Beispiel #1
        public AppConfig(
            string name,
            string rootDirectory,
            string outputDirectory,
            OrderInformation orderInformation,
            bool includeLowercase)
            this.Name            = name;
            this.RootDirectory   = rootDirectory;
            this.OutputDirectory = outputDirectory;
            var orderInformationItems = new List <OrderInformationItem>();

            foreach (var key in orderInformation.Keys)
                orderInformationItems.Add(new OrderInformationItem(key, orderInformation[key]));
            this.OrderInformationItems = orderInformationItems;
            this.IncludeLowercase      = includeLowercase;
Beispiel #2
        public IActionResult Create([FromBody] OrderInformation orderInformation)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            var client = Request.GetClient(context);
            var basket = (from i in context.Basket where i.ClientId == client.Id select new OrderDtl {
                Price = i.Price, Product = i.Product, Qty = i.Qty, Status = OrderDtlStatus.Wait

            if (basket.Count == 0)

            //Todo: нужно подключить Automapper
            OrderHdr orderHdr = new OrderHdr();

            orderHdr.Client           = client;
            orderHdr.CreatedDate      = DateTime.Now;
            orderHdr.Status           = OrderHdrStatus.Requested;
            orderHdr.ClientName       = orderInformation.ClientName;
            orderHdr.Phone            = orderInformation.Phone;
            orderHdr.Address          = orderInformation.Address;
            orderHdr.Latitude         = orderInformation.Latitude;
            orderHdr.Longtitude       = orderInformation.Longtitude;
            orderHdr.Sum              = basket.Sum(a => a.Price * a.Qty);
            orderHdr.DeliveryDateTime = orderInformation.DeliveryDateTime.LocalDateTime;
            orderHdr.OrderDtls        = basket;


            context.Basket.RemoveRange(context.Basket.Where(a => a.ClientId == client.Id));


            return(Json(new { orderID = orderHdr.Id, clientName = orderHdr.ClientName, sum = orderHdr.Sum, address = orderHdr.Address, orderDate = orderHdr.DeliveryDateTime.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy"), orderTime = orderHdr.DeliveryDateTime.ToString("hh:mm") }));
Beispiel #3
        public async Task PostAsync_GetAsync_CustomerOrderComplex_ReturnsOK()
            // Arrange
            var model = new OrderModel();
            var order = model.CustomerOrder_Sample1;

            order.OrderID = GetMaxOrderID() + 1;
            var requestContent = base.GetSerializedContent(order);
            var expectedResult = new OrderInformation(model.OrderItems_Complex, model.RequiredBinWidth_Complex);

            await base.Client.PostAsync(this._postUrl, requestContent);

            var result = await base.Client.GetAsync(string.Format(this._getUrl, order.OrderID));

            // Assert
            var content = await base.GetDeserializedContent <OrderInformation>(result);

            Assert.AreEqual(result.StatusCode, HttpStatusCode.OK, "error in returning correct response");
            TestHelper.AreEqualEntities(expectedResult, content, "error in returning correct content type");
Beispiel #4
    public static bool UpdateOrder(OrderInformation currentOrderInformation)
        Order order = new Order();

        if (order.LoadByPrimaryKey(currentOrderInformation.orderID))
            AddressInfo addressInfo = new AddressInfo();
            addressInfo.Address1    = currentOrderInformation.billingAddress;
            addressInfo.City        =;
            addressInfo.State       = currentOrderInformation.state;
            addressInfo.PostalCode  = currentOrderInformation.zipCode;
            addressInfo.PhoneNumber =;
            addressInfo.FirstName   = currentOrderInformation.firstName;
            addressInfo.LastName    = currentOrderInformation.lastName;
            addressInfo.AddressId   = order.BillingAddressId;

            string SQL = "UPDATE ADDRESSINFO SET FIRSTNAME = '{0}', LASTNAME = '{1}', CITY = '{2}', STATE = '{3}', POSTALCODE = '{4}', ADDRESS1 = '{5}', PHONENUMBER = '{6}' WHERE ADDRESSID = {7}";
            ExecuteSQLString(string.Format(SQL, addressInfo.FirstName, addressInfo.LastName, addressInfo.City, addressInfo.State, addressInfo.PostalCode, addressInfo.Address1, addressInfo.PhoneNumber, addressInfo.AddressId));
        public override void Execute(object parameter)
            List <OrderDetail>      orderDetails      = DB.OrderDetailRepository.GetOrderDetails(orderViewModel.CurrentOrder.Id);
            List <OrderDetailModel> orderDetailModels = new List <OrderDetailModel>();
            OrderDetailMapper       orderDetailMapper = new OrderDetailMapper();

            for (int i = 0; i < orderDetails.Count; i++)
                OrderDetail orderDetail = orderDetails[i];

