public ActionResult PlaceOrder(IFormCollection viewCollection, ViewModel myModel, Users user)
            //int userid = int.Parse(viewCollection["UseridTD"].ToString());
            //TempData["result"] = userid;

            int    UseridTD   = int.Parse(TempData.Peek("userid").ToString());
            int    LocationTD = int.Parse(TempData.Peek("locationid").ToString());
            string NameTD     = TempData.Peek("firstname").ToString();
            string LastnameTD = TempData.Peek("lastname").ToString();
            string PhoneTD    = TempData.Peek("phone").ToString();

            PizzaModel newPizza = new PizzaModel();
            OrderModel order    = new OrderModel();

            ViewData["msg"] = "Add a Pizza";
            if (Count == 11)
                ViewData["msg"] = "You can create only one more pizza, (max of 12 pizzas per order)";
            else if (Count == 12)
                ViewData["msg"] = "You have reach your maximun of pizzas per order (12 pizzas), Please place your order ";

            //ViewModel myModel = new ViewModel();

            newPizza.Crust = int.Parse(viewCollection["SelectedCrust"].ToString());
            newPizza.Size  = viewCollection["SelectedSize"];
            newPizza.Name  = viewCollection["SelectedPizza"];

            string sauce = viewCollection["SelectedSauce"];

            //  order.LocationId = user.LocationId;
            order.LocationId = user.LocationId;
            order.OrderTotal = 0;
            order.UsersId    = user.UsersId;

            var toppings = new List <string>();


            Pizzas pizza = new Pizzas
                Crust = newPizza.Crust,
                Size  = newPizza.Size,
                Name  = newPizza.Name

            //calculate price
            decimal S = 6, M = 8, L = 12;

            //quantity of topppings batch for pizza size

            if (pizza.Size == "S")
                pizza.Price = S;

                Order_total             = int.Parse(TempData.Peek("order_total").ToString());
                Order_total            += S;
                TempData["order_total"] = Order_total;
            else if (pizza.Size == "M")
                pizza.Price             = M;
                Order_total             = int.Parse(TempData.Peek("order_total").ToString());
                Order_total            += M;
                TempData["order_total"] = Order_total;
                pizza.Price             = L;
                Order_total             = int.Parse(TempData.Peek("order_total").ToString());
                Order_total            += L;
                TempData["order_total"] = Order_total;

            //check availability of ingredients for each pizza
            bool availability = Repo.CheckInventory(toppings, pizza, sauce, LocationTD);

            if (availability == true)
                // take out toppings from db
                Repo.MinusToppings(toppings, pizza, sauce, LocationTD);

                //add pizza
                Repo.AddPizzas(pizza.Size, pizza.Price, pizza.Name, pizza.Crust);

                if (TempData.Peek("Count").ToString() == "1")
                    Count = 1;
                    Count = int.Parse(TempData.Peek("Count").ToString());

                if (Count < 2)//only if the order is new is going to be created
                    //add order
                    Repo.AddOrder(UseridTD, LocationTD, Order_total);
                // increment counter to know next time, that this is not  a new order.
                TempData["Count"] = Count;

                //add orderPizza
                int?order_id = Repo.GetOrderByUserId(UseridTD);
                int?pizza_id = Repo.GetPizzaIdBySize(pizza.Name, pizza.Size);
                TempData["orderid"] = order_id;
                Repo.AddOrderPizza(order_id, pizza_id);
                ViewData["msg"] = "Not enough reseources to complete your order, Please choose again...";
