/// <summary> /// Parameter > If the tween target is a <see cref="Transform"/>, sets the tween so that the target will always look at the given position. /// </summary> /// <param name="p_position"> /// The <see cref="Vector3"/> to look at. /// </param> public PlugVector3Path LookAt(Vector3 p_position) { orientType = OrientType.LookAtPosition; lookPos = p_position; lookTrans = null; return(this); }
public OSqlCreateProperty Property(string propertyName, OrientType type) { _propertyName = propertyName; _type = type; _sqlQuery.Property(_propertyName, _type); return(this); }
/// <summary> /// Parameter > If the tween target is a <see cref="Transform"/>, sets the tween so that the target will always look at the given transform. /// </summary> /// <param name="p_transform"> /// The <see cref="Transform"/> to look at. /// </param> public PlugVector3Path LookAt(Transform p_transform) { if (p_transform != null) { orientType = OrientType.LookAtTransform; lookTrans = p_transform; } return(this); }
public void Reset() { mode = PathMode.Ignore; orientType = OrientType.None; lockPositionAxis = lockRotationAxis = AxisConstraint.None; isClosedPath = false; lookAtPosition = Vector3.zero; lookAtTransform = null; lookAhead = 0; hasCustomForwardDirection = false; forward = Quaternion.identity; useLocalPosition = false; parent = null; startupRot = Quaternion.identity; startupZRot = 0; }
/// <summary> /// Parameter > Choose whether to orient the tween target to the path (only if it's a <see cref="Transform"/>), /// and which lookAhead percentage ad lockRotation to use. /// </summary> /// <param name="p_orient"> /// Set to <c>true</c> to orient the tween target to the path. /// </param> /// <param name="p_lookAhead"> /// The look ahead percentage (0 to 1). /// </param> /// <param name="p_lockRotationAxis"> /// Sets one or more axis to lock while rotating. /// To lock more than one axis, use the bitwise OR operator (ex: <c>Axis.X | Axis.Y</c>). /// </param> public PlugVector3Path OrientToPath(bool p_orient, float p_lookAhead, Axis p_lockRotationAxis) { if (p_orient) { orientType = OrientType.ToPath; } lookAheadVal = p_lookAhead; if (lookAheadVal < MIN_LOOKAHEAD) { lookAheadVal = MIN_LOOKAHEAD; } else if (lookAheadVal > MAX_LOOKAHED) { lookAheadVal = MAX_LOOKAHED; } lockRotationAxis = p_lockRotationAxis; return(this); }
public Tree Orient(OrientType orient) { this.orient = orient; return(this); }
public Legend Orient(OrientType orient) { this.orient = orient; return(this); }
public T Orient(OrientType orient) { this.orient = orient; return(this as T); }
public ToolBox Orient(OrientType orient) { this.orient = orient; return(this); }
public TimeLine Orient(OrientType orient) { this.orient = orient; return(this); }
internal void LinkedType(OrientType type) { _compiler.Unique(Q.LinkedType, type.ToString()); }
internal void Property(string propertyName, OrientType type) { _compiler.Unique(Q.Property, propertyName, type.ToString()); }
/// <summary> /// Parameter > If the tween target is a <see cref="Transform"/>, sets the tween so that the target will always look at the given position. /// </summary> /// <param name="p_position"> /// The <see cref="Vector3"/> to look at. /// </param> public PlugVector3Path LookAt(Vector3 p_position) { orientType = OrientType.LookAtPosition; lookPos = p_position; lookTrans = null; return this; }
/// <summary> /// Parameter > If the tween target is a <see cref="Transform"/>, sets the tween so that the target will always look at the given transform. /// </summary> /// <param name="p_transform"> /// The <see cref="Transform"/> to look at. /// </param> public PlugVector3Path LookAt(Transform p_transform) { if (p_transform != null) { orientType = OrientType.LookAtTransform; lookTrans = p_transform; } return this; }
/// <summary> /// Parameter > Choose whether to orient the tween target to the path (only if it's a <see cref="Transform"/>), /// and which lookAhead percentage ad lockRotation to use. /// </summary> /// <param name="p_orient"> /// Set to <c>true</c> to orient the tween target to the path. /// </param> /// <param name="p_lookAhead"> /// The look ahead percentage (0 to 1). /// </param> /// <param name="p_lockRotationAxis"> /// Sets one or more axis to lock while rotating. /// To lock more than one axis, use the bitwise OR operator (ex: <c>Axis.X | Axis.Y</c>). /// </param> public PlugVector3Path OrientToPath(bool p_orient, float p_lookAhead, Axis p_lockRotationAxis) { if (p_orient) { orientType = OrientType.ToPath; } lookAheadVal = p_lookAhead; if (lookAheadVal < MIN_LOOKAHEAD) { lookAheadVal = MIN_LOOKAHEAD; } else if (lookAheadVal > MAX_LOOKAHED) { lookAheadVal = MAX_LOOKAHED; } lockRotationAxis = p_lockRotationAxis; return this; }
public OSqlCreateProperty LinkedType(OrientType type) { _sqlQuery.LinkedType(type); return(this); }