public IActionResult GetOrders()
            var          orders         = _orderService.GetOrders(_userManager.GetUserId(User));
            var          orderListModel = new List <OrderListDto>();
            OrderListDto orderModel;

            foreach (var order in orders)
                orderModel             = new OrderListDto();
                orderModel.OrderId     = order.Id;
                orderModel.OrderNumber = order.OrderNumber;
                orderModel.OrderDate   = order.OrderDate;

                orderModel.OrderItems = order.OrderItems.Select(i => new OrderItemDto()
                    OrderItemId = i.Id,
                    Name        = i.Product.Name,
                    Price       = i.Price,
                    Quantity    = i.Quantity,


        public virtual void InsertAndDeleteOrderListCommandTest()
            string newOrderId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            var newOrderList = new OrderListDto
                orderid           = newOrderId,
                mallid            = "8740ae06-39d2-4a9e-a02d-e227e6cc7365",
                buyercrmid        = "W0812468",
                status            = 0,
                buyercontactaccid = "c40930c6-b913-4afc-b03f-5df39241084f",
                iscommission      = 0,
                buyerwmid         = 0,
                orderno           = "20171010132019169"
            var addResult = this.orderService.HandlerCommand(
                new InsertOrderListCommand
                orderList = newOrderList

            Assert.AreEqual(0, addResult.isdel);

            var delResult = this.orderService.HandlerCommand(
                new DeleteOrderByIdCommand
                id = newOrderId

            Assert.AreEqual(1, delResult.isdel);
Beispiel #3
        public async void GetOrderDishes_ShouldReturnExpectedList()
            var fakeOrderService = A.Fake <IOrderService>();

            OrderListDto  expectedDto = new OrderListDto();
            List <string> dtoList     = new List <string>();

            dtoList.Add("eggs, toast, coffee(x3)");
            dtoList.Add("steak, potato, wine, cake");
            expectedDto.RawOrderResponseList = dtoList;

            A.CallTo(() => fakeOrderService.GetRawOrderResponseList())

            var orderController = new OrderController(fakeOrderService);

            var result = await orderController.GetOrderDishes();

            var responseDto = result as OrderListDto;

            Assert.Equal(responseDto.RawOrderResponseList, expectedDto.RawOrderResponseList);
Beispiel #4
        public async Task <OrderListDto> GetOrderDishes()
            OrderListDto orderListDto = new OrderListDto();

            orderListDto.RawOrderResponseList = await _orderService.GetRawOrderResponseList();

        private void dgOrders_SelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DataGridView grid = (DataGridView)sender;

            if (grid.DataSource != null)
                if (grid.SelectedRows.Count > 0)
                    _selectOrderDto = (OrderListDto)grid.CurrentRow.DataBoundItem;
        /// <summary>
        /// 初始化订单列表Dto
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="order"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private async Task <OrderListDto> PrepareOrderListDto(Order order)
            var store = await _storeManager.GetByIdAsync(order.StoreId);

            OrderListDto dto = new OrderListDto()
                Id                   = order.Id,
                OrderNumber          = order.OrderNumber,
                OrderStatus          = order.OrderStatus,
                OrderStatusString    = order.OrderStatus.GetLocalizedEnum(_localizationManager),
                ShippingStatus       = order.ShippingStatus,
                ShippingStatusString = order.ShippingStatus.GetLocalizedEnum(_localizationManager),
                PaymentStatus        = order.PaymentStatus,
                PaymentStatusString  = order.PaymentStatus.GetLocalizedEnum(_localizationManager),
                OrderSource          = order.OrderSource,
                OrderSourceString    = order.OrderSource.GetLocalizedEnum(_localizationManager),
                OrderTypeString      = order.OrderType.GetLocalizedEnum(_localizationManager),
                OrderType            = order.OrderType,
                AdminComment         = order.AdminComment,
                CustomerComment      = order.CustomerComment,
                Store                = store?.Name ?? string.Empty,
                TotalAmount          = order.TotalAmount,
                CreateOn             = order.CreationTime,

