protected Guid InternalIdAccessor(PSSurfaceCurve surfaceCurve)
            PropertyInfo propertyInfo =
                surfaceCurve.GetType().GetProperty("InternalId", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);

            return((Guid)propertyInfo.GetValue(surfaceCurve, null));
        /// <summary>
        /// A test for moving surface points along a vector
        /// </summary>
        public void MoveSurfacePointsAlongVectorTest()
            // Get first surface curve
            PSSurfaceCurve surfaceCurve = _surfaceCurves[0];

            // Create the vector for moving points along
            var vec = new Vector(10, 10, 10);

            // Create the array of points numbers
            var pointsOnSurface = new[] { 0, 1, 2 };

            // Select the points to move

            var x = surfaceCurve.Points[0].X;
            var y = surfaceCurve.Points[0].Y;
            var z = surfaceCurve.Points[0].Z;

            // Move the points along a vector
            surfaceCurve.MoveSurfacePointsAlongVector(vec, pointsOnSurface);

            // Check the points have been moved correctly
            Assert.AreEqual(x + vec.I, surfaceCurve.Points[0].X);
            Assert.AreEqual(y + vec.J, surfaceCurve.Points[0].Y);
            Assert.AreEqual(z + vec.K, surfaceCurve.Points[0].Z);
        /// <summary>
        /// A test for Equals
        /// </summary>
        public void EqualsTest()
            // Get first surface curve
            PSSurfaceCurve surfaceCurve = _surfaceCurves[0];

            // Compare collections
            Assert.IsTrue(_surfaceCurves[0].Equals(surfaceCurve), "Incorrectly returned that entities were not equal");
        /// <summary>
        /// A test for Id
        /// </summary>
        public void IdTest()
            // Get first surface curve
            PSSurfaceCurve surfaceCurve = _surfaceCurves[0];

            // Check that the id is correct
            Assert.AreEqual(_powerSHAPE.ExecuteEx(IdentifierAccessor(surfaceCurve) + "[" + surfaceCurve.Name + "].ID"),
                            "Returned incorrect id");
 public void BoundingBoxTest(PSSurfaceCurve curveToCheck, Point minimumBounds, Point maximumBounds)
     // Check bounding box
                     "Bounding box did not return the correct minimum bounds");
                     "Bounding box did not return the correct maximum bounds");
        /// <summary>
        /// A test for Identifier
        /// </summary>
        public void IdentifierTest(string expectedIdentifier)
            // Get first surface curve
            PSSurfaceCurve surfaceCurve = _surfaceCurves[0];

            // Check that the collection Identifier matches the entity type
            string actualIdentifier = (string)surfaceCurve
                                      .GetType().GetProperty("Identifier", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).GetValue(surfaceCurve, null);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedIdentifier, actualIdentifier);
        /// <summary>
        /// A test for converting the surface curve to a composite curve
        /// </summary>
        public void CreateCompositeCurveTest()
            // Get first surface curve
            PSSurfaceCurve surfaceCurve = _surfaceCurves[0];

            // Convert it to a composite curve
            PSCompCurve compCurve = surfaceCurve.CreateCompositeCurve();

            // Check the entity exists and has the same length as the surface curve
            Assert.AreEqual(surfaceCurve.Length, compCurve.Length);
        /// <summary>
        /// A test for Exists
        /// </summary>
        public void ExistsTest()
            // Get first surface curve
            PSSurfaceCurve surfaceCurve = _surfaceCurves[0];

            // Check that correct value is returned
            Assert.IsTrue(surfaceCurve.Exists, "Incorrectly stated that entity did not exist");

            // Delete entity and check again
            Assert.IsFalse(surfaceCurve.Exists, "Incorrectly stated that entity existed");
        public void BlankTest(PSSurfaceCurve curveToBlank)
            // Import other entities
            _powerSHAPE.ActiveModel.Import(new FileSystem.File(TestFiles.THREE_COMPCURVES));

            // Blank entity

            // Check that entity has been blanked
            Assert.AreEqual(3, _powerSHAPE.ActiveModel.SelectedItems.Count, "Entity was not blanked");
        public void BlankExceptTest(PSSurfaceCurve curveToBlankExcept)
            // Import other entities
            _powerSHAPE.ActiveModel.Import(new FileSystem.File(TestFiles.THREE_COMPCURVES));

            // Blank all except the surface curve

            // Check that other entities have been blanked
            Assert.AreNotEqual(4, _powerSHAPE.ActiveModel.SelectedItems.Count, "Nothing was blanked");
            Assert.AreNotEqual(0, _powerSHAPE.ActiveModel.SelectedItems.Count, "Everything was blanked");
Beispiel #11
        public void FreeTangentsAndMagnitudesTest()
            // Get first surface curve
            PSSurfaceCurve surfaceCurve = _surfaceCurves[1];

            // Check that the tangency is flat
            Assert.That(surfaceCurve.GetEntryElevationAngleOfPoint(1), Is.EqualTo(0.0));


            // Check that it has been flattened
            Assert.That(surfaceCurve.GetEntryElevationAngleOfPoint(1), Is.Not.EqualTo(0.0));
        public void CentreOfGravityTest(
            PSSurfaceCurve curvedCurveToTest,
            PSSurfaceCurve straightCurveToTest,
            Point expectedCurvedCOG,
            Point expectedStraightCOG)
            // Check centre of gravity on a curved curve
                            "Centre of Gravity on curved curve is incorrect");

            // Check centre of gravity on a straight curve to see if PowerSHAPE bug has been fixed
                            "Centre of Gravity on straight curve is incorrect");
        public void DeleteTest()
            // Get second surface curve and its guid
            PSSurfaceCurve surfaceCurve     = _surfaceCurves[1];
            Guid           surfaceCurveGuid = InternalIdAccessor(surfaceCurve);

            // Delete surface curve

            // Check that the surface curve is no longer in the collection
            foreach (T collectionSurfaceCurve in _surfaceCurves)
                Assert.IsFalse(InternalIdAccessor(collectionSurfaceCurve) == surfaceCurveGuid, "Lateral still exists");

            // Check that the id of higher laterals has been decreased
            Assert.AreEqual("2", _surfaceCurves[1].Id, "Other IDs not changed correctly");

            // Check that the name of higher laterals has been decreased
            Assert.AreEqual("2", _surfaceCurves[1].Name, "Other names not changed correctly");