private PackageInstallationInfo BuildPackageInfo(string updatePackageFilename)
            PackageInstallationInfo installationInfo = new PackageInstallationInfo
                Action = UpgradeAction.Upgrade,
                Mode   = InstallMode.Install,
                Path   = updatePackageFilename,

        public static void SetProcessingMode(this PackageInstallationInfo info)
            var prop = info.GetType().GetProperty("ProcessingMode", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);

            if (prop == null || !prop.CanWrite)
                //Pre Sitecore 8.2 Update 2 Versions have no such property

            // ProcessingMode.All = 2147483647
            prop.SetValue(info, 2147483647);
 private PackageInstallationInfo GetInstallationInfo(string packagePath)
     var info = new PackageInstallationInfo
         Mode = InstallMode.Install,
         Action = UpgradeAction.Upgrade,
         Path = packagePath
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.Path))
         throw new Exception("Package is not selected.");
     return info;
        private PackageInstallationInfo GetInstallationInfo(string packagePath)
            var info = new PackageInstallationInfo
                Mode   = InstallMode.Install,
                Action = UpgradeAction.Upgrade,
                Path   = packagePath

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.Path))
                throw new Exception("Package is not selected.");
        /// <summary>
        /// Installs a Sitecore Update Package.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">A path to a package that is reachable by the web server</param>
        public string InstallTdsPackage(string path)
            using (new ShutdownGuard())
                logEntries = new List <string>();
                PackageInstallationInfo installationInfo = new PackageInstallationInfo
                    Mode   = InstallMode.Update,
                    Action = UpgradeAction.Upgrade,
                    Path   = path

                string historyPath = null;
                List <ContingencyEntry> entries = null;
                    var action = (installationInfo.Action == UpgradeAction.Preview) ? "Analyzing" : "Installing";
                    this.WriteMessage($"{action} package: {installationInfo.Path}", null, Level.INFO, false);

                    entries = UpdateHelper.Install(installationInfo, this, out historyPath);
                catch (PostStepInstallerException exception)
                    entries     = exception.Entries;
                    historyPath = exception.HistoryPath;
                    foreach (var entry in entries)
                        this.WriteMessage(entry.Message, exception, Level.ERROR);
                    throw exception;
                    //UpdateHelper.SaveInstallationMessages(entries, historyPath);
        public IPackageInstallInfo Install(string path)
            var packageMetaData = UpdateHelper.LoadMetadata(path);

            if (packageMetaData == null)
                return new PackageInstallInfo
                    Error = new PackageInstallError
                        Message = "Package not found"

            var tracker = TrackerFactory.Create(packageMetaData.CommandsCount);
            var logger = LoggerFactory.Create(tracker);
            var packageInstallationInfo = new PackageInstallationInfo
                Action = Sitecore.Update.Installer.Utils.UpgradeAction.Upgrade,
                Mode = Sitecore.Update.Utils.InstallMode.Install,
                Path = path
            var historyPath = string.Empty;
            var entries = UpdateHelper.Install(packageInstallationInfo, logger, out historyPath);
            var installer = new DiffInstaller(packageInstallationInfo.Action);

            installer.ExecutePostInstallationInstructions(packageInstallationInfo.Path, historyPath, packageInstallationInfo.Mode, packageMetaData, logger, ref entries);

            ActiveTracker.Tracker = null;

            return new PackageInstallInfo
                Id = historyPath,
                CommandCount = packageMetaData.CommandsCount
        public string InstallTdsPackage(string path)
            // Use default logger
            var log = LogManager.GetLogger("root");


            using (new ShutdownGuard())
                List <string>           logEntries       = new List <string>();
                PackageInstallationInfo installationInfo = new PackageInstallationInfo {
                    Mode   = InstallMode.Update,
                    Action = UpgradeAction.Upgrade,
                    Path   = path

                string historyPath = null;
                List <ContingencyEntry> entries = null;
                    log.Info($"Installing package: {installationInfo.Path}");
                    UpdateHelper.Install(installationInfo, log, out historyPath);
                catch (PostStepInstallerException exception)
                    foreach (var entry in exception.Entries)
                    throw exception;
        /// <summary>
        /// Installs the packages found in the package source folder.
        /// </summary>
        private void InstallPackages()
            //Check to see if there is a post-step pending, and skip package install if there is
            if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(_packageSource, STARTUP_POST_STEP_PACKAGE_FILENAME)))
                Log.Info("Install packages skipped because there is a post step pending", this);


            InstallLogger installLogger = new InstallLogger(new RootLogger(Level.ALL));

            //Return if another installation is happening
            if (_installingPackage)
                Log.Info("Install packages skipped because another package is being installed.", this);


                //Block further package installs
                _installingPackage = true;

                //Find pending packages. This loop may not complete if there were binary/config changes
                foreach (string updatePackageFilename in Directory.GetFiles(_packageSource, "*.update", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly))
                    if (ShutdownDetected)
                        Log.Info("Install packages aborting dur to shutdown", this);


                    //Prevent shutdown
                    using (new ShutdownGuard())
                        PackageInstallationInfo installationInfo = new PackageInstallationInfo
                            Action = UpgradeAction.Upgrade,
                            Mode = InstallMode.Install,
                            Path = updatePackageFilename

                        string installationHistoryRoot = null;
                        List<ContingencyEntry> logMessages = new List<ContingencyEntry>();