                ShippingName        = order.ShippingName,
                ShippingPhoneNumber = order.ShippingPhoneNumber,
                ShippingAddress     = $"{order.ShippingProvince}{order.ShippingCity}{order.ShippingDistrict}{order.ShippingAddress}"

            foreach (var item in order.Items)
                var product = await _productManager.GetByIdAsync(item.ProductId);

                await _productManager.ProductRepository.EnsureCollectionLoadedAsync(product, p => p.Pictures);

                var itemDto = new OrderListItemDto()
                    Id                  = item.Id,
                    UnitPrice           = item.UnitPrice,
                    Price               = item.Price,
                    PictureUrl          = await product.GetProductDefaultPictureUrl(item.AttributesJson, _pictureManager, _productAttributeParser),
                    ProductName         = product.Name,
                    Quantity            = item.Quantity,
                    AttributeDesciption = GetOrderProductDescription(item)


        public async Task <bool> UpdateInvoiceOrder(OrderListDto orderDto)
            var  model = _orderRepository.FirstOrDefault(t => t.AccountNo == orderDto.AccountNo && t.CustomerFirstName == orderDto.CustomerFirstName);
            bool exist = false;

            if (model != null)
                model.PaymentStatusId = (int)PaymentStatusEnum.Done;
                await _orderRepository.UpdateAsync(model);

                exist = true;
 private void DgMyOrdersGrid_CellFormatting(object sender, DataGridViewCellFormattingEventArgs e)
     // Compare the column to the column you want to format
     if (this.dgMyOrdersGrid.Columns[e.ColumnIndex].Name == "colRecieved")
         //get the IChessitem you are currently binding, using the index of the current row to access the datasource
         OrderListDto item = (OrderListDto)dgMyOrdersGrid.Rows[e.RowIndex].DataBoundItem;
         //check the condition
         if (item.Recieved == true)
             dgMyOrdersGrid.Rows[e.RowIndex].DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.Cornsilk;
Beispiel #9
        public async Task <IActionResult> CreateOrderList(OrderListDto model)
                await _orderListRepository.AddOrderListing(model.OrderListings);

                var status = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                var status = false;
Beispiel #10
        private List <OrderDto> orderlist([FromBody] OrderFilterDto filter)
                = Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.QueryTrackingBehavior.NoTracking;
            OrderListDto orderListDto = new OrderListDto();
            var          orderList    = (from o in _context.Orders
                                         join i in _context.Invoices on o.InvoiceNumber equals i.InvoiceNumber into oi
                                         from i in oi.DefaultIfEmpty()

                                         join si in _context.ShippingInfo on o.Id equals si.orderId into sio
                                         from si in sio.DefaultIfEmpty()

                                         where o.CardId == filter.userId
                                         //&& (filter.paid != null ? i.Paid == filter.paid : true)
                                         //&& (filter.status != null ? i.Status == filter.status : true)
                                         //&& (filter.start != null ? o.RecordDate >= filter.start : true) && (filter.end != null ? o.RecordDate <= filter.end : true)
                                         //&& (filter.keyword != null ? i.InvoiceNumber.ToString().Contains(filter.keyword) || o.PoNumber.ToString().Contains(filter.keyword) : true)
                                         select new OrderDto
                id = o.Id,
                card_id = o.CardId,
                branch = o.Branch,
                po_number = o.PoNumber,
                status = _isettings.getOrderStatus(Convert.ToInt32(o.Status)),                                                  //o.Status.ToString(),
                invoice_number = o.InvoiceNumber,
                TotalAmount_GstIncl = i.Total,
                TotalAmount_GSTExcl = i.Price,
                GstAmount = i.Tax,
                record_date = o.RecordDate,
                shipto = o.Shipto,
                special_shipto = o.SpecialShipto,
                date_shipped = o.DateShipped,
                freight = o.Freight,
                ticket = o.Ticket,
                shipping_method = o.ShippingMethod,
                payment_type = o.PaymentType,
                paid = _iorder.getOrderPaymentStatus(o.Id),                                                 //o.Paid,
                receiver_name = si.receiver,
                receiver_phone = si.receiver_phone,
                is_web_order = true,
                freightInfo = _iorder.getSupplierShippingInfo(o.Id),
                web_order_status = o.WebOrderStatus

