/// <summary> /// Calculate valuation profiles. /// </summary> public override void Value(ValuationResults valuationResults, PriceFactorList factors, BaseTimeGrid baseTimes) { PreValue(factors); TimeGridIterator tgi = new TimeGridIterator(fT); PVProfiles result = valuationResults.Profile; CashAccumulators cashAccumulators = valuationResults.Cash; BaseCliquetOption deal = (BaseCliquetOption)Deal; double scale = (deal.Buy_Sell == BuySell.Buy ? +1 : -1) * deal.GetUnits(); VectorEngine.For(tgi, () => { using (var cache = Vector.Cache(factors.NumScenarios)) { Vector pv = cache.Get(); Vector cash = cache.Get(); PricingFunctions.CliquetOption(pv, cash, deal.Option_Type, tgi.T, fTimes, deal.Moneyness, fKnownPrices, fAssetPrice, fFxRate, fPayoffFxRate, fDiscountRate, fAssetPriceVol, fQuantoCompo, fPayoffType, factors.PathDependent); cashAccumulators.Accumulate(fPayoffFxRate, tgi.Date, scale * cash); result.AppendVector(tgi.Date, scale * pv * fPayoffFxRate.Get(tgi.T)); } } ); result.Complete(fT); }
/// <summary> /// Calculate valuation profiles. /// </summary> public override void Value(ValuationResults valuationResults, PriceFactorList factors, BaseTimeGrid baseTimes) { PreValue(factors); TimeGridIterator tgi = new TimeGridIterator(fT); PVProfiles result = valuationResults.Profile; CashAccumulators cashAccumulators = valuationResults.Cash; FixedCashflowBaseDeal deal = (FixedCashflowBaseDeal)fDeal; double payDate = deal.Payment_Date; double tPay = CalcUtils.DaysToYears(payDate - factors.BaseDate); VectorEngine.For(tgi, () => { if (tgi.Date == payDate) { result.AppendVector(tgi.Date, fFxRate.Get(tgi.T) * fAmount); } else { result.AppendVector(tgi.Date, fFxRate.Get(tgi.T) * fDiscountRate.Get(tgi.T, tPay) * fAmount); } }); if (!cashAccumulators.Ignore && factors.BaseDate <= payDate && payDate <= fT.fHorizon) { cashAccumulators.Accumulate(fFxRate, payDate, fAmount); } result.Complete(fT); }
/// <inheritdoc /> public override void Value(ValuationResults valuationResults, PriceFactorList factors, BaseTimeGrid baseTimes) { PreValue(factors); CashAccumulators cashResults = valuationResults.Cash; PVProfiles pvResults = valuationResults.Profile; Value(pvResults, cashResults, factors.BaseDate, fDiscountRate, fForecastRate, fForecastRate2, fFxRate, fT, factors.NumScenarios); }
/// <summary> /// Calculate vector valuation profile and vector realised cash profile. /// </summary> public override void Value(ValuationResults valuationResults, PriceFactorList factors, BaseTimeGrid baseTimes) { PreValue(factors); CalcUtils.CreateDealProfilesIfRequired(valuationResults, fItems, factors); double paySign = fSwaptionDeal.Payer_Receiver == PayerReceiver.Payer ? +1 : -1; double buySign = fSwaptionDeal.Buy_Sell == BuySell.Buy ? +1 : -1; bool isCashSettled = fSwaptionDeal.Settlement_Style == SettlementType.Cash; bool isPhysicallySettled = fSwaptionDeal.Settlement_Style == SettlementType.Physical; bool cashRequired = !valuationResults.Cash.Ignore; TimeGridIterator tgi = new TimeGridIterator(fT); PVProfiles result = valuationResults.Profile; using (IntraValuationDiagnosticsHelper.StartDeal(fIntraValuationDiagnosticsWriter, Deal)) { using (var outerCache = Vector.Cache(factors.NumScenarios)) { Vector pv = outerCache.Get(); Vector exerciseWeight = outerCache.GetClear(); Vector cash = cashRequired ? outerCache.GetClear() : null; // For a cash settled swaption, Settlement amount to be paid on Settlement Date. Vector settlementCash = isCashSettled ? outerCache.GetClear() : null; VectorEngine.For(tgi, () => { // Work out the PV if (tgi.Date < fSwaptionDeal.Option_Expiry_Date) { ValueBeforeExpiry(pv, factors, isCashSettled, tgi); } else { ValueOnOrAfterExpiry(pv, exerciseWeight, settlementCash, cash, factors, isCashSettled, isPhysicallySettled, cashRequired, tgi, paySign); } result.AppendVector(tgi.Date, buySign * pv * fFxRate.Get(tgi.T)); if (cashRequired) { valuationResults.Cash.Accumulate(fFxRate, tgi.Date, buySign * cash); } }); } result.Complete(fT); } }
/// <summary> /// Calculates the exposure profile using the Basel III methodology. /// </summary> private static void CollateralBasel3(Vector mtmPlus, double collateral, Vector addOnHp, double threshold, bool inHoldingPeriod, double date, PVProfiles nettedExposure, PVProfiles collateralExposure) { using (var cache = Vector.Cache(mtmPlus.Count)) { Vector payoff = cache.GetClear(); Vector mtmPlusLessThanThreshold = cache.GetClear(); Vector mtmPlusMinusCollGreaterThanThreshold = cache.GetClear(); Vector caseCLogic = cache.GetClear(); Vector caseDAndELogic = cache.GetClear(); Vector caseFLogic = cache.GetClear(); Vector sumOfCases = cache.Get(); if (inHoldingPeriod) { payoff.Assign(VectorMath.Max(0.0, nettedExposure[date] - collateral)); } else { mtmPlusLessThanThreshold.AssignConditional(mtmPlus < threshold, 1.0, 0.0); mtmPlusMinusCollGreaterThanThreshold.AssignConditional(mtmPlus >= threshold + collateral, 1.0, 0.0); caseCLogic.Assign(mtmPlusLessThanThreshold); caseDAndELogic.AssignConditional(mtmPlusMinusCollGreaterThanThreshold * (1.0 - mtmPlusLessThanThreshold), 1.0, 0.0); caseFLogic.AssignConditional((1.0 - mtmPlusLessThanThreshold) * (1.0 - mtmPlusLessThanThreshold), 1.0, 0.0); sumOfCases.Assign(caseCLogic + caseDAndELogic + caseFLogic); double values; if (sumOfCases.AllElementsTheSame(out values) && values == 1.0) { payoff.AssignConditional(caseCLogic, nettedExposure[date], payoff); payoff.AssignConditional(caseDAndELogic, VectorMath.Min(threshold + addOnHp, nettedExposure[date] - collateral), payoff); payoff.AssignConditional(caseFLogic, VectorMath.Max(0.0, VectorMath.Min(threshold + addOnHp, nettedExposure[date])), payoff); } else { payoff.Assign(-1.0); } } collateralExposure.AppendVector(date, payoff); } }
/// <summary> /// Calculate valuation profiles. /// </summary> public override void Value(ValuationResults valuationResults, PriceFactorList factors, BaseTimeGrid baseTimes) { base.PreValue(factors); IAssetPrice commodityPrice; ISpotProcessVol dummyAssetPriceVol; ((BaseAssetFxDealHelper)GetDealHelper()).PreValueAsset(out commodityPrice, out dummyAssetPriceVol, out fBasketPricer, ref fQuantoCompo, factors); CommodityForwardDealBase deal = (CommodityForwardDealBase)fDeal; double scale = (deal.Buy_Sell == BuySell.Buy ? +1 : -1) * deal.Units; double tMaturity = CalcUtils.DaysToYears(deal.Maturity_Date - factors.BaseDate); TimeGridIterator tgi = new TimeGridIterator(fT); CashAccumulators cash = valuationResults.Cash; PVProfiles result = valuationResults.Profile; VectorEngine.For(tgi, () => { using (var cache = Vector.Cache(factors.NumScenarios)) { Vector pv = cache.Get(); if (tgi.Date <= deal.Maturity_Date) { pv.Assign(commodityPrice.ForwardFactor(tgi.T, tMaturity, fFxRate) * commodityPrice.Get(tgi.T)); // assign forward * fxRate to pv pv.Assign((pv - deal.Forward_Price * fFxRate.Get(tgi.T)) * fDiscountRate.Get(tgi.T, tMaturity) * scale); } else { pv.Clear(); } result.AppendVector(tgi.Date, pv); if (tgi.Date == deal.Maturity_Date) { cash.Accumulate(fFxRate, deal.Maturity_Date, (commodityPrice.Get(tMaturity) / fFxRate.Get(tMaturity) - deal.Forward_Price) * scale); } } }); result.Complete(fT); }
