Beispiel #1
        public static void Delete(decimal Document_ID)
                using (PSsqmEntities entities = new PSsqmEntities())
                    DOCUMENT_FILE this_docfile = (from d in entities.DOCUMENT_FILE
                                                  where (d.DOCUMENT_ID == Document_ID)
                                                  select d).Single();
                    if (this_docfile != null)

                    DOCUMENT this_doc = (from d in entities.DOCUMENT
                                         where (d.DOCUMENT_ID == Document_ID)
                                         select d).Single();
                    if (this_doc != null)
            catch (Exception e)

Beispiel #2
        public static VIDEO_ATTACHMENT DeleteVideoAttachment(decimal videoAttachID)
            VIDEO_ATTACHMENT this_at = null;

                using (PSsqmEntities entities = new PSsqmEntities())
                    VIDEO_ATTACHMENT_FILE this_atfile = (from d in entities.VIDEO_ATTACHMENT_FILE
                                                         where (d.VIDEO_ATTACH_ID == videoAttachID)
                                                         select d).Single();
                    if (this_atfile != null)

                    this_at = (from d in entities.VIDEO_ATTACHMENT
                               where (d.VIDEO_ATTACH_ID == videoAttachID)
                               select d).Single();
                    if (this_at != null)
            catch (Exception e)

Beispiel #3
        protected decimal CreateReAudit(decimal auditId)
            decimal       reauditId = 0;
            PSsqmEntities entities  = new PSsqmEntities();

            AUDIT oldAudit = EHSAuditMgr.SelectAuditById(entities, auditId);

            if (oldAudit != null)
                // create the copy
                PLANT    auditPlant = SQMModelMgr.LookupPlant((decimal)oldAudit.DETECT_PLANT_ID);
                DateTime localTime  = WebSiteCommon.LocalTime(DateTime.UtcNow, auditPlant.LOCAL_TIMEZONE);
                AUDIT    reAudit    = new AUDIT()
                    DETECT_COMPANY_ID = Convert.ToDecimal(oldAudit.DETECT_COMPANY_ID),
                    DETECT_BUS_ORG_ID = oldAudit.DETECT_BUS_ORG_ID,
                    DETECT_PLANT_ID   = oldAudit.DETECT_PLANT_ID,
                    DEPT_ID           = oldAudit.DEPT_ID,
                    AUDIT_TYPE        = oldAudit.AUDIT_TYPE,
                    CREATE_DT         = localTime,
                    CREATE_BY         = SessionManager.UserContext.Person.FIRST_NAME + " " + SessionManager.UserContext.Person.LAST_NAME,
                    DESCRIPTION       = oldAudit.DESCRIPTION,
                    CREATE_PERSON     = SessionManager.UserContext.Person.PERSON_ID,                 // do we want to set this to admin?
                    AUDIT_DT          = localTime,
                    AUDIT_TYPE_ID     = oldAudit.AUDIT_TYPE_ID,
                    AUDIT_PERSON      = SessionManager.UserContext.Person.PERSON_ID,
                    CURRENT_STATUS    = "A",
                    PERCENT_COMPLETE  = 0,
                    TOTAL_SCORE       = 0,
                    AUDITING_ID       = auditId

                reauditId = reAudit.AUDIT_ID;

                AUDIT_ANSWER            answer    = null;
                List <EHSAuditQuestion> questions = EHSAuditMgr.SelectAuditQuestionList(reAudit.AUDIT_TYPE_ID, 0, auditId);
                foreach (var q in questions)
                    answer = new AUDIT_ANSWER()
                        AUDIT_ID               = reauditId,
                        AUDIT_QUESTION_ID      = q.QuestionId,
                        ANSWER_VALUE           = "",
                        ORIGINAL_QUESTION_TEXT = q.QuestionText,
                        //COMMENT = q.AnswerComment

Beispiel #4
        public int UpdateCausation(decimal incidentID)
            int status = 0;

            using (PSsqmEntities ctx = new PSsqmEntities())
                status = ctx.ExecuteStoreCommand("DELETE FROM INCFORM_CAUSATION WHERE INCIDENT_ID = " + incidentID.ToString());

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ddlCausation.SelectedValue))
                    INCFORM_CAUSATION causation = new INCFORM_CAUSATION();
                    causation.INCIDENT_ID   = incidentID;
                    causation.CAUSEATION_CD = ddlCausation.SelectedValue;
                    causation.TEAM_LIST     = tbTeam.Text.Trim();
                    causation.LAST_UPD_BY   = SessionManager.UserContext.UserName();
                    causation.LAST_UPD_DT   = WebSiteCommon.LocalTime(DateTime.UtcNow, IncidentLocationTZ);

                    status = ctx.SaveChanges();

                    EHSIncidentMgr.UpdateIncidentStatus(incidentID, IncidentStepStatus.rootcauseComplete, WebSiteCommon.LocalTime(DateTime.UtcNow, IncidentLocationTZ));

Beispiel #5
        public static CURRENCY_XREF InsertRate(string currencyCode, int year, int month, double rate)
            CURRENCY_XREF xref;

            using (PSsqmEntities entities = new PSsqmEntities())
                    xref = (from x in entities.CURRENCY_XREF
                            where (x.EFF_YEAR == year && x.EFF_MONTH == month && x.CURRENCY_CODE == currencyCode)
                            select x).Single();
                    xref           = new CURRENCY_XREF();
                    xref.EFF_YEAR  = year;
                    xref.EFF_MONTH = month;

                xref.CURRENCY_CODE      = currencyCode;
                xref.BASE_CURRENCY_RATE = (decimal)rate;


Beispiel #6
        public static DOCUMENT Add(String filename, String description, decimal?display_type, string docScope, decimal recordID, Stream file)
            DOCUMENT ret = null;

                using (PSsqmEntities entities = new PSsqmEntities())
                    DOCUMENT d = new DOCUMENT();
                    d.FILE_NAME = filename;
                    d.FILE_DESC = description;

                    //To-do: what do we do when company_id is not set, like when they choose this
                    //       from the Business Org master screen?
                    d.COMPANY_ID     = SessionManager.EffLocation.Company.COMPANY_ID;
                    d.OWNER_ID       = SessionManager.UserContext.Person.PERSON_ID;
                    d.RECORD_ID      = recordID;
                    d.UPLOADED_BY    = SessionManager.UserContext.Person.FIRST_NAME + " " + SessionManager.UserContext.Person.LAST_NAME;
                    d.UPLOADED_DT    = WebSiteCommon.CurrentUTCTime();
                    d.LANGUAGE_ID    = (int)SessionManager.UserContext.Person.PREFERRED_LANG_ID;
                    d.DOCUMENT_SCOPE = docScope;
                    if (display_type.HasValue)
                        d.DISPLAY_TYPE = display_type.Value;

                    if (d.DOCUMENT_FILE == null)
                        d.DOCUMENT_FILE = new DOCUMENT_FILE();

                    //read in the file contents
                    file.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    byte[] bytearray = new byte[file.Length];
                    int    count     = 0;
                    while (count < file.Length)
                        bytearray[count++] = Convert.ToByte(file.ReadByte());

                    d.DOCUMENT_FILE.DOCUMENT_DATA = bytearray;
                    d.FILE_SIZE = file.Length;

                    // d.DISPLAY_TYPE = Path.GetExtension(filename);


                    ret = d;
            catch (Exception e)
                ret = null;

Beispiel #7
        private int SaveContainment(decimal incidentId, List <INCFORM_CONTAIN> itemList)
            PSsqmEntities entities = new PSsqmEntities();
            int           status   = 0;

            using (var ctx = new PSsqmEntities())
                ctx.ExecuteStoreCommand("DELETE FROM INCFORM_CONTAIN WHERE INCIDENT_ID = {0}", incidentId);

            int seq = 0;

            foreach (INCFORM_CONTAIN item in itemList)
                var newItem = new INCFORM_CONTAIN();

