Beispiel #1
        ///<summary>Updates the OrthoCase, OrthoSchedule, and banding OrthoProcLink for an Ortho Case.</summary>
        public static void UpdateForFormOrthoCase(OrthoCase oldOrthoCase, OrthoSchedule oldOrthoSchedule, double fee, double feeInsPrimary
                                                  , double feeInsSecondary, double feePat, DateTime bandingDate, bool isTransfer, DateTime debondDateExpected, double bandingAmount, double debondAmount
                                                  , double visitAmount, Procedure bandingProc, Procedure debondProc, OrthoProcLink bandingProcLink)
            //No remoting role check; no call to db
            OrthoCase newOrthoCase = oldOrthoCase.Copy();

            newOrthoCase.Fee             = fee;
            newOrthoCase.FeeInsPrimary   = feeInsPrimary;
            newOrthoCase.FeeInsSecondary = feeInsSecondary;
            newOrthoCase.FeePat          = feePat;
            newOrthoCase.BandingDate     = bandingDate;
            newOrthoCase.IsTransfer      = isTransfer;
            if (debondProc == null)
                newOrthoCase.DebondDateExpected = debondDateExpected;
                newOrthoCase.DebondDate         = DateTime.MinValue;
            if (isTransfer && bandingProcLink != null)           //OrthoCase has been changed to a transfer. Delete linked banding proc if it exists.
            else if (!isTransfer)
                if (bandingProcLink == null)               //OrthoCase has been changed to a non-transfer. Link banding proc.
                    OrthoProcLinks.Insert(OrthoProcLinks.CreateHelper(newOrthoCase.OrthoCaseNum, bandingProc.ProcNum, OrthoProcType.Banding));
                else                  //OrthoCase is still a non-transfer, but banding proc linked may have changed so update.
                    OrthoProcLink newBandingProcLink = bandingProcLink.Copy();
                    newBandingProcLink.ProcNum = bandingProc.ProcNum;
                    OrthoProcLinks.Update(newBandingProcLink, bandingProcLink);
                if (bandingProc != null && bandingProc.AptNum != 0)             //Banding proc may have changed, so check to see if it is scheduled and update bandingDate.
                    newOrthoCase.BandingDate = bandingProc.ProcDate;
            OrthoCases.Update(newOrthoCase, oldOrthoCase);
            OrthoSchedule newOrthoSchedule = oldOrthoSchedule.Copy();

            newOrthoSchedule.BandingAmount = bandingAmount;
            newOrthoSchedule.DebondAmount  = debondAmount;
            newOrthoSchedule.VisitAmount   = visitAmount;
            OrthoSchedules.Update(newOrthoSchedule, oldOrthoSchedule);
Beispiel #2
        ///<summary>Inserts the OrthoCase, OrthoSchedule, Schedule OrthoPlanLink, and banding OrthoProcLink for an Ortho Case.</summary>
        public static long InsertForFormOrthoCase(long patNum, double fee, double feeInsPrimary, double feeInsSecondary, double feePat, DateTime bandingDate
                                                  , bool isTransfer, DateTime debondDateExpected, double bandingAmount, double debondAmount, double visitAmount, Procedure bandingProc)
            //No remoting role check; no call to db
            //Ortho Case
            OrthoCase newOrthoCase = new OrthoCase();

            newOrthoCase.PatNum             = patNum;
            newOrthoCase.Fee                = fee;
            newOrthoCase.FeeInsPrimary      = feeInsPrimary;
            newOrthoCase.FeeInsSecondary    = feeInsSecondary;
            newOrthoCase.FeePat             = feePat;
            newOrthoCase.BandingDate        = bandingDate;
            newOrthoCase.DebondDateExpected = debondDateExpected;
            newOrthoCase.IsTransfer         = isTransfer;
            newOrthoCase.SecUserNumEntry    = Security.CurUser.UserNum;
            newOrthoCase.IsActive           = true; //New Ortho Cases can only be added if there are no other active ones. So we automatically set a new ortho case as active.
            if (bandingProc.AptNum != 0)            //If banding is scheduled save the appointment date instead.
                newOrthoCase.BandingDate = bandingProc.ProcDate;
            long orthoCaseNum = OrthoCases.Insert(newOrthoCase);
            //Ortho Schedule
            OrthoSchedule newOrthoSchedule = new OrthoSchedule();

            newOrthoSchedule.BandingAmount = bandingAmount;
            newOrthoSchedule.DebondAmount  = debondAmount;
            newOrthoSchedule.VisitAmount   = visitAmount;
            newOrthoSchedule.IsActive      = true;
            long orthoScheduleNum = OrthoSchedules.Insert(newOrthoSchedule);
            //Ortho Plan Link
            OrthoPlanLink newOrthoPlanLink = new OrthoPlanLink();

            newOrthoPlanLink.OrthoCaseNum    = orthoCaseNum;
            newOrthoPlanLink.LinkType        = OrthoPlanLinkType.OrthoSchedule;
            newOrthoPlanLink.FKey            = orthoScheduleNum;
            newOrthoPlanLink.IsActive        = true;
            newOrthoPlanLink.SecUserNumEntry = Security.CurUser.UserNum;
            //Banding Proc Link
            if (!newOrthoCase.IsTransfer)
                OrthoProcLinks.Insert(OrthoProcLinks.CreateHelper(orthoCaseNum, bandingProc.ProcNum, OrthoProcType.Banding));