List <PF.Vector3> ApplyDP(Path p, List <PF.Vector3> points)
            if (DPCosts.Length < points.Count)
                DPCosts   = new float[points.Count];
                DPParents = new int[points.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < DPParents.Length; i++)
                DPCosts[i] = DPParents[i] = -1;
            bool canBeOriginalNodes = points.Count == p.path.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
                float      d     = DPCosts[i];
                PF.Vector3 start = points[i];
                var        startIsOriginalNode = canBeOriginalNodes && start == (PF.Vector3)p.path[i].position;
                for (int j = i + 1; j < points.Count; j++)
                    // Total distance from the start to this point using the best simplified path
                    // The small additive constant is to make sure that the number of points is kept as small as possible
                    // even when the total distance is the same (which can happen with e.g multiple colinear points).
                    float d2 = d + (points[j] - start).magnitude + 0.0001f;
                    if (DPParents[j] == -1 || d2 < DPCosts[j])
                        var endIsOriginalNode = canBeOriginalNodes && points[j] == (PF.Vector3)p.path[j].position;
                        if (j == i + 1 || ValidateLine(startIsOriginalNode ? p.path[i] : null, endIsOriginalNode ? p.path[j] : null, start, points[j]))
                            DPCosts[j]   = d2;
                            DPParents[j] = i;

            int c = points.Count - 1;

            while (c != -1)
                c = DPParents[c];
            Memory.Swap(ref buffer, ref points);
Beispiel #2
        public void MoveToLocallyClosestPoint(PF.Vector3 point, bool allowForwards = true, bool allowBackwards = true)
            if (path == null)

            while (allowForwards && segmentIndex < path.Count - 2 && (path[segmentIndex + 1] - point).sqrMagnitude <= (path[segmentIndex] - point).sqrMagnitude)

            while (allowBackwards && segmentIndex > 0 && (path[segmentIndex - 1] - point).sqrMagnitude <= (path[segmentIndex] - point).sqrMagnitude)

            // Check the distances to the two segments extending from the vertex path[segmentIndex]
            // and pick the position on those segments that is closest to the #point parameter.
            float factor1 = 0, factor2 = 0, d1 = float.PositiveInfinity, d2 = float.PositiveInfinity;

            if (segmentIndex > 0)
                factor1 = VectorMath.ClosestPointOnLineFactor(path[segmentIndex - 1], path[segmentIndex], point);
                d1      = (PF.Vector3.Lerp(path[segmentIndex - 1], path[segmentIndex], factor1) - point).sqrMagnitude;

            if (segmentIndex < path.Count - 1)
                factor2 = VectorMath.ClosestPointOnLineFactor(path[segmentIndex], path[segmentIndex + 1], point);
                d2      = (PF.Vector3.Lerp(path[segmentIndex], path[segmentIndex + 1], factor2) - point).sqrMagnitude;

            if (d1 < d2)
                MoveToSegment(segmentIndex - 1, factor1);
                MoveToSegment(segmentIndex, factor2);
Beispiel #3
        /** Updates graphs with a created GUO.
         * Creates a Pathfinding.GraphUpdateObject with a Pathfinding.GraphUpdateShape
         * representing the polygon of this object and update all graphs using AstarPath.UpdateGraphs.
         * This will not update graphs immediately. See AstarPath.UpdateGraph for more info.
        public void Apply()
            if ( == null)
                Debug.LogError("There is no AstarPath object in the scene", this);

            GraphUpdateObject guo;

            if (points == null || points.Length == 0)
                var polygonCollider = GetComponent <PolygonCollider2D>();
                if (polygonCollider != null)
                    var       points2D = polygonCollider.points;
                    Vector3[] pts      = new Vector3[points2D.Length];
                    for (int i = 0; i < pts.Length; i++)
                        var p = points2D[i] + polygonCollider.offset;
                        pts[i] = new Vector3(p.x, 0, p.y);

                    var mat   = transform.localToWorldMatrix * Matrix4x4.TRS(, Quaternion.Euler(-90, 0, 0),;
                    var shape = new GraphUpdateShape(points, convex, mat, minBoundsHeight);
                    guo       = new GraphUpdateObject(GetBounds());
                    guo.shape = shape;
                    var bounds = GetBounds();
                    if ( == && bounds.size ==
                        Debug.LogError("Cannot apply GraphUpdateScene, no points defined and no renderer or collider attached", this);

