public static void VerifyFinPeriod <fieldPeriod, fieldClosed>(PXGraph graph, PXCache cache, object row, PXSelectBase <FinPeriod> finperiod) where fieldPeriod : class, IBqlField where fieldClosed : class, IBqlField { if (finperiod.Current != null) { GLSetup glsetup = PXSetup <GLSetup> .Select(graph); object isClosed = finperiod.Cache.GetValue <fieldClosed>(finperiod.Current); if (finperiod.Current.Active != true || isClosed.Equals(true) && glsetup != null && glsetup.PostClosedPeriods != true) { BqlCommand select = BqlCommand.CreateInstance(typeof(Select <FinPeriod, Where <, Equal <True>, And <FinPeriod.finPeriodID, Greater <Required <FinPeriod.finPeriodID> > > >, OrderBy <Asc <FinPeriod.finPeriodID> > >)) .WhereAnd(BqlCommand.Compose(typeof(Where <,>), typeof(fieldClosed), typeof(NotEqual <True>))); object docPeriod = cache.GetValue <fieldPeriod>(row); FinPeriod firstopen = new PXView(graph, false, select).SelectSingle(docPeriod) as FinPeriod; if (firstopen == null) { string userPeriod = Mask.Format("##-####", finperiod.Cache.GetValueExt <FinPeriod.finPeriodID>(finperiod.Current).ToString()); throw new PXSetPropertyException(GL.Messages.NoActivePeriodAfter, userPeriod); } cache.SetValue <fieldPeriod>(row, firstopen.FinPeriodID); } } }
protected override Type GetSelect(PXCache sender) { POSetup posetup = PXSetup <POSetup> .Select(sender.Graph); if (posetup.AddServicesFromNormalPOtoPR == true && posetup.AddServicesFromDSPOtoPR != true) { return(typeof(Select <POLine, Where <POLine.lineType, NotEqual <POLineType.service>, Or <POLine.orderType, Equal <POOrderType.regularOrder> > > >)); } else if (posetup.AddServicesFromNormalPOtoPR != true && posetup.AddServicesFromDSPOtoPR == true) { return(typeof(Select <POLine, Where <POLine.lineType, NotEqual <POLineType.service>, Or <POLine.orderType, Equal <POOrderType.dropShip> > > >)); } else if (posetup.AddServicesFromNormalPOtoPR == true && posetup.AddServicesFromDSPOtoPR == true) { return(typeof(Select <POLine, Where <POLine.lineType, NotEqual <POLineType.service>, Or <POLine.orderType, Equal <POOrderType.regularOrder>, Or <POLine.orderType, Equal <POOrderType.dropShip> > > > >)); } else { return(typeof(Select <POLine, Where <POLine.lineType, NotEqual <POLineType.service> > >)); } }
/// <summary> /// Try to get the appropriate ServiceOrderType from this sources: /// a. <c>FSServiceOrder</c> /// b. <c>FSWrkProcessRow</c> /// c. <c>FSSetup</c> /// </summary> /// <param name="fsWrkProcessRow"><c>FSWrkProcess</c> row.</param> /// <param name="fsServiceOrderRow">FSServiceOrder row.</param> private string GetSrvOrdType(FSWrkProcess fsWrkProcessRow, FSServiceOrder fsServiceOrderRow) { // a) Try to retrieve the ServiceOrderType from the ServiceOrder row if (fsWrkProcessRow.SOID != null && fsServiceOrderRow != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(fsServiceOrderRow.SrvOrdType)) { return(fsServiceOrderRow.SrvOrdType); } // b) Try to retrieve the ServiceOrderType from the WrkProcess row if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fsWrkProcessRow.SrvOrdType) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fsWrkProcessRow.SrvOrdType)) { return(fsWrkProcessRow.SrvOrdType); } // c) Try to retrieve the Default ServiceOrderType from the Setup row FSSetup fsSetupRow = PXSetup <FSSetup> .Select(this); if (fsSetupRow != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(fsSetupRow.DfltSrvOrdType)) { return(fsSetupRow.DfltSrvOrdType); } return(null); }
public static void Update(PXGraph graph, int?vendorID, int?vendorLocationID, string curyID, int?inventoryID, int?subItemID, string uom, decimal curyCost) { if (curyCost <= 0 || string.IsNullOrEmpty(uom) || vendorID == null || vendorLocationID == null) { return; } PXCache cache = graph.Caches[typeof(POVendorInventoryPriceUpdate)]; foreach (PXResult <InventoryItem, Vendor, Company> r in PXSelectJoin <InventoryItem, LeftJoin <Vendor, On <Vendor.bAccountID, Equal <Required <Vendor.bAccountID> > >, CrossJoin <Company> >, Where <InventoryItem.inventoryID, Equal <Required <InventoryItem.inventoryID> > > > . Select(graph, vendorID, inventoryID)) { InventoryItem item = r; Vendor vendor = r; Company company = r; if (item.InventoryID == null || vendor.BAccountID == null || (item.StkItem == true && subItemID == null)) { continue; } INSetup setup = new PXSetup <INSetup>(graph).Current; int?savedSubItemID = item.StkItem == true ? subItemID : null; POVendorInventory existVendorPrice = PXSelectReadonly <POVendorInventory, Where <POVendorInventory.inventoryID, Equal <Required <POVendorInventory.inventoryID> >, And <POVendorInventory.subItemID, Equal <Required <POVendorInventory.subItemID> >, And <POVendorInventory.purchaseUnit, Equal <Required <POVendorInventory.purchaseUnit> >, And <POVendorInventory.vendorID, Equal <Required <POVendorInventory.vendorID> >, And <POVendorInventory.vendorLocationID, Equal <Required <POVendorInventory.vendorLocationID> > > > > > > > .SelectWindowed(graph, 0, 1, item.InventoryID, savedSubItemID, uom, vendorID, vendorLocationID); string priceCuryID = (existVendorPrice != null ? existVendorPrice.CuryID : vendor.CuryID) ?? company.BaseCuryID; POVendorInventoryPriceUpdate vendorPrice = (POVendorInventoryPriceUpdate)cache.CreateInstance(); vendorPrice.InventoryID = inventoryID; vendorPrice.SubItemID = savedSubItemID; vendorPrice.VendorID = vendorID; vendorPrice.VendorLocationID = vendorLocationID; vendorPrice.PurchaseUnit = uom; vendorPrice = (POVendorInventoryPriceUpdate)cache.Insert(vendorPrice); if (item.StkItem != true) { vendorPrice.SubItemID = savedSubItemID; } vendorPrice.CuryID = priceCuryID; cache.Normalize(); vendorPrice.Active = true; Decimal cost = ConventCury(graph, vendor.CuryRateTypeID, curyID, curyCost, priceCuryID); vendorPrice.LastPrice = ConvertUOM(graph, item, uom, cost, item.PurchaseUnit); } }
