/// <summary>
        /// Test a triangle for quality and size.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="testtri">Triangle to check.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Tests a triangle to see if it satisfies the minimum angle condition and
        /// the maximum area condition.  Triangles that aren't up to spec are added
        /// to the bad triangle queue.
        /// </remarks>
        public void TestTriangle(ref Otri testtri)
            Otri   tri1 = default(Otri), tri2 = default(Otri);
            Osub   testsub = default(Osub);
            Vertex torg, tdest, tapex;
            Vertex base1, base2;
            Vertex org1, dest1, org2, dest2;
            Vertex joinvertex;
            double dxod, dyod, dxda, dyda, dxao, dyao;
            double dxod2, dyod2, dxda2, dyda2, dxao2, dyao2;
            double apexlen, orglen, destlen, minedge;
            double angle;
            double area;
            double dist1, dist2;

            double maxangle;

            torg  = testtri.Org();
            tdest = testtri.Dest();
            tapex = testtri.Apex();
            dxod  = torg.x - tdest.x;
            dyod  = torg.y - tdest.y;
            dxda  = tdest.x - tapex.x;
            dyda  = tdest.y - tapex.y;
            dxao  = tapex.x - torg.x;
            dyao  = tapex.y - torg.y;
            dxod2 = dxod * dxod;
            dyod2 = dyod * dyod;
            dxda2 = dxda * dxda;
            dyda2 = dyda * dyda;
            dxao2 = dxao * dxao;
            dyao2 = dyao * dyao;
            // Find the lengths of the triangle's three edges.
            apexlen = dxod2 + dyod2;
            orglen  = dxda2 + dyda2;
            destlen = dxao2 + dyao2;

            if ((apexlen < orglen) && (apexlen < destlen))
                // The edge opposite the apex is shortest.
                minedge = apexlen;
                // Find the square of the cosine of the angle at the apex.
                angle = dxda * dxao + dyda * dyao;
                angle = angle * angle / (orglen * destlen);
                base1 = torg;
                base2 = tdest;
                testtri.Copy(ref tri1);
            else if (orglen < destlen)
                // The edge opposite the origin is shortest.
                minedge = orglen;
                // Find the square of the cosine of the angle at the origin.
                angle = dxod * dxao + dyod * dyao;
                angle = angle * angle / (apexlen * destlen);
                base1 = tdest;
                base2 = tapex;
                testtri.Lnext(ref tri1);
                // The edge opposite the destination is shortest.
                minedge = destlen;
                // Find the square of the cosine of the angle at the destination.
                angle = dxod * dxda + dyod * dyda;
                angle = angle * angle / (apexlen * orglen);
                base1 = tapex;
                base2 = torg;
                testtri.Lprev(ref tri1);

            if (behavior.VarArea || behavior.fixedArea || (behavior.UserTest != null))
                // Check whether the area is larger than permitted.
                area = 0.5 * (dxod * dyda - dyod * dxda);
                if (behavior.fixedArea && (area > behavior.MaxArea))
                    // Add this triangle to the list of bad triangles.
                    queue.Enqueue(ref testtri, minedge, tapex, torg, tdest);

                // Nonpositive area constraints are treated as unconstrained.
                if ((behavior.VarArea) && (area > testtri.tri.area) && (testtri.tri.area > 0.0))
                    // Add this triangle to the list of bad triangles.
                    queue.Enqueue(ref testtri, minedge, tapex, torg, tdest);

                // Check whether the user thinks this triangle is too large.
                if ((behavior.UserTest != null) && behavior.UserTest(testtri.tri, area))
                    queue.Enqueue(ref testtri, minedge, tapex, torg, tdest);