/// <summary> /// Calculate a valuation profile for a range of scenarios. /// </summary> public override void Value(ValuationResults valuationResults, PriceFactorList factors, BaseTimeGrid baseTimes) { IAssetPrice price = GetAssetPrice(factors); PVProfiles result = valuationResults.Profile; double scale = fDeal.Units * (fDeal.Buy_Sell == BuySell.Buy ? +1 : -1); var tgi = new TimeGridIterator(fT); VectorEngine.For(tgi, () => result.AppendVector(tgi.Date, scale * price.Get(tgi.T))); result.Complete(fT); CashAccumulators cashAccumulators = valuationResults.Cash; double endDate = Deal.EndDate(); if (!cashAccumulators.Ignore && endDate <= fT.fHorizon) { double tEnd = CalcUtils.DaysToYears(endDate - factors.BaseDate); IFxRate fxRate = factors.GetInterface <IFxRate>(fDeal.Currency); cashAccumulators.Accumulate(fxRate, endDate, scale * price.Get(tEnd) / fxRate.Get(tEnd)); } }
/// <summary> /// Calculate valuation profiles. /// </summary> public override void Value(ValuationResults valuationResults, PriceFactorList factors, BaseTimeGrid baseTimes) { PreValue(factors); TimeGridIterator tgi = new TimeGridIterator(fT); PVProfiles result = valuationResults.Profile; CommitmentDeal deal = (CommitmentDeal)Deal; VectorEngine.For(tgi, () => { if (tgi.Date < deal.Effective_Date) { result.AppendZeroVector(tgi.Date); } else { double amount = deal.Amortisation.GetPrincipal(deal.Amount, tgi.Date - 1.0); result.AppendVector(tgi.Date, fFxRate.Get(tgi.T) * amount); } }); result.Complete(fT); }
/// <summary> /// Value the deal. /// </summary> public override void Value(ValuationResults valuationResults, PriceFactorList factors, BaseTimeGrid baseTimes) { PreValue(factors); CallableBondForward deal = (CallableBondForward)Deal; double baseDate = factors.BaseDate; double settlementDate = deal.Settlement_Date; double tSettle = CalcUtils.DaysToYears(settlementDate - baseDate); TimeGridIterator tgi = new TimeGridIterator(fT); PVProfiles result = valuationResults.Profile; AccruedInterest accrued = valuationResults.Results <AccruedInterest>(); var intraValuationDiagnosticsWriter = IntraValuationDiagnosticsWriterFactory.GetOrCreate(IntraValuationDiagnosticsLevel.None); using (var outerCache = Vector.Cache(factors.NumScenarios)) { // SwapOptionPricerObject is null when there are no valid exercise dates. SwaptionPricer.WorkingArrays arrays = fSwaptionPricer != null?fSwaptionPricer.PreValue(fDiscountRate, outerCache) : null; Vector tExercise = outerCache.Get(double.PositiveInfinity); // time of exercise int numberScenariosExercised = 0; Vector defaultDate = fCreditRating != null?outerCache.Get(CalcUtils.DateTimeMaxValueAsDouble) : null; var defaultedBeforeBaseDate = fNeedsCreditRating && CreditRating.DefaultedBeforeBaseDate(fCreditRating, baseDate); VectorEngine.For(tgi, () => { using (var cache = Vector.Cache(factors.NumScenarios)) { Vector cash = cache.GetClear(); Vector pv = cache.GetClear(); if (defaultedBeforeBaseDate || numberScenariosExercised == factors.NumScenarios) { // already defaulted before base date or All scenarios exercised result.AppendVector(tgi.Date, pv); return(LoopAction.Break); } else { // Value of the bond cashflows after the settlement. fCashflowList.Value(pv, cash, null, baseDate, tgi.Date, null, fDiscountRate, fSurvivalProb, null, null, intraValuationDiagnosticsWriter, 0.0); // Add the value of the principal and amortization cashflows. fFixedCashflowList.Value(pv, cash, baseDate, tgi.Date, null, fDiscountRate, fSurvivalProb, intraValuationDiagnosticsWriter, 0.0); if (fSurvivalProb != null) { fRecoveryList.Value(pv, baseDate, tgi.Date, fDiscountRate, fSurvivalProb, intraValuationDiagnosticsWriter); } if (fNeedsCreditRating) { UpdateDefaultDate(fCreditRating, tgi.Date, tgi.T, defaultDate); } // Add/subtract value of option if (fSwaptionPricer != null) { using (var innerCache = Vector.Cache(factors.NumScenarios)) { Vector optionPv = innerCache.Get(); Vector exerciseStrike = innerCache.GetClear(); // strike of underlying at exercise Vector exerciseFee = innerCache.GetClear(); // fee paid on exercise fSwaptionPricer.Value(optionPv, tgi.T, fDiscountRate, fInterestYieldVol, fSurvivalProb, arrays, tExercise, exerciseStrike, exerciseFee, Early_Exercise_Today == YesNo.Yes, ref numberScenariosExercised); // Ignore optionality if in default. if (fNeedsCreditRating) { optionPv.AssignConditional(defaultDate > tgi.Date, optionPv, 0.0); } pv.Add(optionPv); } } if (tgi.Date < settlementDate) { // Forward deal before settlement date if (deal.Is_Defaultable == YesNo.No) { pv.Assign((pv / fDiscountRate.Get(tgi.T, tSettle) - fSettlementAmount) * fRepoRate.Get(tgi.T, tSettle)); } else { pv.Subtract((fSettlementAmount - fAccrued) * fRepoRate.Get(tgi.T, tSettle) + fAccrued * fDiscountRate.Get(tgi.T, tSettle)); // discount accrued with bond rate; accrued interest must cancel } } else if (tgi.Date == settlementDate) { // Forward deal at settlement date pv.Subtract(fSettlementAmount); cash.Subtract(fSettlementAmount); } if (deal.IsForward()) { // Cash settled forward if (tgi.Date == settlementDate) { cash.Assign(pv); } else { cash.Clear(); } } else if (tgi.Date >= settlementDate) { using (var innerCache = Vector.Cache(factors.NumScenarios)) { Vector afterExercise = innerCache.Get(tExercise < tgi.T); Vector beforeExercise = innerCache.Get(tExercise > tgi.T); Vector exercisedToday = innerCache.GetClear(); exercisedToday.Assign(afterExercise.Or(beforeExercise)); exercisedToday.Assign(!exercisedToday); double callAmount = deal.Notional * Percentage.PercentagePoint * deal.Call_Prices.GetRate(tgi.Date); // Before exercise: pv is bondPV + optionPv and cash is bondCash. // On exercise: pv and cash are bondCash + callAmount. // After exercise: pv and cash are zero. cash.AssignConditional(exercisedToday, cash + callAmount, beforeExercise * cash); pv.AssignConditional(exercisedToday, cash, beforeExercise * pv); } } // Apply leg sign to results int buySellSign = deal.Buy_Sell == BuySell.Buy ? +1 : -1; ApplySign(pv, cash, buySellSign); if (fNeedsCreditRating) { Vector beforeExercise = cache.Get(tExercise > tgi.T); Vector modifiedDefaultDate = cache.Get(); // If default occurs after the call option has been exercise, default is irrelevant. // If default occurs on the same date that the call option is exercised, the assumption // is that the bond has been paid back in full, otherwise it wouldn''t be considered exercised. modifiedDefaultDate.AssignConditional(beforeExercise, defaultDate, double.PositiveInfinity); GetDefaultValue(baseDate, tgi.Date, modifiedDefaultDate, fRecoveryRate, pv, cash); } valuationResults.Cash.Accumulate(fFxRate, tgi.Date, cash); result.AppendVector(tgi.Date, pv * fFxRate.Get(tgi.T)); if (accrued != null) { accrued.SetValue(tgi.Date, fCashflowList.CalculateAccrual(tgi.Date, accrued.AccrueFromToday, fDeal.GetHolidayCalendar()) * buySellSign); } } } return(LoopAction.Continue); }); } result.Complete(fT); }
/// <summary> /// Generic Deal Valuation - derived objects override the ValueFn() method. /// </summary> public override void Value(ValuationResults valuationResults, PriceFactorList factors, BaseTimeGrid baseTimes) { PreValue(factors); var deal = (CalendarSpreadOption)Deal; var tgi = new TimeGridIterator(fT); PVProfiles result = valuationResults.Profile; CashAccumulators accumulator = valuationResults.Cash; fTimeToSettlement = CalcUtils.DaysToYears(deal.Settlement_Date - factors.BaseDate); fPeriodEnd1 = CalcUtils.DaysToYears(deal.Period_End_1 - factors.BaseDate); fPeriodEnd2 = CalcUtils.DaysToYears(deal.Period_End_2 - factors.BaseDate); // The time to expiry is the time to the end of the first expiring contract. fTimeToExpiry = CalcUtils.DaysToYears(deal.Period_End_1 - factors.BaseDate); using (var cache = Vector.Cache(factors.NumScenarios)) { EnergySpreadOptionPricer pricer1 = GetEnergyOptionPricer(fForwardSample, fReferencePrice1, fReferenceVol1, factors.BaseDate, fPeriodEnd1, deal.Period_Start_1, deal.Period_End_1, deal.Realized_Average_1, deal.Realized_Average_Date_1, cache); EnergySpreadOptionPricer pricer2 = GetEnergyOptionPricer(fForwardSample, fReferencePrice2, fReferenceVol2, factors.BaseDate, fPeriodEnd2, deal.Period_Start_2, deal.Period_End_2, deal.Realized_Average_2, deal.Realized_Average_Date_2, cache); Vector pv = cache.Get(); Vector realizedPrice1 = cache.Get(); Vector realizedPrice2 = cache.Get(); Vector unrealizedPrice1 = cache.Get(); Vector unrealizedPrice2 = cache.Get(); Vector vol1 = cache.Get(); Vector vol2 = cache.Get(); Vector correlation = cache.Get(); Vector discountFactor = cache.Get(); // Calculate correlation between forward prices for two different (dereferenced) maturities (e.g. Apr2012 and Jan2013). TDate forwardDate1 = fReferencePrice1.GetPriceDate(deal.Period_End_1, 0); TDate forwardDate2 = fReferencePrice2.GetPriceDate(deal.Period_End_2, 0); fCorrelations.GetValue(correlation, tgi.T, forwardDate1, forwardDate2); while (tgi.Next()) { pv.Clear(); if (tgi.T <= fTimeToExpiry) { // Get unrealised reference forward prices (which also age the pricer to time t and update the realized average at time t) pricer1.GetUnrealizedPrice(tgi.T, unrealizedPrice1); pricer2.GetUnrealizedPrice(tgi.T, unrealizedPrice2); // Get the realized averages for both reference prices. pricer1.GetRealizedPrice(realizedPrice1); pricer2.GetRealizedPrice(realizedPrice2); int numSamples1 = pricer1.GetNumSamples(); int numRealizedSamples1 = pricer1.GetNumRealizedSamples(); int numUnrealizedSamples1 = pricer1.GetNumUnrealizedSamples(); int numSamples2 = pricer2.GetNumSamples(); int numRealizedSamples2 = pricer2.GetNumRealizedSamples(); int numUnrealizedSamples2 = pricer2.GetNumUnrealizedSamples(); // Modify the strike Vector kStar = cache.Get(deal.Strike_Price - realizedPrice1 * numRealizedSamples1 / numSamples1 + realizedPrice2 * numRealizedSamples2 / numSamples2); Vector refPriceStar1 = cache.Get(unrealizedPrice1 * numUnrealizedSamples1 / numSamples1); Vector refPriceStar2 = cache.Get(unrealizedPrice2 * numUnrealizedSamples2 / numSamples2); // Get ATM volatilities of the forward price at different maturities (given as time in years with respect to base date). pricer1.GetVol(tgi.T, unrealizedPrice2, vol1); pricer2.GetVol(tgi.T, unrealizedPrice1, vol2); // value is intrinsic - pricing with volatility 0 and realized price if there are no future sample. if (numUnrealizedSamples1 == 0) { vol1.Clear(); } // value is intrinsic - pricing with volatility 0 and realized price if there are no future sample. if (numUnrealizedSamples2 == 0) { vol2.Clear(); } // CSO pricing: exp(-rT) * E{max(F1(T) - F2(T) - K, 0)} // For the European CSO, we set multiplier1 = sign, multiplier2 = -sign, constant = -sign * strike, // where sign = +1 for a call and -1 for a put in the SpreadOptionBS function. double rootTime = Math.Sqrt(fTimeToExpiry - tgi.T); Vector volStar1 = cache.Get(vol1 * rootTime); Vector volStar2 = cache.Get(vol2 * rootTime); PricingFunctions.SpreadOptionBS(pv, fCallPutSign, -fCallPutSign, cache.Get(-fCallPutSign * kStar), fCallPutSign, refPriceStar1, refPriceStar2, kStar, volStar1, volStar2, correlation); // The option itself cannot be worth less than zero (for long positions). // However, due to that the Bjerksund & Stensland is a type of non-optimal exercise, it is possible to end up with negative PV via // its pricing formula. pv.AssignMax(pv, 0.0); // Discount payment made at settlement date pv.MultiplyBy(fScale * fDiscountRate.Get(tgi.T, fTimeToSettlement)); } // Cash settlement at settlement date if (tgi.T == fTimeToSettlement && accumulator != null && !accumulator.Ignore) { accumulator.Accumulate(fFxPayoffRate, tgi.Date, pv); } result.AppendVector(tgi.Date, pv * fFxPayoffRate.Get(tgi.T)); } result.Complete(fT); } }
