Beispiel #1
  * Create() allocates an image data resource with the given format and size.
  * For security reasons, if uninitialized, the bitmap will not contain random
  * memory, but may contain data from a previous image produced by the same
  * module if the bitmap was cached and re-used.
  * @param[in] instance A <code>PP_Instance</code> identifying one instance
  * of a module.
  * @param[in] format The desired image data format.
  * @param[in] size A pointer to a <code>PP_Size</code> containing the image
  * size.
  * @param[in] init_to_zero A <code>PP_Bool</code> to determine transparency
  * at creation.
  * Set the <code>init_to_zero</code> flag if you want the bitmap initialized
  * to transparent during the creation process. If this flag is not set, the
  * current contents of the bitmap will be undefined, and the module should
  * be sure to set all the pixels.
  * @return A <code>PP_Resource</code> with a nonzero ID on success or zero on
  * failure. Failure means the instance, image size, or format was invalid.
 public static PPResource Create(PPInstance instance,
                                 PPImageDataFormat format,
                                 PPSize size,
                                 PPBool init_to_zero)
     return(_Create(instance, format, size, init_to_zero));
Beispiel #2
  * Encodes a video frame.
  * @param[in] video_encoder A <code>PP_Resource</code> identifying the video
  * encoder.
  * @param[in] video_frame The <code>PPB_VideoFrame</code> to be encoded.
  * @param[in] force_keyframe A <code>PP_Bool> specifying whether the encoder
  * should emit a key frame for this video frame.
  * @param[in] callback A <code>PP_CompletionCallback</code> to be called upon
  * completion. Plugins that pass <code>PPB_VideoFrame</code> resources owned
  * by other resources should wait for completion before reusing them.
  * @return An int32_t containing an error code from <code>pp_errors.h</code>.
  * Returns PP_ERROR_FAILED if Initialize() has not successfully completed.
 public static int Encode(PPResource video_encoder,
                          PPResource video_frame,
                          PPBool force_keyframe,
                          PPCompletionCallback callback)
     return(_Encode(video_encoder, video_frame, force_keyframe, callback));
Beispiel #3
 extern static PPResource _Create(PPInstance instance,
                                  PPImageDataFormat format,
                                  PPSize size,
                                  PPBool init_to_zero);
Beispiel #4
  * SetFullscreen() switches the module instance to and from fullscreen
  * mode.
  * The transition to and from fullscreen mode is asynchronous. During the
  * transition, IsFullscreen() will return the previous value and
  * no 2D or 3D device can be bound. The transition ends at DidChangeView()
  * when IsFullscreen() returns the new value. You might receive other
  * DidChangeView() calls while in transition.
  * The transition to fullscreen mode can only occur while the browser is
  * processing a user gesture, even if <code>PP_TRUE</code> is returned.
  * @param[in] instance A <code>PP_Instance</code> identifying one instance
  * of a module.
  * @param[in] fullscreen <code>PP_TRUE</code> to enter fullscreen mode, or
  * <code>PP_FALSE</code> to exit fullscreen mode.
  * @return <code>PP_TRUE</code> on success or <code>PP_FALSE</code> on
  * failure.
 public static PPBool SetFullscreen(PPInstance instance, PPBool fullscreen)
     return(_SetFullscreen(instance, fullscreen));
Beispiel #5
 extern static PPBool _SetFullscreen(PPInstance instance,
                                     PPBool fullscreen);
Beispiel #6
  * Posts a quit message to the given message loop's work queue. Work posted
  * before that point will be processed before quitting.
  * This may be called on the message loop registered for the current thread,
  * or it may be called on the message loop registered for another thread. It
  * is an error to attempt to PostQuit() the main thread loop.
  * @param should_destroy Marks the message loop as being in a destroyed state
  * and prevents further posting of messages.
  * If you quit a message loop without setting should_destroy, it will still
  * be attached to the thread and you can still run it again by calling Run()
  * again. If you destroy it, it will be detached from the current thread.
  * @return
  *   - PP_OK: The request to quit was successfully posted.
  *   - PP_ERROR_BADRESOURCE: The message loop was invalid.
  *   - PP_ERROR_WRONG_THREAD: You are attempting to quit the main thread.
  *     The main thread's message loop is managed by the system and can't be
  *     quit.
 public static int PostQuit(PPResource message_loop, PPBool should_destroy)
     return(_PostQuit(message_loop, should_destroy));
Beispiel #7
 extern static int _PostQuit(PPResource message_loop,
                             PPBool should_destroy);
Beispiel #8
  * Describe() retrieves the configuration for the given graphics context,
  * filling the given values (which must not be <code>NULL</code>).
  * @param[in] resource The 2D Graphics resource.
  * @param[in,out] size The size of the 2D graphics context in the browser.
  * @param[in,out] is_always_opaque Identifies whether only opaque data
  * will be painted.
  * @return Returns <code>PP_TRUE</code> on success or <code>PP_FALSE</code> if
  * the resource is invalid. The output parameters will be set to 0 on a
  * <code>PP_FALSE</code>.
 public static PPBool Describe(PPResource graphics_2d,
                               out PPSize size,
                               out PPBool is_always_opaque)
     return(_Describe(graphics_2d, out size, out is_always_opaque));
Beispiel #9
 extern static PPBool _Describe(PPResource graphics_2d,
                                out PPSize size,
                                out PPBool is_always_opaque);
Beispiel #10
  * Create() creates a 2D graphics context. The returned graphics context will
  * not be bound to the module instance on creation (call BindGraphics() on
  * the module instance to bind the returned graphics context to the module
  * instance).
  * @param[in] instance The module instance.
  * @param[in] size The size of the graphic context.
  * @param[in] is_always_opaque Set the <code>is_always_opaque</code> flag to
  * <code>PP_TRUE</code> if you know that you will be painting only opaque
  * data to this context. This option will disable blending when compositing
  * the module with the web page, which might give higher performance on some
  * computers.
  * If you set <code>is_always_opaque</code>, your alpha channel should always
  * be set to 0xFF or there may be painting artifacts. The alpha values
  * overwrite the destination alpha values without blending when
  * <code>is_always_opaque</code> is true.
  * @return A <code>PP_Resource</code> containing the 2D graphics context if
  * successful or 0 if unsuccessful.
 public static PPResource Create(PPInstance instance,
                                 PPSize size,
                                 PPBool is_always_opaque)
     return(_Create(instance, size, is_always_opaque));
Beispiel #11
 extern static PPResource _Create(PPInstance instance,
                                  PPSize size,
                                  PPBool is_always_opaque);
Beispiel #12
  * Returns a human-readable description of the network address. The
  * description is in the form of host [ ":" port ] and conforms to
  * for IPv4 and IPv6 addresses
  * (e.g., "", "", or "[::1]:80").
  * @param[in] addr A <code>PP_Resource</code> corresponding to a network
  * address.
  * @param[in] include_port Whether to include the port number in the
  * description.
  * @return A string <code>PP_Var</code> on success; an undefined
  * <code>PP_Var</code> on failure.
 public static PPVar DescribeAsString(PPResource addr, PPBool include_port)
     return(_DescribeAsString(addr, include_port));
Beispiel #13
 extern static PPVar _DescribeAsString(PPResource addr,
                                       PPBool include_port);
Beispiel #14
 extern static int _Encode(PPResource video_encoder,
                           PPResource video_frame,
                           PPBool force_keyframe,
                           PPCompletionCallback callback);