            // find the maximum edge and accordingly the pqr orientation
            if ((apexlen > orglen) && (apexlen > destlen))
                // The edge opposite the apex is longest.
                // maxedge = apexlen;
                // Find the cosine of the angle at the apex.
                maxangle = (orglen + destlen - apexlen) / (2 * Math.Sqrt(orglen * destlen));
            else if (orglen > destlen)
                // The edge opposite the origin is longest.
                // maxedge = orglen;
                // Find the cosine of the angle at the origin.
                maxangle = (apexlen + destlen - orglen) / (2 * Math.Sqrt(apexlen * destlen));
                // The edge opposite the destination is longest.
                // maxedge = destlen;
                // Find the cosine of the angle at the destination.
                maxangle = (apexlen + orglen - destlen) / (2 * Math.Sqrt(apexlen * orglen));

            // Check whether the angle is smaller than permitted.
            if ((angle > behavior.goodAngle) || (maxangle < behavior.maxGoodAngle && behavior.MaxAngle != 0.0))
                // Use the rules of Miller, Pav, and Walkington to decide that certain
                // triangles should not be split, even if they have bad angles.
                // A skinny triangle is not split if its shortest edge subtends a
                // small input angle, and both endpoints of the edge lie on a
                // concentric circular shell.  For convenience, I make a small
                // adjustment to that rule:  I check if the endpoints of the edge
                // both lie in segment interiors, equidistant from the apex where
                // the two segments meet.
                // First, check if both points lie in segment interiors.
                if ((base1.type == VertexType.SegmentVertex) &&
                    (base2.type == VertexType.SegmentVertex))
                    // Check if both points lie in a common segment. If they do, the
                    // skinny triangle is enqueued to be split as usual.
                    tri1.Pivot(ref testsub);
                    if (testsub.seg.hash == Mesh.DUMMY)
                        // No common segment.  Find a subsegment that contains 'torg'.
                        tri1.Copy(ref tri2);
                            tri1.Pivot(ref testsub);
                        } while (testsub.seg.hash == Mesh.DUMMY);
                        // Find the endpoints of the containing segment.
                        org1  = testsub.SegOrg();
                        dest1 = testsub.SegDest();
                        // Find a subsegment that contains 'tdest'.
                            tri2.Pivot(ref testsub);
                        } while (testsub.seg.hash == Mesh.DUMMY);
                        // Find the endpoints of the containing segment.
                        org2  = testsub.SegOrg();
                        dest2 = testsub.SegDest();
                        // Check if the two containing segments have an endpoint in common.
                        joinvertex = null;
                        if ((dest1.x == org2.x) && (dest1.y == org2.y))
                            joinvertex = dest1;
                        else if ((org1.x == dest2.x) && (org1.y == dest2.y))
                            joinvertex = org1;
                        if (joinvertex != null)
                            // Compute the distance from the common endpoint (of the two
                            // segments) to each of the endpoints of the shortest edge.
                            dist1 = ((base1.x - joinvertex.x) * (base1.x - joinvertex.x) +
                                     (base1.y - joinvertex.y) * (base1.y - joinvertex.y));
                            dist2 = ((base2.x - joinvertex.x) * (base2.x - joinvertex.x) +
                                     (base2.y - joinvertex.y) * (base2.y - joinvertex.y));
                            // If the two distances are equal, don't split the triangle.
                            if ((dist1 < 1.001 * dist2) && (dist1 > 0.999 * dist2))
                                // Return now to avoid enqueueing the bad triangle.

                // Add this triangle to the list of bad triangles.
                queue.Enqueue(ref testtri, minedge, tapex, torg, tdest);
        private void ConstructBoundaryBvdCell(Vertex vertex)
            VoronoiRegion region = new VoronoiRegion(vertex);


            Otri f      = default(Otri);
            Otri f_init = default(Otri);
            Otri f_next = default(Otri);
            Otri f_prev = default(Otri);
            Osub sf     = default(Osub);
            Osub sfn    = default(Osub);

            Vertex torg, tdest, tapex, sorg, sdest;
            Point  cc_f, cc_f_next, p;

            int n = mesh.triangles.Count;