/// <summary> /// Calculate valuation profiles. /// </summary> public override void Value(ValuationResults valuationResults, PriceFactorList factors, BaseTimeGrid baseTimes) { PreValue(factors); TimeGridIterator tgi = new TimeGridIterator(fT); PVProfiles result = valuationResults.Profile; CashAccumulators cashAccumulator = valuationResults.Cash; double baseDate = factors.BaseDate; CallableStructuredDeal deal = (CallableStructuredDeal)fDeal; int buySellSign = deal.Buy_Sell == BuySell.Buy ? +1 : -1; int callPutSign = deal.Option_Type == OptionType.Call ? 1 : -1; InterestRateOptionPricer optionPricer = CreateOptionPricer(factors); CalcUtils.CreateDealProfilesIfRequired(valuationResults, fItems, factors); bool needRating = Respect_Default == YesNo.Yes && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(deal.Issuer); using (var cache = Vector.Cache(factors.NumScenarios)) { Vector exercised = cache.GetClear(); // vector taking value 0 or 1 indicating exercise before tgi.date Vector exercisedToday = cache.Get(); // vector taking value 0 or 1 indicating exercise at tgi.date Vector optionPv = cache.Get(); Vector pv = cache.Get(); Vector cash = cache.Get(); Vector settlementDateAtExercise = cache.GetClear(); Vector defaultDate = needRating ? cache.Get(CalcUtils.DateTimeMaxValueAsDouble) : null; var defaultedBeforeBaseDate = needRating && CreditRating.DefaultedBeforeBaseDate(fCreditRating, baseDate); while (tgi.Next()) { if (defaultedBeforeBaseDate) { pv.Clear(); result.AppendVector(tgi.Date, pv); break; } if (needRating) { UpdateDefaultDate(fCreditRating, tgi.Date, tgi.T, defaultDate); } double val; bool allExercised = exercised.AllElementsTheSame(out val) && val == 1.0; if (deal.Settlement_Style == SettlementType2.Physical) { // Calculate value of option (option value is zero after last exercise date) if (!allExercised) { optionPricer.Value(baseDate, tgi.Date, optionPv, exercised, exercisedToday, settlementDateAtExercise, defaultDate); } // Calculate value of underlying cashflows after settlementDateAtExercise pv.Clear(); cash.Clear(); InterestRateOptionPricer.ValueDeals(fItems, pv, cash, baseDate, tgi.Date, settlementDateAtExercise, defaultDate, fDiscountRate, fForecastRate, fRepoRate, fInterestRateVol, fInterestYieldVol, fSurvivalProb, fRecoveryRate); pv.MultiplyBy(callPutSign); cash.MultiplyBy(callPutSign); if (!allExercised) { // If exercised today the cashflow is the value of the option minus the value of the physically settled part // Else if already exercised, cash is the unnderlying cash. // Else (before exercise) there is no cash. cash.AssignConditional(exercisedToday, optionPv - pv, exercised * cash); // If already exercised, pv is the unnderlying pv. // Else (before exercise or exercised today), pv is the option pv. pv.AssignConditional(exercised, pv, optionPv); pv.AssignConditional(exercisedToday, optionPv, pv); } } else { if (allExercised) { // Already exercised on all scenarios result.AppendZeroVector(tgi.Date); continue; } if (deal.Settlement_Style == SettlementType2.Cash) { // Calculate value of option optionPricer.Value(baseDate, tgi.Date, pv, exercised, exercisedToday, settlementDateAtExercise, defaultDate); // If exercised today then option pv is settled today, otherwise there is no cash cash.AssignProduct(pv, exercisedToday); } else // Embedded option (callable or puttable) { // Calculate underlying value pv.Clear(); cash.Clear(); InterestRateOptionPricer.ValueDeals(fItems, pv, cash, baseDate, tgi.Date, null, defaultDate, fDiscountRate, fForecastRate, fRepoRate, fInterestRateVol, fInterestYieldVol, fSurvivalProb, fRecoveryRate); // Calculate value of option optionPricer.Value(baseDate, tgi.Date, optionPv, exercised, exercisedToday, settlementDateAtExercise, defaultDate); // Add or subtract value of embedded option pv.AddProduct(-callPutSign, optionPv); // Option payoff is Max(callPutSign * (underlyingPv - accruedInterest - discountedFee), 0) // Callable/puttable payoff on exercise is // underlyingPv - callPutSign * (callPutSign * (underlyingPv - accruedInterest - discountedFee)) // = accruedInterest + discountedFee // Set pv and cash to zero if already exercised. // If exercised today then the pv is settled today. pv.AssignConditional(exercised, exercisedToday * pv, pv); cash.AssignConditional(exercised, exercisedToday * pv, cash); } } pv.MultiplyBy(buySellSign); cash.MultiplyBy(buySellSign); result.AppendVector(tgi.Date, fFxRate.Get(tgi.T) * pv); cashAccumulator.Accumulate(fFxRate, tgi.Date, cash); } } result.Complete(fT); }
/// <summary> /// Calculate valuation profiles. /// </summary> public override void Value(ValuationResults valuationResults, PriceFactorList factors, BaseTimeGrid baseTimes) { PreValue(factors); TimeGridIterator tgi = new TimeGridIterator(fT); PVProfiles result = valuationResults.Profile; CashAccumulators cashAccumulators = valuationResults.Cash; BondOptionDeal deal = (BondOptionDeal)Deal; double baseDate = factors.BaseDate; double notional = deal.Notional; double interval = deal.Coupon_Interval; double buySign = (deal.Buy_Sell == BuySell.Buy) ? +1 : -1; double paySign = (deal.Option_Type == OptionType.Call) ? +1 : -1; double coupon = Percentage.PercentagePoint * deal.Coupon_Rate; double tExpiry = CalcUtils.DaysToYears(deal.Expiry_Date - baseDate); double tMaturity = CalcUtils.DaysToYears(deal.Bond_Maturity_Date - baseDate); IInterestYieldVol interestYieldVol = InterestVolBase.GetYieldVol(factors, deal.Yield_Volatility, fCurrency); if ((deal.Amortisation) != null && (deal.Amortisation.Count > 0)) { notional = deal.Amortisation.GetPrincipal(notional, deal.Expiry_Date); } bool respectDefault = Respect_Default == YesNo.Yes && fCreditRating != null; using (IntraValuationDiagnosticsHelper.StartDeal(fIntraValuationDiagnosticsWriter, Deal)) { using (var pricerCache = Vector.Cache(factors.NumScenarios)) { Vector defaultTime = null; Vector bondIsAlive = null; Vector historicalRecovery = null; if (respectDefault) { defaultTime = pricerCache.Get(); bondIsAlive = pricerCache.Get(1.0); historicalRecovery = pricerCache.GetClear(); fCreditRating.DefaultTime(defaultTime); } var defaultedBeforeBaseDate = respectDefault && CreditRating.DefaultedBeforeBaseDate(fCreditRating, baseDate); VectorEngine.For(tgi, () => { using (IntraValuationDiagnosticsHelper.StartValuation(fIntraValuationDiagnosticsWriter, tgi.Date)) { using (var cache = Vector.Cache(factors.NumScenarios)) { Vector optionValue = cache.GetClear(); Vector stdDev = cache.Get(); // Std.Dev of Price Vector stdDevYield = cache.Get(); //Std.Dev of Yield Vector price = cache.Get(); Vector yield = cache.Get(); Vector macaulayDuration = cache.Get(); Vector bondValue = cache.Get(); Vector df = cache.Get(); Vector dfr = fRepoIsDiscount ? null : cache.Get(); if (defaultedBeforeBaseDate) { result.AppendVector(tgi.Date, optionValue); return(LoopAction.Break); } // This BondPrice function returns the value of the bond cashflows after ExpiryDate, including accrual, discounted back to T.date double accrual, cash; PricingFunctions.BondPrice(bondValue, out accrual, out cash, baseDate, tgi.Date, deal.Expiry_Date, deal.Issue_Date, deal.Bond_Maturity_Date, notional, coupon, fPayDates, fAccruals, fDiscountRate, deal.Amortisation, fPrincipals, fFinalPrincipal, fSurvivalProb, +1.0); // Now