Beispiel #1
//	public void InstantiateParticle (PARTICLE_TYPE type, Vector3 position, float waitTime = 0f)
//	{
//		if (PhotonNetwork.offlineMode)
//			StartCoroutine (IEInstantiateParticle (type, position, waitTime));
//		else {
//			_pv.RPC ("RPCInstantiateParticle", PhotonTargets.All, type, position, waitTime);
//		}
//	}
//	[PunRPC]
//	void RPCInstantiateParticle (PARTICLE_TYPE type, Vector3 position, float waitTime = 0f)
//	{
//		StartCoroutine (IEInstantiateParticle (type, position, waitTime));
//	}
//	IEnumerator IEInstantiateParticle (PARTICLE_TYPE type, Vector3 position, float waitTime = 0f)
//	{
//		yield return new WaitForSeconds (waitTime);
////		if (_particlePrefab) {
//		foreach (var p in _particles) {
//			if (p.TYPE == type) {
//				GameObject particleInstance = (GameObject)Instantiate (p.Prefab);
//				particleInstance.transform.position = position;
//				yield break;
//			}
//		}
//		Debug.Log ("Particle type not found");
////		}
//	}

    public void InstantiateParticle(PARTICLE_TYPE type, Vector3 position, float waitTime = 0f, float duration = 0f, Transform followTarget = null)
        if (PhotonNetwork.offlineMode)
            StartCoroutine(IEInstantiateParticle(type, position, waitTime, duration, followTarget));
            _pv.RPC("RPCInstantiateParticle", PhotonTargets.All, type, position, waitTime, duration, followTarget);
Beispiel #2
    ParticleSystem MakeNewParticle(PARTICLE_TYPE particleType)
        var newParticleObj = Instantiate(particlePrefabs[particleType.ToString()]);

        //이름으로 종류를 구분하므로 이름셋팅 = particleType.ToString();

        //풀에 등록
        var newParticle = newParticleObj.GetComponent <ParticleSystem>();


Beispiel #3
    ParticleSystem GetParticleFromPool(PARTICLE_TYPE particleType)
        //풀에서 파티클을 가져온다
        for (int i = 0; i < particlePool.Count; i++)
            if (particlePool[i].isPlaying == false &&
                particlePool[i] == particleType.ToString())

        //풀에서 재생가능한 파티클을 찾지 못했으면 새로 할당한다
Beispiel #4
    void AddParticle(PARTICLE_TYPE pt, int x, int y)
        int                id       = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, int.MaxValue);
        Vector3            position = new Vector3(x, y, 0);
        ParticleProperties pp       = GetProperties(pt);
        ParticleData       data     = new ParticleData
            id         = id,
            position   = position,
            color      = pp.color,
            properties =

        particleData.Add(id, data);
Beispiel #5
    IEnumerator IEInstantiateParticle(PARTICLE_TYPE type, Vector3 position, float waitTime = 0f, float duration = 0f, Transform followTarget = null)
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(waitTime));

        //		if (_particlePrefab) {
        GameObject particleInstance = null;

        foreach (var p in _particles)
            if (p.TYPE == type)
                particleInstance = (GameObject)Instantiate(p.Prefab);
                particleInstance.transform.position = position;
//				if (followTarget != null) {
//					particleInstance.transform.SetParent (followTarget);
//				}

        if (particleInstance == null)
            Debug.Log("Particle type not found");
            float timer = Time.time + duration;
            while (timer > Time.time)
                particleInstance.transform.position = followTarget.position;
                Destroy(particleInstance, duration);
                yield return(null);
        //		}
Beispiel #6
    ParticleProperties GetProperties(PARTICLE_TYPE pt)
        Color color = new Color(1, 0, 0, 1);

        // Grav + (Solid|0, Liquid|2, Gas|4, Plasma|6) + ...
        // 1 + (2 + 4) + 8
        int properties = 0;

        switch (pt)
        case PARTICLE_TYPE.SAND:
            color      = new Color(1, .99f, .86f, 1);
            properties = 1 + 0;

            color      = new Color(.1f, .1f, 1, 1);
            properties = 1 + 2;

        case PARTICLE_TYPE.FIRE:
            color      = new Color(.82f, 0, .11f, 1);
            properties = 1 + 4;

        case PARTICLE_TYPE.WALL:
            color      = new Color(1, 0, 1, 1);
            properties = 0 + 0;
        return(new ParticleProperties
            color = color,
            properties = properties
Beispiel #7
    public void Play(PARTICLE_TYPE pType, Vector3 position)
        ParticleSystem ps = GetParticle(pType);