public static IFaceApi GetFaceApi(this PXGraph graph) { var settings = new PXSetup <PreferencesSecurity>(graph); var subscriptionId = (string)settings.Cache.GetValue(settings.Current, "UsrFaceApiID"); var sericeUrl = (string)settings.Cache.GetValue(settings.Current, "UsrFaceApiURL"); return(new FaceApiClient(new FaceApiOxfordClient(subscriptionId, sericeUrl), new FaceApiStore(graph))); }
protected override bool?GetCreditCheckError(PXCache sender, object Row) { if (sender.Graph.GetType() == typeof(SO.SOInvoiceEntry) || sender.Graph.GetType().BaseType == typeof(SO.SOInvoiceEntry)) { PX.Objects.SO.SOSetup soSetup = PXSetup <PX.Objects.SO.SOSetup> .Select(sender.Graph); return(soSetup?.CreditCheckError); } else { ARSetup arSetup = PXSetup <ARSetup> .Select(sender.Graph); return(arSetup?.CreditCheckError); } }
public RUTROTManager(PXGraph graph, PXSelectBase <RUTROT> rutrot, PXSelectBase <RUTROTDistribution> distribution, PXSelectBase <Doc> document, PXSelectBase <Tran> transactions, PXSelectBase <CurrencyInfo> curyInfo) { this.Base = graph; Rutrots = rutrot; RRDistribution = distribution; Document = document; Transactions = transactions; currencyinfo = curyInfo; ARSetup = new PXSetup <AR.ARSetup>(graph); graph.RowSelected.AddHandler <RUTROTDistribution>(RUTROTDistribution_RowSelected); graph.RowInserted.AddHandler <RUTROT>(RUTROT_RowInserted); graph.RowUpdated.AddHandler <RUTROT>(RUTROT_RowUpdated); graph.RowPersisting.AddHandler <RUTROT>(RUTROT_RowPersisting); graph.FieldVerifying.AddHandler <RUTROT.rUTROTType>(RUTROT_RUTROTType_FieldVerifying); graph.FieldUpdated.AddHandler <RUTROT.rUTROTType>(RUTROT_RUTROTType_FieldUpdated); }
/// <summary> /// Try to get the appropriate ServiceOrderType from this sources: /// a. <c>FSServiceOrder</c> /// b. <c>FSWrkProcessRow</c> /// c. <c>FSSetup</c> /// </summary> /// <param name="fsWrkProcessRow"><c>FSWrkProcess</c> row.</param> /// <param name="fsServiceOrderRow">FSServiceOrder row.</param> private static string GetSrvOrdType(PXGraph graph, FSWrkProcess fsWrkProcessRow, FSServiceOrder fsServiceOrderRow) { // a) Try to retrieve the ServiceOrderType from the ServiceOrder row if (fsWrkProcessRow.SOID != null && fsServiceOrderRow != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(fsServiceOrderRow.SrvOrdType)) { return(fsServiceOrderRow.SrvOrdType); } // b) Try to retrieve the ServiceOrderType from the WrkProcess row if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fsWrkProcessRow.SrvOrdType) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fsWrkProcessRow.SrvOrdType)) { return(fsWrkProcessRow.SrvOrdType); } // c) Try to retrieve the ServiceOrderType from the users preferences PX.SM.UserPreferences userPreferencesRow = PXSelect <PX.SM.UserPreferences, Where < PX.SM.UserPreferences.userID, Equal <CurrentValue <AccessInfo.userID> > > > .Select(graph); if (userPreferencesRow != null) { FSxUserPreferences fsxUserPreferencesRow = PXCache <PX.SM.UserPreferences> .GetExtension <FSxUserPreferences>(userPreferencesRow); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fsxUserPreferencesRow.DfltSrvOrdType)) { return(fsxUserPreferencesRow.DfltSrvOrdType); } } // d) Try to retrieve the Default ServiceOrderType from the Setup row FSSetup fsSetupRow = PXSetup <FSSetup> .Select(graph); if (fsSetupRow != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(fsSetupRow.DfltSrvOrdType)) { return(fsSetupRow.DfltSrvOrdType); } return(null); }
public override List <ApprovalMap> GetAssignedMaps(SourceAssign doc, PXCache cache) { PXResultset <SetupApproval> setups = PXSetup <SetupApproval> .SelectMultiBound(cache.Graph, new object[] { doc }); int count = setups.Count; var list = new List <ApprovalMap>(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { SetupApproval setup = (SetupApproval)setups[i]; IAssignedMap map = (IAssignedMap)setup; if (map.IsActive == true && map.AssignmentMapID != null) { list.Add(new ApprovalMap(map.AssignmentMapID.Value, map.AssignmentNotificationID)); } } return(list); }
public DataIntegrityValidator <TRegister> CheckDocumentTotalsConformToCurrencyPrecision(bool disableCheck = false) { if (IsSkipCheck(disableCheck)) { return(this); } Company company = PXSetup <Company> .Select(_graph); Currency baseCurrency = PXSelect < Currency, Where < Currency.curyID, Equal <Required <Currency.curyID> > > > .Select(_graph, company.BaseCuryID); Currency documentCurrency = _doc.CuryID == baseCurrency.CuryID ? baseCurrency : PXSelect < Currency, Where < Currency.curyID, Equal <Required <Currency.curyID> > > > .Select(_graph, _doc.CuryID); short baseCurrencyDecimalPlaces = baseCurrency.DecimalPlaces ?? 0; short documentCurrencyDecimalPlaces = documentCurrency.DecimalPlaces ?? 0; decimal documentBalance = _doc.DocBal ?? 0m; decimal documentBalanceCurrency = _doc.CuryDocBal ?? 0m; decimal documentOriginalAmount = _doc.OrigDocAmt ?? 0m; decimal documentOriginalAmountCurrency = _doc.CuryOrigDocAmt ?? 0m; if (documentBalance != Math.Round(documentBalance, baseCurrencyDecimalPlaces) || documentOriginalAmount != Math.Round(documentOriginalAmount, baseCurrencyDecimalPlaces) || documentBalanceCurrency != Math.Round(documentBalanceCurrency, documentCurrencyDecimalPlaces) || documentOriginalAmountCurrency != Math.Round(documentOriginalAmountCurrency, documentCurrencyDecimalPlaces)) { _errors.Add(new InconsistencyError <InconsistencyCode.documentTotalsWrongPrecision>( new RecordContextInfo(_docCache, _doc))); } return(this); }