            // Call P the polygon (cell) in construction
            List <Point> vpoints = new List <Point>();

            // Call f_init a triangle incident to x
            vertex.tri.Copy(ref f_init);

            if (f_init.Org() != vertex)
                throw new Exception("ConstructBoundaryBvdCell: inconsistent topology.");
            // Let f be initialized to f_init
            f_init.Copy(ref f);
            // Call f_next the next triangle counterclockwise around x
            f_init.Onext(ref f_next);

            f_init.Oprev(ref f_prev);

            // Is the border to the left?
            if (f_prev.triangle != Mesh.dummytri)
                // Go clockwise until we reach the border (or the initial triangle)
                while (f_prev.triangle != Mesh.dummytri && !f_prev.Equal(f_init))
                    f_prev.Copy(ref f);

                f.Copy(ref f_init);
                f.Onext(ref f_next);

            if (f_prev.triangle == Mesh.dummytri)
                // For vertices on the domain boundaray, add the vertex. For
                // internal boundaries don't add it.
                p    = new Point(vertex.x, vertex.y);
                p.id = n + segIndex;
                points[n + segIndex] = p;


            // Add midpoint of start triangles' edge.
            torg  = f.Org();
            tdest = f.Dest();
            p     = new Point((torg.X + tdest.X) / 2, (torg.Y + tdest.Y) / 2);
            p.id  = n + segIndex;
            points[n + segIndex] = p;


            // repeat ... until f = f_init
                // Call Lffnext the line going through the circumcenters of f and f_next
                cc_f = this.points[f.triangle.id];

                if (f_next.triangle == Mesh.dummytri)
                    if (!f.triangle.infected)
                        // Add last circumcenter

                    // Add midpoint of last triangles' edge (chances are it has already
                    // been added, so post process cell to remove duplicates???)
                    torg  = f.Org();
                    tapex = f.Apex();
                    p     = new Point((torg.X + tapex.X) / 2, (torg.Y + tapex.Y) / 2);
                    p.id  = n + segIndex;
                    points[n + segIndex] = p;



                cc_f_next = this.points[f_next.triangle.id];

                // if f is tagged non-blind then
                if (!f.triangle.infected)
                    // Insert the circumcenter of f into P

                    if (f_next.triangle.infected)
                        // Call S_fnext the constrained edge blinding f_next
                        sfn.seg = subsegMap[f_next.triangle.hash];

                        // Insert point Lf,f_next /\ Sf_next into P
                        if (SegmentsIntersect(sfn.SegOrg(), sfn.SegDest(), cc_f, cc_f_next, out p, true))
                            p.id = n + segIndex;
                            points[n + segIndex] = p;

                    // Call Sf the constrained edge blinding f
                    sf.seg = subsegMap[f.triangle.hash];

                    sorg  = sf.SegOrg();
                    sdest = sf.SegDest();

                    // if f_next is tagged non-blind then
                    if (!f_next.triangle.infected)
                        tdest = f.Dest();
                        tapex = f.Apex();

                        // Both circumcenters lie on the blinded side, but we
                        // have to add the intersection with the segment.

                        // Center of f edge dest->apex
                        Point bisec = new Point((tdest.X + tapex.X) / 2, (tdest.Y + tapex.Y) / 2);

                        // Find intersection of seg with line through f's bisector and circumcenter
                        if (SegmentsIntersect(sorg, sdest, bisec, cc_f, out p, false))
                            p.id = n + segIndex;
                            points[n + segIndex] = p;


                        // Insert point Lf,f_next /\ Sf into P
                        if (SegmentsIntersect(sorg, sdest, cc_f, cc_f_next, out p, true))
                            p.id = n + segIndex;
                            points[n + segIndex] = p;

                        // Call Sf_next the constrained edge blinding f_next
                        sfn.seg = subsegMap[f_next.triangle.hash];

