Beispiel #1
    public PlayerData ReadPlayerData(bool _moveReadPos = true)
            int              pid             = ReadInt();
            string           name            = ReadString();
            int              level           = ReadInt();
            int              map             = ReadInt();
            PLAYER_SEXES     sex             = (PLAYER_SEXES)ReadInt();
            PLAYER_RACES     race            = (PLAYER_RACES)ReadInt();
            float            x               = ReadFloat();
            float            y               = ReadFloat();
            float            z               = ReadFloat();
            int              heading         = ReadInt();
            float            attSpeed        = ReadFloat();
            float            movSpeed        = ReadFloat();
            ANIMATION_STATES animation_state = (ANIMATION_STATES)ReadInt();
            float            hp              = ReadFloat();
            float            mana            = ReadFloat();
            float            maxHp           = ReadFloat();
            float            maxMana         = ReadFloat();

            PlayerStats stats = new PlayerStats();
            return(new PlayerData(pid, name, level, map, sex, race, new Vector3(x, y, z), heading, stats, animation_state, 0, 0, maxHp, hp, mana, maxMana));
            Logger.Syserr("Could not read value of type 'PlayerData'!");
Beispiel #2
 /// <summary>Reads a playerdata object.</summary>
 /// <param name="_moveReadPos"></param>
 public PlayerData ReadPlayerData(bool _moveReadPos = true)
         int              pid             = ReadInt();
         int              aid             = ReadInt();
         int              sid             = ReadInt();
         string           name            = ReadString();
         int              level           = ReadInt();
         int              exp             = ReadInt();
         int              vit             = ReadInt();
         int              str             = ReadInt();
         int              _int            = ReadInt();
         int              dex             = ReadInt();
         int              map             = ReadInt();
         PLAYER_SEXES     sex             = (PLAYER_SEXES)ReadInt();
         PLAYER_RACES     race            = (PLAYER_RACES)ReadInt();
         float            x               = ReadFloat();
         float            y               = ReadFloat();
         float            z               = ReadFloat();
         int              heading         = ReadInt();
         float            attSpeed        = ReadFloat();
         float            movSpeed        = ReadFloat();
         float            pAttack         = ReadFloat();
         float            mAttack         = ReadFloat();
         PlayerStats      stats           = new PlayerStats(movSpeed, attSpeed, pAttack, mAttack);
         ANIMATION_STATES animation_state = (ANIMATION_STATES)ReadInt();
         float            maxHp           = ReadFloat();
         float            maxMana         = ReadFloat();
         float            hp              = ReadFloat();
         float            mana            = ReadFloat();
         float            pDef            = ReadFloat();
         float            mDef            = ReadFloat();
         return(new PlayerData(pid, name, level, map, sex, race, new System.Numerics.Vector3(x, y, z), heading, stats, animation_state, aid, sid, maxHp, hp, mana, maxMana, exp, vit, str, _int, dex));
         throw new Exception("Could not read value of type 'PlayerData'!");
Beispiel #3
 public PlayerData(int _pid, string _name, int _level, int _map, PLAYER_SEXES _sex, PLAYER_RACES _race, Vector3 _pos, int _heading, PlayerStats _stats, ANIMATION_STATES _animation_state, int _aid = 0, int _sid = 0, float _maxHp = 10, float _hp = 10, float _mn = 10, float _maxMn = 10, int _exp = 0, int _vit = 0, int _str = 0, int _int = 0, int _dex = 0)
 {             = _pid;
     this.aid             = _aid;
     this.sid             = _sid;            = _name;
     this.level           = _level;
     this.exp             = _exp;
     this.vit             = _vit;
     this.str             = _str;
     this._int            = _int;
     this.dex             = _dex;             = _map;             = _sex;
     this.race            = _race;
     this.pos             = _pos;
     this.stats           = _stats;
     this.heading         = _heading;
     this.animation_state = _animation_state;
     this.maxHp           = _maxHp;
     this.maxMana         = _maxMn;
     this.hp   = _hp;
     this.mana = _mn;