Beispiel #11
        public List <OrderListDto> GetOrdersByUser(GuidRequest request)
            var responseGroup = orderRepository.FindAll(x => x.UserGuid == request.Guid).GroupBy(x => x.OrderGuid).ToList();

            var list = new List <OrderListDto>();

            foreach (var group in responseGroup)
                var orderList = new OrderListDto();
                orderList.Orders = new List <MenuDto>();
                var restaurant = restaurantRepository.FindAll(x => x.Guid == group.FirstOrDefault().RestaurantGuid).FirstOrDefault();
                if (restaurant != null)
                    orderList.RestaurantGuid        = restaurant.Guid;
                    orderList.RestaurantName        = restaurant.Name;
                    orderList.RestaurantDescription = restaurant.Description;
                    orderList.RestaurantLogo        = restaurant.Logo;
                    orderList.OrderGuid             = group.FirstOrDefault().OrderGuid;
                    orderList.Status    = (int)group.FirstOrDefault().Status;
                    orderList.Date      = group.FirstOrDefault().DateCreated;
                    orderList.IsCommted = group.FirstOrDefault().IsCommeted;
                    foreach (var item in group)
                        var menu = menuRepository.FindAll(x => x.Guid == item.MenuGuid).FirstOrDefault();
                        orderList.Orders.Add(new MenuDto
                            Guid           = menu.Guid,
                            Name           = menu.Name,
                            Description    = menu.Description,
                            Logo           = menu.Logo,
                            Amount         = menu.Amount,
                            Count          = menu.Count,
                            Type           = (int)menu.Type,
                            RestaurantGuid = menu.RestaurantGuid


            return(list.OrderByDescending(x => x.Date).Take(5).ToList());
Beispiel #12
        public ActionResult <OrderListDto> GetAll(int page = 1, int size = 10)
                var    orders = _service.GetAllOrders(page, size);
                int    total  = _service.TotalOrders;
                string next   = string.Empty;

                if (page * size < total)
                    next = Url.Action(nameof(GetAll), new { page = page + 1, size = size });

                var data     = _mapper.Map <IEnumerable <Order>, IEnumerable <OrderDto> >(orders);
                var response = new OrderListDto {
                    Data = data, Next = next, Total = total
            catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException)
Beispiel #13
        private List <OrderDto> orderlist([FromBody] OrderFilterDto filter)
                = Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.QueryTrackingBehavior.NoTracking;
            OrderListDto orderListDto = new OrderListDto();
            var          orderList    = (from o in _context.Orders
                                         join i in _context.Invoice on o.InvoiceNumber equals i.InvoiceNumber into oi
                                         from i in oi.DefaultIfEmpty()

                                         join si in _context.ShippingInfo on o.Id equals si.orderId into sio
                                         from si in sio.DefaultIfEmpty()

                                         where o.CardId ==
                                         //&& (filter.paid != null ? i.Paid == filter.paid : true)
                                         //&& (filter.status != null ? i.Status == filter.status : true)
                                         //&& (filter.start != null ? o.RecordDate >= filter.start : true) && (filter.end != null ? o.RecordDate <= filter.end : true)
                                         //&& (filter.keyword != null ? i.InvoiceNumber.ToString().Contains(filter.keyword) || o.PoNumber.ToString().Contains(filter.keyword) : true)
                                         select new OrderDto
                id = o.Id,
                card_id = o.CardId,
                branch = o.Branch,
                po_number = o.PoNumber,
                status = _isettings.getOrderStatus(Convert.ToInt32(o.Status)),                  //o.Status.ToString(),
                invoice_number = o.InvoiceNumber,
                TotalAmount_GstIncl = i.Total,
                TotalAmount_GSTExcl = i.Price,
                GstAmount = i.Tax,
                record_date = o.RecordDate,
                shipto = o.Shipto,
                special_shipto = o.SpecialShipto,
                date_shipped = o.DateShipped,
                freight = o.Freight,
                ticket = o.Ticket,
                shipping_method = o.ShippingMethod,
                payment_type = o.PaymentType,
                paid = _iorder.getOrderPaymentStatus(o.Id),                 //o.Paid,
                receiver_name = si.receiver,
                receiver_phone = si.receiver_phone,
                is_web_order = true,
                freightInfo = _iorder.getSupplierShippingInfo(o.Id),
                web_order_status = o.WebOrderStatus

            //var itemCount = orderList.Count();
            //var pageCount = (int)Math.Ceiling(itemCount / (double)pagination.PageSize);
            //var finalList =
            //        orderList
            //        .Skip((pagination.PageNumber - 1) * pagination.PageSize)
            //        .Take(pagination.PageSize);

