public void r102Implementation(OrderRelModel instance)
            // This is the placeholder for method implementation.
            if (instance.OrderRelQty <= 0 && instance.FocrelQty <= 0)
                //instance.OrderRelQty = Convert.ToDecimal(instance[OrderRelDataField.OrderRelQty].OldValue);
                Result.Focus("OrderRelQty", "The OrderRelQty Or FOCRelQty must be greater than zero.");
            if (instance.OrderRelQty > 0)
                decimal RemainRelQty = (decimal)SqlText.ExecuteScalar("select a.OrderQty - isnull((Select Sum(b.OrderRelQty) from OrderRel b Where b.OrderDtlID=a.OrderDtlID and b.OrderRelID<>@OrderRelID),0)  as RemainRelQty from OrderDtl a where a.OrderDtlID=@OrderDtlID "
                                                                      , new { @OrderRelID = instance.OrderRelID, @OrderDtlID = instance.OrderDtlID });
                if (RemainRelQty <= 0)
                    Result.Focus("OrderRelQty", "Available OrderRelQty is {0}", RemainRelQty);
                else if (instance.OrderRelQty > RemainRelQty)
                    Result.Focus("OrderRelQty", "RelQty must be between 1 and {0}", RemainRelQty);
            if (instance.FocrelQty > 0)
                decimal RemainFocQty = (decimal)SqlText.ExecuteScalar("select a.FOCQty - isnull((Select Sum(b.FOCRelQty) from OrderRel b Where b.OrderDtlID=a.OrderDtlID and b.OrderRelID<>@OrderRelID),0)  as RemainRelQty from OrderDtl a where a.OrderDtlID=@OrderDtlID "
                                                                      , new { @OrderRelID = instance.OrderRelID, @OrderDtlID = instance.OrderDtlID });
                if (RemainFocQty <= 0)
                    Result.Focus("FocrelQty", "Available FOCQty is {0}", RemainFocQty);
                else if (instance.FocrelQty > RemainFocQty)
                    Result.Focus("FocrelQty", "FOCQty must be between 1 and {0}", RemainFocQty);
            //    int i = SqlText.ExecuteNonQuery("Update OrderDtl set OrderQty=(OrderQty + @Qty)  Where OrderDtlID=@OrderDtlID"
            //    , new { @Qty = instance.OrderRelQty, @OrderDtlID = instance.OrderDtlID });

            //    //Result.ExecuteOnClient(
            //    //    "this.set_lastCommandName(null);" + // the action state machine is reset
            //    //    "this.goToView('grid1');" + // show 'grid1'
            //    //    "var dv=Web.DataView.find('grid1');" + // find specific master data view
            //    //    "if(dv)dv.refresh();"); // if the view is found then ask it to refresh
Beispiel #2
 public void r104Implementation(OrderRelModel instance)
     // This is the placeholder for method implementation.
     //if (Convert.ToBoolean(instance.OrderHedBulkOrder))
     //    int i = SqlText.ExecuteNonQuery("Update OrderDtl set OrderQty=(OrderQty - @Qty)  Where OrderDtlID=@OrderDtlID"
     //    , new { @Qty = instance.OrderRelQty, @OrderDtlID = instance.OrderDtlID });
     if (instance.Seq == 1)
         Result.ShowAlert("First Release Can't Delete!");
Beispiel #3
        public void r105Implementation(OrderRelModel instance)
            // This is the placeholder for method implementation.
            decimal RemainRelQty = (decimal)SqlText.ExecuteScalar("select a.OrderQty - (Select Sum(isnull(b.OrderRelQty,0)) from OrderRel b Where b.OrderDtlID=a.OrderDtlID)  as RemainRelQty from OrderDtl a where a.OrderDtlID=@OrderDtlID ", new { @OrderDtlID = instance.OrderDtlID });
            decimal RemainFocQty = (decimal)SqlText.ExecuteScalar("select a.FOCQty - isnull((Select Sum(b.FOCRelQty) from OrderRel b Where b.OrderDtlID=a.OrderDtlID ),0)  as RemainRelQty from OrderDtl a where a.OrderDtlID=@OrderDtlID ", new { @OrderDtlID = instance.OrderDtlID });

            //if (RemainRelQty <= 0)
            //    PreventDefault();
            //throw new Exception(string.Format("Available OrderRelQty is {0}", RemainRelQty));
            instance.OrderRelQty = RemainRelQty;
            instance.FocrelQty   = RemainFocQty;
            Result.ShowMessage("Available OrderRelQty is {0} And FOCRelQty is {1}", RemainRelQty, RemainFocQty);
        public void r103Implementation(OrderRelModel instance)
            // This is the placeholder for method implementation.

            if (instance.OrderRelQty <= 0 && instance.FocrelQty <= 0)
                //instance.OrderRelQty = Convert.ToDecimal(instance[OrderRelDataField.OrderRelQty].OldValue);
                Result.Focus("OrderRelQty", "The OrderRelQty Or FOCRelQty must be greater than zero.");
            if (instance.OrderRelQty > 0)
                decimal RemainRelQty = (decimal)SqlText.ExecuteScalar("select a.OrderQty - isnull((Select Sum(b.OrderRelQty) from OrderRel b Where b.OrderDtlID=a.OrderDtlID),0)  as RemainRelQty from OrderDtl a where a.OrderDtlID=@OrderDtlID ", new { @OrderDtlID = instance.OrderDtlID });
                if (RemainRelQty <= 0)
                    Result.Focus("OrderRelQty", "Available OrderRelQty is {0}", RemainRelQty);
                else if (instance.OrderRelQty > RemainRelQty)
                    Result.Focus("OrderRelQty", "RelQty must be between 1 and {0}", RemainRelQty);
            if (instance.FocrelQty > 0)
                decimal RemainFocQty = (decimal)SqlText.ExecuteScalar("select a.FOCQty - isnull((Select Sum(b.FOCRelQty) from OrderRel b Where b.OrderDtlID=a.OrderDtlID ),0)  as RemainRelQty from OrderDtl a where a.OrderDtlID=@OrderDtlID ", new { @OrderDtlID = instance.OrderDtlID });
                if (RemainFocQty <= 0)
                    Result.Focus("FocrelQty", "Available FOCQty is {0}", RemainFocQty);
                else if (instance.FocrelQty > RemainFocQty)
                    Result.Focus("FocrelQty", "FOCQty must be between 1 and {0}", RemainFocQty);
            if (instance.Seq == null)
                int i = (int)SqlText.ExecuteScalar("Select Count(OrderRelID)+1  from OrderRel Where OrderDtlID=@OrderDtlID ", new { @OrderDtlID = instance.OrderDtlID });

                instance.Seq = i;