        Play(ps, position);
Beispiel #8
 public ParticleSystem GetParticle(PARTICLE_TYPE pType)
Beispiel #9
 void RPCInstantiateParticle(PARTICLE_TYPE type, Vector3 position, float waitTime = 0f, float duration = 0f, Transform followTarget = null)
     StartCoroutine(IEInstantiateParticle(type, position, waitTime, duration, followTarget));
Beispiel #10
        public ParticleEmitter2(BinaryReader br)
            TotalSize = br.ReadUInt32();
            long end = br.BaseStream.Position + TotalSize;

            ObjSize  = br.ReadUInt32();
            Name     = br.ReadCString(Constants.SizeName);
            ObjectId = br.ReadInt32();
            ParentId = br.ReadInt32();
            Flags    = (GENOBJECTFLAGS)br.ReadUInt32();


            NodeSize     = br.ReadInt32();
            Type         = (PARTICLE_EMITTER_TYPE)br.ReadInt32();
            Speed        = br.ReadSingle();
            Variation    = br.ReadSingle();
            Latitude     = br.ReadSingle();
            Longitude    = br.ReadSingle();
            Gravity      = br.ReadSingle();
            ZSource      = br.ReadSingle();
            Lifespan     = br.ReadSingle();
            EmissionRate = br.ReadSingle();
            Length       = br.ReadSingle();
            Width        = br.ReadSingle();

            Rows         = br.ReadInt32();
            Cols         = br.ReadInt32();
            ParticleType = (PARTICLE_TYPE)br.ReadInt32();
            if (ParticleType > 0 && !Enum.IsDefined(typeof(PARTICLE_TYPE), ParticleType))
                throw new Exception("Unknown PARTICLE_TYPE");

            TailLength = br.ReadSingle();
            MiddleTime = br.ReadSingle();

            StartColor  = new CVector3(br);
            MiddleColor = new CVector3(br);
            EndColor    = new CVector3(br);

            StartAlpha  = br.ReadByte() / 255f;
            MiddleAlpha = br.ReadByte() / 255f;
            EndAlpha    = br.ReadByte() / 255f;

            StartScale  = br.ReadSingle();
            MiddleScale = br.ReadSingle();
            EndScale    = br.ReadSingle();

            LifespanUVAnimStart  = br.ReadUInt32();
            LifespanUVAnimEnd    = br.ReadUInt32();
            LifespanUVAnimRepeat = br.ReadUInt32();

            DecayUVAnimStart  = br.ReadUInt32();
            DecayUVAnimEnd    = br.ReadUInt32();
            DecayUVAnimRepeat = br.ReadUInt32();

            TailUVAnimStart  = br.ReadUInt32();
            TailUVAnimEnd    = br.ReadUInt32();
            TailUVAnimRepeat = br.ReadUInt32();

            TailDecayUVAnimStart  = br.ReadUInt32();
            TailDecayUVAnimEnd    = br.ReadUInt32();
            TailDecayUVAnimRepeat = br.ReadUInt32();

            BlendMode     = (PARTICLE_BLEND_MODE)br.ReadUInt32();
            TextureId     = br.ReadUInt32();
            PriorityPlane = br.ReadInt32();
            ReplaceableId = br.ReadUInt32();

            GeometryMdl  = br.ReadCString(Constants.SizeFileName);
            RecursionMdl = br.ReadCString(Constants.SizeFileName);

            TwinkleFPS      = br.ReadSingle();
            TwinkleOnOff    = br.ReadSingle();
            TwinkleScaleMin = br.ReadSingle();
            TwinkleScaleMax = br.ReadSingle();

            IvelScale    = br.ReadSingle();
            TumbleX      = new CVector2(br);
            TumbleY      = new CVector2(br);
            TumbleZ      = new CVector2(br);
            Drag         = br.ReadSingle();
            Spin         = br.ReadSingle();
            WindVector   = new CVector3(br);
            WindTime     = br.ReadSingle();
            FollowSpeed1 = br.ReadSingle();
            FollowScale1 = br.ReadSingle();
            FollowSpeed2 = br.ReadSingle();
            FollowScale2 = br.ReadSingle();