check scenario by scenario for defaults, overwriting bondValue as necessary if (respectDefault) { AdjustBondValueForDefault(notional, tExpiry, bondValue, bondIsAlive, historicalRecovery, defaultTime, tgi.T, fDiscountRate, fRecoveryRate); } // convert price and duration to forward (tExpiry) basis if (tgi.Date == deal.Expiry_Date) { optionValue.Assign(buySign * VectorMath.Max(0.0, paySign * (bondValue - notional * fStrike))); cashAccumulators.Accumulate(fFxRate, tgi.Date, optionValue); } else { fDiscountRate.GetValue(df, tgi.T, tExpiry); if (fRepoIsDiscount) { dfr = df; } else { fRepoRate.GetValue(dfr, tgi.T, tExpiry); } // Need yield and duration to convert yield vol to price vol. PricingFunctions.BondForwardPriceAndAdjustedMacaulayDuration(price, macaulayDuration, tgi.T, tExpiry, tMaturity, coupon, interval, df, fDiscountRate, fSurvivalProb); PricingFunctions.BondYieldFromPrice(yield, tExpiry, tMaturity, coupon, interval, price); // Calculate Modified Duration from Macaulay Duration. Vector modifiedDuration = cache.GetClear(); PricingFunctions.GetModifiedDuration(modifiedDuration, macaulayDuration, yield, interval); // Calculate Std.Dev of Yield and Price interestYieldVol.GetStdDev(stdDevYield, tgi.T, yield, fStrikeYield, tExpiry, tMaturity - tExpiry); stdDev.Assign(modifiedDuration * stdDevYield); if (interestYieldVol.GetDistributionType() == ProbabilityDistribution.Lognormal) { stdDev.MultiplyBy(yield); } price.AssignQuotient(bondValue, df); PricingFunctions.BlackFunction(optionValue, deal.Option_Type, price, notional * fStrike, stdDev); optionValue.MultiplyBy(buySign * dfr); if (fIntraValuationDiagnosticsWriter.Level > IntraValuationDiagnosticsLevel.None) { // Add Intra-valuation Diagnostics using (var volatilitiesAtDateStore = IntraValuationDiagnosticsHelper.CreateVolatilitiesAtDateStore(fIntraValuationDiagnosticsWriter, factors.NumScenarios)) using (var volatilitiesYieldAtDateStore = IntraValuationDiagnosticsHelper.CreateVolatilitiesAtDateStore(fIntraValuationDiagnosticsWriter, factors.NumScenarios)) { volatilitiesAtDateStore.Add(tgi.Date, tgi.TimeGrid.fEndDate, stdDev); volatilitiesYieldAtDateStore.Add(tgi.Date, tgi.TimeGrid.fEndDate, stdDevYield); IntraValuationDiagnosticsHelper.AddBondOptionProperties(fIntraValuationDiagnosticsWriter, price, dfr, bondValue, accrual, volatilitiesAtDateStore, volatilitiesYieldAtDateStore); IntraValuationDiagnosticsHelper.AddCashflowsPV(fIntraValuationDiagnosticsWriter, optionValue); } } } result.AppendVector(tgi.Date, fFxRate.Get(tgi.T) * optionValue); return(LoopAction.Continue); } } }); } result.Complete(fT); } }
/// <summary> /// Valuation method. /// </summary> public override void Value(ValuationResults valuationResults, PriceFactorList factors, BaseTimeGrid baseTimes) { CDOValuationParameters parameters = GetValuationParameters(factors); double scale = (fDeal.Buy_Sell == BuySell.Buy) ? +fDeal.Principal : -fDeal.Principal; double trancheSize = fDeal.Detachment - fDeal.Attachment; if (trancheSize < CalcUtils.TINY) { return; } double tUpfront = CalcUtils.DaysToYears(fDeal.Upfront_Date - factors.BaseDate); TimeGridIterator tgi = new TimeGridIterator(fT); CashAccumulators accumulator = valuationResults.Cash; PVProfiles result = valuationResults.Profile; using (IntraValuationDiagnosticsHelper.StartDeal(fIntraValuationDiagnosticsWriter, Deal)) { VectorEngine.For(tgi, () => { using (var cache = Vector.Cache(factors.NumScenarios)) { Vector npv = cache.Get(); Vector expectedWritedownPremiumNotional = cache.Get(); Vector expectedLoss = cache.Get(); Vector expectedRecovery = cache.Get(); Vector discountFactor = cache.Get(); Vector realizedIndexLoss = cache.Get(); Vector realizedIndexRecovery = cache.Get(); Vector adjustedAttachment = cache.Get(); Vector adjustedDetachment = cache.Get(); Vector trancheRemainder = cache.Get(); // Handle upfront payment if (fDeal.Upfront_Date >= tgi.Date) { npv.Assign(scale * parameters.DF.Get(tgi.T, tUpfront) * fDeal.Upfront_Amount); } else { npv.Clear(); } // reinitialise running variables expectedWritedownPremiumNotional.Clear(); expectedLoss.Clear(); expectedRecovery.Clear(); discountFactor.Assign(parameters.DF.Get(tgi.T, tgi.T)); if (accumulator != null && tgi.Date == fDeal.Upfront_Date) { accumulator.Accumulate(parameters.X, tgi.Date, fDeal.Upfront_Amount); } // Check for realized loss and recovery and adjust the attachment and detachment accordingly parameters.RealizedLoss(realizedIndexLoss, realizedIndexRecovery, tgi.T, fDeal.Payoff_Is_Digital == YesNo.Yes, fDeal.Digital_Payoff_Percentage); adjustedDetachment.Assign(VectorMath.Max(0.0, VectorMath.Min(1.0 - realizedIndexRecovery, fDeal.Detachment) - realizedIndexLoss)); adjustedAttachment.Assign(VectorMath.Max(0.0, VectorMath.Min(1.0 - realizedIndexRecovery, fDeal.Attachment) - realizedIndexLoss)); trancheRemainder.Assign((adjustedDetachment - adjustedAttachment) / trancheSize); if (adjustedDetachment.MaxElement() > CalcUtils.TINY) { // Diagnostics double sumDefaultAccrual = 0; double sumPVPremium = 0; double sumPVProtection = 0; bool needDiagnostics = tgi.T == 0.0 && fIntraValuationDiagnosticsWriter.Level > IntraValuationDiagnosticsLevel.None; using (needDiagnostics ? IntraValuationDiagnosticsHelper.StartCDO(fIntraValuationDiagnosticsWriter, tgi.Date, fDeal.Principal) : null) { // Value future coupon periods VectorEngine.For(0, PayDates.Count, i => { if (PayDates[i] < tgi.Date) { return(LoopAction.Continue); } double tPay = CalcUtils.DaysToYears(PayDates[i] - factors.BaseDate); using (var innerCache = Vector.CacheLike(npv)) { Vector oldExpectedLoss = innerCache.Get(expectedLoss); Vector oldDiscountFactor = innerCache.Get(discountFactor); Vector oldExpectedWritedownPremiumNotional = innerCache.Get(expectedWritedownPremiumNotional); Vector expectedLossAttachment = innerCache.Get(); Vector expectedLossDetachment = innerCache.Get(); Vector premiumLeg = innerCache.Get(); Vector defaultLeg = innerCache.Get(); Vector accruedInDefault = innerCache.Get(); Vector expectedRecoveryAttachment = innerCache.Get(); Vector expectedRecoveryDetachment = innerCache.Get(); Vector avgDiscountFactor = innerCache.Get(); Vector pv = innerCache.Get(); // Get the expected loss and recovery for the tranche detachment and attachment