Beispiel #1
 public PDFName Register(PDFResource rsrc)
     if (null == rsrc.Name || string.IsNullOrEmpty(rsrc.Name.Value))
         string name = this.Document.GetIncrementID(rsrc.Type);
         rsrc.Name = (PDFName)name;
     rsrc.RegisterUse(this._resources, this.Owner);
 public PDFName Register(PDFResource reference)
     if (null == reference.Name || string.IsNullOrEmpty(reference.Name.Value))
         string name = this.Document.GetIncrementID(reference.Type);
         reference.Name = (PDFName)name;
     reference.RegisterUse(this.Resources, this);
        public void SetCurrentFont(PDFFont font)
            PDFResource rsrc = this.Container.Document.GetResource(PDFResource.FontDefnResourceType, font.FullName, true);

            if (null == rsrc)
                throw new NullReferenceException(String.Format(Errors.FontNotFound, font.FullName));

            PDFName name = this.Container.Register(rsrc);

            this.CurrentFontResource = (PDFFontResource)rsrc;
            this.CurrentFont         = font;

            if (null != this.Writer)
                this.Writer.WriteOpCodeS(PDFOpCode.TxtFont, name, font.Size.RealValue);
        public override bool SetUpGraphics(PDFGraphics g, PDFRect bounds)
            Scryber.Resources.PDFImageXObject imagex;

            string fullpath = _source; // g.Container.MapPath(_source); - Map Path is done in the document now
            //TODO: Add XStep, YStep etc.
            string resourcekey = GetImagePatternKey(fullpath);

            PDFResource rsrc = g.Container.Document.GetResource(PDFResource.PatternResourceType, resourcekey, false);

            if (null == rsrc)
                //Create the image
                imagex = g.Container.Document.GetResource(Scryber.Resources.PDFResource.XObjectResourceType, fullpath, true) as PDFImageXObject;

                if (null == imagex)
                    if (g.Context.Conformance == ParserConformanceMode.Lax)
                        g.Context.TraceLog.Add(TraceLevel.Error, "Drawing", "Could not set up the image brush as the graphic image was not found or returned for : " + fullpath);
                        throw new PDFRenderException("Could not set up the image brush as the graphic image was not found or returned for : " + fullpath);

                //The container of a pattern is the document as this is the scope
                PDFImageTilingPattern tile = new PDFImageTilingPattern(g.Container.Document, resourcekey, imagex);
                tile.Container  = g.Container;
                tile.Image      = imagex;
                tile.PaintType  = PatternPaintType.ColoredTile;
                tile.TilingType = PatternTilingType.NoDistortion;

                //Calculate the bounds of the pattern

                PDFUnit width;
                PDFUnit height;
                PDFSize imgsize = CalculateAppropriateImageSize(imagex.ImageData, bounds);
                width  = imgsize.Width;
                height = imgsize.Height;

                //Patterns are drawn from the bottom of the page so Y is the container height minus the vertical position and offset
                PDFUnit y = 0; // g.ContainerSize.Height - (bounds.Y);// g.ContainerSize.Height - (bounds.Y + height + this.YPostion);
                //X is simply the horizontal position plus offset
                PDFUnit x = 0; // bounds.X + this.XPostion;

                tile.ImageSize = imgsize;

                PDFSize step = new PDFSize();
                if (this.XStep == 0)
                    step.Width = width;
                    step.Width = this.XStep;

                if (this.YStep == 0)
                    step.Height = height;
                    step.Height = this.YStep;
                tile.Step = step;

                PDFPoint start = new PDFPoint(bounds.X + this.XPostion, bounds.Y + this.YPostion);

                if (g.Origin == DrawingOrigin.TopLeft)
                    start.Y = g.ContainerSize.Height - start.Y;
                tile.Start = start;

                PDFName name = g.Container.Register(tile);