                        // if Sf != Sf_next then
                        if (!sf.Equal(sfn))
                            // Insert Lf,fnext /\ Sf and Lf,fnext /\ Sfnext into P
                            if (SegmentsIntersect(sorg, sdest, cc_f, cc_f_next, out p, true))
                                p.id = n + segIndex;
                                points[n + segIndex] = p;


                            if (SegmentsIntersect(sfn.SegOrg(), sfn.SegDest(), cc_f, cc_f_next, out p, true))
                                p.id = n + segIndex;
                                points[n + segIndex] = p;

                            // Both circumcenters lie on the blinded side, but we
                            // have to add the intersection with the segment.

                            // Center of f_next edge org->dest
                            Point bisec = new Point((torg.X + tdest.X) / 2, (torg.Y + tdest.Y) / 2);

                            // Find intersection of seg with line through f_next's bisector and circumcenter
                            if (SegmentsIntersect(sorg, sdest, bisec, cc_f_next, out p, false))
                                p.id = n + segIndex;
                                points[n + segIndex] = p;


                // f <- f_next
                f_next.Copy(ref f);

                // Call f_next the next triangle counterclockwise around x
            }while (!f.Equal(f_init));

            // Output: Bounded Voronoi cell of x in counterclockwise order.
        private void ConstructBvdCell(Vertex vertex)
            VoronoiRegion region = new VoronoiRegion(vertex);


            Otri f      = default(Otri);
            Otri f_init = default(Otri);
            Otri f_next = default(Otri);
            Osub sf     = default(Osub);
            Osub sfn    = default(Osub);

            Point cc_f, cc_f_next, p;

            int n = mesh.triangles.Count;

            // Call P the polygon (cell) in construction
            List <Point> vpoints = new List <Point>();

            // Call f_init a triangle incident to x
            vertex.tri.Copy(ref f_init);

            if (f_init.Org() != vertex)
                throw new Exception("ConstructBvdCell: inconsistent topology.");

            // Let f be initialized to f_init
            f_init.Copy(ref f);
            // Call f_next the next triangle counterclockwise around x
            f_init.Onext(ref f_next);

            // repeat ... until f = f_init
                // Call Lffnext the line going through the circumcenters of f and f_next
                cc_f      = this.points[f.triangle.id];
                cc_f_next = this.points[f_next.triangle.id];

                // if f is tagged non-blind then
                if (!f.triangle.infected)
                    // Insert the circumcenter of f into P

                    if (f_next.triangle.infected)
                        // Call S_fnext the constrained edge blinding f_next
                        sfn.seg = subsegMap[f_next.triangle.hash];

                        // Insert point Lf,f_next /\ Sf_next into P
                        if (SegmentsIntersect(sfn.SegOrg(), sfn.SegDest(), cc_f, cc_f_next, out p, true))
                            p.id = n + segIndex;
                            points[n + segIndex] = p;

                    // Call Sf the constrained edge blinding f
                    sf.seg = subsegMap[f.triangle.hash];

                    // if f_next is tagged non-blind then
                    if (!f_next.triangle.infected)
                        // Insert point Lf,f_next /\ Sf into P
                        if (SegmentsIntersect(sf.SegOrg(), sf.SegDest(), cc_f, cc_f_next, out p, true))
                            p.id = n + segIndex;
                            points[n + segIndex] = p;

                        // Call Sf_next the constrained edge blinding f_next
                        sfn.seg = subsegMap[f_next.triangle.hash];

                        // if Sf != Sf_next then
                        if (!sf.Equal(sfn))
                            // Insert Lf,fnext /\ Sf and Lf,fnext /\ Sfnext into P
                            if (SegmentsIntersect(sf.SegOrg(), sf.SegDest(), cc_f, cc_f_next, out p, true))
                                p.id = n + segIndex;
                                points[n + segIndex] = p;