parameters.ExpectedLossAndRecovery(expectedLossDetachment, expectedRecoveryDetachment, tgi.T, tPay, adjustedDetachment, realizedIndexLoss, realizedIndexRecovery); parameters.ExpectedLossAndRecovery(expectedLossAttachment, expectedRecoveryAttachment, tgi.T, tPay, adjustedAttachment, realizedIndexLoss, realizedIndexRecovery); expectedLoss.Assign((expectedLossDetachment - expectedLossAttachment) / trancheSize); expectedRecovery.Assign((expectedRecoveryDetachment - expectedRecoveryAttachment) / trancheSize); expectedWritedownPremiumNotional.Assign(expectedLoss + expectedRecovery); // Premium leg approximation: Accrued in default pays half the accrued. Remove expected loss and recovery (top down writeoff) premiumLeg.Assign(fDeal.Spread * (trancheRemainder - expectedWritedownPremiumNotional) * Accruals[i]); accruedInDefault.Assign(fDeal.Spread * (expectedWritedownPremiumNotional - oldExpectedWritedownPremiumNotional) * 0.5 * Accruals[i]); // Default leg approximation: account for default with bullet payment at end of period defaultLeg.Assign(expectedLoss - oldExpectedLoss); // Convention: bought CDO pays the premium to the buyer discountFactor.Assign(parameters.DF.Get(tgi.T, tPay)); avgDiscountFactor.Assign(0.5 * (discountFactor + oldDiscountFactor)); pv.Assign(scale * (premiumLeg * discountFactor + (accruedInDefault - defaultLeg) * avgDiscountFactor)); npv.Add(pv); if (accumulator != null && tgi.T == tPay) { accumulator.Accumulate(parameters.X, tgi.Date, scale * (premiumLeg + accruedInDefault - defaultLeg)); } if (needDiagnostics) { using (var innerCache1 = Vector.CacheLike(npv)) { Vector expectedPremium = innerCache1.Get(scale * premiumLeg); Vector expectedDefaultAccrual = innerCache1.Get(scale * accruedInDefault); Vector expectedDefaultLoss = innerCache1.Get(scale * defaultLeg); Vector pvDefaultAccrual = innerCache1.Get(expectedDefaultAccrual * avgDiscountFactor); Vector pvPremium = innerCache1.Get(expectedPremium * discountFactor); Vector pvProctection = innerCache1.Get(-expectedDefaultLoss * avgDiscountFactor); // accumulate sums if (i >= 0) { sumDefaultAccrual += pvDefaultAccrual[0]; sumPVPremium += pvPremium[0]; sumPVProtection += pvProctection[0]; } using (IntraValuationDiagnosticsHelper.StartCashflow(fIntraValuationDiagnosticsWriter, PayDates[i])) { var remainingPool = cache.Get(1.0 - realizedIndexLoss - realizedIndexRecovery); AddIntraValuationDiagnostics(fIntraValuationDiagnosticsWriter, parameters, adjustedAttachment, adjustedDetachment, remainingPool, tgi.T, tPay); IntraValuationDiagnosticsHelper.AddDetailedCDOCashflow(fIntraValuationDiagnosticsWriter, expectedPremium, expectedRecovery, expectedDefaultAccrual, expectedDefaultLoss, discountFactor, pv); } } } } return(LoopAction.Continue); }); if (needDiagnostics) { IntraValuationDiagnosticsHelper.AddSummaryCDOAmounts(fIntraValuationDiagnosticsWriter, npv, sumDefaultAccrual, sumPVPremium, sumPVProtection); } } result.AppendVector(tgi.Date, npv * parameters.X.Get(tgi.T)); } } }); } // After maturity result.Complete(fT); }
/// <summary> /// Value the deal from given base date, price factors and time grid. /// </summary> public void Value(PVProfiles pvResults, CashAccumulators cashResults, double baseDate, IInterestRate discountRate, IInterestRate forecastRate1, IInterestRate forecastRate2, IFxRate fxRate, TimeGrid timeGrid, int numScenarios) { var tgi = new TimeGridIterator(timeGrid); var deal = (FloatingInterestCashflowInterpolatedDeal)Deal; bool hasRate1 = deal.HasRate1(); bool hasRate2 = deal.HasRate2(); double scale = deal.Buy_Sell == BuySell.Buy ? +deal.Principal : -deal.Principal; double tPay = CalcUtils.DaysToYears(fPaymentDate - baseDate); double tReset = CalcUtils.DaysToYears(deal.Reset_Date - baseDate); double tRateStart = CalcUtils.DaysToYears(deal.Rate_Start_Date - baseDate); double tRateEnd1 = hasRate1 ? CalcUtils.DaysToYears(fRate1EndDate - baseDate) : 0.0; double tRateEnd2 = hasRate2 ? CalcUtils.DaysToYears(fRate2EndDate - baseDate) : 0.0; double tRateEnd12 = tRateEnd2 - tRateEnd1; // Time from rate 1 end date to rate 2 end date. double tAccrualEnd = CalcUtils.DaysToYears(deal.Accrual_End_Date - baseDate); double interpCoefficient = Math.Abs(tRateEnd12) >= CalcUtils.MinTime ? (tAccrualEnd - tRateEnd1) / tRateEnd12 : 0.0; // Coefficient used to calculate interpolated rate. VectorEngine.For(tgi, () => { using (var cache = Vector.Cache(numScenarios)) { Vector pv = cache.Get(); if (tgi.Date <= fPaymentDate && fPaymentDate > fCutoffDate) { Vector interpRate = cache.GetClear(); Vector rate1 = cache.GetClear(); Vector rate2 = cache.GetClear(); if (hasRate1) { if (fKnownResetRate1.HasValue) { rate1.Assign(fKnownResetRate1.Value); } else { InterestRateUtils.LiborRate(rate1, forecastRate1, tgi.T, tReset, tRateStart, tRateEnd1, fRate1YearFraction); } } if (hasRate2) { if (fKnownResetRate2.HasValue) { rate2.Assign(fKnownResetRate2.Value); } else { InterestRateUtils.LiborRate(rate2, forecastRate2, tgi.T, tReset, tRateStart, tRateEnd2, fRate2YearFraction); } } if (hasRate1 && hasRate2) { if (Math.Abs(tRateEnd12) >= CalcUtils.MinTime) { interpRate.Assign(rate1 + interpCoefficient * (rate2 - rate1)); } else { interpRate.Assign(0.5 * rate1 + 0.5 * rate2); } } else { interpRate.Assign(hasRate1 ? rate1 : rate2); } // Round the calculated rate, regardless whether the valuation date is before or after the reset date. CFFloatingInterestList.RoundRateTo(deal.Interpolated_Rate_Rounding, interpRate); pv.Assign(scale * (interpRate + deal.Margin) * fAccrualYearFraction); CFFixedList.RoundCashflow(pv, Cashflow_Rounding); if (tgi.Date < fPaymentDate) { pv.MultiplyBy(discountRate.Get(tgi.T, tPay)); } else if (tgi.Date == fPaymentDate) { cashResults.Accumulate(fxRate, fPaymentDate, pv); } } else { pv.Clear(); } pvResults.AppendVector(tgi.Date, pv * fxRate.Get(tgi.T)); } }); // After maturity pvResults.Complete(timeGrid); }
