void ExecuteInner(string Dir, int PR)
        string PRNum = PR.ToString();

        // Discard any old changes we may have committed
        RunGit("reset --hard");

        // show-ref is just a double check that the PR exists
        //var Refs = RunGit("show-ref");

        /*if (!Refs.Contains("refs/remotes/origin/pr/" + PRNum))
         * {
         *      throw new AutomationException("This is not among the refs: refs/remotes/origin/pr/{0}", PRNum);
         * }*/
        RunGit(String.Format("fetch origin refs/pull/{0}/head:pr/{1}", PRNum, PRNum));
        RunGit(String.Format("checkout pr/{0} --", PRNum));

        int    CLBase;
        string DepotBase;

        ScanForBranchAndCL_BaseVersion(String.Format("log --author=TimSweeney --author=UnrealBot -100 pr/{0} --", PRNum), out DepotBase, out CLBase);

        int    CLLive;
        string DepotLive;

        ScanForBranchAndCL_LiveVersion(String.Format("log -100 pr/{0} --", PRNum), out DepotLive, out CLLive);

        if (CLLive == 0 && CLBase == 0)
            throw new AutomationException("Could not find a base change and branch using either method.");

        int    CL    = 0;
        string Depot = "";

        if (CLBase > CLLive)
            CL    = CLBase;
            Depot = DepotBase;
            CL    = CLLive;
            Depot = DepotLive;
        if (CL < 2000000 || String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Depot))
            throw new AutomationException("Could not find a base change and branch using either method.");

        P4ClientInfo NewClient = P4.GetClientInfo(P4Env.Client);

        foreach (var p in NewClient.View)
            LogInformation("{0} = {1}", p.Key, p.Value);

        string TestClient = P4Env.User + "_" + Environment.MachineName + "_PullRequests_" + Depot.Replace("/", "_");

        NewClient.Owner    = P4Env.User;
        NewClient.Host     = Environment.MachineName;
        NewClient.RootPath = Dir;
        NewClient.Name     = TestClient;
        NewClient.View     = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >();
        NewClient.View.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(Depot + "/...", "/..."));
        NewClient.Stream = null;
        if (!P4.DoesClientExist(TestClient))

        var P4Sub = new P4Connection(P4Env.User, TestClient, P4Env.ServerAndPort);

        P4Sub.Sync(String.Format("-f -k -q {0}/...@{1}", Depot, CL));

        var Change = P4Sub.CreateChange(null, String.Format("GitHub pull request #{0}", PRNum));

        P4Sub.ReconcileNoDeletes(Change, CommandUtils.MakePathSafeToUseWithCommandLine(CombinePaths(Dir, bDoingUT ? "UnrealTournament" : "Engine", "...")));
        P4Sub.Revert(Change, "-k //...");