                OrderDetailModel orderDetailModel = orderDetailMapper.Map(orderDetail);
                orderDetailModel.No = i + 1;

            orderViewModel.OrderDetails = orderDetailModels;
            OrderInformation orderInformation = new OrderInformation();

            orderInformation.DataContext           = orderViewModel;
            orderInformation.WindowStartupLocation = System.Windows.WindowStartupLocation.CenterScreen;
Beispiel #6
        public string SamplePaymentsData()
            //Create the Sample Data using Model Classes of Payments API

            var clientReferenceInformation = new ClientReferenceInformation {
                code = "TC50171_3"

            var processingInformation = new ProcessingInformation {
                commerceIndicator = "internet"

            var subMerchant = new SubMerchant
                cardAcceptorID     = "1234567890",
                country            = "US",
                phoneNumber        = "650-432-0000",
                address1           = "900 Metro Center",
                postalCode         = "94404-2775",
                locality           = "Foster Cit",
                name               = "Visa Inc",
                administrativeArea = "CA",
                region             = "PEN",
                email              = "*****@*****.**"

            var aggregatorInformation = new AggregatorInformation
                subMerchant  = subMerchant,
                name         = "V-Internatio",
                aggregatorID = "123456789"

            var billTo = new BillTo
                country            = "US",
                lastName           = "VDP",
                address2           = "Address 2",
                address1           = "201 S. Division St.",
                postalCode         = "48104-2201",
                locality           = "Ann Arbor",
                administrativeArea = "MI",
                firstName          = "RTS",
                phoneNumber        = "999999999",
                district           = "MI",
                buildingNumber     = "123",
                company            = "Visa",
                email = "*****@*****.**"

            var amountDetails = new AmountDetails
                totalAmount = "102.21",
                currency    = "USD"

            var orderInformation = new OrderInformation
                billTo        = billTo,
                amountDetails = amountDetails

            var card = new Card
                expirationYear  = "2031",
                number          = "5555555555554444",
                securityCode    = "123",
                expirationMonth = "12",
                type            = "002"

            var paymentInformation = new PaymentInformation {
                card = card

            var payments = new Payments
                clientReferenceInformation = clientReferenceInformation,
                processingInformation      = processingInformation,
                aggregatorInformation      = aggregatorInformation,
                orderInformation           = orderInformation,
                paymentInformation         = paymentInformation

            return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(payments, Formatting.Indented));
 public async Task EditOrder(OrderInformation orderInformation)
     await _repository.EditOrder(orderInformation);
 public async Task AddOrder(OrderInformation orderInformation)
     await _repository.AddOrder(orderInformation);
        public async Task <OrderInformation> GetOrderInformation(string orderId)

            OrderInformation orderInformation = new OrderInformation {
                hasError = true, message = "Unknown Error."

                var request = new HttpRequestMessage
                    Method     = HttpMethod.Get,
                    RequestUri = new Uri($"http://{this._httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.Request.Headers[HEADER_VTEX_ACCOUNT]}.{ENVIRONMENT}{orderId}-01")
                                 //RequestUri = new Uri($"https://{this._httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.Request.Headers[HEADER_VTEX_ACCOUNT]}.{ENVIRONMENT}{orderId}")

                string authToken = this._httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.Request.Headers[HEADER_VTEX_CREDENTIAL];
                if (authToken != null)
                    request.Headers.Add(AUTHORIZATION_HEADER_NAME, authToken);
                    request.Headers.Add(VTEX_ID_HEADER_NAME, authToken);

                //StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

                var client   = _clientFactory.CreateClient();
                var response = await client.SendAsync(request);

                string responseContent = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                    orderInformation.hasError = false;

                    Models.VtexOrder.VtexOrder vtexOrder = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Models.VtexOrder.VtexOrder>(responseContent);
                    if (vtexOrder.customData != null)
                        Models.VtexOrder.CustomApp customApp = vtexOrder.customData.customApps.Where(c =>;
                        if (customApp != null)
                            orderInformation.offerToken = customApp.fields.chosenLoanToken;
                            orderInformation.hasError = true;
                            orderInformation.message  = $"Custom App not Found. {JsonConvert.SerializeObject(vtexOrder.customData)}";
                        orderInformation.hasError = true;
                        orderInformation.message  = "Custom Data field is Null.";
                    orderInformation.hasError = true;
                    orderInformation.message  = $"Reason: '{response.ReasonPhrase}'";
            catch (Exception ex)
                orderInformation.hasError = true;
                orderInformation.message  = $"Error: {ex.Message} {ex.InnerException}";

        /// <summary>
        /// Displays list of store's order history
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="storeOrders"></param>
        /// <returns>store order history view</returns>
        public IActionResult _StoreOrderHistory(Stores store)
            //user selected to see store history, selected store now utilized
            int storeSelection = store.StoreId;