            //foreach (var o in orderList)
            //    try
            //    {
            //        if (o.web_order_status == 0)
            //            o.web_order_status = 1;
            //        o.status = getOrderStatus(o.web_order_status);
            //    }
            //    catch (Exception ex)
            //    {
            //        _logger.LogCritical($"error occur when changing order status!",ex);

            //    }

            //orderListDto.Orders = finalList;
            //orderListDto.CurrentPage = pagination.PageNumber;
            //orderListDto.PageSize = pagination.PageSize;
            //orderListDto.PageCount = pageCount;
            //orderListDto.ItemCount = itemCount;
        public List <OrderListDto> ReadInvoiceFile(IFormFile formFile)
            List <OrderListDto> orderDtoList = new List <OrderListDto>();

            int row = 0;

            int cont = 1;
            int customerFirstName = 0;
            int accountNo         = 0;

            using (var reader = ExcelReaderFactory.CreateReader(formFile.OpenReadStream()))
                while (reader.Read()) //Each ROW
                    if (row == 0)     //read column numbers
                        for (int column = 0; column < reader.FieldCount; column++)
                            if (getValue(reader, column) == L("CustomerName"))
                                customerFirstName = column;
                            if (getValue(reader, column) == L("Account"))
                                accountNo = column;
                        OrderListDto orderDto = new OrderListDto();
                        for (int column = 0; column < reader.FieldCount; column++)
                            if (column == customerFirstName)
                                orderDto.CustomerFirstName = getValue(reader, column);
                            if (column == accountNo)
                                orderDto.AccountNo = getValue(reader, column);
                        if (orderDto.AccountNo != null)
                            orderDto.Id = cont++;

            foreach (var item in orderDtoList)
                if (UpdateInvoiceOrder(item).Result)
                    item.Notes = L("Loaded");
                    item.Notes = L("NoFounded");
Beispiel #15
        public OrderListDto GetOrderList(int pageIndex, int pageSize)
            var orders       = Enumerable.Empty <SharedLibrary.Entity.Order>();
            var orderDetails = Enumerable.Empty <int>();
            var totalCount   = 0;

            using (var connection = new SqlConnection(_configurationService.ConnectionString("Northwind")))
                var sql = @"
DECLARE @OrderIds table
                      OrderID int

INSERT INTO @OrderIds(OrderID)
FROM dbo.Orders
    OFFSET @skipCount ROWS

FROM dbo.Orders o
    JOIN @OrderIds oIds
         ON oIds.OrderID = o.OrderID

FROM dbo.[Order Details] od
    JOIN @OrderIds oIds
         ON oIds.OrderID = od.OrderID

SELECT count(0)
FROM dbo.Orders
                var dynamicParameters = new DynamicParameters();
                dynamicParameters.Add("skipCount", pageIndex * pageSize, DbType.Int32);
                dynamicParameters.Add("pageSize", pageSize, DbType.Int32);

                var gridReader = connection.QueryMultiple(sql, dynamicParameters);

                orders       = gridReader.Read <SharedLibrary.Entity.Order>();
                orderDetails = gridReader.Read <int>();
                totalCount   = gridReader.Read <int>().FirstOrDefault();

            var orderDetailCount = orderDetails.GroupBy(od => od)
                                   .ToDictionary(od => od.Key, od => od.Count());

            var result = new OrderListDto
                TotalCount = totalCount,
                Items      = orders.Select(o =>
                    return(new OrderListItemDto
                        OrderID = o.OrderID,
                        CustomerID = o.CustomerID,
                        EmployeeID = o.EmployeeID,
                        OrderDate = o.OrderDate,
                        RequiredDate = o.RequiredDate,
                        ShippedDate = o.ShippedDate,
                        ShipVia = o.ShipVia,
                        Freight = o.Freight,
                        ShipName = o.ShipName,
                        ShipAddress = o.ShipAddress,
                        ShipCity = o.ShipCity,
                        ShipRegion = o.ShipRegion,
                        ShipPostalCode = o.ShipPostalCode,
                        ShipCountry = o.ShipCountry,
                        DetailCount = orderDetailCount.GetValue(o.OrderID)