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.ITEM_DESCRIPTION))
                    seq = seq + 1;

                    newItem.INCIDENT_ID        = incidentId;
                    newItem.ITEM_SEQ           = seq;
                    newItem.ITEM_DESCRIPTION   = item.ITEM_DESCRIPTION;
                    newItem.ASSIGNED_PERSON_ID = item.ASSIGNED_PERSON_ID;
                    newItem.START_DATE         = item.START_DATE;
                    newItem.LAST_UPD_BY        = SessionManager.UserContext.Person.FIRST_NAME + " " + SessionManager.UserContext.Person.LAST_NAME;
                    newItem.LAST_UPD_DT        = DateTime.Now;

                    status = entities.SaveChanges();
Beispiel #8
        public static int UpdateTargetCalcList(PSsqmEntities ctx, List <PERSPECTIVE_TARGET_CALC> tcList, string updateBy)
            int status = 0;

                for (int n = 0; n < tcList.Count; n++)
                    PERSPECTIVE_TARGET_CALC tc = tcList[n];
                    if (tc.EntityState != EntityState.Unchanged)
                        tc = (PERSPECTIVE_TARGET_CALC)SQMModelMgr.SetObjectTimestamp(tc, updateBy, tc.EntityState);
                        if (tc.EntityState == EntityState.Detached)
                status = ctx.SaveChanges();
            catch (Exception e)
                // SQMLogger.LogException(e);

        public static void TryClosePrevention(decimal incidentId, decimal personId)
            var entities = new PSsqmEntities();

            INCIDENT incident = SelectIncidentById(entities, incidentId);
            bool     shouldUpdateAuditPerson = true;

            if (ShouldPreventionClose(incident))
                incident.CLOSE_DATE   = DateTime.Now;
                incident.CLOSE_PERSON = personId;
                SetTaskComplete(incidentId, 45);
                shouldUpdateAuditPerson = false;
                incident.CLOSE_DATE = null;

            if (ShouldPreventionCloseAudited(incident))
                incident.CLOSE_DATE_DATA_COMPLETE = DateTime.Now;
                if (shouldUpdateAuditPerson == true)
                    incident.AUDIT_PERSON = personId;
                incident.CLOSE_DATE_DATA_COMPLETE = null;

        public static void TryCloseIncident(decimal incidentId)
            var entities = new PSsqmEntities();

            INCIDENT incident = SelectIncidentById(entities, incidentId);

            if (ShouldIncidentReportClose(incident))
                incident.CLOSE_DATE = DateTime.Now;
                SetTaskComplete(incidentId, 40);
                incident.CLOSE_DATE = null;

            if (ShouldIncidentCloseDataComplete(incident))
                incident.CLOSE_DATE_DATA_COMPLETE = DateTime.Now;
                incident.CLOSE_DATE_DATA_COMPLETE = null;

        protected int SaveRootCauses(decimal incidentId, List <INCFORM_ROOT5Y> itemList)
            PSsqmEntities entities = new PSsqmEntities();
            int           status   = 0;

            using (var ctx = new PSsqmEntities())
                ctx.ExecuteStoreCommand("DELETE FROM INCFORM_ROOT5Y WHERE INCIDENT_ID = {0}", incidentId);

            int seq = 0;

            foreach (INCFORM_ROOT5Y item in itemList)
                var newItem = new INCFORM_ROOT5Y();

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.ITEM_DESCRIPTION))
                    seq = seq + 1;

                    newItem.INCIDENT_ID      = incidentId;
                    newItem.ITEM_SEQ         = seq;
                    newItem.ITEM_DESCRIPTION = item.ITEM_DESCRIPTION;
                    newItem.LAST_UPD_BY      = SessionManager.UserContext.Person.FIRST_NAME + " " + SessionManager.UserContext.Person.LAST_NAME;
                    newItem.LAST_UPD_DT      = DateTime.Now;

                    status = entities.SaveChanges();
Beispiel #12
        public static void CheckForUpdates(string baseCurrencyCode)
            entities = new PSsqmEntities();

            //var currencyCodes = (from c in entities.CURRENCY where c.CURRENCY_CODE != baseCurrencyCode select c.CURRENCY_CODE).ToList();
            var currencyCodes = (from c in entities.CURRENCY select c.CURRENCY_CODE).ToList();

            DateTime lastMonth = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-1);

            foreach (string quoteCurrencyCode in currencyCodes)
                DateTime latestDate = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1);

                CURRENCY_XREF latestEntry = (from cx in entities.CURRENCY_XREF
                                             where cx.CURRENCY_CODE == quoteCurrencyCode
                                             orderby cx.EFF_YEAR descending, cx.EFF_MONTH descending
                                             select cx).FirstOrDefault();

                if (latestEntry != null)
                    latestDate = new DateTime(latestEntry.EFF_YEAR, latestEntry.EFF_MONTH, 1);

                if (latestDate < lastMonth)
                    UpdateCurrency(baseCurrencyCode, quoteCurrencyCode, latestDate);
        public int AddUpdateINCFORM_ALERT(decimal incidentId)
            lblStatusMsg.Visible = false;
            int  status            = 0;
            bool allFieldsComplete = true;

            localCtx = new PSsqmEntities();

            INCFORM_ALERT incidentAlert = EHSIncidentMgr.LookupIncidentAlert(localCtx, IncidentId);

            if (incidentAlert == null)  // new alert
                incidentAlert             = new INCFORM_ALERT();
                incidentAlert.INCIDENT_ID = LocalIncident.INCIDENT_ID;
                incidentAlert.ALERT_TYPE  = ((int)TaskRecordType.HealthSafetyIncident).ToString();
                incidentAlert.CREATE_DT   = DateTime.UtcNow;
                incidentAlert.CREATE_BY   = SessionManager.UserContext.UserName();
                lblAlertStatus.Text = XLATList.Where(l => l.XLAT_GROUP == "TASK_STATUS" && l.XLAT_CODE == "0").FirstOrDefault().DESCRIPTION;
            incidentAlert.LOCATION_LIST = "";
            foreach (RadComboBoxItem item in ddlLocations.Items.Where(i => i.Checked == true && i.Value.Contains("BU") == false).ToList())
                incidentAlert.LOCATION_LIST += string.IsNullOrEmpty(incidentAlert.LOCATION_LIST) ? item.Value : (item.Value + ",");

            incidentAlert.ALERT_GROUP = "";
            foreach (RadComboBoxItem item in ddlNotifyGroup.Items.Where(i => i.Checked == true).ToList())
                incidentAlert.ALERT_GROUP += string.IsNullOrEmpty(incidentAlert.ALERT_GROUP) ? item.Value : (item.Value + ",");

            incidentAlert.RESPONSIBLE_GROUP = ddlResponsibleGroup.SelectedValue;
            //  incidentAlert.ALERT_DESC = tbAlertDesc.Text;
            incidentAlert.COMMENTS = tbComments.Text;
            incidentAlert.DUE_DT   = rdpDueDate.SelectedDate;

            // Update CEO-Comments value.
            incidentAlert.CEO_COMMENTS = tbCeoComments.Text.Trim();

            // send general notifications
            if (incidentAlert.INCIDENT_ALERT_ID < 1)
                EHSNotificationMgr.NotifyIncidentAlert(LocalIncident, ((int)SysPriv.notify).ToString(), "380",
                                                       ddlLocations.Items.Where(i => i.Checked == true && i.Value.Contains("BU") == false).Select(i => Convert.ToDecimal(i.Value)).ToList());

            List <TASK_STATUS> alertTaskList = UpdateAlertTaskList(EHSIncidentMgr.GetAlertTaskList(localCtx, LocalIncident.INCIDENT_ID));

            status = localCtx.SaveChanges();

            // send specific task assignments
            EHSNotificationMgr.NotifyIncidentAlertTaskAssignment(LocalIncident, alertTaskList.Where(l => l.RESPONSIBLE_ID.HasValue).ToList());

        public static UOM UpdateUOM(PSsqmEntities entities, UOM uom, decimal convertToUOMID, double conversionFactor)
            UOM ret;

                if (uom.UOM_ID > 0)
                    ret = (from u in entities.UOM.Include("UOM_XREF") where u.UOM_ID == uom.UOM_ID select u).Single();
                    if (ret != null)
                        ret = (UOM)SQMModelMgr.CopyObjectValues(ret, uom, false);
                        ret.UOM_XREF.FirstOrDefault().UOM_TO     = convertToUOMID;
                        ret.UOM_XREF.FirstOrDefault().CONVERSION = Convert.ToDecimal(conversionFactor);
                    if (convertToUOMID > 0 && uom.UOM_ID > 0)
                        UOM_XREF xref = new UOM_XREF();
                        xref.UOM_FROM   = uom.UOM_ID;
                        xref.UOM_TO     = convertToUOMID;
                        xref.CONVERSION = Convert.ToDecimal(conversionFactor);
                        xref.OPERATOR   = "MULT";

                ret = uom;
                ret = null;

        public static void CloseIncident(decimal incidentId)
            var entities = new PSsqmEntities();

            var incident = (from i in entities.INCIDENT where i.INCIDENT_ID == incidentId select i).FirstOrDefault();

            if (incident != null)
                incident.CLOSE_DATE = DateTime.Now;
        protected AUDIT_SCHEDULER CreateNewAuditScheduler()
            decimal auditScheduleId   = 0;
            PLANT   auditPlant        = SQMModelMgr.LookupPlant(Convert.ToDecimal(hdnAuditLocation.Value.ToString()));
            var     newAuditScheduler = new AUDIT_SCHEDULER()
                DAY_OF_WEEK   = Convert.ToInt32(rddlDayOfWeek.SelectedValue.ToString()),
                INACTIVE      = false,
                JOBCODE_CD    = rddlAuditJobcodes.SelectedValue.ToString(),
                PLANT_ID      = auditPlant.PLANT_ID,
                CREATE_DT     = DateTime.Now,
                CREATE_PERSON = SessionManager.UserContext.Person.PERSON_ID,
                AUDIT_TYPE_ID = auditTypeId

            auditScheduleId = newAuditScheduler.AUDIT_SCHEDULER_ID;