                    guo = new GraphUpdateObject(bounds);
                GraphUpdateShape shape;
                if (legacyMode && !legacyUseWorldSpace)
                    // Used for compatibility with older versions
                    var worldPoints = new PF.Vector3[points.Length];
                    for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
                        worldPoints[i] = transform.TransformPoint(points[i]);
                    shape = new GraphUpdateShape(worldPoints, convex, Matrix4x4.identity, minBoundsHeight);
                    shape = new GraphUpdateShape(points, convex, legacyMode && legacyUseWorldSpace ? Matrix4x4.identity : transform.localToWorldMatrix, minBoundsHeight);
                var bounds = shape.GetBounds();
                guo       = new GraphUpdateObject(bounds);
                guo.shape = shape;

            firstApplied = true;

            guo.modifyWalkability     = modifyWalkability;
            guo.setWalkability        = setWalkability;
            guo.addPenalty            = penaltyDelta;
            guo.updatePhysics         = updatePhysics;
            guo.updateErosion         = updateErosion;
            guo.resetPenaltyOnPhysics = resetPenaltyOnPhysics;

            guo.modifyTag = modifyTag;
            guo.setTag    = setTag;
Beispiel #4
            /** Gradient and value of the cost function of this VO.
             * The VO has a cost function which is 0 outside the VO
             * and increases inside it as the point moves further into
             * the VO.
             * This is the negative gradient of that function as well as its
             * value (the weight). The negative gradient points in the direction
             * where the function decreases the fastest.
             * The value of the function is the distance to the closest edge
             * of the VO and the gradient is normalized.
            public Vector2 Gradient(Vector2 p, out float weight)
                if (colliding)
                    // Calculate double signed area of the triangle consisting of the points
                    // {line1, line1+dir1, p}
                    float l1 = SignedDistanceFromLine(line1, dir1, p);

                    // Serves as a check for which side of the line the point p is
                    if (l1 >= 0)
                        weight = l1;
                        return(new Vector2(-dir1.y, dir1.x));
                        weight = 0;
                        return(new Vector2(0, 0));

                float det3 = SignedDistanceFromLine(cutoffLine, cutoffDir, p);

                if (det3 <= 0)
                    weight = 0;
                    // Signed distances to the two edges along the sides of the VO
                    float det1 = SignedDistanceFromLine(line1, dir1, p);
                    float det2 = SignedDistanceFromLine(line2, dir2, p);
                    if (det1 >= 0 && det2 >= 0)
                        // We are inside both of the half planes
                        // (all three if we count the cutoff line)
                        // and thus inside the forbidden region in velocity space

                        // Actually the negative gradient because we want the
                        // direction where it slopes the most downwards, not upwards
                        Vector2 gradient;

                        // Check if we are in the semicircle region near the cap of the VO
                        if (Vector2.Dot(p - line1, dir1) > 0 && Vector2.Dot(p - line2, dir2) < 0)
                            if (segment)
                                // This part will only be reached for line obstacles (i.e not other agents)
                                if (det3 < radius)
                                    PF.Vector3 closestPointOnLine = VectorMath.ClosestPointOnSegment(segmentStart.ToPFV2(), segmentEnd.ToPFV2(), p.ToPFV2());
                                    var        dirFromCenter      = p.ToPFV2() - closestPointOnLine.ToV2();
                                    float      distToCenter;
                                    gradient = VectorMath.Normalize(dirFromCenter, out distToCenter);
                                    // The weight is the distance to the edge
                                    weight = radius - distToCenter;
                                var   dirFromCenter = p - circleCenter;
                                float distToCenter;
                                gradient = VectorMath.Normalize(dirFromCenter, out distToCenter);
                                // The weight is the distance to the edge
                                weight = radius - distToCenter;

                        if (segment && det3 < det1 && det3 < det2)
                            weight   = det3;
                            gradient = new Vector2(-cutoffDir.y, cutoffDir.x);

                        // Just move towards the closest edge
                        // The weight is the distance to the edge
                        if (det1 < det2)
                            weight   = det1;
                            gradient = new Vector2(-dir1.y, dir1.x);
                            weight   = det2;
                            gradient = new Vector2(-dir2.y, dir2.x);


                    weight = 0;