Beispiel #1
        public bool UpdateOrder(string transaction_info, string order_code, string payment_id, string payment_type, string secure_code)
            OrderModels orderModels = new OrderModels();
            ////Get Invoice by Order_code
            C_Invoices invoice = orderModels.GetInvoicesbyOrderCode(order_code);
            ////Create Payment
            C_Payment payment = new C_Payment();

            string secure_code_ws = this.GetMD5Hash(transaction_info + " " + order_code + " " + payment_id + " " + payment_type + " " + this.securepass);

            if (secure_code == secure_code_ws)
                payment.Amount             = 0;
                payment.CreateDate         = DateTime.Now;
                payment.InvoiceID          =;
                payment.Payment_type       = int.Parse(payment_type); //// 1 - Thanh toán bằng số dư TK NgânLượ; 2 – Thanh toán bằng tiền mặt hoặc qua NH
                payment.TranscactionStatus = string.Empty;            ////1 – Giao dịch mới tạo, chưa thanh toán;
                ////2 – Đã thanh toán, đang bị tạm giữ;
                ////3 – Giao dịch bị huỷ/hoàn trả;
                ////4 – Giao dịch hoàn thành, tiền đã chuyển vào tài khoản của người nhận (trường hợp thanh toán ngay hoặc thanh toán tạm giữ nhưng người mua đã phê chuẩn)
                payment.TransactionInfor = CommonGlobal.PaygateNganLuong + " - call services auto update - please check page NganluongResult - payment status undifined";
                payment.PaymentMenthod   = string.Empty; ////1 – Thanh toán ngay, 2 – Thanh toán tạm giữ
                payment.Customer_name    = string.Empty;
                payment.Customer_email   = string.Empty;
                payment.Customer_phone   = string.Empty;


                var orders = orderModels.GetOrdersbyCode(order_code);
                orders.Payment = CommonGlobal.PaymentFull.ToString();
                orders.LName   = CommonGlobal.PaygateNganLuong;
                ////Payment fail no create invoice and payment
                var orders = orderModels.GetOrdersbyCode(order_code);
                orders.Payment = CommonGlobal.PaymentFail.ToString();
                orders.LName   = CommonGlobal.PaygateNganLuong;
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Orders the view.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fcode">The order code.</param>
        /// <returns>Order view</returns>
        public ActionResult Order_view(string fcode)
            if (!this.CheckMemberlogin())
                return(this.RedirectToAction("login", "account", new { return_url = string.Empty + Url.Action("order_view", "account", new { fcode = fcode }) }));
                var    order_view = new Order_register_view();
                string strBread;
                ViewBag.Title           = App_GlobalResources.Lang.strOrderCode + "  " + fcode;
                strBread                = string.Format("<li><a href=\"" + Url.Action("my_account", "account") + "\">" + App_GlobalResources.Lang.strPersonalInformation + "</a></li>");
                strBread                = string.Format("<li><a href=\"" + Url.Action("order_history", "account") + "\">" + App_GlobalResources.Lang.strOrderHistory + "</a></li>");
                strBread               += "<li>" + fcode + "</li>";
                ViewBag.heading         = App_GlobalResources.Lang.strOrderCode + "  " + fcode;
                ViewBag.str_breadcrumbs = strBread;
                this.AddMeta(CommonGlobal.Keyword, App_GlobalResources.Lang.strOrderCode + "  " + fcode);
                this.AddMeta(CommonGlobal.Description, App_GlobalResources.Lang.strOrderCode + "  " + fcode);

                DetailOrderModels detailsv    = new DetailOrderModels();
                OrderModels       orderModels = new OrderModels();

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fcode))

                C_User usr = new C_User();
                order_view.Parent_action     = HttpContext.Request.RequestContext.RouteData.Values["action"].ToString();
                order_view.Parent_controller = HttpContext.Request.RequestContext.RouteData.Values["controller"].ToString();
                order_view.ContentShipping   = GeneralModels.GetContent(CommonGlobal.ContentShipping, this.Lang);
                UserModels sv = new UserModels();
                usr = sv.GetUserbyUserName(Session["mem"].ToString());

                var orders = orderModels.GetOrdersbyCode(fcode, usr.Username);
                if (orders == null)
                    order_view.Message = App_GlobalResources.Lang.messOrderNotFound;
                    return(this.PartialView("../page/order_view", order_view));

                order_view.Message             = string.Empty;
                order_view.Email               = orders.Email;
                order_view.Name                = orders.Name;
                order_view.Phone               = orders.Phone;
                order_view.Address             = orders.Address;
                order_view.Gender              = orders.Gender;
                order_view.Sub_total           = CommonGlobal.FormatMoney(orders.Total);
                order_view.Content             = orders.Note;
                order_view.Order_code          = fcode;
                order_view.Payment_status_text = CommonGlobal.GetPaymentStatusString(int.Parse(orders.Payment ?? "0"));
                order_view.Process_status_text = CommonGlobal.GetOrderStatusString(orders.Process ?? 0);

                var list_order_detail = detailsv.GetAllOrderDetail(fcode);
                if (list_order_detail.Count > 0)
                    order_view.ShoppingCart = new ArrayList(list_order_detail.ToArray());

                return(this.PartialView("../page/order_view", order_view));