Beispiel #17
        public static void CloseAudit(decimal auditId)
            var entities = new PSsqmEntities();

            var audit = (from i in entities.AUDIT where i.AUDIT_ID == auditId select i).FirstOrDefault();

            if (audit != null)
                audit.CLOSE_DATE = DateTime.Now;
Beispiel #18
        protected void rbSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int currentMonth = ((DateTime)radPeriodSelect.SelectedDate).Month;
            int currentYear  = ((DateTime)radPeriodSelect.SelectedDate).Year;

            foreach (RepeaterItem ri in rptCurrency.Items)
                HiddenField       hf = (HiddenField)ri.FindControl("hfCurrencyCode");
                RadNumericTextBox tb = (RadNumericTextBox)ri.FindControl("tbRate");

                if (hf != null && tb != null)
                    string currencyCode = hf.Value;
                    //decimal rate = 0;
                    //Decimal.TryParse(tb.Text, out rate);
                    double rateVal = 0;
                    Double.TryParse(tb.Text, out rateVal);

                    if (rateVal > 0)
                        //rate = (decimal)rateVal;
                        var entities    = new PSsqmEntities();
                        var queryObject = (from cx in entities.CURRENCY_XREF where cx.EFF_YEAR == currentYear &&
                                           cx.EFF_MONTH == currentMonth &&
                                           cx.CURRENCY_CODE == currencyCode
                                           select cx).FirstOrDefault();

                        if (queryObject == null)
                            CURRENCY_XREF cur = new CURRENCY_XREF()
                                EFF_YEAR           = currentYear,
                                EFF_MONTH          = currentMonth,
                                CURRENCY_CODE      = currencyCode,
                                BASE_CURRENCY_RATE = (decimal)rateVal
                            queryObject.BASE_CURRENCY_RATE = (decimal)rateVal;
            lblMessage.Visible = true;
            lblMessage.Text    = "<div style=\"padding: 12px 0;\">Changes have been saved.</div>";
        private int SaveLostTime(decimal incidentId, List <INCFORM_LOSTTIME_HIST> itemList)
            int status = 0;

            PSsqmEntities entities = new PSsqmEntities();

            using (var ctx = new PSsqmEntities())
                ctx.ExecuteStoreCommand("DELETE FROM INCFORM_LOSTTIME_HIST WHERE INCIDENT_ID = {0}", incidentId);

            int seq = 0;

            foreach (INCFORM_LOSTTIME_HIST item in itemList)
                var newItem = new INCFORM_LOSTTIME_HIST();

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(item.WORK_STATUS) && item.WORK_STATUS != "")
                    newItem.INCIDENT_ID        = incidentId;
                    newItem.ITEM_DESCRIPTION   = item.ITEM_DESCRIPTION;
                    newItem.WORK_STATUS        = item.WORK_STATUS;
                    newItem.BEGIN_DT           = item.BEGIN_DT;
                    newItem.RETURN_TOWORK_DT   = item.RETURN_TOWORK_DT;
                    newItem.NEXT_MEDAPPT_DT    = item.NEXT_MEDAPPT_DT;
                    newItem.RETURN_EXPECTED_DT = item.RETURN_EXPECTED_DT;

                    newItem.LAST_UPD_BY = SessionManager.UserContext.Person.FIRST_NAME + " " + SessionManager.UserContext.Person.LAST_NAME;
                    newItem.LAST_UPD_DT = WebSiteCommon.LocalTime(DateTime.UtcNow, IncidentLocationTZ);

                    status = entities.SaveChanges();

            if (seq > 0)
                EHSIncidentMgr.UpdateIncidentStatus(incidentId, IncidentStepStatus.workstatus, WebSiteCommon.LocalTime(DateTime.UtcNow, IncidentLocationTZ));

             * if (status > -1)
             * {
             *      EHSNotificationMgr.NotifyIncidentStatus(WorkStatusIncident, ((int)SysPriv.update).ToString(), "Work status updated");
             * }
        public int AddUpdateINCFORM_APPROVAL(decimal incidentId)
            var itemList = new List <INCFORM_APPROVAL>();
            int status   = 0;

            using (PSsqmEntities ctx = new PSsqmEntities())
                status = ctx.ExecuteStoreCommand("DELETE FROM INCFORM_APPROVAL WHERE INCIDENT_ID = " + incidentId.ToString());

                foreach (RepeaterItem item in rptApprovals.Items)
                    HiddenField   hf     = (HiddenField)item.FindControl("hfItemSeq");
                    Label         lba    = (Label)item.FindControl("lbApprover");
                    Label         lbm    = (Label)item.FindControl("lbApproveMessage");
                    Label         lb     = (Label)item.FindControl("lbItemSeq");
                    Label         lbjobd = (Label)item.FindControl("lbApproverJob");
                    CheckBox      cba    = (CheckBox)item.FindControl("cbIsAccepted");
                    RadDatePicker rda    = (RadDatePicker)item.FindControl("rdpAcceptDate");

                    if (cba.Checked == true)
                        INCFORM_APPROVAL approval = new INCFORM_APPROVAL();
                        approval.INCIDENT_ID      = incidentId;
                        approval.ITEM_SEQ         = Convert.ToInt32(hf.Value);
                        approval.IsAccepted       = true;
                        approval.APPROVAL_MESSAGE = lbm.Text;
                        approval.APPROVER_TITLE   = lbjobd.Text;
                        approval.APPROVAL_DATE    = rda.SelectedDate;
                        hf = (HiddenField)item.FindControl("hfPersonID");
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(hf.Value) || hf.Value == "0")
                            approval.APPROVER_PERSON_ID = SessionManager.UserContext.Person.PERSON_ID;
                            approval.APPROVER_PERSON    = SessionManager.UserContext.UserName();
                            approval.APPROVER_PERSON_ID = Convert.ToDecimal(hf.Value);
                            approval.APPROVER_PERSON    = lba.Text;

                status = ctx.SaveChanges();

Beispiel #21
        public static PERSPECTIVE_TARGET_CALC UpdateTargetCalc(PSsqmEntities ctx, PERSPECTIVE_TARGET_CALC tc, string updateBy)
            PERSPECTIVE_TARGET_CALC ret = null;

            tc = (PERSPECTIVE_TARGET_CALC)SQMModelMgr.SetObjectTimestamp(tc, updateBy, tc.EntityState);
            if (tc.EntityState == EntityState.Detached)
            if (ctx.SaveChanges() > 0)
                ret = tc;

Beispiel #22
        public static PERSPECTIVE_TARGET UpdateTarget(PSsqmEntities ctx, PERSPECTIVE_TARGET target, string updateBy)
            PERSPECTIVE_TARGET ret = null;

            target = (PERSPECTIVE_TARGET)SQMModelMgr.SetObjectTimestamp(target, updateBy, target.EntityState);
            if (target.EntityState == EntityState.Detached)
            if (ctx.SaveChanges() > 0)
                ret = target;

        protected VIDEO UpdateVideo(decimal videoId)
            // we are not going to let them update any of this info.
            VIDEO video = (from i in entities.VIDEO where i.VIDEO_ID == videoId select i).FirstOrDefault();

            if (video != null)
                video.TITLE              = tbTitle.Text.ToString();
                video.DESCRIPTION        = tbDescription.Text.ToString();
                video.VIDEO_TYPE         = ddlVideoType.SelectedValue.ToString();
                video.VIDEO_AVAILABILITY = ddlAvailability.SelectedValue.ToString();
                video.VIDEO_STATUS       = rcbStatusSelect.SelectedValue.ToString();
                video.RELEASE_REQUIRED   = cbReleaseForms.Checked;
                video.TEXT_ADDED         = cbVideoText.Checked;
                video.SPEAKER_AUDIO      = cbSpeakerAudio.Checked;