                            if (SegmentsIntersect(sfn.SegOrg(), sfn.SegDest(), cc_f, cc_f_next, out p, true))
                                p.id = n + segIndex;
                                points[n + segIndex] = p;


                // f <- f_next
                f_next.Copy(ref f);

                // Call f_next the next triangle counterclockwise around x
            }while (!f.Equal(f_init));

            // Output: Bounded Voronoi cell of x in counterclockwise order.
        private void ConstructBoundaryBvdCell(Vertex vertex)
            Vertex        vertex1;
            Point         point;
            VoronoiRegion voronoiRegion = new VoronoiRegion(vertex);

            Otri         otri   = new Otri();
            Otri         otri1  = new Otri();
            Otri         otri2  = new Otri();
            Otri         otri3  = new Otri();
            Osub         item   = new Osub();
            Osub         osub   = new Osub();
            int          count  = this.mesh.triangles.Count;
            List <Point> points = new List <Point>();

            vertex.tri.Copy(ref otri1);
            if (otri1.Org() != vertex)
                throw new Exception("ConstructBoundaryBvdCell: inconsistent topology.");
            otri1.Copy(ref otri);
            otri1.Onext(ref otri2);
            otri1.Oprev(ref otri3);
            if (otri3.triangle != Mesh.dummytri)
                while (otri3.triangle != Mesh.dummytri && !otri3.Equal(otri1))
                    otri3.Copy(ref otri);
                otri.Copy(ref otri1);
                otri.Onext(ref otri2);
            if (otri3.triangle == Mesh.dummytri)
                point = new Point(vertex.x, vertex.y)
                    id = count + this.segIndex
                this.points[count + this.segIndex] = point;
                this.segIndex = this.segIndex + 1;
            Vertex vertex2 = otri.Org();
            Vertex vertex3 = otri.Dest();

            point = new Point((vertex2.X + vertex3.X) / 2, (vertex2.Y + vertex3.Y) / 2)
                id = count + this.segIndex
            this.points[count + this.segIndex] = point;
            this.segIndex = this.segIndex + 1;
                Point point1 = this.points[otri.triangle.id];
                if (otri2.triangle != Mesh.dummytri)
                    Point point2 = this.points[otri2.triangle.id];
                    if (otri.triangle.infected)
                        item.seg = this.subsegMap[otri.triangle.hash];
                        Vertex vertex4 = item.SegOrg();
                        Vertex vertex5 = item.SegDest();
                        if (otri2.triangle.infected)
                            osub.seg = this.subsegMap[otri2.triangle.hash];
                            if (!item.Equal(osub))
                                if (this.SegmentsIntersect(vertex4, vertex5, point1, point2, out point, true))
                                    point.id = count + this.segIndex;
                                    this.points[count + this.segIndex] = point;
                                    this.segIndex = this.segIndex + 1;
                                if (this.SegmentsIntersect(osub.SegOrg(), osub.SegDest(), point1, point2, out point, true))
                                    point.id = count + this.segIndex;
                                    this.points[count + this.segIndex] = point;
                                    this.segIndex = this.segIndex + 1;
                            else if (this.SegmentsIntersect(vertex4, vertex5, new Point((vertex2.X + vertex3.X) / 2, (vertex2.Y + vertex3.Y) / 2), point2, out point, false))
                                point.id = count + this.segIndex;
                                this.points[count + this.segIndex] = point;
                                this.segIndex = this.segIndex + 1;
                            vertex3 = otri.Dest();
                            vertex1 = otri.Apex();
                            if (this.SegmentsIntersect(vertex4, vertex5, new Point((vertex3.X + vertex1.X) / 2, (vertex3.Y + vertex1.Y) / 2), point1, out point, false))
                                point.id = count + this.segIndex;
                                this.points[count + this.segIndex] = point;
                                this.segIndex = this.segIndex + 1;
                            if (this.SegmentsIntersect(vertex4, vertex5, point1, point2, out point, true))
                                point.id = count + this.segIndex;
                                this.points[count + this.segIndex] = point;
                                this.segIndex = this.segIndex + 1;
                        if (otri2.triangle.infected)
                            osub.seg = this.subsegMap[otri2.triangle.hash];
                            if (this.SegmentsIntersect(osub.SegOrg(), osub.SegDest(), point1, point2, out point, true))
                                point.id = count + this.segIndex;
                                this.points[count + this.segIndex] = point;
                                this.segIndex = this.segIndex + 1;
                    otri2.Copy(ref otri);
                    if (!otri.triangle.infected)
                    vertex2 = otri.Org();
                    vertex1 = otri.Apex();
                    point   = new Point((vertex2.X + vertex1.X) / 2, (vertex2.Y + vertex1.Y) / 2)
                        id = count + this.segIndex
                    this.points[count + this.segIndex] = point;
                    this.segIndex = this.segIndex + 1;
            }while (!otri.Equal(otri1));
        private void ConstructBvdCell(Vertex vertex)
            Point         point;
            VoronoiRegion voronoiRegion = new VoronoiRegion(vertex);