            //Select all the orders associated with logged in customer
            var storeOrders = (from Orders in _db.Orders
                               where Orders.StoreOrderedFrom == store.StoreId
                               select new

            //Select all the product info
            var orderItems = (from Products in _db.Products
                              where Products.IsInBundle == false
                              select new

            //Get product info on all items in the order
            var storeOrderInfo = (from Orders in storeOrders
                                  from Products in orderItems
                                  where Orders.OrderedProduct == Products.Skunum
                                  orderby Orders.OrderDate descending
                                  select new

            //Fresh instantiation of the OrderInfo list for populating
            orderInfo = new List <OrderInformation>();
            foreach (var order in storeOrderInfo)
                //Create and add a new order to the list of order information to be displayed
                OrderInformation item = new OrderInformation();
                item.OrderId              = order.OrderId;
                item.OrderedProduct       = order.OrderedProduct;
                item.ProductName          = order.ProductName;
                item.OrderedProductAmount = order.OrderedProductAmount;
                item.UnitPrice            = order.UnitPrice;
                item.ProductDiscount      = order.ProductDiscount;
                item.StoreOrderedFrom     = order.StoreOrderedFrom;
                item.WhoOrdered           = order.WhoOrdered;
                item.OrderDate            = order.OrderDate;
                item.OrderTotal           = order.OrderTotal;
        /// <summary>
        /// This method will process and return Mocked Verification Response for EPC
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="response"></param>
        /// <param name="loanInformation"></param>
        private JArray ProcessVerificationResponse(JObject response, JToken loanInformation)
            _Logger.LogInformation("[" + _ClassName + "] - ProcessVerificationResponse - [STARTS]");

            JToken result       = response.SelectToken("$.result");
            string orderId      = "";
            var    random       = new System.Random();
            JToken tokenoptions = loanInformation.SelectToken("$.product.options");
            // building payload for Partner API Create Response
            dynamic responsePayload = new JObject();
            dynamic orders          = new JArray();
            dynamic order           = null;

            //var orderDate = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime();
            var orderDate = DateTime.Now;

            if (tokenoptions != null)
                foreach (JProperty prop in tokenoptions)
                    string sProductName = "";
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(prop.Name) && _MockRequestHelper.IsValidProduct(prop.Name))
                        sProductName = _MockRequestHelper.GetProductDescription(prop.Name);

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sProductName))
                        _Logger.LogInformation("[" + _ClassName + "] - SubmitAcknowledgementToPartnerAPI - ProductName is " + sProductName);

                        orderId = random.Next(10000, 80000).ToString();

                        OrderInformation orderInfo = new OrderInformation()
                            TransactionId   = _WebhookBody.meta != null ? _WebhookBody.meta.resourceId : string.Empty,
                            ProductName     = sProductName,
                            ProductCode     = prop.Name.ToString(),
                            OrderId         = orderId.ToString(),
                            OrderStatus     = response.SelectToken("$.status").ToString(),
                            LoanInformation = loanInformation

                        TransactionInformationCache.Instance.Add(orderInfo, true);

                        order               = new JObject();
                          = orderId.ToString();
                        order.orderDateTime = orderDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm-ss:ff"); // result["orderDate"];
                        order.orderStatus   = response["status"];
                        order.orderMessage  = result["orderMessage"];
                        order.product       = sProductName;
                        order.documents     = new JArray();


            _Logger.LogInformation("[" + _ClassName + "] - ProcessVerificationResponse - [ENDS]");

        /// <summary>
        /// Adds item to cart when user clicks button
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IActionResult AddItemToCart(InventoryProductInfo selectedItem, int?numOrdered)
            if (numOrdered == null)
                numOrdered = (int)1;
                numOrdered = (int)numOrdered;
            //TODO Add a check to make sure quantity isnt more than whats available

            //Not returning anything, just altering the cart list

            //Cart is a list of OrderInformation because that model contains all the relevant info on the ordered Product
            var loggedIn = _cache.Get("loggedInCustomer");

            loggedInCustomer = (Customers)loggedIn;

            var itemCart = _cache.Get("Cart");
            List <OrderInformation> cart = new List <OrderInformation>();

            cart = (List <OrderInformation>)itemCart;

            //Check to see if the product is already in the cart or a new cart item
            OrderInformation newSKU = new OrderInformation();

            newSKU.OrderedProduct       = selectedItem.Skunum;
            newSKU.OrderedProductAmount = selectedItem.OrderedAmt;
            int matchWasFound = 0;

            foreach (var item in cart)
                if (newSKU.OrderedProduct == item.OrderedProduct)
            if (matchWasFound != 0)
                //Grab the item from the cart
                var existingItem = StoreMethods.SelectCartItem(newSKU, cart);