Beispiel #24
        private int SaveLostTime(decimal incidentId, List <INCFORM_LOSTTIME_HIST> itemList)
            int status = 0;

            PSsqmEntities entities = new PSsqmEntities();

            using (var ctx = new PSsqmEntities())
                ctx.ExecuteStoreCommand("DELETE FROM INCFORM_LOSTTIME_HIST WHERE INCIDENT_ID = {0}", incidentId);

            int seq = 0;

            foreach (INCFORM_LOSTTIME_HIST item in itemList)
                var newItem = new INCFORM_LOSTTIME_HIST();

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(item.WORK_STATUS) && item.WORK_STATUS != "[Select One]")
                    seq = seq + 1;

                    newItem.INCIDENT_ID      = incidentId;
                    newItem.ITEM_SEQ         = seq;
                    newItem.ITEM_DESCRIPTION = item.ITEM_DESCRIPTION;

                    newItem.WORK_STATUS        = item.WORK_STATUS;
                    newItem.BEGIN_DT           = item.BEGIN_DT;
                    newItem.RETURN_TOWORK_DT   = item.RETURN_TOWORK_DT;
                    newItem.NEXT_MEDAPPT_DT    = item.NEXT_MEDAPPT_DT;
                    newItem.RETURN_EXPECTED_DT = item.RETURN_EXPECTED_DT;

                    newItem.LAST_UPD_BY = SessionManager.UserContext.Person.FIRST_NAME + " " + SessionManager.UserContext.Person.LAST_NAME;
                    newItem.LAST_UPD_DT = DateTime.Now;

                    status = entities.SaveChanges();

        protected int SaveRootCauses(decimal incidentId, List <INCFORM_ROOT5Y> itemList)
            PSsqmEntities entities = new PSsqmEntities();
            int           status   = 0;

            using (var ctx = new PSsqmEntities())
                ctx.ExecuteStoreCommand("DELETE FROM INCFORM_ROOT5Y WHERE INCIDENT_ID = {0}", incidentId);

            int seq = 0;

            foreach (INCFORM_ROOT5Y item in itemList)
                var newItem = new INCFORM_ROOT5Y();

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.ITEM_DESCRIPTION))
                    seq = seq + 1;

                    newItem.INCIDENT_ID      = incidentId;
                    newItem.ITEM_SEQ         = seq;
                    newItem.ITEM_TYPE        = item.ITEM_TYPE;
                    newItem.PROBLEM_SERIES   = item.PROBLEM_SERIES;
                    newItem.ITEM_DESCRIPTION = item.ITEM_DESCRIPTION;
                    newItem.IS_ROOTCAUSE     = item.IS_ROOTCAUSE;
                    newItem.LAST_UPD_BY      = SessionManager.UserContext.Person.FIRST_NAME + " " + SessionManager.UserContext.Person.LAST_NAME;
                    newItem.LAST_UPD_DT      = WebSiteCommon.LocalTime(DateTime.UtcNow, IncidentLocationTZ);

                    status = entities.SaveChanges();

            if (seq > 0)
                EHSIncidentMgr.UpdateIncidentStatus(incidentId, IncidentStepStatus.rootcause, WebSiteCommon.LocalTime(DateTime.UtcNow, IncidentLocationTZ));

        private int SaveActions(decimal incidentId, List <INCFORM_ACTION> itemList)
            PSsqmEntities entities = new PSsqmEntities();
            int           status   = 0;

            using (var ctx = new PSsqmEntities())
                ctx.ExecuteStoreCommand("DELETE FROM INCFORM_ACTION WHERE INCIDENT_ID = {0}", incidentId);

            int seq = 0;

            foreach (INCFORM_ACTION item in itemList)
                var newItem = new INCFORM_ACTION();

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.ITEM_DESCRIPTION))
                    seq = seq + 1;

                    newItem.INCIDENT_ID        = incidentId;
                    newItem.ITEM_SEQ           = seq;
                    newItem.ITEM_DESCRIPTION   = item.ITEM_DESCRIPTION;
                    newItem.ASSIGNED_PERSON_ID = item.ASSIGNED_PERSON_ID;
                    newItem.START_DATE         = item.START_DATE;
                    newItem.COMPLETION_DATE    = item.COMPLETION_DATE;
                    newItem.IsCompleted        = item.IsCompleted;
                    newItem.LAST_UPD_BY        = SessionManager.UserContext.Person.FIRST_NAME + " " + SessionManager.UserContext.Person.LAST_NAME;
                    newItem.LAST_UPD_DT        = DateTime.Now;

                    status = entities.SaveChanges();

                    DateTime dueDate = newItem.START_DATE.HasValue ? (DateTime)newItem.START_DATE : DateTime.Now.AddDays(2);
                    EHSIncidentMgr.CreateOrUpdateTask(incidentId, (decimal)item.ASSIGNED_PERSON_ID, 40, dueDate, item.ITEM_DESCRIPTION);
Beispiel #27
        protected void btnClose_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            PSsqmEntities entities = new PSsqmEntities();

            if (IncidentId != null)
                INCIDENT incident = (from i in entities.INCIDENT where i.INCIDENT_ID == IncidentId select i).FirstOrDefault();
                if (incident.CLOSE_DATE == null || incident.CLOSE_DATE_DATA_COMPLETE == null)
                    incident.CLOSE_DATE = DateTime.Now;
                    incident.CLOSE_DATE_DATA_COMPLETE = DateTime.Now;
                    incident.CLOSE_DATE = null;                     // Reopen
                    incident.CLOSE_DATE_DATA_COMPLETE = null;


Beispiel #28
        static string ProcessEHSData()
            string nextStep = "";

            WriteLine("EHSDATA Rollup Started: " + DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("hh:mm MM/dd/yyyy"));

            List <SETTINGS> sets = SQMSettings.SelectSettingsGroup("AUTOMATE", "TASK");            // ABW 20140805

                using (var entities = new PSsqmEntities())
                    long     updateIndicator = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks;
                    SETTINGS setting         = null;

                    // get any AUTOMATE settings
                    sets = SQMSettings.SelectSettingsGroup("AUTOMATE", "TASK");

                    DateTime rollupFromDate = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMonths(-11);                           // this should be a setting
                    // set end date to end of current month to clear spurrious entries ?
                    DateTime rollupToDate = new DateTime(DateTime.UtcNow.Year, DateTime.UtcNow.Month, DateTime.DaysInMonth(DateTime.UtcNow.Year, DateTime.UtcNow.Month));

                     * int rollupMonthsAhead = 0;
                     * setting = sets.Where(x => x.SETTING_CD == "ROLLUP_MONTHS_AHEAD").FirstOrDefault();
                     * if (setting != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(setting.VALUE))
                     * {
                     *      int.TryParse(setting.VALUE, out rollupMonthsAhead);
                     *      rollupToDate = rollupToDate.AddMonths(rollupMonthsAhead);
                     * }

                    List <EHS_MEASURE> measureList = (from m in entities.EHS_MEASURE select m).ToList();

                    decimal plantManagerAuditsMeasureID        = measureList.First(m => m.MEASURE_CD == "S30003").MEASURE_ID;
                    decimal ehsAuditsMeasureID                 = measureList.First(m => m.MEASURE_CD == "S30001").MEASURE_ID;
                    decimal supervisorAuditsMeasureID          = measureList.First(m => m.MEASURE_CD == "S30002").MEASURE_ID;
                    decimal plantManagerAuditsCreatedMeasureID = measureList.First(m => m.MEASURE_CD == "S3C003").MEASURE_ID;
                    decimal ehsAuditsCreatedMeasureID          = measureList.First(m => m.MEASURE_CD == "S3C001").MEASURE_ID;
                    decimal supervisorAuditsCreatedMeasureID   = measureList.First(m => m.MEASURE_CD == "S3C002").MEASURE_ID;
                    decimal allAuditsCreatedMeasureID          = measureList.FirstOrDefault(m => m.MEASURE_CD == "S3C000").MEASURE_ID;
                    var     auditDailyMeasureIDs               = new List <decimal>()
                    var auditMonthlyMeasureIDs = new List <decimal>()

