public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer) { JObject joe = JObject.Load(reader); var type = joe["type"].Value <string>(); Node node; if (type == "request") { node = new RequestNode(); } else if (type == "pack") { node = new PackNode(); } else if (type == "script") { node = new ScriptNode(); } else { throw new ZealotException("Could not deserialize node, unknown type"); } serializer.Populate(joe.CreateReader(), node); return(node); }
public void Process(ProcessPaymentEvent e, PackNode pack, [JoinAll] Optional <SelectedMethodNode> methodNodeOptional) { long amount = pack.xCrystalsPack.Amount; if (!pack.Entity.HasComponent <SpecialOfferComponent>()) { amount = (long)Math.Round((double)(pack.goods.SaleState.AmountMultiplier * amount)); } e.TotalAmount = amount + pack.xCrystalsPack.Bonus; }
void UnityPack () { Texture2D[] texs = new Texture2D[nodes.Count]; Rect[] rects = new Rect[nodes.Count]; packedFontMap = new Texture2D( 1, 1 ); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Count; i++) { texs[i] = new Texture2D( (int) nodes[i].rect.width, (int) nodes[i].rect.height ); texs[i].SetPixels( fontMap.GetPixels( (int) nodes[i].rect.x, (int) nodes[i].rect.y, (int) nodes[i].rect.width, (int) nodes[i].rect.height ) ); } rects = packedFontMap.PackTextures( texs, packBuffer ); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Count; i++) { PackNode newNode = new PackNode( startPackNodeList[i] ); newNode.ResultRect = rects[i]; resultPackNodeList.Add( newNode ); } byte[] bytes = packedFontMap.EncodeToPNG(); System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes( packedfontMapPath, bytes ); CharacterInfo[] OutCharacterInfo = new CharacterInfo[nodes.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < resultPackNodeList.Count; i++) { Rect newUvRect = resultPackNodeList[i].ResultRect; if (resultPackNodeList[i].SameOrient) { if (resultPackNodeList[i].CI.flipped) { newUvRect.y = newUvRect.y + newUvRect.height; newUvRect.height = newUvRect.height * -1; } else { //The rect hasnt been rotated, and wasnt originally flipped anyway. } } else { if (resultPackNodeList[i].CI.flipped) { resultPackNodeList[i].CI.flipped = false; } else { newUvRect.y = newUvRect.y + newUvRect.height; newUvRect.height = newUvRect.height * -1; resultPackNodeList[i].CI.flipped = true; resultPackNodeList[i].CI.vert.width = resultPackNodeList[i].ResultRect.height; resultPackNodeList[i].CI.vert.height = resultPackNodeList[i].ResultRect.width * -1; } } resultPackNodeList[i].CI.uv = newUvRect; OutCharacterInfo[resultPackNodeList[i].CIIndex] = resultPackNodeList[i].CI; } packedFont.characterInfo = OutCharacterInfo; EditorUtility.SetDirty( packedFont ); EditorApplication.SaveAssets(); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); packedFont.material.mainTexture = (Texture2D) AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath( packedfontMapPath, typeof( Texture2D ) ); Debug.Log( "Pack Complete, Result texture size: " + packedFontMap.width + "x" + packedFontMap.height + " = " + packedFontMap.width * packedFontMap.height + " Pixels" ); Debug.Log( "Pack fits inside " + packMaxSizeX + "x" + packMaxSizeY + " = " + packMaxSizeX * packMaxSizeY + " Pixels, and contains " + resultPackNodeList.Count + " characters" ); }
public void UpdatePack(GoodsChangedEvent e, PackNode pack, [JoinAll] SingleNode <ShopXCrystalsComponent> shop) { shop.component.UpdatePackage(pack.Entity); }
//get the top rect from the heap void GetFromHeap () { getPackNode = startPackNodeList[0]; startPackNodeList[0] = startPackNodeList[startPackNodeList.Count - 1]; startPackNodeList.RemoveAt( startPackNodeList.Count - 1 ); CheckBelow( 0 ); }
//Start the Rect Packer according to the selected gui buttons void BeginPack () { System.DateTime TimeA = System.DateTime.Now; packComplete = false; if (packedFont == null) { packedFont = new Font(); string path = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath( font ); path = path.Insert( path.IndexOf( ".fontsettings" ), "(Packed)" ); AssetDatabase.CreateAsset( packedFont, path ); SerializedObject SO = new SerializedObject( packedFont ); SerializedProperty p = SO.FindProperty( "m_LineSpacing" ); p.floatValue = font.lineHeight; SO.ApplyModifiedProperties(); Material fontMaterial = new Material( defaultShader ); path = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath( font.material ); path = path.Insert( path.IndexOf( ".mat" ), "(Packed)" ); AssetDatabase.CreateAsset( fontMaterial, path ); packedFont.material = fontMaterial; packedfontMapPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath( fontMap ); packedfontMapPath = packedfontMapPath.Insert( packedfontMapPath.LastIndexOf( "." ), "(Packed)" ); } startPackNodeList = new List<PackNode>(); resultPackNodeList = new List<PackNode>(); anchors = new List<Vector2>(); partitions = new List<Rect>(); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Count; i++) { PackNode newNode = new PackNode(); newNode.CIIndex = i; if (nodes[i].ch == " ") { font.characterInfo[i].vert = new Rect( 0, 0, 