Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Displays shell shortcut menu.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="idlw">IDLWrapper object that specifies shell item</param>
        /// <param name="pntShow">location of the shortcut menu, in screen coordinates.</param>
        /// <param name="hwndParent">Handle of parent control. Parent control will get focus, and receives the messages about drawing 'Send to' submenues.</param>
        /// <param name="fCanRemove">set true to add 'remove this' menu item.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// 0xFFFF	user selected "Remove this item from menu".
        /// 0xFFFE	user selected "Open containing folder".
        /// 0xFFFD	If the user cancels the menu without making a selection, or if an error occurs
        /// </returns>
        public int Open(IDLWrapper idlw, Point pntShow, IntPtr hwndParent, bool fCanRemove)
            const uint   MF_STRING         = 0x00000000;
            const uint   MF_SEPARATOR      = 0x00000800;
            const uint   CMF_NORMAL        = 0x00000000;
            const uint   CMF_EXTENDEDVERBS = 0x00000100;
            const uint   TPM_RETURNCMD     = 0x0100;
            const uint   S_OK = 0;
            const int    COMMANDID_REMOVEITEM = 0xffff; // todo: move to const class
            const int    COMMANDID_OPENPARENT = 0xfffe;
            const int    COMMANDID_USERCANCEL = 0xfffd;
            IShellFolder shellFolderParent    = null;

            try {
                // get IShellFolder
                IntPtr pIDLRelative;
                if (idlw.Available && S_OK == PInvoke.SHBindToParent(idlw.PIDL, ExplorerGUIDs.IID_IShellFolder, out shellFolderParent, out pIDLRelative) && shellFolderParent != null)
                    // get IContextMenu2
                    IntPtr[] pIDLs    = new IntPtr[] { pIDLRelative };
                    uint     reserved = 0;
                    object   oUnk;

                    if (S_OK == shellFolderParent.GetUIObjectOf(IntPtr.Zero, (uint)pIDLs.Length, pIDLs, ExplorerGUIDs.IID_IContextMenu, ref reserved, out oUnk))
                        pIContextMenu2 = oUnk as IContextMenu2;
                        if (pIContextMenu2 != null)
                            using (ContextMenu contextMenu = new ContextMenu()) {
                                int  nResult = -1;
                                uint uFlags  = CMF_NORMAL;
                                if ((Control.ModifierKeys & Keys.Shift) == Keys.Shift)
                                    uFlags |= CMF_EXTENDEDVERBS;

                                pIContextMenu2.QueryContextMenu(contextMenu.Handle, 0, 1, 0xffff, uFlags);

                                // append optional menus
                                if (fCanRemove)
                                    // "Remove this item from menu"
                                    PInvoke.AppendMenu(contextMenu.Handle, MF_SEPARATOR, IntPtr.Zero, null);
                                    PInvoke.AppendMenu(contextMenu.Handle, MF_STRING, new IntPtr(COMMANDID_REMOVEITEM), QTUtility.ResMain[25]);
                                if (idlw.HasPath && idlw.Path.Length > 3 && idlw.IsFileSystem /*&& ( idlw.IsFileSystemFolder || idlw.IsFileSystemFile )*/)
                                    // "Open containing folder"
                                    if (!fCanRemove)
                                        // separator
                                        PInvoke.AppendMenu(contextMenu.Handle, MF_SEPARATOR, IntPtr.Zero, null);
                                    PInvoke.AppendMenu(contextMenu.Handle, MF_STRING, new IntPtr(COMMANDID_OPENPARENT), QTUtility.ResMain[26]);

                                uint commandID = PInvoke.TrackPopupMenu(contextMenu.Handle, TPM_RETURNCMD, pntShow.X, pntShow.Y, 0, hwndParent, IntPtr.Zero);
                                if (commandID != 0)
                                    if (commandID == COMMANDID_REMOVEITEM)
                                    else if (commandID == COMMANDID_OPENPARENT)
                                        if (idlw.HasPath)
                                            try {
                                                QTTabBarClass tabbar = InstanceManager.GetThreadTabBar();
                                                if (tabbar != null)
                                                    using (IDLWrapper idlwParent = idlw.GetParent()) {
                                                        if (idlwParent.Available)
                                                // DesktopTool will handle it by itself
                                                nResult = COMMANDID_OPENPARENT;
                                            catch {
                                        CMINVOKECOMMANDINFO cmInfo = new CMINVOKECOMMANDINFO {
                                            cbSize       = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(CMINVOKECOMMANDINFO)),
                                            fMask        = 0,
                                            hwnd         = hwndParent,
                                            lpVerb       = (IntPtr)((commandID - 1) & 0xFFFF),
                                            lpParameters = IntPtr.Zero,
                                            lpDirectory  = IntPtr.Zero,
                                            nShow        = 1, //SW_SHOWNORMAL;
                                            dwHotKey     = 0,
                                            hIcon        = IntPtr.Zero

                                        // returns S_OK if successful, or an error value otherwise.
                                        // E_ABORT when user clicked "Open folder link target exists" of link file...( E_ABORT  _HRESULT_TYPEDEF_(0x80004004L) )
                                        nResult = pIContextMenu2.InvokeCommand(ref cmInfo);
                                    // 'if the user cancels the menu without making a selection, or if an error occurs' (MSDN)
                                    nResult = COMMANDID_USERCANCEL;


                // if failed to create shell context menu, show 'remove this' menu instead
                if (fCanRemove)
                    using (ContextMenu contextMenu = new ContextMenu()) {
                        PInvoke.AppendMenu(contextMenu.Handle, MF_STRING, new IntPtr(COMMANDID_REMOVEITEM), QTUtility.ResMain[25]);

                        if (COMMANDID_REMOVEITEM == PInvoke.TrackPopupMenu(contextMenu.Handle, TPM_RETURNCMD, pntShow.X, pntShow.Y, 0, hwndParent, IntPtr.Zero))

            catch {
            finally {
                if (shellFolderParent != null)

                if (pIContextMenu2 != null)
                    pIContextMenu2 = null;