                    decimal nearMissMeasureID            = measureList.First(m => m.MEASURE_CD == "S20002").MEASURE_ID;
                    decimal firstAidMeasureID            = measureList.First(m => m.MEASURE_CD == "S20003").MEASURE_ID;
                    decimal recordableMeasureID          = measureList.First(m => m.MEASURE_CD == "S20004").MEASURE_ID;
                    decimal lostTimeCaseMeasureID        = measureList.First(m => m.MEASURE_CD == "S20005").MEASURE_ID;
                    decimal fatalityMeasureID            = measureList.First(m => m.MEASURE_CD == "S20006").MEASURE_ID;
                    decimal otherIncidentsID             = measureList.First(m => m.MEASURE_CD == "S20001").MEASURE_ID;
                    decimal closedInvestigationMeasureID = measureList.First(m => m.MEASURE_CD == "S20007").MEASURE_ID;
                    var     incidentMeasureIDs           = new List <decimal>()

                    decimal timeLostMeasureID         = entities.EHS_MEASURE.First(m => m.MEASURE_CD == "S60001").MEASURE_ID;
                    decimal timeRestrictedMeasureID   = entities.EHS_MEASURE.First(m => m.MEASURE_CD == "S60003").MEASURE_ID;
                    var     incidentMonthlyMeasureIDs = new List <decimal>()

                    decimal injuryIllnessIssueTypeID = entities.INCIDENT_TYPE.First(i => i.TITLE == "Injury/Illness").INCIDENT_TYPE_ID;
                    decimal nearMissIssueTypeID      = entities.INCIDENT_TYPE.First(i => i.TITLE == "Near Miss").INCIDENT_TYPE_ID;

                    List <PLANT> plantList = SQMModelMgr.SelectPlantList(entities, 1, 0).Where(l => l.STATUS == "A").ToList();
                    PLANT_ACTIVE pact      = null;

                    var createdAudits = (from a in entities.AUDIT where a.AUDIT_DT >= rollupFromDate && new decimal[3] {
                        1, 2, 3
                    }.Contains(a.AUDIT_TYPE_ID) select a).ToList();
                    //var incidents = (from i in entities.INCIDENT where i.INCIDENT_DT >= rollupFromDate && (i.ISSUE_TYPE_ID == injuryIllnessIssueTypeID || i.ISSUE_TYPE_ID == nearMissIssueTypeID) select i).ToList();
                    var incidents = (from i in entities.INCIDENT.Include("INCFORM_INJURYILLNESS") where i.INCIDENT_DT >= rollupFromDate && (i.ISSUE_TYPE_ID == injuryIllnessIssueTypeID || i.ISSUE_TYPE_ID == nearMissIssueTypeID) select i).ToList();

                    // AUDITS
                    foreach (var plant in plantList)
                        pact = (from a in entities.PLANT_ACTIVE where a.PLANT_ID == plant.PLANT_ID && a.RECORD_TYPE == (int)TaskRecordType.Audit select a).SingleOrDefault();
                        if (pact != null && pact.EFF_START_DATE.HasValue)                               // plant is active
                            var auditsForPlant = createdAudits.Where(a => a.DETECT_PLANT_ID == plant.PLANT_ID && a.CURRENT_STATUS != "I");

                            // new timespan logic
                            DateTime fromDate = rollupFromDate > (DateTime)pact.EFF_START_DATE ? rollupFromDate : (DateTime)pact.EFF_START_DATE;
                            DateTime toDate   = pact.EFF_END_DATE.HasValue && (DateTime)pact.EFF_END_DATE < rollupToDate ? (DateTime)pact.EFF_END_DATE : rollupToDate;

                            WriteLine("AUDIT Rollup For Plant " + pact.PLANT_ID + "  from date = " + fromDate.ToShortDateString() + "  to date = " + toDate.ToShortDateString());

                            // loop by month to get audits created for month and then by day to calculate completions
                            for (DateTime dt = fromDate; dt <= toDate; dt = dt.AddMonths(1))
                                int plantManagerAuditsCreatedMonth = 0;
                                int ehsAuditsCreatedMonth          = 0;
                                int supervisorAuditsCreatedMonth   = 0;
                                int auditsCreatedMonth             = 0;

                                for (var currDate = new System.DateTime(dt.Year, dt.Month, 1); currDate <= new System.DateTime(dt.Year, dt.Month, DateTime.DaysInMonth(dt.Year, dt.Month)); currDate = currDate.AddDays(1))
                                    int plantManagerAudits = 0;
                                    int ehsAudits          = 0;
                                    int supervisorAudits   = 0;

                                    // fetch audits scheduled for this day
                                    var auditsForDay = auditsForPlant.Where(a => TruncateTime(a.AUDIT_DT) == currDate.Date);
                                    if (auditsForDay.Any())
                                        auditsCreatedMonth             += auditsForDay.Count();
                                        plantManagerAuditsCreatedMonth += auditsForDay.Count(a => a.AUDIT_TYPE_ID == 1);
                                        ehsAuditsCreatedMonth          += auditsForDay.Count(a => a.AUDIT_TYPE_ID == 2);
                                        supervisorAuditsCreatedMonth   += auditsForDay.Count(a => a.AUDIT_TYPE_ID == 3);
                                    // get audits scheduled for this day that have been completed
                                    var closedAuditsForDay = auditsForDay.Where(a => a.CLOSE_DATE_DATA_COMPLETE != null);
                                    if (closedAuditsForDay.Any())
                                        plantManagerAudits = closedAuditsForDay.Count(a => a.AUDIT_TYPE_ID == 1);
                                        ehsAudits          = closedAuditsForDay.Count(a => a.AUDIT_TYPE_ID == 2);
                                        supervisorAudits   = closedAuditsForDay.Count(a => a.AUDIT_TYPE_ID == 3);

                                    var dailyData = EHSDataMapping.SelectEHSDataPeriodList(entities, plant.PLANT_ID, currDate, auditDailyMeasureIDs, true, updateIndicator);
                                    EHSDataMapping.SetEHSDataValue(dailyData, plantManagerAuditsMeasureID, plantManagerAudits, updateIndicator);
                                    EHSDataMapping.SetEHSDataValue(dailyData, ehsAuditsMeasureID, ehsAudits, updateIndicator);
                                    EHSDataMapping.SetEHSDataValue(dailyData, supervisorAuditsMeasureID, supervisorAudits, updateIndicator);
                                    foreach (var data in dailyData)
                                        if (data.EntityState == EntityState.Detached && data.VALUE != 0)
                                        else if (data.EntityState != EntityState.Detached && data.VALUE == 0)

                                var monthlyData = EHSDataMapping.SelectEHSDataPeriodList(entities, plant.PLANT_ID, new DateTime(dt.Year, dt.Month, 1), auditMonthlyMeasureIDs, true, updateIndicator);
                                EHSDataMapping.SetEHSDataValue(monthlyData, plantManagerAuditsCreatedMeasureID, plantManagerAuditsCreatedMonth, updateIndicator);
                                EHSDataMapping.SetEHSDataValue(monthlyData, supervisorAuditsCreatedMeasureID, supervisorAuditsCreatedMonth, updateIndicator);
                                EHSDataMapping.SetEHSDataValue(monthlyData, ehsAuditsCreatedMeasureID, ehsAuditsCreatedMonth, updateIndicator);
                                EHSDataMapping.SetEHSDataValue(monthlyData, allAuditsCreatedMeasureID, auditsCreatedMonth, updateIndicator);
                                foreach (var data in monthlyData)
                                    if (data.EntityState == EntityState.Detached && data.VALUE != 0)
                                    else if (data.EntityState != EntityState.Detached && data.VALUE == 0)


                    // INCIDENTS
                    foreach (var plant in plantList)
                        pact = (from a in entities.PLANT_ACTIVE where a.PLANT_ID == plant.PLANT_ID && a.RECORD_TYPE == (int)TaskRecordType.HealthSafetyIncident select a).SingleOrDefault();
                        if (pact != null && pact.EFF_START_DATE.HasValue)                               // plant is active
                            var incidentsForPlant = incidents.Where(i => i.DETECT_PLANT_ID == plant.PLANT_ID);
                            //var minDate = new[] { pact.EFF_START_DATE, incidentsForPlant.Min(i => (DateTime?)i.INCIDENT_DT) }.Max();
                            //var maxDate = new[] { pact.EFF_END_DATE, incidentsForPlant.Max(i => (DateTime?)i.INCIDENT_DT) }.Min();
                            // new timespan logic
                            DateTime fromDate = rollupFromDate > (DateTime)pact.EFF_START_DATE ? rollupFromDate : (DateTime)pact.EFF_START_DATE;
                            DateTime toDate   = pact.EFF_END_DATE.HasValue && (DateTime)pact.EFF_END_DATE < rollupToDate ? (DateTime)pact.EFF_END_DATE : rollupToDate;

