Beispiel #1
 internal UdcKernelExtension(Config config, DataSourceManager dataSourceManager, UsageData usageData, Timer timer)
     this._config            = config;
     this._dataSourceManager = dataSourceManager;
     this._usageData         = usageData;
     this._timer             = timer;
Beispiel #2
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: public TransactionalService(@Context TransactionFacade facade, @Context UriInfo uriInfo, @Context UsageData usage, @Context Log log)
        public TransactionalService(TransactionFacade facade, UriInfo uriInfo, UsageData usage, Log log)
            this._facade    = facade;
            this._usage     = usage;
            this._uriScheme = new TransactionUriBuilder(uriInfo);
            this._log       = log;
 public BoltStateMachineFactoryImpl(DatabaseManager databaseManager, UsageData usageData, Authentication authentication, Clock clock, Config config, LogService logging)
     this._databaseManager    = databaseManager;
     this._usageData          = usageData;
     this._logging            = logging;
     this._authentication     = authentication;
     this._config             = config;
     this._clock              = clock;
     this._activeDatabaseName = config.Get(GraphDatabaseSettings.active_database);