Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes bytes received from client
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bytes">Bytes to process and react to.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns true on success, false on failure (with error in Error property)</returns>
        public bool Process(MemoryStream stream, NetworkStream connection)
            if (State == SOCKS5States.Disconnected)
                // SOCKS5 HANDSHAKE
                var packet = new SOCKS5.PacketHandshake(stream);

                if (packet.METHODS != 0x0)
                    throw new UDProxyException("Authentication is not yet supported!", new NotImplementedException());

                UDProxy.DebugInfo("SOCKS5", "Responding to handshake request");
                if ( Respond(new PacketReplyHandshake(), connection) )
                    State = SOCKS5States.Connected;
                    return true;
            else if (State == SOCKS5States.Connected)
                // SOCKS5 Connection Requests
                // We're connected, so we're dealing with requests
                var packet = new SOCKS5.PacketRequest(stream);
                PacketReplyRequest reply = new PacketReplyRequest(packet);

                // Set our client's remote endpoint expected port to the one it's given us
                // Weird type casting is nessecary for safe translation
                MyClient.Port = (int)BitConverter.ToUInt16(packet.PORT, 0);

                // It's not ok :(
                if (reply.REP != SOCKS5Protocol.REP.OK)
                    Respond(reply, connection);
                    return false;

                switch (packet.CMD)
                    case SOCKS5Protocol.CMD.BIND:
                        throw new UDProxyException("CMD BIND not yet supported!");
                    case SOCKS5Protocol.CMD.CONNECT:
                        throw new UDProxyException("CMD CONNECT not yet supported!");
                    case SOCKS5Protocol.CMD.UDP_ASSOC:
                        UDPConnection.TryBegin(ref reply, MyClient);
                        Respond(reply, connection);

                throw new UDProxyException("Unknown error (unimplemented function?)");

            return false;
Beispiel #2
        public static void TryBegin(ref PacketReplyRequest reply, IPEndPoint client)
            // Housekeeping
            if (MyThread != null)

            if (MyUDP != null)

            TotalUp   = 0;
            TotalDown = 0;

                // Set our client's expected IP and Port from SOCKS5
                MyClient = client;

                if (MyClient.Port == 0)
                    DebugWarn("Client's port is 0, going to have to guess source port (normal with V2/V3 viewers).");
                    hasClientPort = false;

                // Get target's IP and ports from config (less lag)
                ExternalIP  = (IPAddress)UDProxy.gConfiguration.Config["MyExternalIP"];
                TargetIP    = (IPAddress)UDProxy.gConfiguration.Config["TargetIP"];
                TargetPorts = (List <ushort>)UDProxy.gConfiguration.Config["TargetPorts"];

                MyUDP = new UdpClient((ushort)UDProxy.gConfiguration.Config["ListenPort"]);

                MyUDP.DontFragment    = true;
                MyUDP.EnableBroadcast = true;

                MyThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(StreamLoop));
            catch (SocketException e)
                reply.REP = SOCKS5Protocol.REP.GENERAL_FAILURE;
                throw new UDProxyException("Socket failure: " + e.Message);

            DebugInfo("UDP Endpoint has been set up.");
Beispiel #3
        public static void TryBegin(ref PacketReplyRequest reply, IPEndPoint client)
            // Housekeeping
            if (MyThread != null)

            if (MyUDP != null)

            TotalUp = 0;
            TotalDown = 0;

                // Set our client's expected IP and Port from SOCKS5
                MyClient = client;

                if (MyClient.Port == 0)
                    DebugWarn("Client's port is 0, going to have to guess source port (normal with V2/V3 viewers).");
                    hasClientPort = false;

                // Get target's IP and ports from config (less lag)
                ExternalIP = (IPAddress)UDProxy.gConfiguration.Config["MyExternalIP"];
                TargetIP = (IPAddress)UDProxy.gConfiguration.Config["TargetIP"];
                TargetPorts = (List<ushort>)UDProxy.gConfiguration.Config["TargetPorts"];

                MyUDP = new UdpClient( (ushort)UDProxy.gConfiguration.Config["ListenPort"] );

                MyUDP.DontFragment = true;
                MyUDP.EnableBroadcast = true;

                MyThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(StreamLoop));
            catch (SocketException e)
                reply.REP = SOCKS5Protocol.REP.GENERAL_FAILURE;
                throw new UDProxyException("Socket failure: " + e.Message);

            DebugInfo("UDP Endpoint has been set up.");