                            //Run the installer
                            logMessages = UpdateHelper.Install(installationInfo, installLogger, out installationHistoryRoot);

                            if (_updateConfigurationFiles)

                            //Sleep for 4 seconds to see if there was a file change that could cause a problem

                            //Abort if Sitecore is shutting down. The install post steps will have to be completed later
                            if (ShutdownDetected)
                                RunPostStepsAtStartup(updatePackageFilename, installationHistoryRoot);


                                ExecutePostSteps(new PostStepDetails
                                    HistoryPath = installationHistoryRoot,
                                    PostStepPackageFilename = updatePackageFilename
                        catch (PostStepInstallerException ex)
                            logMessages = ex.Entries;
                            installationHistoryRoot = ex.HistoryPath;

                            throw ex;
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            Log.Error("Package install failed", ex, this);

                            ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback((ctx) =>
                                    //The update package may be locked because the file object hasn't been disposed. Wait for it.

                                    //I really hate this, but I couldn't find another reliable way to ensure the locked file is closed before I move it.

                                    File.Move(updatePackageFilename, updatePackageFilename + ".error_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd.hhmmss"));
                                catch(Exception ex1)
                                    Log.Error("Error moving broken package", ex1, this);

                            if (installationHistoryRoot != null)
                                //Write logs
                                installLogger.WriteMessages(Path.Combine(installationHistoryRoot, "Install.log"));

                                SaveInstallationMessages(installationHistoryRoot, logMessages);
                _installingPackage = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Installs a Sitecore Update Package.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">A path to a package that is reachable by the web server</param>
        public string InstallTdsPackage(string path)
            using (new ShutdownGuard())
                logEntries = new List<string>();
                PackageInstallationInfo installationInfo = new PackageInstallationInfo
                    Mode = InstallMode.Update,
                    Action = UpgradeAction.Upgrade,
                    Path = path

                string historyPath = null;
                List<ContingencyEntry> entries = null;
                    var action = (installationInfo.Action == UpgradeAction.Preview) ? "Analyzing" : "Installing";
                    this.WriteMessage($"{action} package: {installationInfo.Path}", null, Level.INFO, false);

                    entries = UpdateHelper.Install(installationInfo, this, out historyPath);
                catch (PostStepInstallerException exception)
                    entries = exception.Entries;
                    historyPath = exception.HistoryPath;
                    foreach (var entry in entries)
                        this.WriteMessage(entry.Message, exception, Level.ERROR);
                    throw exception;
                    //UpdateHelper.SaveInstallationMessages(entries, historyPath);
                return historyPath;
        public string InstallTdsPackage(string path)
            // Use default logger
            var log = LogManager.GetLogger("root");

            using (new ShutdownGuard())
                List<string> logEntries = new List<string>();
                PackageInstallationInfo installationInfo =  new PackageInstallationInfo {
                                                                Mode = InstallMode.Update,
                                                                Action = UpgradeAction.Upgrade,
                                                                Path = path

                string historyPath = null;
                List<ContingencyEntry> entries = null;
                    log.Info($"Installing package: {installationInfo.Path}");
                    UpdateHelper.Install(installationInfo, log, out historyPath);
                catch (PostStepInstallerException exception)
                    foreach (var entry in exception.Entries)
                    throw exception;
                return historyPath;
        public IPackageInstallInfo Install(string path)
            var packageMetaData = UpdateHelper.LoadMetadata(path);

            if (packageMetaData == null)
                return(new PackageInstallInfo
                    Error = new PackageInstallError
                        Message = "Package not found"

            var tracker = TrackerFactory.Create(packageMetaData.CommandsCount);
            var logger  = LoggerFactory.Create(tracker);

                logger.Info(string.Format("Beginning update package installation: {0}", path));

                var packageInstallationInfo = new PackageInstallationInfo
                    Action = Sitecore.Update.Installer.Utils.UpgradeAction.Upgrade,
                    Mode   = Sitecore.Update.Utils.InstallMode.Install,
                    Path   = path
                var historyPath = string.Empty;
                var entries     = UpdateHelper.Install(packageInstallationInfo, logger, out historyPath);
                var installer   = new DiffInstaller(packageInstallationInfo.Action);

                using (new SecurityDisabler())
                    installer.ExecutePostInstallationInstructions(packageInstallationInfo.Path, historyPath,
                                                                  packageInstallationInfo.Mode, packageMetaData, logger, ref entries);

                ActiveTracker.Tracker = null;

                logger.Info(string.Format("Completed update package installation: {0}", path));

                return(new PackageInstallInfo
                    Id = historyPath,
                    CommandCount = packageMetaData.CommandsCount
            catch (ThreadAbortException ex)
                logger.Error("Update package installation failed.  The application's execution timeout may have been exceeded.  Update /configuration/system.web/httpRuntime/@executionTimeout to increase the timeout.", ex);

                return(new PackageInstallInfo
                    Error = new PackageInstallError
                        Message = "Installation failed.  The application's execution timeout may have been exceeded.  Check the Sitecore log for details."
            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.Error(string.Format("Update package installation failed: {0}", path), ex);

                return(new PackageInstallInfo
                    Error = new PackageInstallError
                        Message = "Installation failed.  Check the Sitecore log for details."
                ActiveTracker.Tracker = null;