public static Decimal ConventCury(PXGraph graph, string curyRateTypeID, string curyID, decimal curyCost, string destinationCuryID) { if (curyID == destinationCuryID) { return(curyCost); } Decimal baseCost = curyCost; string BaseCuryID = new PXSetup <Company>(graph).Current.BaseCuryID; if (curyID != BaseCuryID) { PXCurrencyAttribute.CuryConvBase(graph.Caches[typeof(CurrencyInfo)], GetCurrencyInfo(graph, curyRateTypeID, curyID), curyCost, out baseCost, true); } Decimal cost = baseCost; if (destinationCuryID != BaseCuryID) { PXCurrencyAttribute.CuryConvCury(graph.Caches[typeof(CurrencyInfo)], GetCurrencyInfo(graph, curyRateTypeID, destinationCuryID), baseCost, out cost, true); } return(cost); }
private static CurrencyInfo GetCurrencyInfo(PXGraph graph, string curyRateTypeID, string curyID) { if (curyID == null) { curyID = new PXSetup <Company>(graph).Current.BaseCuryID; } if (curyRateTypeID == null) { curyRateTypeID = new CMSetupSelect(graph).Current.APRateTypeDflt; } CurrencyInfo info = new CurrencyInfo(); info.ModuleCode = BatchModule.AP; info.CuryID = curyID; info.CuryRateTypeID = curyRateTypeID; info.CuryInfoID = null; PXCache cache = graph.Caches[typeof(CurrencyInfo)]; info = (CurrencyInfo)cache.Insert(info); cache.Delete(info); return(info); }
public virtual object GetExpenseAccountSub(PXCache sender, PXFieldDefaultingEventArgs e, InventoryItem item, int?siteID, GetAccountSubUsingPostingClassDelegate GetAccountSubUsingPostingClass, GetAccountSubFromItemDelegate GetAccountSubFromItem) { object expenseAccountSubID = null; if (item != null && item.StkItem != true) { var insetup = (INSetup)PXSetup <INSetup> .SelectWindowed(sender.Graph, 0, 1); if (item.NonStockReceipt == true && PXAccess.FeatureInstalled <FeaturesSet.inventory>() && insetup != null && insetup.UpdateGL == true) { INPostClass postClass = INPostClass.PK.Find(sender.Graph, item.PostClassID); if (postClass != null) { var site = INSite.PK.Find(sender.Graph, siteID); try { expenseAccountSubID = GetAccountSubUsingPostingClass(item, site, postClass); } catch (PXMaskArgumentException) { } } else { expenseAccountSubID = null; } } else { expenseAccountSubID = GetAccountSubFromItem(item); } } return(expenseAccountSubID); }
public virtual void VerifyAndSetFirstOpenedFinPeriod <TFinPeriodField, TBranchField>(PXCache rowCache, object row, PXSelectBase <OrganizationFinPeriod> finPeriodView, Type fieldModuleClosed = null) where TFinPeriodField : class, IBqlField where TBranchField : class, IBqlField { OrganizationFinPeriod finPeriod = finPeriodView.Current as OrganizationFinPeriod; if (finPeriod != null) { GLSetup glsetup = PXSetup <GLSetup> .Select(Graph); bool isClosed = finPeriod.Status == FinPeriods.TableDefinition.FinPeriod.status.Closed; if (fieldModuleClosed != null) { isClosed |= (bool?)finPeriodView.Cache.GetValue(finPeriod, fieldModuleClosed.Name) == true; } if (finPeriod.Status == FinPeriod.status.Inactive || finPeriod.Status == FinPeriod.status.Locked || isClosed && glsetup != null && glsetup.RestrictAccessToClosedPeriods == true) { string finPeriodID = (string)rowCache.GetValue <TFinPeriodField>(row); int? organizationID = PXAccess.GetParentOrganizationID((int?)rowCache.GetValue <TBranchField>(row)); OrganizationFinPeriod firstopen = rowCache.Graph.GetService <IFinPeriodRepository>().FindFirstOpenFinPeriod(finPeriodID, organizationID, fieldModuleClosed); if (firstopen == null) { string userPeriod = Mask.Format("##-####", finPeriodView.Cache.GetValueExt <OrganizationFinPeriod.finPeriodID>(finPeriodView.Current).ToString()); throw new PXSetPropertyException(GL.Messages.NoActivePeriodAfter, userPeriod); } rowCache.SetValue <TFinPeriodField>(row, firstopen.FinPeriodID); } } }
private GLSetup GetGLSetup() { return(PXSetup <GLSetup> .Select(_graph)); }
private static void Translate(TaxImportProcess graph, TXImportState item, TaxBuilder.Result result, out List <Tax> taxes, out List <KeyValuePair <Tax, List <TaxRev> > > revisions, out List <TaxZone> zones, out List <TaxZoneDet> zoneDetails, out List <TaxCategoryDet> categoryDetails, out List <TaxZoneZip> zoneZips) { taxes = new List <Tax>(result.Taxes.Count); revisions = new List <KeyValuePair <Tax, List <TaxRev> > >(result.Taxes.Count); zones = new List <TaxZone>(result.Zones.Count); zoneDetails = new List <TaxZoneDet>(result.ZoneDetails.Count); categoryDetails = new List <TaxCategoryDet>(result.Taxes.Count * 2); zoneZips = new List <TaxZoneZip>(result.ZoneZips.Count); TXImportSettings settings = PXSetup <TXImportSettings> .Select(graph); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.TaxableCategoryID)) { throw new PXException(Messages.TaxableCategoryIDIsNotSet); } foreach (ZoneRecord zr in result.Zones) { TaxZone taxZone = new TaxZone(); taxZone.TaxZoneID = zr.ZoneID; taxZone.Descr = zr.Description; if (zr.CombinedRate > 0) { taxZone.DfltTaxCategoryID = settings.TaxableCategoryID; } taxZone.IsImported = true; zones.Add(taxZone); } foreach (TaxRecord tr in result.Taxes) { Tax tax = new Tax(); tax.TaxID = tr.TaxID; tax.TaxType = CSTaxType.Sales; tax.Descr = tr.Description; tax.IsImported = true; tax.SalesTaxAcctID = item.AccountID; tax.SalesTaxSubID = item.SubID; tax.TaxCalcType = CSTaxCalcType.Doc; tax.TaxCalcLevel = CSTaxCalcLevel.CalcOnItemAmt; taxes.Add(tax); revisions.Add(new KeyValuePair <Tax, List <TaxRev> >(tax, GetRevisions(tr))); categoryDetails.AddRange(GetCategories(graph, settings, tr)); } foreach (ZoneDetailRecord zd in result.ZoneDetails) { TaxZoneDet zoneDetail = new TaxZoneDet(); zoneDetail.TaxID = zd.TaxID; zoneDetail.TaxZoneID = zd.ZoneID; zoneDetail.IsImported = true; zoneDetails.Add(zoneDetail); } foreach (IList <ZoneZipPlusRecord> zr in result.ZoneZipPlus.Values) { foreach (ZoneZipPlusRecord zzp in zr) { TaxZoneZip tzzp = new TaxZoneZip(); tzzp.TaxZoneID = zzp.ZoneID; tzzp.ZipCode = zzp.ZipCode; tzzp.ZipMin = zzp.ZipMin; tzzp.ZipMax = zzp.ZipMax; zoneZips.Add(tzzp); } } }