                            WriteLine("INCIDENT Rollup For Plant " + pact.PLANT_ID + "  from date = " + fromDate.ToShortDateString() + "  to date = " + toDate.ToShortDateString());

                            for (var currDate = fromDate; currDate <= toDate; currDate = currDate.AddDays(1))
                                int nearMisses           = 0;
                                int firstAidCases        = 0;
                                int recordables          = 0;
                                int lostTimeCases        = 0;
                                int fatalities           = 0;
                                int otherIncidents       = 0;
                                int closedInvestigations = 0;

                                var firstAidOrdinals = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, int> >()
                                    { "type", null },
                                    { "bodyPart", null },
                                    { "rootCause", null },
                                    { "tenure", null },
                                    { "daysToClose", null }
                                var recordableOrdinals = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, int> >()
                                    { "type", null },
                                    { "bodyPart", null },
                                    { "rootCause", null },
                                    { "tenure", null },
                                    { "daysToClose", null }

                                var incidentsForDay = incidentsForPlant.Where(i => TruncateTime(i.INCIDENT_DT) == currDate.Date);
                                //if (incidentsForDay.Any())
                                if (incidentsForDay.Count() > 0)
                                    var firstAidIncidents   = incidentsForDay.Where(i => i.ISSUE_TYPE_ID == injuryIllnessIssueTypeID && i.INCFORM_INJURYILLNESS != null && i.INCFORM_INJURYILLNESS.FIRST_AID);
                                    var recordableIncidents = incidentsForDay.Where(i => i.ISSUE_TYPE_ID == injuryIllnessIssueTypeID && i.INCFORM_INJURYILLNESS != null && i.INCFORM_INJURYILLNESS.RECORDABLE);
                                    otherIncidents = incidentsForDay.Where(i => i.ISSUE_TYPE_ID != injuryIllnessIssueTypeID).Count();
                                    // Basic data
                                    nearMisses    = incidentsForDay.Count(i => i.ISSUE_TYPE_ID == nearMissIssueTypeID);
                                    firstAidCases = firstAidIncidents.Count();
                                    recordables   = recordableIncidents.Count();
                                    lostTimeCases = incidentsForDay.Count(i => i.ISSUE_TYPE_ID == injuryIllnessIssueTypeID && i.INCFORM_INJURYILLNESS != null && i.INCFORM_INJURYILLNESS.LOST_TIME);
                                    fatalities    = incidentsForDay.Count(i =>
                                                                          i.ISSUE_TYPE_ID == injuryIllnessIssueTypeID && i.INCFORM_INJURYILLNESS != null && i.INCFORM_INJURYILLNESS.FATALITY.HasValue && i.INCFORM_INJURYILLNESS != null && i.INCFORM_INJURYILLNESS.FATALITY.Value);
                                    closedInvestigations = incidentsForDay.Count(i => i.CLOSE_DATE.HasValue);

                                    // First Aid ordinals
                                    // check which ordinal data we wish to capture
                                    SETTINGS setFirstAid = sets.Where(s => s.SETTING_CD == "FIRSTAID-ORDINALS").FirstOrDefault();
                                    if (setFirstAid != null && setFirstAid.VALUE.Contains("type"))
                                        firstAidOrdinals["type"] = firstAidIncidents.GroupBy(i => i.INCFORM_INJURYILLNESS.INJURY_TYPE).ToDictionary(t => t.Key ?? "", t => t.Count());
                                    if (setFirstAid != null && setFirstAid.VALUE.Contains("bodyPart"))
                                        firstAidOrdinals["bodyPart"] = firstAidIncidents.GroupBy(i => i.INCFORM_INJURYILLNESS.INJURY_BODY_PART).ToDictionary(b => b.Key ?? "", b => b.Count());
                                    if (setFirstAid != null && setFirstAid.VALUE.Contains("rootCause"))
                                        firstAidOrdinals["rootCause"] = firstAidIncidents.SelectMany(i => i.INCFORM_CAUSATION).GroupBy(c => c.CAUSEATION_CD).ToDictionary(c =>
                                                                                                                                                                          c.Key ?? "", c => c.Count());
                                    if (setFirstAid != null && setFirstAid.VALUE.Contains("tenure"))
                                        firstAidOrdinals["tenure"] = firstAidIncidents.GroupBy(i => i.INCFORM_INJURYILLNESS.JOB_TENURE).ToDictionary(t => t.Key ?? "", t => t.Count());
                                    if (setFirstAid != null && setFirstAid.VALUE.Contains("daysToClose"))
                                        firstAidOrdinals["daysToClose"] = firstAidIncidents.Where(i => i.CLOSE_DATE.HasValue).Select(i =>
                                                                                                                                     ((TimeSpan)(i.INCIDENT_DT - i.CLOSE_DATE)).Days).Select(d => entities.XLAT_DAYS_TO_CLOSE_TRANS.FirstOrDefault(x =>
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   (x.MIN_DAYS.HasValue ? d >= x.MIN_DAYS : true) && (x.MAX_DAYS.HasValue ? d <= x.MAX_DAYS : true)).XLAT_CODE).GroupBy(x => x).ToDictionary(x =>
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             x.Key ?? "", x => x.Count());

                                         * firstAidOrdinals["daysToClose"] = firstAidIncidents.Where(i => i.CLOSE_DATE.HasValue).Select(i =>
                                         * EntityFunctions.DiffDays(i.INCIDENT_DT, i.CLOSE_DATE)).Select(d => entities.XLAT_DAYS_TO_CLOSE_TRANS.FirstOrDefault(x =>
                                         * (x.MIN_DAYS.HasValue ? d >= x.MIN_DAYS : true) && (x.MAX_DAYS.HasValue ? d <= x.MAX_DAYS : true)).XLAT_CODE).GroupBy(x => x).ToDictionary(x =>
                                         * x.Key ?? "", x => x.Count());

                                    // Recordable ordinals
                                    // check which ordinal data we wish to capture
                                    SETTINGS setRecordable = sets.Where(s => s.SETTING_CD == "RECORDABLE-ORDINALS").FirstOrDefault();
                                    if (setRecordable != null && setRecordable.VALUE.Contains("type"))
                                        recordableOrdinals["type"] = recordableIncidents.GroupBy(i => i.INCFORM_INJURYILLNESS.INJURY_TYPE).ToDictionary(t => t.Key ?? "", t => t.Count());
                                    if (setRecordable != null && setRecordable.VALUE.Contains("bodyPart"))
                                        recordableOrdinals["bodyPart"] = recordableIncidents.GroupBy(i => i.INCFORM_INJURYILLNESS.INJURY_BODY_PART).ToDictionary(b => b.Key ?? "", b => b.Count());
                                    if (setRecordable != null && setRecordable.VALUE.Contains("rootCause"))
                                        recordableOrdinals["rootCause"] = recordableIncidents.SelectMany(i => i.INCFORM_CAUSATION).GroupBy(c => c.CAUSEATION_CD).ToDictionary(c =>
                                                                                                                                                                              c.Key ?? "", c => c.Count());
                                    if (setRecordable != null && setRecordable.VALUE.Contains("tenure"))
                                        recordableOrdinals["tenure"] = recordableIncidents.GroupBy(i => i.INCFORM_INJURYILLNESS.JOB_TENURE).ToDictionary(t => t.Key ?? "", t => t.Count());
                                    if (setRecordable != null && setRecordable.VALUE.Contains("daysToClose"))
                                        recordableOrdinals["daysToClose"] = recordableIncidents.Where(i => i.CLOSE_DATE.HasValue).Select(i =>
                                                                                                                                         ((TimeSpan)(i.INCIDENT_DT - i.CLOSE_DATE)).Days).Select(d => entities.XLAT_DAYS_TO_CLOSE_TRANS.FirstOrDefault(x =>
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       (x.MIN_DAYS.HasValue ? d >= x.MIN_DAYS : true) && (x.MAX_DAYS.HasValue ? d <= x.MAX_DAYS : true)).XLAT_CODE).GroupBy(x => x).ToDictionary(x =>
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 x.Key ?? "", x => x.Count());

                                         *                                                                              recordableOrdinals["daysToClose"] = recordableIncidents.Where(i => i.CLOSE_DATE.HasValue).Select(i =>
                                         * EntityFunctions.DiffDays(i.INCIDENT_DT, i.CLOSE_DATE)).Select(d => entities.XLAT_DAYS_TO_CLOSE_TRANS.FirstOrDefault(x =>
                                         * (x.MIN_DAYS.HasValue ? d >= x.MIN_DAYS : true) && (x.MAX_DAYS.HasValue ? d <= x.MAX_DAYS : true)).XLAT_CODE).GroupBy(x => x).ToDictionary(x =>
                                         * x.Key ?? "", x => x.Count());