/// <summary> /// Aggregate the valuation profile onto a set of result curves to support result partitioning. /// </summary> protected override void ProcessResults(ValuationResults valResults, DealPartitionAssociations assoc, PriceFactorList factors, BaseTimeGrid baseTimes, ValuationOptions options, int partition) { var pvProfiles = valResults.Results <PVProfiles>(); var addOnProfiles = valResults.Results <AddOnProfiles>(); var positiveMtmProfiles = valResults.Results <PositiveMtmProfiles>(); Debug.Assert(addOnProfiles != null, "No Add-On profiles. Cannot proceed with valuation."); Debug.Assert(positiveMtmProfiles != null, "No Positive mtM profiles. Cannot proceed with valuation."); fT = Deal.ValuationGrid(factors, baseTimes, Deal.EndDate()); var tgi = new TimeGridIterator(fT); var nettedExposure = new PVProfiles(factors.NumScenarios); var collateralExposure = new PVProfiles(factors.NumScenarios); var addOnsProfile = new PVProfiles(factors.NumScenarios); var mtmTermProfile = new PVProfiles(factors.NumScenarios); DealBaselNettingCollateralSet nettingSetDeal = Deal as DealBaselNettingCollateralSet; bool collateralised = nettingSetDeal.Collateralised == YesNo.Yes; using (var cache = Vector.Cache(factors.NumScenarios)) { Vector sumMtm = cache.Get(); Vector sumPositiveMtm = cache.Get(); Vector addOns = cache.Get(); Vector netGrossRatio = cache.Get(); Vector value = cache.Get(); Vector term1 = cache.Get(); Vector term2 = cache.Get(); // Collateral related vectors. Vector mtmTermStart = cache.Get(); Vector addOnHp = cache.Get(); // Loop to get the netting set exposure. while (tgi.Next()) { sumMtm.Clear(); sumPositiveMtm.Clear(); addOns.Clear(); value.Clear(); double date = tgi.Date; // For MtM Plus Add-On deals PV profiles represents the sum of the MtM profile and Add-On profile. // Subtract the Add-On profile to recover the MtM profile before flooring. sumMtm.Assign(VectorMath.Max(pvProfiles[date] - addOnProfiles[date], 0.0)); addOns.Assign(addOnProfiles[date]); sumPositiveMtm.Assign(positiveMtmProfiles[date]); netGrossRatio.AssignConditional(sumPositiveMtm > 0, sumMtm / sumPositiveMtm, 0.0); netGrossRatio.MultiplyBy(this.fNetGrossRatioCorrelation); netGrossRatio.Add(1 - this.fNetGrossRatioCorrelation); term2.AssignProduct(addOns, netGrossRatio); term1.Assign(VectorMath.Max(sumMtm, 0.0)); value.AssignSum(term1, term2); nettedExposure.AppendVector(date, value); if (collateralised) { mtmTermProfile.AppendVector(date, term1); addOnsProfile.AppendVector(date, term2); } } nettedExposure.Complete(this.fT); var exposureResults = valResults.Results <Exposure>(); if (exposureResults != null) { exposureResults.Assign(nettedExposure); } // Collateral cases. if (collateralised) { mtmTermProfile.Complete(this.fT); addOnsProfile.Complete(this.fT); double date = factors.BaseDate; mtmTermProfile.GetValue(mtmTermStart, date); addOnsProfile.GetValue(addOnHp, date + nettingSetDeal.Holding_Period); // Assume we have post haircut collateral. double collateral = nettingSetDeal.Balance; double threshold = nettingSetDeal.Threshold; tgi.Reset(); // Loop to get the netting set exposure. while (tgi.Next()) { bool inHoldingPeriod = tgi.T < CalcUtils.DaysToYears(nettingSetDeal.Holding_Period); CollateralBasel3(mtmTermStart, collateral, addOnHp, threshold, inHoldingPeriod, tgi.Date, nettedExposure, collateralExposure); } collateralExposure.Complete(this.fT); if (exposureResults != null) { exposureResults.Assign(collateralExposure); } } } if (options.PartitionCollateralMode != PartitionCollateralMode.Suppress_Collateral_And_Flooring || partition < options.NumTotalPartitions) { valResults.FloorResult(assoc.AggregationMode, options); } CollateralPlugIn.CollateralBalancesContainer coProfiles = valResults.Results <CollateralPlugIn.CollateralBalancesContainer>(); // Store collateral information according to diagnostic collection rules. if (coProfiles != null) { coProfiles.StoreInformation(this); } }
/// <summary> /// Vector valuation function. /// </summary> public override void Value(ValuationResults valuationResults, PriceFactorList factors, BaseTimeGrid baseTimes) { PreValue(factors); TimeGridIterator tgi = new TimeGridIterator(fT); PVProfiles result = valuationResults.Profile; CashAccumulators accumulator = valuationResults.Cash; DealCreditLinkedNoteBase deal = (DealCreditLinkedNoteBase)fDeal; ISurvivalProb SP = GetSurvivalProbability(factors); RecoveryRate RR = GetRecoveryRate(factors); CreditRating CR = GetCreditRating(factors); double tEffective = CalcUtils.DaysToYears(deal.Effective_Date - factors.BaseDate); double scale = (deal.Buy_Sell == BuySell.Buy) ? +deal.Notional_Amount : -deal.Notional_Amount; double purchasePrice = Percentage.PercentagePoint * deal.Price; double couponRate = (deal.Coupon_Type == InterestRateType.Fixed) ? Percentage.PercentagePoint * deal.Coupon_Rate : 0.0; double couponSpread = (deal.Coupon_Type == InterestRateType.Fixed) ? 0.0 : BasisPoint.BasisPointValue * deal.Coupon_Spread; double indexTenor = (deal.Index_Tenor > 0.0) ? deal.Index_Tenor : deal.Coupon_Interval; using (var cache = Vector.Cache(factors.NumScenarios)) { bool[] hasDefaulted = (Respect_Default == YesNo.Yes) ? new bool[factors.NumScenarios] : null; Vector defaultTime = (Respect_Default == YesNo.Yes) ? cache.Get() : null; Vector historicalRecovery = (Respect_Default == YesNo.Yes) ? cache.GetClear() : null; if (hasDefaulted != null && CR != null) { DefaultTime(defaultTime, CR); } Vector npv = cache.Get(); Vector cash = cache.Get(); Vector pStart = cache.Get(); Vector pEnd = cache.Get(); Vector amount = cache.Get(); Vector recovery = cache.Get(); Vector dfLast = cache.Get(); Vector df = cache.Get(); cash.Clear(); var defaultedBeforeTheBaseDate = Respect_Default == YesNo.Yes && CreditRating.DefaultedBeforeBaseDate(CR, factors.BaseDate); while (tgi.Next()) { if (defaultedBeforeTheBaseDate) { npv.Clear(); result.AppendVector(tgi.Date, npv); break; } if (!deal.Principal_Guaranteed && Respect_Default == YesNo.Yes) { RealizedRecoveryRate(recovery, RR, tgi.T); } // Assume defaults are rare and start by valuing under all scenarios without realized defaults // Value of principal repayment SurvivalProbability(pEnd, factors, SP, tgi.T, fT.fLast); fDiscountRate.GetValue(dfLast, tgi.T, fT.fLast); if (deal.Principal_Guaranteed) { npv.Assign(dfLast); } else { npv.Assign(dfLast * pEnd); } if (accumulator != null && tgi.T == fT.fLast) { cash.Assign(npv); } // Value of coupons for (int i = PayDates.Count - 1; i >= 0 && tgi.Date <= PayDates[i]; --i) { double tPay = CalcUtils.DaysToYears(PayDates[i] - factors.BaseDate); double tReset = CalcUtils.DaysToYears(ResetDates[i] - factors.BaseDate); double tPrevious = Math.Max(tgi.T, tReset); SurvivalProbability(pStart, factors, SP, tgi.T, tPrevious); if (deal.Coupon_Type == InterestRateType.Floating) { // Forecast a coupon, add the spread InterestRateUtils.LiborRate(amount, fForecastRate, tgi.T, tReset, tReset, tReset + indexTenor, deal.Index_Day_Count); amount.Add(couponSpread); amount.MultiplyBy(Accruals[i]); } else { // Fixed coupon amount.Assign(couponRate * Accruals[i]); } // The value of the coupon if no default npv.Add(amount * fDiscountRate.Get(tgi.T, tPay) * pEnd); if (accumulator != null && tgi.T == tPay) { cash.Assign(amount); } // The recovery value on default - assume