protected virtual void ARSalesPrice_SalesPrice_FieldVerifying(PXCache sender, PXFieldVerifyingEventArgs e) { ARSalesPrice row = e.Row as ARSalesPrice; if (row != null && MinGrossProfitValidation != MinGrossProfitValidationType.None && row.EffectiveDate != null) { var r = (PXResult <InventoryItem, INItemCost>) PXSelectJoin <InventoryItem, LeftJoin <INItemCost, On <INItemCost.inventoryID, Equal <InventoryItem.inventoryID> > >, Where <InventoryItem.inventoryID, Equal <Required <InventoryItem.inventoryID> > > > .SelectWindowed(this, 0, 1, row.InventoryID); InventoryItem item = r; INItemCost cost = r; if (item != null) { decimal newValue = (decimal)e.NewValue; if (row.UOM != item.BaseUnit) { try { newValue = INUnitAttribute.ConvertFromBase(sender, item.InventoryID, row.UOM, newValue, INPrecision.UNITCOST); } catch (PXUnitConversionException) { sender.RaiseExceptionHandling <ARSalesPrice.salesPrice>(row, e.NewValue, new PXSetPropertyException(SO.Messages.FailedToConvertToBaseUnits, PXErrorLevel.Warning)); return; } } decimal minPrice = PXPriceCostAttribute.MinPrice(item, cost); if (row.CuryID != Company.Current.BaseCuryID) { ARSetup arsetup = PXSetup <ARSetup> .Select(this); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(arsetup.DefaultRateTypeID)) { throw new PXException(SO.Messages.DefaultRateNotSetup); } minPrice = ConvertAmt(Company.Current.BaseCuryID, row.CuryID, arsetup.DefaultRateTypeID, row.EffectiveDate.Value, minPrice); } if (newValue < minPrice) { switch (MinGrossProfitValidation) { case MinGrossProfitValidationType.Warning: sender.RaiseExceptionHandling <ARSalesPrice.salesPrice>(row, e.NewValue, new PXSetPropertyException(SO.Messages.GrossProfitValidationFailed, PXErrorLevel.Warning)); break; case MinGrossProfitValidationType.SetToMin: e.NewValue = minPrice; sender.RaiseExceptionHandling <ARSalesPrice.salesPrice>(row, e.NewValue, new PXSetPropertyException(SO.Messages.GrossProfitValidationFailedAndPriceFixed, PXErrorLevel.Warning)); break; default: break; } } } } }
private static void ClaimDetail(List <EPExpenseClaimDetails> details, bool isApiContext, bool singleOperation) { ExpenseClaimEntry expenseClaimEntry = CreateInstance <ExpenseClaimEntry>(); PXSetup <EPSetup> epsetup = new PXSetup <EPSetup>(PXGraph.CreateInstance(typeof(ExpenseClaimDetailEntry))); bool enabledApprovalReceipt = PXAccess.FeatureInstalled <FeaturesSet.approvalWorkflow>() && epsetup.Current.ClaimDetailsAssignmentMapID != null; bool isError = false; bool notAllApproved = false; Dictionary <string, EPExpenseClaim> result = new Dictionary <string, EPExpenseClaim>(); IEnumerable <Receipts> List; if (epsetup.Current.AllowMixedTaxSettingInClaims == true) { List = details.Where(item => string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.RefNbr)).OrderBy(detail => detail.ClaimDetailID).GroupBy( item => new { item.EmployeeID, item.BranchID, item.CustomerID, item.CustomerLocationID, ClaimCuryID = GetClaimCuryID(expenseClaimEntry, item) }, (key, item) => new Receipts { employee = key.EmployeeID, branch = key.BranchID, customer = key.CustomerID, customerLocation = key.CustomerLocationID, claimCuryID = key.ClaimCuryID, details = item } ); } else { List = details.Where(item => string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.RefNbr)).OrderBy(detail => detail.ClaimDetailID).GroupBy( item => new { item.EmployeeID, item.BranchID, item.CustomerID, item.CustomerLocationID, item.TaxZoneID, item.TaxCalcMode, ClaimCuryID = GetClaimCuryID(expenseClaimEntry, item) }, (key, item) => new Receipts { employee = key.EmployeeID, branch = key.BranchID, customer = key.CustomerID, customerLocation = key.CustomerLocationID, claimCuryID = key.ClaimCuryID, details = item } ); } string errorMessage = null; foreach (Receipts item in List) { isError = false; notAllApproved = false; using (PXTransactionScope ts = new PXTransactionScope()) { expenseClaimEntry.Clear(); expenseClaimEntry.SelectTimeStamp(); EPExpenseClaim expenseClaim = (EPExpenseClaim)expenseClaimEntry.ExpenseClaim.Cache.CreateInstance(); expenseClaim.EmployeeID = item.employee; expenseClaim.BranchID = item.branch; expenseClaim.CustomerID = item.customer; expenseClaim.DocDesc = EP.Messages.SubmittedReceipt; expenseClaim = expenseClaimEntry.ExpenseClaim.Update(expenseClaim); expenseClaim.CuryID = item.claimCuryID; expenseClaim = expenseClaimEntry.ExpenseClaim.Update(expenseClaim); expenseClaim.CustomerLocationID = item.customerLocation; expenseClaim.TaxCalcMode = item.details.First().TaxCalcMode; expenseClaim.TaxZoneID = item.details.First().TaxZoneID; foreach (EPExpenseClaimDetails detail in item.details) { PXProcessing <EPExpenseClaimDetails> .SetCurrentItem(detail); if (detail.Approved ?? false) { try { if (detail.IsPaidWithCard) { EPEmployee employee = PXSelect <EPEmployee, Where <EPEmployee.bAccountID, Equal <Required <EPEmployee.bAccountID> > > > .Select(expenseClaimEntry, item.employee); if (employee.AllowOverrideCury != true && detail.CardCuryID != employee.CuryID) { errorMessage = PXMessages.Localize(Messages.ClaimCannotBeCreatedForReceiptBecauseCuryCannotBeOverriden); isError = true; } } if (!isError && detail.TipAmt != 0 && epsetup.Current.NonTaxableTipItem == null) { errorMessage = Messages.TipItemIsNotDefined; isError = true; } if (!isError) { expenseClaimEntry.ReceiptEntryExt.SubmitReceiptExt(expenseClaimEntry.ExpenseClaim.Cache, expenseClaimEntry.ExpenseClaimDetails.Cache, expenseClaimEntry.ExpenseClaim.Current, detail); expenseClaimEntry.Save.Press(); if (!result.ContainsKey(expenseClaim.RefNbr)) { result.Add(expenseClaim.RefNbr, expenseClaim); } detail.RefNbr = expenseClaim.RefNbr; PXProcessing <EPExpenseClaimDetails> .SetProcessed(); } } catch (Exception ex) { errorMessage = ex.Message; isError = true; } } else { errorMessage = enabledApprovalReceipt ? Messages.ReceiptNotApproved : Messages.ReceiptTakenOffHold; notAllApproved = true; } if (errorMessage != null) { PXProcessing <EPExpenseClaimDetails> .SetError(errorMessage); } } if (!isError) { ts.Complete(); } } } if (!isError && !notAllApproved) { if (result.Count == 1 && isApiContext == false) { expenseClaimEntry = CreateInstance <ExpenseClaimEntry>(); PXRedirectHelper.TryRedirect(expenseClaimEntry, result.First().Value, PXRedirectHelper.WindowMode.InlineWindow); } } else { PXProcessing <EPExpenseClaimDetails> .SetCurrentItem(null); if (singleOperation) { throw new PXException(errorMessage); } else { throw new PXException(Messages.ErrorProcessingReceipts); } } }
protected override bool isControlTotalRequired(PXCache sender) { CASetup setup = new PXSetup <CASetup>(sender.Graph).Select(); return(setup != null && setup.RequireControlTotal == true); }
protected virtual void ApplyTax(CROpportunity order, GetTaxResult result) { TaxZone taxZone = null; AP.Vendor vendor = null; if (result.TaxSummary.Length > 0) { taxZone = (TaxZone)PXSetup <TaxZone, Where <TaxZone.taxZoneID, Equal <Required <CROpportunity.taxZoneID> > > > .Select(Base, order.TaxZoneID); vendor = (AP.Vendor) PXSelect <AP.Vendor, Where <AP.Vendor.bAccountID, Equal <Required <AP.Vendor.bAccountID> > > > .Select(Base, taxZone.TaxVendorID); if (vendor == null) { throw new PXException(Messages.ExternalTaxVendorNotFound); } } //Clear all existing Tax transactions: foreach (PXResult <CRTaxTran, Tax> res in Base.Taxes.View.SelectMultiBound(new object[] { order })) { CRTaxTran taxTran = (CRTaxTran)res; Base.Taxes.Delete(taxTran); } Base.Views.Caches.Add(typeof(Tax)); for (int i = 0; i < result.TaxSummary.Length; i++) { string taxID = result.TaxSummary[i].TaxName; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(taxID)) { taxID = result.TaxSummary[i].JurisCode; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(taxID)) { PXTrace.WriteInformation(Messages.EmptyValuesFromExternalTaxProvider); continue; } CreateTax(Base, taxZone, vendor, result.TaxSummary[i], taxID); CRTaxTran tax = new CRTaxTran(); tax.QuoteID = order.QuoteNoteID; tax.TaxID = taxID; tax.CuryTaxAmt = Math.Abs(result.TaxSummary[i].TaxAmount); tax.CuryTaxableAmt = Math.Abs(result.TaxSummary[i].TaxableAmount); tax.TaxRate = Convert.ToDecimal(result.TaxSummary[i].Rate) * 100; Base.Taxes.Insert(tax); } Base.Opportunity.SetValueExt <CROpportunity.curyTaxTotal>(order, Math.Abs(result.TotalTaxAmount)); decimal?СuryProductsAmount = order.ManualTotalEntry == true ? order.CuryAmount - order.CuryDiscTot : order.CuryLineTotal - order.CuryDiscTot + order.CuryTaxTotal; CalcCuryProductsAmount(order, ref СuryProductsAmount); Base.Opportunity.SetValueExt <CROpportunity.curyProductsAmount>(order, СuryProductsAmount ?? 0m); }
protected void ApplyTax(PMQuote quote, GetTaxResult result) { TaxZone taxZone = null; AP.Vendor vendor = null; if (result.TaxSummary.Length > 0) { taxZone = (TaxZone)PXSetup <TaxZone, Where <TaxZone.taxZoneID, Equal <Required <PMQuote.taxZoneID> > > > .Select(Base, quote.TaxZoneID); vendor = (VendorMaster)PXSelectReadonly <VendorMaster, Where <VendorMaster.bAccountID, Equal <Required <VendorMaster.bAccountID> > > > .Select(Base, taxZone.TaxVendorID); if (vendor == null) { throw new PXException(CR.Messages.ExternalTaxVendorNotFound); } } //Clear all existing Tax transactions: foreach (PXResult <CRTaxTran, Tax> res in Base.Taxes.View.SelectMultiBound(new object[] { quote })) { CRTaxTran taxTran = (CRTaxTran)res; Base.Taxes.Delete(taxTran); } Base.Views.Caches.Add(typeof(Tax)); for (int i = 0; i < result.TaxSummary.Length; i++) { string taxID = GetTaxID(result.TaxSummary[i]); //Insert Tax if not exists - just for the selectors sake Tax tx = PXSelect <Tax, Where <Tax.taxID, Equal <Required <Tax.taxID> > > > .Select(Base, taxID); if (tx == null) { tx = new Tax(); tx.TaxID = taxID; tx.Descr = PXMessages.LocalizeFormatNoPrefixNLA(TX.Messages.ExternalTaxProviderTaxId, taxID); tx.TaxType = CSTaxType.Sales; tx.TaxCalcType = CSTaxCalcType.Doc; tx.TaxCalcLevel = result.TaxSummary[i].TaxCalculationLevel.ToCSTaxCalcLevel(); tx.TaxApplyTermsDisc = CSTaxTermsDiscount.ToTaxableAmount; tx.SalesTaxAcctID = vendor.SalesTaxAcctID; tx.SalesTaxSubID = vendor.SalesTaxSubID; tx.ExpenseAccountID = vendor.TaxExpenseAcctID; tx.ExpenseSubID = vendor.TaxExpenseSubID; tx.TaxVendorID = taxZone.TaxVendorID; tx.IsExternal = true; Base.Caches[typeof(Tax)].Insert(tx); } CRTaxTran tax = new CRTaxTran(); tax.QuoteID = quote.QuoteID; tax.TaxID = taxID; tax.CuryTaxAmt = result.TaxSummary[i].TaxAmount; tax.CuryTaxableAmt = result.TaxSummary[i].TaxableAmount; tax.TaxRate = Convert.ToDecimal(result.TaxSummary[i].Rate) * 100; Base.Taxes.Insert(tax); } Base.Quote.SetValueExt <PMQuote.curyTaxTotal>(quote, result.TotalTaxAmount); decimal?СuryProductsAmount = quote.ManualTotalEntry == true ? quote.CuryAmount - quote.CuryDiscTot : quote.CuryLineTotal - quote.CuryDiscTot + quote.CuryTaxTotal; Base.Quote.SetValueExt <PMQuote.curyProductsAmount>(quote, СuryProductsAmount ?? 0m); }