                                var dataList = EHSDataMapping.SelectEHSDataPeriodList(entities, plant.PLANT_ID, currDate, incidentMeasureIDs, true, updateIndicator);
                                EHSDataMapping.SetEHSDataValue(dataList, nearMissMeasureID, nearMisses, updateIndicator);
                                EHSDataMapping.SetEHSDataValue(dataList, firstAidMeasureID, firstAidCases, updateIndicator);
                                EHSDataMapping.SetEHSDataValue(dataList, recordableMeasureID, recordables, updateIndicator);
                                EHSDataMapping.SetEHSDataValue(dataList, lostTimeCaseMeasureID, lostTimeCases, updateIndicator);
                                EHSDataMapping.SetEHSDataValue(dataList, fatalityMeasureID, fatalities, updateIndicator);
                                EHSDataMapping.SetEHSDataValue(dataList, otherIncidentsID, otherIncidents, updateIndicator);
                                EHSDataMapping.SetEHSDataValue(dataList, closedInvestigationMeasureID, closedInvestigations, updateIndicator);
                                foreach (var data in dataList)
                                    if (data.VALUE != 0)
                                        if (data.EntityState == EntityState.Detached)
                                        if (incidentsForDay.Any())
                                            if (data.MEASURE_ID == firstAidMeasureID)
                                                UpdateOrdinalData(entities, data, firstAidOrdinals);
                                            else if (data.MEASURE_ID == recordableMeasureID)
                                                UpdateOrdinalData(entities, data, recordableOrdinals);
                                    else if (data.EntityState != EntityState.Detached && data.VALUE == 0)
                                        if (data.MEASURE_ID == firstAidMeasureID)
                                            foreach (var key in firstAidOrdinals.Keys.ToArray())
                                                firstAidOrdinals[key] = new Dictionary <string, int>();
                                            UpdateOrdinalData(entities, data, firstAidOrdinals);
                                        else if (data.MEASURE_ID == recordableMeasureID)
                                            foreach (var key in recordableOrdinals.Keys.ToArray())
                                                recordableOrdinals[key] = new Dictionary <string, int>();
                                            UpdateOrdinalData(entities, data, recordableOrdinals);

                            // MONTHLY INCIDENTS (from PLANT_ACCOUNTING)
                            var             accountingForPlant = entities.PLANT_ACCOUNTING.Where(a => a.PLANT_ID == plant.PLANT_ID);
                            List <EHS_DATA> ehsdataList;

                            for (var currDate = fromDate; currDate <= toDate; currDate = currDate.AddDays(1))
                                decimal timeLost       = 0;
                                decimal timeRestricted = 0;

                                if (currDate.Day == 1)
                                    // get or create data records for the 1st day of the month
                                    ehsdataList = EHSDataMapping.SelectEHSDataPeriodList(entities, plant.PLANT_ID, currDate, incidentMonthlyMeasureIDs, true, updateIndicator);
                                    var accountingForMonth = accountingForPlant.FirstOrDefault(a => a.PERIOD_YEAR == currDate.Year && a.PERIOD_MONTH == currDate.Month);
                                    if (accountingForMonth != null)
                                        timeLost       = accountingForMonth.TIME_LOST ?? 0;
                                        timeRestricted = accountingForMonth.TOTAL_DAYS_RESTRICTED ?? 0;
                                    EHSDataMapping.SetEHSDataValue(ehsdataList, timeLostMeasureID, timeLost, updateIndicator);
                                    EHSDataMapping.SetEHSDataValue(ehsdataList, timeRestrictedMeasureID, timeRestricted, updateIndicator);
                                    WriteLine("ACCOUNTING Rollup For Plant " + pact.PLANT_ID + " date = " + currDate.ToShortDateString());
                                    // get any spurrious data that might have been entered manually. we will want to delete these
                                    ehsdataList = EHSDataMapping.SelectEHSDataPeriodList(entities, plant.PLANT_ID, currDate, incidentMonthlyMeasureIDs, false, updateIndicator);

                                foreach (var data in ehsdataList)
                                    if (data.EntityState == EntityState.Detached && data.VALUE.HasValue && currDate.Day == 1)
                                    else if (data.EntityState != EntityState.Detached && currDate.Day != 1)


            catch (Exception ex)
                output.AppendFormat("EHS Data RollUp Error - {0}", ex);

Beispiel #29
        protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var verifications = new List <INCIDENT_VERIFICATION>();

            if (tbInstructions.Text.Trim().Length == 0 || !rdpDueDate.SelectedDate.HasValue)
                lblRequired.Visible = true;
            lblRequired.Visible = false;

            PSsqmEntities entities = new PSsqmEntities();

            if (IsEditContext == true)
                if (IncidentId != null)
                    // Update description, date
                    INCIDENT incident = (from i in entities.INCIDENT where i.INCIDENT_ID == IncidentId select i).FirstOrDefault();
                    incident.DESCRIPTION = tbInstructions.Text;
                    if (rdpDueDate.SelectedDate.HasValue)
                        incident.INCIDENT_DT = (DateTime)rdpDueDate.SelectedDate;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rcbCases.SelectedValue))
                        incident.VERIFY_PROBCASE_ID = Convert.ToDecimal(rcbCases.SelectedValue);

                    // Add notified people and plants to database
                    foreach (GridViewRow gvr in gvPreventLocationsList.Rows)
                        decimal plantId = (decimal)gvPreventLocationsList.DataKeys[gvr.RowIndex].Value;

                        if (plantId != null)
                            RadGrid currentGridView = (RadGrid)gvr.FindControl("rgPlantContacts");
                            foreach (GridDataItem item in currentGridView.Items)
                                decimal personId = (decimal)item.GetDataKeyValue("PERSON_ID");
                                if (personId != null)
                                    var incidentVerification = (from iv in entities.INCIDENT_VERIFICATION
                                                                where iv.INCIDENT_ID == IncidentId &&
                                                                iv.PLANT_ID == plantId &&
                                                                iv.PERSON_ID == personId
                                                                select iv).FirstOrDefault();

                                    if (item.Selected == true)
                                        var newVerification = new INCIDENT_VERIFICATION()
                                            INCIDENT_ID   = IncidentId,
                                            PLANT_ID      = plantId,
                                            PERSON_ID     = personId,
                                            DATE_NOTIFIED = DateTime.Now
                                        // Add to list to use for emails

                                        // Add to database if it does not exist
                                        if (incidentVerification == null)
                                        // Delete if exists
                                        if (incidentVerification != null)
            else             // Is add context
                decimal verifyProbcaseId = 0;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rcbCases.SelectedValue))
                    verifyProbcaseId = Convert.ToDecimal(rcbCases.SelectedValue);

                // Add incident to database
                var incident = new INCIDENT()
                    DETECT_COMPANY_ID  = SessionManager.UserContext.WorkingLocation.Company.COMPANY_ID,
                    DETECT_BUS_ORG_ID  = SessionManager.UserContext.WorkingLocation.BusinessOrg.BUS_ORG_ID,
                    DETECT_PLANT_ID    = SessionManager.UserContext.WorkingLocation.Plant.PLANT_ID,
                    INCIDENT_TYPE      = "EHS",
                    CREATE_DT          = DateTime.Now,
                    CREATE_BY          = SessionManager.UserContext.Person.FIRST_NAME + " " + SessionManager.UserContext.Person.LAST_NAME,
                    DESCRIPTION        = tbInstructions.Text,
                    CREATE_PERSON      = SessionManager.UserContext.Person.PERSON_ID,
                    INCIDENT_DT        = rdpDueDate.SelectedDate.Value,
                    ISSUE_TYPE         = "Prevention Verification",
                    ISSUE_TYPE_ID      = 10,
                    VERIFY_PROBCASE_ID = verifyProbcaseId
                decimal incidentId = incident.INCIDENT_ID;

                // Add notified people and plants to database
                foreach (GridViewRow gvr in gvPreventLocationsList.Rows)
                    decimal plantId = (decimal)gvPreventLocationsList.DataKeys[gvr.RowIndex].Value;

                    if (plantId != null)
                        RadGrid currentGridView = (RadGrid)gvr.FindControl("rgPlantContacts");
                        foreach (GridDataItem item in currentGridView.Items)
                            decimal personId = (decimal)item.GetDataKeyValue("PERSON_ID");
                            if (personId != null)
                                if (item.Selected == true)
                                    var incidentVerification = new INCIDENT_VERIFICATION()
                                        INCIDENT_ID   = incidentId,
                                        PLANT_ID      = plantId,
                                        PERSON_ID     = personId,
                                        DATE_NOTIFIED = DateTime.Now