            Otri         otri   = new Otri();
            Otri         otri1  = new Otri();
            Otri         otri2  = new Otri();
            Osub         item   = new Osub();
            Osub         osub   = new Osub();
            int          count  = this.mesh.triangles.Count;
            List <Point> points = new List <Point>();

            vertex.tri.Copy(ref otri1);
            if (otri1.Org() != vertex)
                throw new Exception("ConstructBvdCell: inconsistent topology.");
            otri1.Copy(ref otri);
            otri1.Onext(ref otri2);
                Point point1 = this.points[otri.triangle.id];
                Point point2 = this.points[otri2.triangle.id];
                if (otri.triangle.infected)
                    item.seg = this.subsegMap[otri.triangle.hash];
                    if (otri2.triangle.infected)
                        osub.seg = this.subsegMap[otri2.triangle.hash];
                        if (!item.Equal(osub))
                            if (this.SegmentsIntersect(item.SegOrg(), item.SegDest(), point1, point2, out point, true))
                                point.id = count + this.segIndex;
                                this.points[count + this.segIndex] = point;
                                this.segIndex = this.segIndex + 1;
                            if (this.SegmentsIntersect(osub.SegOrg(), osub.SegDest(), point1, point2, out point, true))
                                point.id = count + this.segIndex;
                                this.points[count + this.segIndex] = point;
                                this.segIndex = this.segIndex + 1;
                    else if (this.SegmentsIntersect(item.SegOrg(), item.SegDest(), point1, point2, out point, true))
                        point.id = count + this.segIndex;
                        this.points[count + this.segIndex] = point;
                        this.segIndex = this.segIndex + 1;
                    if (otri2.triangle.infected)
                        osub.seg = this.subsegMap[otri2.triangle.hash];
                        if (this.SegmentsIntersect(osub.SegOrg(), osub.SegDest(), point1, point2, out point, true))
                            point.id = count + this.segIndex;
                            this.points[count + this.segIndex] = point;
                            this.segIndex = this.segIndex + 1;
                otri2.Copy(ref otri);
            }while (!otri.Equal(otri1));
Beispiel #6
        public void TestTriangle(ref Otri testtri)
            Vertex vertex;
            Vertex vertex1;
            double num;
            double num1;
            double num2;
            Otri   otri    = new Otri();
            Otri   otri1   = new Otri();
            Osub   osub    = new Osub();
            Vertex vertex2 = testtri.Org();
            Vertex vertex3 = testtri.Dest();
            Vertex vertex4 = testtri.Apex();
            double num3    = vertex2.x - vertex3.x;
            double num4    = vertex2.y - vertex3.y;
            double num5    = vertex3.x - vertex4.x;
            double num6    = vertex3.y - vertex4.y;
            double num7    = vertex4.x - vertex2.x;
            double num8    = vertex4.y - vertex2.y;
            double num9    = num3 * num3;
            double num10   = num4 * num4;
            double num11   = num5 * num5;
            double num12   = num6 * num6;
            double num13   = num8 * num8;
            double num14   = num9 + num10;
            double num15   = num11 + num12;
            double num16   = num7 * num7 + num13;