private static void ClaimDetail(List <EPExpenseClaimDetails> details) { PXSetup <EPSetup> epsetup = new PXSetup <EPSetup>(PXGraph.CreateInstance(typeof(ExpenseClaimDetailEntry))); bool enabledApprovalReceipt = PXAccess.FeatureInstalled <FeaturesSet.approvalWorkflow>() && epsetup.Current.ClaimDetailsAssignmentMapID != null; bool isError = false; bool notAllApproved = false; Dictionary <string, EPExpenseClaim> result = new Dictionary <string, EPExpenseClaim>(); IEnumerable <Receipts> List; if (epsetup.Current.AllowMixedTaxSettingInClaims == true) { List = details.Where(item => string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.RefNbr)).OrderBy(detail => detail.ClaimDetailID).GroupBy( item => new { item.EmployeeID, item.BranchID, item.CustomerID, item.CustomerLocationID, }, (key, item) => new Receipts { employee = key.EmployeeID, branch = key.BranchID, customer = key.CustomerID, customerLocation = key.CustomerLocationID, details = item } ); } else { List = details.Where(item => string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.RefNbr)).OrderBy(detail => detail.ClaimDetailID).GroupBy( item => new { item.EmployeeID, item.BranchID, item.CustomerID, item.CustomerLocationID, item.TaxZoneID, item.TaxCalcMode }, (key, item) => new Receipts { employee = key.EmployeeID, branch = key.BranchID, customer = key.CustomerID, customerLocation = key.CustomerLocationID, details = item } ); } foreach (Receipts item in List) { isError = false; notAllApproved = false; using (PXTransactionScope ts = new PXTransactionScope()) { ExpenseClaimEntry expenseClaimEntry = CreateInstance <ExpenseClaimEntry>(); expenseClaimEntry.SelectTimeStamp(); EPExpenseClaim expenseClaim = (EPExpenseClaim)expenseClaimEntry.ExpenseClaim.Cache.CreateInstance(); expenseClaim.EmployeeID = item.employee; expenseClaim.BranchID = item.branch; expenseClaim.CustomerID = item.customer; expenseClaim.DocDesc = EP.Messages.SubmittedReceipt; expenseClaim = expenseClaimEntry.ExpenseClaim.Update(expenseClaim); expenseClaim.CustomerLocationID = item.customerLocation; expenseClaim.TaxCalcMode = item.details.First().TaxCalcMode; expenseClaim.TaxZoneID = item.details.First().TaxZoneID; foreach (EPExpenseClaimDetails detail in item.details) { PXProcessing <EPExpenseClaimDetails> .SetCurrentItem(detail); if (detail.Approved ?? false) { try { if (detail.TipAmt != 0 && epsetup.Current.NonTaxableTipItem == null) { PXProcessing <EPExpenseClaimDetails> .SetError(Messages.TipItemIsNotDefined); isError = true; } else { EPClaimReceiptController.SubmitReceipt(expenseClaimEntry.ExpenseClaim.Cache, expenseClaimEntry.ExpenseClaimDetails.Cache, expenseClaimEntry.ExpenseClaim.Current, detail); PXProcessing <EPExpenseClaimDetails> .SetProcessed(); } expenseClaimEntry.Save.Press(); if (!result.ContainsKey(expenseClaim.RefNbr)) { result.Add(expenseClaim.RefNbr, expenseClaim); } detail.RefNbr = expenseClaim.RefNbr; } catch (Exception ex) { PXProcessing <EPExpenseClaimDetails> .SetError(ex); isError = true; } } else { PXProcessing.SetError(enabledApprovalReceipt ? Messages.ReceiptNotApproved : Messages.ReceiptTakenOffHold); notAllApproved = true; } } if (!isError) { ts.Complete(); } } } if (!isError && !notAllApproved) { if (result.Count == 1) { ExpenseClaimEntry expenseClaimEntry = CreateInstance <ExpenseClaimEntry>(); PXRedirectHelper.TryRedirect(expenseClaimEntry, result.First().Value, PXRedirectHelper.WindowMode.InlineWindow); } } else { PXProcessing <EPExpenseClaimDetails> .SetCurrentItem(null); throw new PXException(Messages.ErrorProcessingReceipts); } }
protected static void ApplyAvalaraTax(OpportunityMaint rg, CROpportunity order, GetTaxResult result) { var avalaraSetup = (TXAvalaraSetup)PXSetupOptional <TXAvalaraSetup> .Select(rg); TaxZone taxZone = (TaxZone)PXSetup <TaxZone, Where <TaxZone.taxZoneID, Equal <Required <CROpportunity.taxZoneID> > > > .Select(rg, order.TaxZoneID); AP.Vendor vendor = PXSelect <AP.Vendor, Where <AP.Vendor.bAccountID, Equal <Required <AP.Vendor.bAccountID> > > > .Select(rg, taxZone.TaxVendorID); if (vendor == null) { throw new PXException("Tax Vendor is required but not found for the External TaxZone."); } Dictionary <string, CRTaxTran> existingRows = new Dictionary <string, CRTaxTran>(); foreach (PXResult <CRTaxTran, Tax> res in rg.Taxes.View.SelectMultiBound(new object[] { order })) { CRTaxTran taxTran = (CRTaxTran)res; existingRows.Add(taxTran.TaxID.Trim().ToUpperInvariant(), taxTran); } rg.Views.Caches.Add(typeof(Tax)); for (int i = 0; i < result.TaxSummary.Count; i++) { string taxID = result.TaxSummary[i].TaxName.ToUpperInvariant(); //Insert Tax if not exists - just for the selectors sake Tax tx = PXSelect <Tax, Where <Tax.taxID, Equal <Required <Tax.taxID> > > > .Select(rg, taxID); if (tx == null) { tx = new Tax(); tx.TaxID = taxID; //tx.Descr = string.Format("Avalara {0} {1}%", taxID, Convert.ToDecimal(result.TaxSummary[i].Rate)*100); tx.Descr = string.Format("Avalara {0}", taxID); tx.TaxType = CSTaxType.Sales; tx.TaxCalcType = CSTaxCalcType.Doc; tx.TaxCalcLevel = avalaraSetup.IsInclusiveTax == true ? CSTaxCalcLevel.Inclusive : CSTaxCalcLevel.CalcOnItemAmt; tx.TaxApplyTermsDisc = CSTaxTermsDiscount.ToTaxableAmount; tx.SalesTaxAcctID = vendor.SalesTaxAcctID; tx.SalesTaxSubID = vendor.SalesTaxSubID; tx.ExpenseAccountID = vendor.TaxExpenseAcctID; tx.ExpenseSubID = vendor.TaxExpenseSubID; tx.TaxVendorID = taxZone.TaxVendorID; rg.Caches[typeof(Tax)].Insert(tx); } CRTaxTran existing = null; existingRows.TryGetValue(taxID, out existing); if (existing != null) { existing.TaxAmt = Math.Abs(result.TaxSummary[i].Tax); existing.CuryTaxAmt = Math.Abs(result.TaxSummary[i].Tax); existing.TaxableAmt = Math.Abs(result.TaxSummary[i].Taxable); existing.CuryTaxableAmt = Math.Abs(result.TaxSummary[i].Taxable); existing.TaxRate = Convert.ToDecimal(result.TaxSummary[i].Rate); rg.Taxes.Update(existing); existingRows.Remove(existing.TaxID.Trim().ToUpperInvariant()); } else { CRTaxTran tax = new CRTaxTran(); tax.OpportunityID = order.OpportunityID; tax.TaxID = taxID; tax.TaxAmt = Math.Abs(result.TaxSummary[i].Tax); tax.CuryTaxAmt = Math.Abs(result.TaxSummary[i].Tax); tax.TaxableAmt = Math.Abs(result.TaxSummary[i].Taxable); tax.CuryTaxableAmt = Math.Abs(result.TaxSummary[i].Taxable); tax.TaxRate = Convert.ToDecimal(result.TaxSummary[i].Rate); rg.Taxes.Insert(tax); } } foreach (CRTaxTran taxTran in existingRows.Values) { rg.Taxes.Delete(taxTran); } rg.Opportunity.SetValueExt <CROpportunity.curyTaxTotal>(order, Math.Abs(result.TotalTax)); try { rg.SkipAvalaraTaxProcessing = true; rg.Save.Press(); } finally { rg.SkipAvalaraTaxProcessing = false; } }