1, 1 ); nodes[i].rect.width = 1; nodes[i].rect.height = 1; } newNode.CI = font.characterInfo[i]; newNode.StartRect = nodes[i].rect; newNode.ResultRect = newNode.StartRect; newNode.ResultRect.width += packBuffer; newNode.ResultRect.height += packBuffer; startPackNodeList.Add( newNode ); } int Total = 0; for (int i = 0; i < startPackNodeList.Count; i++) { Total += (int) (startPackNodeList[i].ResultRect.width * startPackNodeList[i].ResultRect.height); } Total = (int) Mathf.Sqrt( Total ); Total = NearestPOT( Total ); packSizeX = packSizeY = Total; for (int i = 0; i < startPackNodeList.Count; i++) { //Sort rects according to toolbar choice switch (packSort) { case 0: startPackNodeList[i].Height = startPackNodeList[i].ResultRect.height; break; case 1: startPackNodeList[i].Height = startPackNodeList[i].ResultRect.width; startPackNodeList[i].ResultRect = new Rect( startPackNodeList[i].ResultRect.x, startPackNodeList[i].ResultRect.y, startPackNodeList[i].ResultRect.height, startPackNodeList[i].ResultRect.width ); startPackNodeList[i].SameOrient = !startPackNodeList[i].SameOrient; break; case 2: if (startPackNodeList[i].ResultRect.height > startPackNodeList[i].ResultRect.width) { startPackNodeList[i].Height = startPackNodeList[i].ResultRect.height; } else { startPackNodeList[i].Height = startPackNodeList[i].ResultRect.width; startPackNodeList[i].ResultRect = new Rect( startPackNodeList[i].ResultRect.x, startPackNodeList[i].ResultRect.y, startPackNodeList[i].ResultRect.height, startPackNodeList[i].ResultRect.width ); startPackNodeList[i].SameOrient = !startPackNodeList[i].SameOrient; } break; case 3: if (startPackNodeList[i].ResultRect.height > startPackNodeList[i].ResultRect.width) { startPackNodeList[i].Height = startPackNodeList[i].ResultRect.width; startPackNodeList[i].ResultRect = new Rect( startPackNodeList[i].ResultRect.x, startPackNodeList[i].ResultRect.y, startPackNodeList[i].ResultRect.height, startPackNodeList[i].ResultRect.width ); startPackNodeList[i].SameOrient = !startPackNodeList[i].SameOrient; } else { startPackNodeList[i].Height = startPackNodeList[i].ResultRect.height; } break; } } if (packMethod != 4) { for (int i = startPackNodeList.Count - 1; i > 0; i--) { CheckAbove( i ); } } switch (packMethod) { //Pack rects according to toolbar choice case 0: SimplePack(); break; case 1: SwitchbackPack(); break; case 2: PartitionPack(); break; case 3: AnchorPack(); break; case 4: UnityPack(); break; } if (packMethod != 4) DrawResult( resultPackNodeList ); packComplete = true; ViewReset(); System.TimeSpan TimeB = System.DateTime.Now - TimeA; Debug.Log( "Time taken: " + string.Format( "{0:ss ffffff}", TimeB ) ); }
public PackNode ( PackNode f ) { this.CI = f.CI; this.CIIndex = f.CIIndex; this.StartRect = f.StartRect; this.ResultRect = f.ResultRect; this.Height = f.Height; this.SameOrient = f.SameOrient; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Desc: // ------------------------------------------------------------------ public static void TreePack( List<Element> _elements, int _atlasWidth, int _atlasHeight, int _padding, bool _allowRotate ) { PackNode root = new PackNode( new Rect( 0, 0, _atlasWidth, _atlasHeight ) ); foreach ( Element el in _elements ) { Vector2? pos = root.Insert (el, _padding, _allowRotate); if (pos != null) { el.x = (int)pos.Value.x; el.y = (int)pos.Value.y; } else { // log warning but continue processing other elements throw new LayoutException( "Failed to layout atlas element " + ); } } }
public Vector2? Insert( Element _el, int _padding, bool _allowRotate ) { // when this node is already occupied (when it has children), // forward to child nodes recursively if (right != null) { Vector2? pos = right.Insert(_el, _padding, _allowRotate); if (pos != null) return pos; return bottom.Insert(_el, _padding, _allowRotate); } // determine trimmed and padded sizes float elWidth = _el.rotatedWidth; float elHeight = _el.rotatedHeight; float paddedWidth = elWidth + _padding; float paddedHeight = elHeight + _padding; // trimmed element size must fit within current node rect if ( elWidth > rect.width || elHeight > rect.height ) { if ( _allowRotate == false ) return null; if ( elHeight > rect.width || elWidth > rect.height ) { return null; } else { _el.rotated = !_el.rotated; elWidth = _el.rotatedWidth; elHeight = _el.rotatedHeight; paddedWidth = elWidth + _padding; paddedHeight = elHeight + _padding; } } // create first child node in remaining space to the right, using elHeight // so that only other elements with the same height or less can be added there // (we do not use paddedHeight, because the padding area is reserved and should // never be occupied) right = new PackNode( new Rect ( rect.x + paddedWidth, rect.y, rect.width - paddedWidth, elHeight ) ); // create second child node in remaining space at the bottom, occupying the entire width bottom = new PackNode( new Rect ( rect.x, rect.y + paddedHeight, rect.width, rect.height - paddedHeight ) ); // return position where to put element return new Vector2( rect.x, rect.y ); }