            NrOfSplines = br.ReadInt32();
            for (int i = 0; i < NrOfSplines; i++)
                Splines.Add(new CVector3(br));

            Squirts = br.ReadUInt32();              // 1 for footsteps and impact spell effects

            while (br.BaseStream.Position < end && !br.AtEnd())
                string tagname = br.ReadString(4);
                switch (tagname)
                case "KP2S": SpeedKeys = new Track <float>(br); break;

                case "KP2R": VariationKeys = new Track <float>(br); break;

                case "KP2G": GravityKeys = new Track <float>(br); break;

                case "KP2W": WidthKeys = new Track <float>(br); break;

                case "KP2N": LengthKeys = new Track <float>(br); break;

                case "KVIS": VisibilityKeys = new Track <float>(br); break;

                case "KP2E": EmissionRateKeys = new Track <float>(br); break;

                case "KP2L": LatitudeKeys = new Track <float>(br); break;

                case "KLIF": LifespanKeys = new Track <float>(br); break;

                case "KPLN": LongitudeKeys = new Track <float>(br); break;

                case "KP2Z": ZSourceKeys = new Track <float>(br); break;

                    br.BaseStream.Position -= 4;
Beispiel #11
        public ParticleEmitter2(BinaryReader br)
            long end = br.BaseStream.Position + (TotalSize = br.ReadUInt32());

            ObjSize  = br.ReadUInt32();
            Name     = br.ReadCString(Constants.SizeName);
            ObjectId = br.ReadInt32();
            ParentId = br.ReadInt32();
            Flags    = (GENOBJECTFLAGS)br.ReadUInt32();


            Speed        = br.ReadSingle();
            Variation    = br.ReadSingle();
            Latitude     = br.ReadSingle();
            Gravity      = br.ReadSingle();
            Lifespan     = br.ReadSingle();
            EmissionRate = br.ReadSingle();
            Length       = br.ReadSingle();
            Width        = br.ReadSingle();
            BlendMode    = (PARTICLE_BLEND_MODE)br.ReadUInt32();
            Rows         = br.ReadInt32();
            Cols         = br.ReadInt32();
            ParticleType = (PARTICLE_TYPE)br.ReadInt32();
            TailLength   = br.ReadSingle();
            MiddleTime   = br.ReadSingle();

            StartColor  = new CVector3(br);
            MiddleColor = new CVector3(br);
            EndColor    = new CVector3(br);
            StartAlpha  = br.ReadByte() / 255f;
            MiddleAlpha = br.ReadByte() / 255f;
            EndAlpha    = br.ReadByte() / 255f;
            StartScale  = br.ReadSingle();
            MiddleScale = br.ReadSingle();
            EndScale    = br.ReadSingle();

            LifespanUVAnimStart  = br.ReadUInt32();
            LifespanUVAnimEnd    = br.ReadUInt32();
            LifespanUVAnimRepeat = br.ReadUInt32();

            DecayUVAnimStart  = br.ReadUInt32();
            DecayUVAnimEnd    = br.ReadUInt32();
            DecayUVAnimRepeat = br.ReadUInt32();

            TailUVAnimStart  = br.ReadUInt32();
            TailUVAnimEnd    = br.ReadUInt32();
            TailUVAnimRepeat = br.ReadUInt32();

            TailDecayUVAnimStart  = br.ReadUInt32();
            TailDecayUVAnimEnd    = br.ReadUInt32();
            TailDecayUVAnimRepeat = br.ReadUInt32();

            TextureId     = br.ReadUInt32();
            Squirts       = br.ReadUInt32(); // 1 for footsteps and impact spell effects
            PriorityPlane = br.ReadInt32();
            ReplaceableId = br.ReadUInt32();

            while (br.BaseStream.Position < end && !br.AtEnd())
                string tagname = br.ReadString(4);
                switch (tagname)
                case "KP2S": SpeedKeys = new Track <float>(br); break;

                case "KP2R": VariationKeys = new Track <float>(br); break;

                case "KP2G": GravityKeys = new Track <float>(br); break;

                case "KP2W": WidthKeys = new Track <float>(br); break;

                case "KP2N": LengthKeys = new Track <float>(br); break;

                case "KP2V": VisibilityKeys = new Track <float>(br); break;

                case "KP2E": EmissionRateKeys = new Track <float>(br); break;

                case "KP2L": LatitudeKeys = new Track <float>(br); break;

                    br.BaseStream.Position -= 4;