protected void ApplyTax(FSServiceOrder order, GetTaxResult result) { TaxZone taxZone = null; AP.Vendor vendor = null; if (result.TaxSummary.Length > 0) { taxZone = (TaxZone)PXSetup <TaxZone, Where <TaxZone.taxZoneID, Equal <Required <FSServiceOrder.taxZoneID> > > > .Select(Base, order.TaxZoneID); vendor = (AP.Vendor) PXSelect <AP.Vendor, Where <AP.Vendor.bAccountID, Equal <Required <AP.Vendor.bAccountID> > > > .Select(Base, taxZone.TaxVendorID); if (vendor == null) { throw new PXException(PX.Objects.CR.Messages.ExternalTaxVendorNotFound); } } //Clear all existing Tax transactions: foreach (PXResult <FSServiceOrderTaxTran, Tax> res in Base.Taxes.View.SelectMultiBound(new object[] { order })) { FSServiceOrderTaxTran taxTran = (FSServiceOrderTaxTran)res; Base.Taxes.Delete(taxTran); } Base.Views.Caches.Add(typeof(Tax)); for (int i = 0; i < result.TaxSummary.Length; i++) { string taxID = GetTaxID(result.TaxSummary[i]); //Insert Tax if not exists - just for the selectors sake Tax tx = PXSelect <Tax, Where <Tax.taxID, Equal <Required <Tax.taxID> > > > .Select(Base, taxID); if (tx == null) { tx = new Tax(); tx.TaxID = taxID; tx.Descr = PXMessages.LocalizeFormatNoPrefixNLA(PX.Objects.TX.Messages.ExternalTaxProviderTaxId, taxID); tx.TaxType = CSTaxType.Sales; tx.TaxCalcType = CSTaxCalcType.Doc; tx.TaxCalcLevel = result.TaxSummary[i].TaxCalculationLevel.ToCSTaxCalcLevel(); tx.TaxApplyTermsDisc = CSTaxTermsDiscount.ToTaxableAmount; tx.SalesTaxAcctID = vendor.SalesTaxAcctID; tx.SalesTaxSubID = vendor.SalesTaxSubID; tx.ExpenseAccountID = vendor.TaxExpenseAcctID; tx.ExpenseSubID = vendor.TaxExpenseSubID; tx.TaxVendorID = taxZone.TaxVendorID; tx.IsExternal = true; Base.Caches[typeof(Tax)].Insert(tx); } FSServiceOrderTaxTran tax = new FSServiceOrderTaxTran(); tax.EntityType = ID.PostDoc_EntityType.SERVICE_ORDER; tax.EntityID = order.SOID; tax.TaxID = taxID; tax.CuryTaxAmt = Math.Abs(result.TaxSummary[i].TaxAmount); tax.CuryTaxableAmt = Math.Abs(result.TaxSummary[i].TaxableAmount); tax.TaxRate = Convert.ToDecimal(result.TaxSummary[i].Rate) * 100; Base.Taxes.Insert(tax); } Base.CurrentServiceOrder.SetValueExt <FSServiceOrder.curyTaxTotal>(order, Math.Abs(result.TotalTaxAmount)); decimal?СuryDocTotal = ServiceOrderEntry.GetCuryDocTotal(order.CuryBillableOrderTotal, order.CuryDiscTot, order.CuryTaxTotal, 0); Base.CurrentServiceOrder.SetValueExt <FSServiceOrder.curyDocTotal>(order, СuryDocTotal ?? 0m); }
public static ItemCost Fetch(PXGraph graph, int?vendorID, int?vendorLocationID, DateTime?docDate, string curyID, int?inventoryID, int?subItemID, int?siteID, string uom, bool onlyVendor) { InventoryItem item = null; INItemCost cost = null; Vendor vendor = null; POVendorInventory vendorPrice = null; foreach (PXResult <InventoryItem, INItemCost, Vendor, POVendorInventory> r in PXSelectJoin <InventoryItem, LeftJoin <INItemCost, On <INItemCost.inventoryID, Equal <InventoryItem.inventoryID> >, LeftJoin <Vendor, On <Vendor.bAccountID, Equal <Required <Vendor.bAccountID> > >, LeftJoin <POVendorInventory, On <POVendorInventory.inventoryID, Equal <InventoryItem.inventoryID>, And <, Equal <boolTrue>, And <POVendorInventory.vendorID, Equal <Vendor.bAccountID>, And2 <Where <POVendorInventory.subItemID, Equal <Required <POVendorInventory.subItemID> >, Or <POVendorInventory.subItemID, Equal <InventoryItem.defaultSubItemID>, Or <POVendorInventory.subItemID, IsNull, Or <Where <Required <POVendorInventory.subItemID>, IsNull, And <POVendorInventory.subItemID, Equal <True> > > > > > >, And2 <Where <POVendorInventory.purchaseUnit, Equal <Required <POVendorInventory.purchaseUnit> >, Or <POVendorInventory.purchaseUnit, Equal <InventoryItem.purchaseUnit> > >, And <Where <POVendorInventory.vendorLocationID, Equal <Required <POVendorInventory.vendorLocationID> >, Or <POVendorInventory.vendorLocationID, IsNull> > > > > > > > > > >, Where <InventoryItem.inventoryID, Equal <Required <InventoryItem.inventoryID> > >, OrderBy < Asc <Switch <Case <Where <POVendorInventory.purchaseUnit, Equal <InventoryItem.purchaseUnit> >, boolTrue>, boolFalse>, Asc <Switch <Case <Where <POVendorInventory.subItemID, Equal <InventoryItem.defaultSubItemID> >, boolTrue>, boolFalse>, Asc <Switch <Case <Where <POVendorInventory.vendorLocationID, IsNull>, boolTrue>, boolFalse>, Asc <InventoryItem.inventoryCD> > > > > > .Select(graph, vendorID, subItemID, subItemID, uom, vendorLocationID, inventoryID)) { item = r; cost = r; vendor = r; vendorPrice = r; if (vendorPrice != null) { break; } } if (vendorPrice != null && vendorPrice.VendorID != null) { Decimal?price = (docDate != null && docDate >= vendorPrice.EffDate && vendorPrice.EffPrice > 0) ? vendorPrice.EffPrice : vendorPrice.LastPrice; string purchaseUnit = vendorPrice.PurchaseUnit ?? item.PurchaseUnit; if (price == 0) { price = null; } if (price != null) { Company company = new PXSetup <Company>(graph).Current; if (vendorPrice.CuryID == company.BaseCuryID || vendorPrice.CuryID == null) { return(new ItemCost(item, purchaseUnit, price.Value)); } try { Decimal basePrice; PXCurrencyAttribute.CuryConvBase(graph.Caches[typeof(CurrencyInfo)], GetCurrencyInfo(graph, vendor.CuryRateTypeID, vendorPrice.CuryID), price.Value, out basePrice, true); return(new ItemCost(item, purchaseUnit, vendorPrice.CuryID, price.Value, basePrice)); } catch { return(new ItemCost(item, purchaseUnit, 0)); } } } return (FetchHistoryLastCost(graph, vendorID, vendorLocationID, inventoryID, subItemID) ?? (onlyVendor ? null : FetchLastCost(graph, item, docDate)) ?? (onlyVendor ? null : FetchSiteLastCost(graph, item, cost, siteID)) ?? new ItemCost(item, 0)); }
