Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Manually map module into remote process.
        /// </summary>
        /// <author>Ruben Boonen (@FuzzySec)</author> (modified for external ProcessEx)
        /// <param name="localModuleHandle">Pointer to the module base.</param>
        /// <param name="remoteModuleHandle">Pointer to the PEINFO image.</param>
        /// <param name="PEINFO">PE_META_DATA of the module being mapped.</param>
        /// <returns>PE_MANUAL_MAP object</returns>
        private PE_MANUAL_MAP __MapModuleToMemory(IntPtr localModuleHandle, IntPtr remoteModuleHandle, byte[] moduleRaw, PE_META_DATA PEINFO)
            // Check module matches the process architecture
            if ((PEINFO.Is32Bit && IntPtr.Size == 8) || (!PEINFO.Is32Bit && IntPtr.Size == 4))
                throw new InvalidOperationException(DSTR(DSTR_MOD_ARCHITECTURE_WRONG));

            // Write PE header to memory
            UInt32 SizeOfHeaders = PEINFO.Is32Bit ? PEINFO.OptHeader32.SizeOfHeaders : PEINFO.OptHeader64.SizeOfHeaders;
            IntPtr RegionSize    = PEINFO.Is32Bit ? (IntPtr)PEINFO.OptHeader32.SizeOfImage : (IntPtr)PEINFO.OptHeader64.SizeOfImage;

            byte[] moduleRemote = new byte[RegionSize.ToInt32()];
            moduleRaw.Take((int)SizeOfHeaders).ToArray().CopyTo(moduleRemote, 0);

            DLog($"PE Header written at 0x{remoteModuleHandle.ToInt64():X16}");

            // Write sections to memory
            foreach (IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER ish in PEINFO.Sections)
                // Calculate offsets
                IntPtr pVirtualSectionBase = (IntPtr)(ish.VirtualAddress);

                moduleRaw.Skip((int)ish.PointerToRawData).Take((int)ish.SizeOfRawData).ToArray().CopyTo(moduleRemote, pVirtualSectionBase.ToInt32());
                DLog($"{new string(ish.Name).Trim().Replace('\x00'.ToString(), "")} written at 0x{pVirtualSectionBase.ToInt64():X16}, Size: 0x{ish.SizeOfRawData:X8}");

            // Perform relocations
            __MMRelocateModule(PEINFO, remoteModuleHandle, moduleRaw, moduleRemote);

            // Rewrite IAT
            __MMRewriteModuleIAT(PEINFO, remoteModuleHandle, moduleRaw, moduleRemote);

            // Write the module to memory
            SetBytes(remoteModuleHandle, moduleRemote);

            // Set memory protections
            MMSetModuleSectionPermissions(PEINFO, remoteModuleHandle, moduleRaw);

            // Free temp HGlobal

            // Prepare return object
            PE_MANUAL_MAP ManMapObject = new PE_MANUAL_MAP
                ModuleBase = remoteModuleHandle,
                PEINFO     = PEINFO
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Manually map module into current process.
        /// </summary>
        /// <author>Ruben Boonen (@FuzzySec)</author>
        /// <param name="rawModule">Pointer to the module base.</param>
        /// <param name="allocatedModule">Pointer to the PEINFO image.</param>
        /// <param name="PEINFO">PE_META_DATA of the module being mapped.</param>
        /// <returns>PE_MANUAL_MAP object</returns>
        private static PE_MANUAL_MAP MapModuleToMemory(IntPtr rawModule, IntPtr allocatedModule, PE_META_DATA PEINFO)
            // Check module matches the process architecture
            if ((PEINFO.Is32Bit && IntPtr.Size == 8) || (!PEINFO.Is32Bit && IntPtr.Size == 4))
                throw new Exception(DSTR(DSTR_MOD_ARCHITECTURE_WRONG));

            // Write PE header to memory
            UInt32 SizeOfHeaders = PEINFO.Is32Bit ? PEINFO.OptHeader32.SizeOfHeaders : PEINFO.OptHeader64.SizeOfHeaders;
            UInt32 BytesWritten;

            Native.NtWriteVirtualMemoryD((IntPtr)(-1), allocatedModule, rawModule, SizeOfHeaders);

            // Write sections to memory
            foreach (IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER ish in PEINFO.Sections)
                // Calculate offsets
                IntPtr pVirtualSectionBase = (IntPtr)((UInt64)allocatedModule + ish.VirtualAddress);
                IntPtr pRawSectionBase     = (IntPtr)((UInt64)rawModule + ish.PointerToRawData);

                // Write data
                BytesWritten = Native.NtWriteVirtualMemoryD((IntPtr)(-1), pVirtualSectionBase, pRawSectionBase, ish.SizeOfRawData);
                if (BytesWritten != ish.SizeOfRawData)
                    throw new Exception(DSTR(DSTR_FAILED_MEMORY_WRITE));

            // Perform relocations
            RelocateModule(PEINFO, allocatedModule);

            // Rewrite IAT
            RewriteModuleIAT(PEINFO, allocatedModule);

            // Set memory protections
            SetModuleSectionPermissions(PEINFO, allocatedModule);

            // Free temp HGlobal

            // Prepare return object
            PE_MANUAL_MAP ManMapObject = new PE_MANUAL_MAP
                ModuleBase = allocatedModule,
                PEINFO     = PEINFO

Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Call a manually mapped DLL by Export. Will load the dll in question if not already loaded, and execute an exported function from it.
        /// </summary>
        public static object ManualInvoke(string dllPath, string ExportName, Type FunctionDelegateType, ref object[] Parameters, bool CallEntry = true)
            PE_MANUAL_MAP mapData = ModuleMapper.MapModuleToMemory(dllPath);

            return(CallMappedDLLModuleExport(mapData.PEINFO, mapData.ModuleBase, ExportName, FunctionDelegateType, ref Parameters, CallEntry));