//----------------------------------------CREATING THE BOARD------------------------------------------\\ // initialises the board by adding the array of buttons void initBoard() { Random r = new Random(); // nested for loop that initialises an array of buttons for (int x = 0; x < btn.GetLength(0); x++) { for (int y = 0; y < btn.GetLength(1); y++) { // creates new button object btn[x, y] = new Button(); // sets dimentions and position of buttons btn[x, y].SetBounds(60 * x, (60 * y) + 25, 60, 60); btn[x, y].FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Flat; btn[x, y].FlatAppearance.BorderColor = Color.FromArgb(17, 47, 65); // generates a random number between 0 and 3 int colorNum = r.Next(4); if (colorNum == 0) { // changes colour of button to red btn[x, y].BackColor = Color.Red; } else if (colorNum == 1) { // changes colour of button to blue btn[x, y].BackColor = Color.Blue; } else if (colorNum == 2) { // changes colour of button to green btn[x, y].BackColor = Color.Green; } else if (colorNum == 3) { // changes colour of button to yellow btn[x, y].BackColor = Color.Yellow; } //creates button click event handler btn[x, y].Click += new EventHandler(this.btnEvent_Click); // adds buttons to gui Controls.Add(btn[x, y]); multiLbl.Hide(); timeLbl.Hide(); scoreLabel.Hide(); plus2Lbl.Hide(); turnLbl.Hide(); CountdownLbl.Hide(); boardHomeBtn.Hide(); TitleLbl.Hide(); P1ScoreLbl.Hide(); P2ScoreLbl.Hide(); } } }
//hides the main menu void hideMenu() { ClassicBtn.Hide(); ExitBtn.Hide(); HelpBtn.Hide(); TimeBtn.Hide(); multiplayerBtn.Hide(); menuBack.Hide(); HomeTLbl.Hide(); boardHomeBtn.Show(); TitleLbl.Show(); if (gameMode == 2) { P1ScoreLbl.Show(); P2ScoreLbl.Show(); turnLbl.Show(); } }
//shows the main menu void showMenu() { ClassicBtn.Invoke(new Action(() => ClassicBtn.Show())); ExitBtn.Invoke(new Action(() => ExitBtn.Show())); HelpBtn.Invoke(new Action(() => HelpBtn.Show())); multiplayerBtn.Invoke(new Action(() => multiplayerBtn.Show())); TimeBtn.Invoke(new Action(() => TimeBtn.Show())); menuBack.Invoke(new Action(() => menuBack.Show())); HomeTLbl.Invoke(new Action(() => HomeTLbl.Show())); boardHomeBtn.Invoke(new Action(() => boardHomeBtn.Hide())); CountdownLbl.Invoke(new Action(() => CountdownLbl.Hide())); TitleLbl.Invoke(new Action(() => TitleLbl.Hide())); if (gameMode == 2) { P1ScoreLbl.Invoke(new Action(() => P1ScoreLbl.Hide())); P2ScoreLbl.Invoke(new Action(() => P2ScoreLbl.Hide())); turnLbl.Invoke(new Action(() => turnLbl.Hide())); } }
// initialises multi player game mode void multiplayerInit() { //stops the timer if one is running if (ticking) { aTimer.Stop(); ticking = false; } //picks random player to start Random r = new Random(); int turn = r.Next(2); scoreP1 = 0; scoreP2 = 0; // sets up lables P1ScoreLbl.Text = "P1 SCORE: " + scoreP1; P2ScoreLbl.Text = "P2 SCORE: " + scoreP2; // works out whos turn it is if (turn % 2 == 1) { turnLbl.Text = "Player 1's turn"; } else { turnLbl.Text = "Player 2's turn"; } // sets up menu gameMode = 2; multiLbl.Hide(); scoreLabel.Hide(); CountdownLbl.Hide(); done = false; reshuffle(); timeLbl.Hide(); P1ScoreLbl.Show(); P2ScoreLbl.Show(); turnLbl.Show(); }
//initialises time trial game void timeTrialInit() { // sets up initial timer tempTime = 3; // sets up inital values score = 0; gameMode = 1; multiplier = 1; //sets up menu multiLbl.Invoke(new Action(() => multiLbl.Hide())); done = false; reshuffle(); tempTime = 3; CountdownLbl.Invoke(new Action(() => CountdownLbl.Show())); P1ScoreLbl.Invoke(new Action(() => P1ScoreLbl.Hide())); P2ScoreLbl.Invoke(new Action(() => P2ScoreLbl.Hide())); Console.WriteLine(tempTime); // starts the timer timeCounter = 60; if (ticking) { aTimer.Stop(); } ticking = true; aTimer = new System.Timers.Timer(1000); // Hook up the Elapsed event for the timer. aTimer.Elapsed += timer_Tick; aTimer.AutoReset = true; aTimer.Enabled = true; timeLbl.Invoke(new Action(() => timeLbl.Show())); scoreLabel.Invoke(new Action(() => scoreLabel.Show())); scoreLabel.Text = "Score: " + score; }
//initialises classic game void classicInit() { // checks if a timer is running if (ticking) { aTimer.Stop(); ticking = false; } // sets up correct score game and multiplier values score = 0; gameMode = 0; multiplier = 1; multiLbl.Hide(); done = false; //randomises button colors reshuffle(); // sets up menu timeLbl.Hide(); scoreLabel.Show(); CountdownLbl.Hide(); P1ScoreLbl.Hide(); P2ScoreLbl.Hide(); scoreLabel.Text = "Score: " + score; }