guaranteed principal paid at end, recovery paid immediately if (!deal.Principal_Guaranteed) { npv.Add(fDiscountRate.Get(tgi.T, 0.5 * (tPay + tPrevious)) * (pStart - pEnd) * PricingRecoveryRate(SP)); } pEnd.DestructiveAssign(pStart); } // Now check for realized default scenario by scenario, overwriting NPV and cash as appropriate if (Respect_Default == YesNo.Yes && defaultTime != null) { if (tgi.T < tEffective) { fDiscountRate.GetValue(df, tgi.T, tEffective); } for (int i = 0; i < npv.Count; ++i) { if (defaultTime[i] > tgi.T) { continue; } if (deal.Principal_Guaranteed) { npv[i] = dfLast[i]; // full principal paid at maturity } else { if (!hasDefaulted[i]) { historicalRecovery[i] = recovery[i]; // record the historical recovery rate } if (tgi.T < tEffective) { npv[i] = df[i] * historicalRecovery[i]; // The discounted recovery value of the principal will be paid out on the effective date } else if (tgi.T == tEffective || !hasDefaulted[i]) { npv[i] = historicalRecovery[i]; // The full recovery amount is paid out } else { npv[i] = 0.0; // default is in the past but we are after effective date; settlement has already occurred. } } hasDefaulted[i] = true; } } // Value of purchase price if (tgi.T < tEffective) { npv.Add(-purchasePrice * fDiscountRate.Get(tgi.T, tEffective)); } else if (tgi.T == tEffective) { npv.Add(-purchasePrice); if (accumulator != null) { cash.Add(-purchasePrice); } } result.AppendVector(tgi.Date, scale * npv * fFxRate.Get(tgi.T)); if (accumulator != null) { accumulator.Accumulate(fFxRate, tgi.Date, scale * cash); } } // After maturity result.Complete(fT); } }
/// <summary> /// Calculate a valuation profile for the deal for the current scenario. /// </summary> public override void Value(ValuationResults valuationResults, PriceFactorList factors, BaseTimeGrid baseTimes) { PreValue(factors); var deal = (CFListBaseDeal <TCashflowList>)fDeal; double baseDate = factors.BaseDate; var tgi = new TimeGridIterator(fT); PVProfiles result = valuationResults.Profile; CashAccumulators cashAccumulators = valuationResults.Cash; double endDate = deal.EndDate(); using (IntraValuationDiagnosticsHelper.StartDeal(fIntraValuationDiagnosticsWriter, fDeal)) { using (var outerCache = Vector.Cache(factors.NumScenarios)) { Vector defaultDate = fCreditRating != null?outerCache.Get(CalcUtils.DateTimeMaxValueAsDouble) : null; var defaultedBeforeBaseDate = CreditRating.DefaultedBeforeBaseDate(fCreditRating, baseDate); bool collectCash = ValueOnCashflowDates(); var saccrResult = SACCRResultFactory.Create(valuationResults, deal.GetDealReferenceProvider().DealReference, () => new SACCROptionResult(factors.NumScenarios)); VectorEngine.For(tgi, () => { using (var cache = Vector.Cache(factors.NumScenarios)) { Vector pv = cache.GetClear(); Vector cash = collectCash ? cache.GetClear() : null; if (!defaultedBeforeBaseDate) { using (IntraValuationDiagnosticsHelper.StartCashflowsOnDate(fIntraValuationDiagnosticsWriter, tgi.Date)) { using (IntraValuationDiagnosticsHelper.StartCashflows(fIntraValuationDiagnosticsWriter, fFxRate, tgi.T, deal)) { Value(pv, cash, baseDate, tgi.Date, saccrResult, fIntraValuationDiagnosticsWriter); IntraValuationDiagnosticsHelper.AddCashflowsPV(fIntraValuationDiagnosticsWriter, pv); } } if (fCreditRating != null) { UpdateDefaultDate(fCreditRating, tgi.Date, tgi.T, defaultDate); GetDefaultValue(baseDate, tgi.Date, defaultDate, fRecoveryRate, pv, cash); } } result.AppendVector(tgi.Date, pv * fFxRate.Get(tgi.T)); if (!cashAccumulators.Ignore && cash != null) { // Realise all value as cash on deal end date if (tgi.Date == endDate) { cash.Assign(pv); } cashAccumulators.Accumulate(fFxRate, tgi.Date, cash); } } }); if (!cashAccumulators.Ignore && !collectCash) { CollectCashflows(cashAccumulators, baseDate, fT.fHorizon); // Consolidate and net in order to avoid getting Net incoming and outgoing cashflows with the same payment date, // e.g. for compounding swaps with both positive and negative rates. cashAccumulators.ConsolidateAndNet(fCurrency, factors); } result.Complete(fT); } } }
/// <summary> /// Value the deal on all dates within the valuation grid (vectorised). /// </summary> public override void Value(ValuationResults valuationResults, PriceFactorList factors, BaseTimeGrid baseTimes) { var deal = (AverageForwardExplicitDealBase)Deal; double tMaturity = CalcUtils.DaysToYears(deal.Maturity_Date - factors.BaseDate); // Discount Factor and Forward Factor times are in Act365. int numSamplingDates = fSamplingTimes.Length; PreValue(factors); PVProfiles result = valuationResults.Profile; CashAccumulators cash = valuationResults.Cash; var tgi = new TimeGridIterator(fT); using (var pricerCache = Vector.Cache(factors.NumScenarios)) { double historicalObservations; double futureObservations; int currentDateCount; Vector realisedSum = pricerCache.GetClear(); // sum to value date. Vector forecastSum = pricerCache.Get(); Vector spotPrice = pricerCache.Get(); Vector forwardPrice = pricerCache.Get(); double tSpotPrice = double.NegativeInfinity; GetForwardPrice(0.0, deal.Tenor, true, ref tSpotPrice, spotPrice, forwardPrice); fSamplingData.GetInitialSum(null, factors.BaseDate, forwardPrice, realisedSum, out historicalObservations, out futureObservations, out currentDateCount); VectorEngine.For(tgi, () => { using (var cache = Vector.Cache(factors.NumScenarios)) { Vector overallAverage = cache.Get(); Vector value = cache.Get(); Vector payoffRate = cache.Get(); UpdateSum(tgi.Date, realisedSum, ref tSpotPrice, spotPrice, ref historicalObservations, ref futureObservations, ref currentDateCount); forecastSum.Clear(); // all the sampling dates that are in the future (compared to our valuation date) VectorEngine.For(currentDateCount, numSamplingDates, i => { GetForwardPrice(tgi.T, fSamplingTimesPlusTenor[i], false, ref tSpotPrice, spotPrice, forwardPrice); forecastSum.AddProduct(fSamplingData[i].Weight, forwardPrice); return(LoopAction.Continue); }); forecastSum.MultiplyBy(spotPrice); double totalWeight = historicalObservations + futureObservations; if (totalWeight > 0.0) { overallAverage.Assign((realisedSum + forecastSum) / totalWeight); } else { overallAverage.Clear(); } PayoffRate(payoffRate, overallAverage, ref tSpotPrice, spotPrice, tgi.T, tMaturity); value.Assign(fScale * fDiscountRate.Get(tgi.T, tMaturity) * payoffRate); if (tgi.Date == deal.Maturity_Date) { cash.Accumulate(fPayoffFxRate, tgi.Date, value); } result.AppendVector(tgi.Date, value * fPayoffFxRate.Get(tgi.T)); } }); result.Complete(fT); } }