Beispiel #1
            public static Vector[] ToOrthonormal(Vector[] coords, double[] masses, int[] block, Vector[] PBlk)
                if (HDebug.IsDebuggerAttached)
                #region check if elements in non-block are zeros.
                    int leng = coords.Length;
                    foreach (int i in HEnum.HEnumCount(leng).HEnumExcept(block.HToHashSet()))
                        for (int r = 0; r < PBlk.Length; r++)
                            int c0 = i * 3;
                            HDebug.Assert(PBlk[r][c0 + 0] == 0);
                            HDebug.Assert(PBlk[r][c0 + 1] == 0);
                            HDebug.Assert(PBlk[r][c0 + 2] == 0);

                Matrix Pmat = new double[block.Length * 3, PBlk.Length];
                for (int r = 0; r < PBlk.Length; r++)
                    for (int i = 0; i < block.Length; i++)
                        int i0 = i * 3;
                        int c0 = block[i] * 3;
                        Pmat[i0 + 0, r] = PBlk[r][c0 + 0];
                        Pmat[i0 + 1, r] = PBlk[r][c0 + 1];
                        Pmat[i0 + 2, r] = PBlk[r][c0 + 2];

                using (new Matlab.NamedLock(""))
                    Matlab.PutValue("n", PBlk.Length);
                    Matlab.PutMatrix("P", Pmat);
                    Matlab.Execute("[U,S,V] = svd(P);");
                    Matlab.Execute("U = U(:,1:n);");
                    if (HDebug.IsDebuggerAttached)
                        Matlab.Execute("SV = S(1:n,1:n)*V';");
                        double err = Matlab.GetValue("max(max(abs(P - U*SV)))");
                        HDebug.Assert(Math.Abs(err) < 0.00000001);
                    Pmat = Matlab.GetMatrix("U");

                Vector[] PBlkOrth = new Vector[PBlk.Length];
                for (int r = 0; r < PBlk.Length; r++)
                    Vector PBlkOrth_r = new double[PBlk[r].Size];
                    for (int i = 0; i < block.Length; i++)
                        int i0 = i * 3;
                        int c0 = block[i] * 3;
                        PBlkOrth_r[c0 + 0] = Pmat[i0 + 0, r];
                        PBlkOrth_r[c0 + 1] = Pmat[i0 + 1, r];
                        PBlkOrth_r[c0 + 2] = Pmat[i0 + 2, r];
                    PBlkOrth[r] = PBlkOrth_r;

                if (HDebug.IsDebuggerAttached)
                #region checi the orthonormal condition, and rot/trans condition (using ANM)
                    {   // check if all trans/rot modes are orthonormal
                        for (int i = 0; i < PBlkOrth.Length; i++)
                            HDebug.Exception(Math.Abs(PBlkOrth[i].Dist - 1) < 0.00000001);
                            for (int j = i + 1; j < PBlkOrth.Length; j++)
                                double dot = LinAlg.VtV(PBlkOrth[i], PBlkOrth[j]);
                                HDebug.Exception(Math.Abs(dot) < 0.00000001);
                    {   // check if this is true rot/trans modes using ANM
                        Vector[] anmcoords = coords.HClone();
                        int      leng      = coords.Length;
                        foreach (int i in HEnum.HEnumCount(leng).HEnumExcept(block.HToHashSet()))
                            anmcoords[i] = null;
                        HessMatrix H = GetHessAnm(anmcoords, 100);
                        Matrix     PHP;
                        using (new Matlab.NamedLock(""))
                            Matlab.PutSparseMatrix("H", H.GetMatrixSparse(), 3, 3);
                            Matlab.PutMatrix("P", PBlkOrth.ToMatrix(true));
                            PHP = Matlab.GetMatrix("P'*H*P");
                        double maxerr = PHP.HAbsMax();
                        HDebug.Exception(Math.Abs(maxerr) < 0.00000001);