            // Send email(s)

            foreach (var v in verifications)
                var    thisVerification = v;
                PERSON emailPerson      = (from p in entities.PERSON where p.PERSON_ID == thisVerification.PERSON_ID select p).FirstOrDefault();

                string emailSubject = SessionManager.PrimaryCompany().COMPANY_NAME + " Issue Acknowledgement Notification";                 // AW20140129 - use company name variable instead of hard coding.

                string path = "http://" + HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Authority + "/EHS/EHS_Incident_Verification.aspx";

                path += string.Format("?inid={0}&plid={1}&peid={2}", v.INCIDENT_ID, v.PLANT_ID, emailPerson.PERSON_ID);
                var sb = new StringBuilder();
                sb.AppendLine("<p>You have been sent an issue acknowledgement notification from " + SessionManager.PrimaryCompany().COMPANY_NAME + ".</p>");
                sb.AppendLine("<p>Date: " + rdpDueDate.SelectedDate.Value.ToShortDateString() + "</p>");
                sb.AppendLine("<p>Instructions: " + tbInstructions.Text + "</p>");
                sb.AppendLine("<p>Please go here to acknowledge receipt of this issue:<br/>");
                sb.AppendLine("<a href=\"" + path + "\">" + path + "</a></p>");
                sb.AppendLine();                                      // AW20140129
                sb.AppendLine();                                      // AW20140129
                sb.AppendLine("Please Do Not Reply To This Message"); // AW20140129

                string emailBody    = sb.ToString();
                string emailAddress = emailPerson.EMAIL;
                WebSiteCommon.SendEmail(emailAddress, emailSubject, emailBody, "");

Beispiel #30
        static void ScheduleAllAudits()
            List <SETTINGS> sets              = SQMSettings.SelectSettingsGroup("AUTOMATE", ""); // ABW 20140805
            int             startRangeHours   = 04;
            int             startRangeMinutes = 45;
            int             endRangeHours     = 05;
            int             endRangeMinutes   = 15;

                startRange        = sets.Find(x => x.SETTING_CD == "AuditScheduleStart").VALUE.ToString();
                startRangeHours   = Convert.ToInt16(startRange.Substring(0, 2));
                startRangeMinutes = Convert.ToInt16(startRange.Substring(3, 2));
            catch { }
                endRange        = sets.Find(x => x.SETTING_CD == "AuditScheduleEnd").VALUE.ToString();
                endRangeHours   = Convert.ToInt16(endRange.Substring(0, 2));
                endRangeMinutes = Convert.ToInt16(endRange.Substring(3, 2));
            catch { }

            List <AUDIT_SCHEDULER> scheduler = EHSAuditMgr.SelectActiveAuditSchedulers(0, null);            // currently, we will select all schedules for all plants
            AUDIT audit = null;
            List <EHSAuditQuestion> questions = null;
            AUDIT_ANSWER            answer    = null;
            decimal  auditId = 0;
            TimeSpan start   = new TimeSpan(startRangeHours, startRangeMinutes, 0);
            TimeSpan end     = new TimeSpan(endRangeHours, endRangeMinutes, 0);

            WriteLine("Audits will be created for locations with a local time of " + startRangeHours + ":" + startRangeMinutes + " through " + endRangeHours + ":" + endRangeMinutes);
            foreach (AUDIT_SCHEDULER schedule in scheduler)
                AUDIT_TYPE audittype = EHSAuditMgr.SelectAuditTypeById(entities, (decimal)schedule.AUDIT_TYPE_ID);
                // check that the audit is still active
                if (audittype != null)
                    if (!audittype.INACTIVE)
                        // ABW 1/5/16 - changing the scheduler from scheduling one week of audits to creating audits that are to be scheduled that day.
                        //     All audits will be scheduled at 5am local plant time for the day.
                        //WriteLine("The following " + type.TITLE + " assessments were created for Assessment Scheduler " + schedule.AUDIT_SCHEDULER_ID + ": ");
                        //// determine the date to schedule, by finding the next occurance of the selected day of the week after the current day
                        //DateTime auditDate = DateTime.Today;
                        //while ((int)auditDate.DayOfWeek != schedule.DAY_OF_WEEK)
                        //	auditDate = auditDate.AddDays(1);

                        // get the plant
                        PLANT auditPlant = SQMModelMgr.LookupPlant((decimal)schedule.PLANT_ID);
                        // check the local plant time to see if it is almost 5am.  If so, schedule the audit. If not, do nothing.
                        DateTime localTime = WebSiteCommon.LocalTime(DateTime.UtcNow, auditPlant.LOCAL_TIMEZONE);
                        if ((int)localTime.DayOfWeek == schedule.DAY_OF_WEEK && ((localTime.TimeOfDay > start) && (localTime.TimeOfDay < end)))
                            WriteLine("The following " + audittype.TITLE + " assessments were created for Assessment Scheduler " + schedule.AUDIT_SCHEDULER_ID + ": ");
                            // for the location, select all people that should get the audit
                            List <PERSON> auditors = SQMModelMgr.SelectPlantPrivgroupPersonList(auditPlant.PLANT_ID, new string[1] {
                            }, true);
                            foreach (PERSON person in auditors)
                                // check to see if there is already an audit for this plant/type/date/person
                                audit = EHSAuditMgr.SelectAuditForSchedule(auditPlant.PLANT_ID, audittype.AUDIT_TYPE_ID, person.PERSON_ID, localTime);
                                if (audit == null)
                                    // create audit header
                                    auditId = 0;
                                    audit   = new AUDIT()
                                        DETECT_COMPANY_ID = Convert.ToDecimal(auditPlant.COMPANY_ID),
                                        DETECT_BUS_ORG_ID = auditPlant.BUS_ORG_ID,
                                        DETECT_PLANT_ID   = auditPlant.PLANT_ID,
                                        AUDIT_TYPE        = "EHS",
                                        CREATE_DT         = localTime,
                                        CREATE_BY         = "Automated Scheduler",
                                        DESCRIPTION       = audittype.TITLE,
                                        // CREATE_PERSON = SessionManager.UserContext.Person.PERSON_ID, // do we want to set this to admin?
                                        AUDIT_DT         = localTime,
                                        AUDIT_TYPE_ID    = audittype.AUDIT_TYPE_ID,
                                        AUDIT_PERSON     = person.PERSON_ID,
                                        CURRENT_STATUS   = "A",
                                        PERCENT_COMPLETE = 0,
                                        TOTAL_SCORE      = 0

                                    auditId = audit.AUDIT_ID;

                                    // create audit answer records
                                    questions = EHSAuditMgr.SelectAuditQuestionListByType(audittype.AUDIT_TYPE_ID);
                                    foreach (var q in questions)
                                        answer = new AUDIT_ANSWER()
                                            AUDIT_ID               = auditId,
                                            AUDIT_QUESTION_ID      = q.QuestionId,
                                            ANSWER_VALUE           = "",
                                            ORIGINAL_QUESTION_TEXT = q.QuestionText,
                                            //COMMENT = q.AnswerComment
                                    // create task record for their calendar
                                    EHSAuditMgr.CreateOrUpdateTask(auditId, person.PERSON_ID, 50, localTime.AddDays(audittype.DAYS_TO_COMPLETE), "A", 0);

                                    // send an email
                                    EHSNotificationMgr.NotifyOnAuditCreate(auditId, person.PERSON_ID);
                                    System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(timer);                                     //will wait for 2 seconds to allow Google Mail to process email requests

                                    WriteLine(person.LAST_NAME + ", " + person.FIRST_NAME + " - assessment added");
                                    // ABW 1/5/16 - Since this will be running once every hour now, we don't want to see this message
                                    //WriteLine(person.LAST_NAME + ", " + person.FIRST_NAME + " - assessment already exists for this date");
                            // ABW 1/5/16 - Do we need to write any message out to explaing why the audit wasn't created?  I don't think so
                            //WriteLine("Assessment Type " + schedule.AUDIT_TYPE_ID + " - assessment already exists for this date OR is not scheduled to be created");
                        WriteLine("Assessment Type " + schedule.AUDIT_TYPE_ID + " inactive. Assessments not created for Scheduler Record " + schedule.AUDIT_SCHEDULER_ID.ToString());
                    WriteLine("Assessment Type " + schedule.AUDIT_TYPE_ID + " not found. Assessments not created for Scheduler Record " + schedule.AUDIT_SCHEDULER_ID.ToString());