(info);

Beispiel #13
        /// <summary>
        ///     分页
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
        /// <param name="info"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public PageListModel <T> Filter <T>(PageListModel <T> info)
            using (var db = new SqlConnection(ConnectionStr)) {
                var sqlCount = new StringBuilder();
                sqlCount.Append("SELECT count(1) FROM " + info.Table);
                var sql = new StringBuilder();
                sql.Append("SELECT " + info.Field + " FROM " + info.Table);
                var where = new StringBuilder();
                if (!info.WhereCol.IsStringEmpty() && !info.WhereVal.IsStringEmpty())
                    var fildn = info.WhereCol.Trim().ToLower();
                    if (fildn.Contains("."))
                        fildn = fildn.Split('.')[1];
                    info.WhereVal = info.WhereVal.Trim();
                    switch (info.WhereCon)
                    case "0":
                        where.Append(" AND " + info.WhereCol.EvalSqlString() + "='" + info.WhereVal.EvalSqlString() + "'");

                    case "1":
                        where.Append(" AND " + info.WhereCol.EvalSqlString() + " LIKE '%" + info.WhereVal.EvalSqlString() + "%' ");

                    case "2":
                        where.Append(" AND " + info.WhereCol.EvalSqlString() + " LIKE '" + info.WhereVal + "%'");

                    case "3":
                        where.Append(" AND " + info.WhereCol.EvalSqlString() + " LIKE '%" + info.WhereVal + "'");

                    case "4":
                        where.Append(" AND " + info.WhereCol.EvalSqlString() + " NOT LIKE '%" + info.WhereVal.EvalSqlString() + "%' ");

                    case "5":
                        where.Append(" AND " + info.WhereCol.EvalSqlString() + ">'" + info.WhereVal.EvalSqlString() + "'");

                    case "6":
                        where.Append(" AND " + info.WhereCol.EvalSqlString() + ">='" + info.WhereVal.EvalSqlString() + "'");

                    case "7":
                        where.Append(" AND " + info.WhereCol.EvalSqlString() + "<'" + info.WhereVal.EvalSqlString() + "'");

                    case "8":
                        where.Append(" AND " + info.WhereCol.EvalSqlString() + "<='" + info.WhereVal.EvalSqlString() + "'");

                    case "9":
                        where.Append(" AND " + info.WhereCol.EvalSqlString() + " BETWEEN '" + info.WhereVal.EvalSqlString() + "' AND '" + info.WhereVal1.EvalSqlString() + "'");

                if (info.PageIndex == 0)
                    info.PageIndex = 1;
                if (!info.WhereStr.IsStringEmpty())
                    where.Append(" AND " + info.WhereStr);
                var tempWhere = where.ToString().Trim().TrimStart("AND".ToCharArray());
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tempWhere))
                    sqlCount.Append(" WHERE " + tempWhere);
                    sql.Append(" WHERE " + tempWhere);
                if (!info.GroupBy.IsStringEmpty())
                    sql.Append(" GROUP BY " + info.GroupBy);
                if (info.IsGetCount)
                    info.Count = !info.GroupBy.IsStringEmpty() ? db.ExecuteScalar <int>(string.Format("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM({0})as tmp", sql.ToString())) : db.ExecuteScalar <int>(sqlCount.ToString(), info);
                if (info.OrderBy.IsStringEmpty())
                    if (!info.Order.IsStringEmpty() && !info.Sort.IsStringEmpty())
                        info.OrderBy = info.Sort + " " + info.Order;
                        info.OrderBy = info.Primary + " DESC";
                sql.Append(" ORDER BY  " + info.OrderBy);
                if (info.IsPage)
                    info.PageCount = info.PageSize == 0 ? 0 : Math.Ceiling(info.Count.ToDecimal() / info.PageSize.ToDecimal()).ToInt();
                    sql.Append(" OFFSET @Offset ROWS FETCH NEXT @Limit ROWS ONLY ");
                    if (info.Offset.ToInt() <= 0)
                        info.Offset = (info.PageIndex - 1) * info.PageSize;
                    if (info.Limit.ToInt() <= 0)
                        info.Limit = info.PageSize;
                var s = sql.ToString();
                info.List = db.Query <T>(sql.ToString(), info).ToList();
Beispiel #14
        public async Task <ActionResult> Configure(string id)
            ActionResult result = null;

            if (id.Equals("Users", System.StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                var model = new UserListModel();

                (await Users.GetUsers()).ForEach(i =>
                    model.Users.Add(new UserModel()
                        Enabled   = i.Enabled,
                        Name      = i.Name,
                        FirstName = i.FirstName,
                        LastName  = i.LastName,
                        Username  = i.Username,
                        Email     = i.Email,
                        Role      = i.Role,
                        Gravatar  = i.Gravatar,
                        Theme     = i.Theme

                (await Roles.GetRoles()).ForEach(i =>
                    model.Roles.Add(new RoleModel()
                        Name    = i.Name,
                        Builtin = i.Builtin

                result = View("Users", model);

            if (id.Equals("Roles", System.StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                var model = new RoleListModel();

                (await Roles.GetRoles()).ForEach(i =>
                    model.Roles.Add(new RoleModel()
                        Name    = i.Name,
                        Builtin = i.Builtin

                result = View("Roles", model);

            if (id.Equals("Pages", System.StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                var model = new PageListModel();

                (await Pages.GetPages()).ForEach(i =>
                    model.Pages.Add(new PageModel()
                        Group       = i.Group,
                        Name        = i.Name,
                        Url         = i.Url,
                        AbsoluteUrl = string.Format("{0}://{1}:{2}{3}", Request.Url.Scheme, Request.Url.Host, Request.Url.Port, i.Url.Replace("/", "/?"))

                result = View("Pages", model);

            if (id.Equals("Groups", System.StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                var model = new GroupListModel();

                (await Groups.GetGroups()).ForEach(i =>
                    model.Groups.Add(new GroupModel()
                        Name    = i.Name,
                        Builtin = i.Builtin

                result = View("Groups", model);

            if (id.Equals("Authorization", System.StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                var model = new PolicyListModel();

                (await Roles.GetRoles()).ForEach(i =>
                    model.Roles.Add(new RoleModel()
                        Name    = i.Name,
                        Builtin = i.Builtin

                (await Groups.GetGroups()).ForEach(i =>
                    model.Groups.Add(new GroupModel()
                        Name    = i.Name,
                        Builtin = i.Builtin

                (await Policies.GetPolicies()).ForEach(i =>
                    model.Policies.Add(new PolicyModel()
                        Role   = i.Role,
                        Group  = i.Group,
                        Effect = i.Effect ? "ALLOW" : "DENY"

                result = View("Authorization", model);

Beispiel #15
 public async Task <IViewComponentResult> InvokeAsync(PageListModel paging)
     return(await Task.FromResult(View(paging)));