Beispiel #1
        public void ImportData(DataTable pdtbData, int pintCycleID, int pintWorkCenterID, int pintShiftID, DateTime pdtmMonth)
            ImportPlanDataDS dsImport = new ImportPlanDataDS();

            /// delete A1 table first
            /// put data into A1 table
            DataSet pdstData = new DataSet();

            /// shift pattern
            PRO_ShiftPatternDS dsPattern = new PRO_ShiftPatternDS();
            PRO_ShiftPatternVO voPattern = (PRO_ShiftPatternVO)dsPattern.GetObjectVOByShiftID(pintShiftID);
            /// build the sql string
            StringBuilder sbSQL = new StringBuilder();

            for (int i = 1; i <= DateTime.DaysInMonth(pdtmMonth.Year, pdtmMonth.Month); i++)
                string   strFromDate    = "'" + pdtmMonth.ToString("yyyy-MM") + "-" + i.ToString("00") + " " + voPattern.WorkTimeFrom.ToString("HH:mm:ss") + "'";
                string   strToDate      = "'" + pdtmMonth.ToString("yyyy-MM") + "-" + i.ToString("00") + " " + voPattern.WorkTimeTo.ToString("HH:mm:ss") + "'";
                DateTime dtmWorkingDate = new DateTime(pdtmMonth.Year, pdtmMonth.Month, i);
                sbSQL.Append("SELECT " + strFromDate + " AS StartDate,");
                sbSQL.Append(strToDate + " AS DueDate,");
                sbSQL.Append(pintWorkCenterID + " AS WorkCenterID,");
                sbSQL.Append("99999999.0002 AS TotalSecond,");
                sbSQL.Append("99999999 AS DCPResultMasterID,");
                sbSQL.Append(pintShiftID + " AS ShiftID,");
                sbSQL.Append("1 AS IDNo,");
                sbSQL.Append(pintCycleID + " AS DCOptionMasterID,");
                sbSQL.Append("'" + dtmWorkingDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "' AS WorkingDate,");
                sbSQL.Append("ProductID, ISNULL(F" + i + ",0) AS Qty FROM A1");
                if (i < DateTime.DaysInMonth(pdtmMonth.Year, pdtmMonth.Month))
                    sbSQL.Append("UNION ALL").Append("\n");
            /// put data into A2 from A1
            string strSql = "IF EXISTS(select id from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'A2') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)\n"
                            + "BEGIN\n"
                            + " Drop Table A2\n"
                            + "End\n"
                            + "IF EXISTS(select id from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'A3') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)\n"
                            + "Begin\n"
                            + " Drop Table A3\n"
                            + "End\n"
                            + "SELECT * INTO A2 FROM\n"
                            + "(" + sbSQL.ToString() + ") AS B1";

            /// put data into A3 table
            strSql = "SELECT StartDate, DueDate, WorkCenterID, TotalSecond, DCPResultMasterID,"
                     + " ShiftID, DCOptionMasterID, WorkingDate, ProductID, Qty, IDENTITY(int,1,1) as IDNo"
                     + " INTO A3 FROM A2"
                     + " WHERE Qty > 0";
            /// delete DCP result detail
            PRO_DCPResultDetailDS dsDCPResultDetail = new PRO_DCPResultDetailDS();

            dsDCPResultDetail.Delete(pintCycleID, pintWorkCenterID, pintShiftID, pdtmMonth);
            /// put data to dcp result table
            strSql = "Update A3 \n"
                     + " Set TotalSecond=Round(ISNULL(Qty*("
                     + " select LTVariableTime from ITM_Product where productid=A3.productid),0),0)\n"
                     + " Insert Into PRO_DCPResultMaster (DCOptionMasterID,MasterShiftID,WorkCenterID,StartDateTime,DueDateTime,Quantity,ProductID,DeliveryQuantity)\n"
                     + " (Select DCOptionMasterID,ShiftID,WorkCenterID,\n"
                     + " StartDate,DueDate,Qty,ProductID,IDNo\n"
                     + "  from A3 where Qty>0)\n"
                     + " Update A3\n"
                     + " Set DCPResultMasterID=(select DCPResultMasterID from PRO_DCPResultMaster where DCOptionMasterID=A3.DCOptionMasterID\n"
                     + " and WorkCenterID=A3.WorkCenterID and ProductID=A3.ProductID AND DeliveryQuantity=A3.IDNo)\n"
                     + " Insert Into PRO_DCPResultDetail (StartTime,EndTime,TotalSecond,Quantity,DCPResultMasterID,WorkingDate,ShiftID,Percentage)\n"
                     + " (select StartDate,DueDate,TotalSecond,qty,DCPResultMasterID,WorkingDate,ShiftID,'100' as Percentage FROM A3"
                     + " Where Qty>0)\n"
                     + " Update PRO_DCPResultMaster\n"
                     + " set DeliveryQuantity=0";