            if (num14 < num15 && num14 < num16)
                num     = num14;
                num1    = num5 * num7 + num6 * num8;
                num1    = num1 * num1 / (num15 * num16);
                vertex  = vertex2;
                vertex1 = vertex3;
                testtri.Copy(ref otri);
            else if (num15 >= num16)
                num     = num16;
                num1    = num3 * num5 + num4 * num6;
                num1    = num1 * num1 / (num14 * num15);
                vertex  = vertex4;
                vertex1 = vertex2;
                testtri.Lprev(ref otri);
                num     = num15;
                num1    = num3 * num7 + num4 * num8;
                num1    = num1 * num1 / (num14 * num16);
                vertex  = vertex3;
                vertex1 = vertex4;
                testtri.Lnext(ref otri);
            if (this.behavior.VarArea || this.behavior.fixedArea || this.behavior.Usertest)
                double num17 = 0.5 * (num3 * num6 - num4 * num5);
                if (this.behavior.fixedArea && num17 > this.behavior.MaxArea)
                    this.queue.Enqueue(ref testtri, num, vertex4, vertex2, vertex3);
                if (this.behavior.VarArea && num17 > testtri.triangle.area && testtri.triangle.area > 0)
                    this.queue.Enqueue(ref testtri, num, vertex4, vertex2, vertex3);
                if (this.behavior.Usertest && this.userTest != null && this.userTest(vertex2, vertex3, vertex4, num17))
                    this.queue.Enqueue(ref testtri, num, vertex4, vertex2, vertex3);
            if (num14 <= num15 || num14 <= num16)
                num2 = (num15 <= num16 ? (num14 + num15 - num16) / (2 * Math.Sqrt(num14 * num15)) : (num14 + num16 - num15) / (2 * Math.Sqrt(num14 * num16)));
                num2 = (num15 + num16 - num14) / (2 * Math.Sqrt(num15 * num16));
            if (num1 > this.behavior.goodAngle || num2 < this.behavior.maxGoodAngle && this.behavior.MaxAngle != 0)
                if (vertex.type == VertexType.SegmentVertex && vertex1.type == VertexType.SegmentVertex)
                    otri.SegPivot(ref osub);
                    if (osub.seg == Mesh.dummysub)
                        otri.Copy(ref otri1);
                            otri.SegPivot(ref osub);
                        }while (osub.seg == Mesh.dummysub);
                        Vertex vertex5 = osub.SegOrg();
                        Vertex vertex6 = osub.SegDest();
                            otri1.SegPivot(ref osub);
                        }while (osub.seg == Mesh.dummysub);
                        Vertex vertex7 = osub.SegOrg();
                        Vertex vertex8 = osub.SegDest();
                        Vertex vertex9 = null;
                        if (vertex6.x == vertex7.x && vertex6.y == vertex7.y)
                            vertex9 = vertex6;
                        else if (vertex5.x == vertex8.x && vertex5.y == vertex8.y)
                            vertex9 = vertex5;
                        if (vertex9 != null)
                            double num18 = (vertex.x - vertex9.x) * (vertex.x - vertex9.x) + (vertex.y - vertex9.y) * (vertex.y - vertex9.y);
                            double num19 = (vertex1.x - vertex9.x) * (vertex1.x - vertex9.x) + (vertex1.y - vertex9.y) * (vertex1.y - vertex9.y);
                            if (num18 < 1.001 * num19 && num18 > 0.999 * num19)
                this.queue.Enqueue(ref testtri, num, vertex4, vertex2, vertex3);