protected virtual bool?GetCreditCheckError(PXCache sender, object Row) { ARSetup arsetup = PXSetup <ARSetup> .Select(sender.Graph); return(arsetup?.CreditCheckError); }
protected static void ApplyAvalaraTax(OpportunityMaint rg, CROpportunity order, GetTaxResult result) { var avalaraSetup = (TXAvalaraSetup)PXSetupOptional <TXAvalaraSetup> .Select(rg); TaxZone taxZone = (TaxZone)PXSetup <TaxZone, Where <TaxZone.taxZoneID, Equal <Required <CROpportunity.taxZoneID> > > > .Select(rg, order.TaxZoneID); AP.Vendor vendor = PXSelect <AP.Vendor, Where <AP.Vendor.bAccountID, Equal <Required <AP.Vendor.bAccountID> > > > .Select(rg, taxZone.TaxVendorID); if (vendor == null) { throw new PXException(Messages.ExternalTaxVendorNotFound); } //Clear all existing Tax transactions: foreach (PXResult <CRTaxTran, Tax> res in rg.Taxes.View.SelectMultiBound(new object[] { order })) { CRTaxTran taxTran = (CRTaxTran)res; rg.Taxes.Delete(taxTran); } rg.Views.Caches.Add(typeof(Tax)); for (int i = 0; i < result.TaxSummary.Count; i++) { string taxID = AvalaraMaint.GetTaxID(result.TaxSummary[i]); //Insert Tax if not exists - just for the selectors sake Tax tx = PXSelect <Tax, Where <Tax.taxID, Equal <Required <Tax.taxID> > > > .Select(rg, taxID); if (tx == null) { tx = new Tax(); tx.TaxID = taxID; //tx.Descr = string.Format("Avalara {0} {1}%", taxID, Convert.ToDecimal(result.TaxSummary[i].Rate)*100); tx.Descr = PXMessages.LocalizeFormatNoPrefixNLA(TX.Messages.AvalaraTaxId, taxID); tx.TaxType = CSTaxType.Sales; tx.TaxCalcType = CSTaxCalcType.Doc; tx.TaxCalcLevel = avalaraSetup.IsInclusiveTax == true ? CSTaxCalcLevel.Inclusive : CSTaxCalcLevel.CalcOnItemAmt; tx.TaxApplyTermsDisc = CSTaxTermsDiscount.ToTaxableAmount; tx.SalesTaxAcctID = vendor.SalesTaxAcctID; tx.SalesTaxSubID = vendor.SalesTaxSubID; tx.ExpenseAccountID = vendor.TaxExpenseAcctID; tx.ExpenseSubID = vendor.TaxExpenseSubID; tx.TaxVendorID = taxZone.TaxVendorID; tx.IsExternal = true; rg.Caches[typeof(Tax)].Insert(tx); } CRTaxTran tax = new CRTaxTran(); tax.OpportunityID = order.OpportunityID; tax.TaxID = taxID; tax.CuryTaxAmt = Math.Abs(result.TaxSummary[i].Tax); tax.CuryTaxableAmt = Math.Abs(result.TaxSummary[i].Taxable); tax.TaxRate = Convert.ToDecimal(result.TaxSummary[i].Rate) * 100; rg.Taxes.Insert(tax); } rg.Opportunity.SetValueExt <CROpportunity.curyTaxTotal>(order, Math.Abs(result.TotalTax)); try { rg.SkipAvalaraTaxProcessing = true; rg.Save.Press(); } finally { rg.SkipAvalaraTaxProcessing = false; } }
private static void ClaimDetail(List <EPExpenseClaimDetails> details) { PXSetup <EPSetup> epsetup = new PXSetup <EPSetup>(PXGraph.CreateInstance(typeof(ExpenseClaimDetailEntry))); bool enabledApprovalReceipt = PXAccess.FeatureInstalled <FeaturesSet.approvalWorkflow>() && epsetup.Current.ClaimDetailsAssignmentMapID != null; bool isError = false; bool notAllApproved = false; bool emptyClaim = true; var List = details.Where(item => string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.RefNbr)).OrderBy(detail => detail.ClaimDetailID).GroupBy( item => new { item.EmployeeID, item.BranchID, item.CustomerID, item.CustomerLocationID } , (key, item) => new { employee = key.EmployeeID, branch = key.BranchID, customer = key.CustomerID, customerLocation = key.CustomerLocationID, details = item } ); List <EPExpenseClaim> result = new List <EPExpenseClaim>(); foreach (var item in List) { isError = false; notAllApproved = false; emptyClaim = true; using (PXTransactionScope ts = new PXTransactionScope()) { ExpenseClaimEntry expenseClaimEntry = CreateInstance <ExpenseClaimEntry>(); EPExpenseClaim expenseClaim = (EPExpenseClaim)expenseClaimEntry.ExpenseClaim.Cache.CreateInstance(); expenseClaim.EmployeeID = item.employee; expenseClaim.BranchID = item.branch; expenseClaim.CustomerID = item.customer; expenseClaim.DocDesc = EP.Messages.SubmittedReceipt; expenseClaim = expenseClaimEntry.ExpenseClaim.Update(expenseClaim); expenseClaim.CustomerLocationID = item.customerLocation; foreach (EPExpenseClaimDetails detail in item.details) { PXProcessing <EPExpenseClaimDetails> .SetCurrentItem(detail); if (detail.Approved ?? false) { try { expenseClaimEntry.SubmitDetail(detail); PXProcessing <EPExpenseClaimDetails> .SetProcessed(); emptyClaim = false; } catch (Exception ex) { PXProcessing <EPExpenseClaimDetails> .SetError(ex); isError = true; } } else { PXProcessing.SetError(enabledApprovalReceipt ? Messages.ReceiptNotApproved : Messages.ReceiptTakenOffHold); notAllApproved = true; } } if (!emptyClaim) { try { expenseClaimEntry.Actions.PressSave(); result.Add(expenseClaim); } catch (Exception ex) { foreach (EPExpenseClaimDetails detail in item.details) { PXProcessing <EPExpenseClaimDetails> .SetCurrentItem(detail); PXProcessing <EPExpenseClaimDetails> .SetError(ex); } isError = true; } } if (!isError) { ts.Complete(); } } } if (!isError && !notAllApproved) { if (result.Count == 1) { ExpenseClaimEntry expenseClaimEntry = CreateInstance <ExpenseClaimEntry>(); PXRedirectHelper.TryRedirect(expenseClaimEntry, result[0], PXRedirectHelper.WindowMode.InlineWindow); } } else { PXProcessing <EPExpenseClaimDetails> .SetCurrentItem(null); throw new PXException(Messages.ErrorProcessingReceipts); } }
protected virtual bool?IsMigrationMode(PXCache sender) { ARSetup arsetup = PXSetup <ARSetup> .Select(sender.Graph); return(arsetup?.MigrationMode); }