Beispiel #1
        public string FindScannedItem(string scan)
            //Find a carton scan in a Scan table
            DataSet ds   = new DataSet();
            string  item = "";

            try {
                ds = this.mMediator.FillDataset(App.USP_SCANFINDINTABLE, App.TBL_SCANFINDINTABLE, new object[] { scan });
                OutboundFreightDS scanDS = new OutboundFreightDS();
                if (scanDS.BwareScanTable.Rows.Count > 0)
                    item += "Scan                    TripNumber    Scanned                 Station Cube        \n";
                    item += "----------------------- ------------- ----------------------- ------- ----------- \n";
                    item += scanDS.BwareScanTable[0].Scan + " " + scanDS.BwareScanTable[0].TripNumber.PadRight(13, ' ') + " " +
                            scanDS.BwareScanTable[0].Scanned.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt").PadRight(23, ' ') + " " +
                            scanDS.BwareScanTable[0].Station.PadRight(7, ' ') + " " + scanDS.BwareScanTable[0].Cube.ToString().PadRight(11, ' ') + "\n";
                    item += "(0 row(s) returned)\n";
                item += "\n";
            catch (Exception ex) { throw new ApplicationException("Unexpected error while searching for scanned item " + scan + ".", ex); }
Beispiel #2
        public string FindSortedItem(string labelSeqNum)
            //Find a sorted item in the Sorted Items table
            DataSet ds   = new DataSet();
            string  item = "";

            try {
                ds = this.mMediator.FillDataset(App.USP_SCANFINDINTABLE, App.TBL_SCANFINDINTABLE, new object[] { labelSeqNum });
                OutboundFreightDS itemDS = new OutboundFreightDS();
                if (itemDS.SortedItemTable.Rows.Count > 0)
                    item += "SORT_DATE               STATION LABEL_SEQ_NUMBER VENDOR_ITEM_NUMBER        ScanString                     \n";
                    item += "----------------------- ------- ---------------- ------------------------- ------------------------------ \n";
                    item += itemDS.SortedItemTable[0].SORT_DATE.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy").PadRight(23, ' ') + " " +
                            itemDS.SortedItemTable[0].STATION.PadRight(7, ' ') + " " +
                            itemDS.SortedItemTable[0].LABEL_SEQ_NUMBER.PadRight(16, ' ') + " " +
                            itemDS.SortedItemTable[0].VENDOR_ITEM_NUMBER.PadRight(25, ' ') + " " +
                            itemDS.SortedItemTable[0].ScanString.PadRight(30, ' ') + "\n";
                    item += "(0 row(s) returned)\n";
                item += "\n";
            catch (Exception ex) { throw new ApplicationException("Unexpected error while searching for sorted item " + labelSeqNum + ".", ex); }
Beispiel #3
        public OutboundFreightDS GetScannedItems(string stationNumber, DateTime start, DateTime end)
            //Read scanned items
            OutboundFreightDS scannedItems = null;

            try {
                scannedItems = new OutboundFreightDS();
                DataSet ds = this.mMediator.FillDataset(App.USP_SCANSGETFORSTATION, App.TBL_SCANSGET, new object[] { stationNumber, start.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), end.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") });
                if (ds != null)
            catch (Exception ex) { throw new ApplicationException("Unexpected error while reading sorted items for station# " + stationNumber + ".", ex); }
Beispiel #4
 public SortStation(WorkstationDS.WorkstationDetailTableRow workstation, EnterpriseTerminal terminal)
     try {
         //Configure this station from the station configuration information
         this.mTerminal = terminal;
         if (workstation != null)
             if (!workstation.IsWorkStationIDNull())
                 this.mWorkStationID = workstation.WorkStationID;
             if (!workstation.IsNameNull())
                 this.mName = workstation.Name.Trim();
             if (!workstation.IsTerminalIDNull())
                 this.mTerminalID = workstation.TerminalID;
             if (!workstation.IsNumberNull())
                 this.mNumber = workstation.Number.Trim();
             if (!workstation.IsDescriptionNull())
                 this.mDescription = workstation.Description.Trim();
             if (!workstation.IsScaleTypeNull())
                 this.mScaleType = workstation.ScaleType.Trim();
             if (!workstation.IsScalePortNull())
                 this.mScalePort = workstation.ScalePort.Trim();
             if (!workstation.IsPrinterTypeNull())
                 this.mPrinterType = workstation.PrinterType.Trim();
             if (!workstation.IsPrinterPortNull())
                 this.mPrinterPort = workstation.PrinterPort.Trim();
             if (!workstation.IsTraceNull())
                 this.mTrace = workstation.Trace;
             if (!workstation.IsIsActiveNull())
                 this.mIsActive = workstation.IsActive;
         this.mZebraPrinter = new ZebraPrinter(this.mPrinterType);
         this.mLogDS        = new ArgixLogDS();
         if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get(this.mName) != null)
             this.mTraceSQLConnection = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get(this.mName);
         this.mItemDS = new OutboundFreightDS();
     catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; }