                //Update the existing item's ordered amount and the total price for the item
                existingItem.OrderedProductAmount += newSKU.OrderedProductAmount;
                existingItem.UnitPrice             = existingItem.OrderedProductAmount * (existingItem.UnitPrice * (1 - existingItem.ProductDiscount));
                _cache.Set("Cart", cart);
            else //If this is the first time this item has been added, create a new cart object
                OrderInformation newCartItem = new OrderInformation();
                newCartItem.OrderedProduct       = selectedItem.Skunum;
                newCartItem.OrderedProductAmount = (int)numOrdered;
                newCartItem.ProductName          = selectedItem.ProductName;
                newCartItem.UnitPrice            = (int)numOrdered * (selectedItem.UnitPrice * (1 - selectedItem.ProductDiscount)); //Total price of that item given the discount and num ordered
                newCartItem.WhoOrdered           = loggedInCustomer.CustomerId;
                newCartItem.StoreOrderedFrom     = loggedInCustomer.DefaultStore;
                newCartItem.IsBundle             = selectedItem.IsBundle;
                newCartItem.IsInBundle           = selectedItem.IsInBundle;
                newCartItem.BundleId             = selectedItem.BundleId;
                cart.Add(newCartItem);    //Add new cart item to our cart
                _cache.Set("Cart", cart); //Set our cart to be the new cart
Beispiel #13
        /// <summary>
        /// This method will build the payload required for Creating Response in the Partner API
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="response"></param>
        /// <param name="loanInformation"></param>
        /// <param name="transactionId"></param>
        private void SubmitAcknowledgementToPartnerAPI(JObject response, JToken loanInformation, string transactionId)
            _Logger.LogInformation("[" + _ClassName + "] - SubmitAcknowledgementToPartnerAPI - [STARTS]");

                if (response != null)
                    _Logger.LogInformation("[" + _ClassName + "] - SubmitAcknowledgementToPartnerAPI - Submitting Response to Partner API ");

                    if (response.SelectToken("$.result") != null && loanInformation != null)
                        JToken result          = response.SelectToken("$.result");;
                        JToken productName     = null;
                        JToken productId       = null;
                        JToken existingOrderId = null;
                        string orderId         = "";
                        var    random          = new System.Random();

                        // building payload for Partner API Create Response
                        dynamic responsePayload = new JObject();
                        dynamic orders          = new JArray();
                        dynamic order           = null;

                        //var orderDate = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime();
                        var orderDate = DateTime.Now;

                        // assuming the response is of type JToken
                        if (string.Compare(_AppSettings.IntegrationType, "Verification", true) == 0)
                            JToken tokenoptions = loanInformation.SelectToken("$.product.options");

                            if (tokenoptions != null)
                                foreach (JProperty prop in tokenoptions)
                                    string sProductName = "";
                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(prop.Name) && _MockRequestHelper.IsValidProduct(prop.Name))
                                        sProductName = _MockRequestHelper.GetProductDescription(prop.Name);

                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sProductName))
                                        _Logger.LogInformation("[" + _ClassName + "] - SubmitAcknowledgementToPartnerAPI - ProductName is " + sProductName);

                                        orderId = random.Next(10000, 80000).ToString();

                                        OrderInformation orderInfo = new OrderInformation()
                                            TransactionId   = transactionId,
                                            ProductName     = sProductName,
                                            ProductCode     = prop.Name.ToString(),
                                            OrderId         = orderId.ToString(),
                                            OrderStatus     = response.SelectToken("$.status").ToString(),
                                            LoanInformation = loanInformation

                                        TransactionInformationCache.Instance.Add(orderInfo, true);

                                        order               = new JObject();
                                          = orderId.ToString();
                                        order.orderDateTime = orderDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm-ss:ff"); // result["orderDate"];
                                        order.orderStatus   = response["status"];
                                        order.orderMessage  = result["orderMessage"];
                                        order.product       = sProductName;
                                        order.documents     = new JArray();

                        else if (string.Compare(_AppSettings.IntegrationType, "DataDocs", true) == 0)
                            orderId = random.Next(10000, 80000).ToString();

                            // responsePayload = new JObject();
                            //responsePayload.orders = new JArray();
                            dynamic orderResponse = new JObject();
                              = orderId.ToString();
                            orderResponse.orderDateTime = orderDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm-ss:ff"); // result["orderDate"];
                            orderResponse.orderStatus   = "Delivered";
                            orderResponse.message       = result["orderMessage"];
                            productName     = loanInformation.SelectToken("$.product.options.productName");
                            productId       = loanInformation.SelectToken("$.product.options.productId");
                            existingOrderId = loanInformation.SelectToken("$.product.options.existingOrderId");

                            // setting the order id to existingOrderId if the payload has it otherwise setting it to a random number
                            orderId = existingOrderId != null?existingOrderId.ToString() : random.Next(10000, 80000).ToString();

                            var orderInfo = new OrderInformation()
                                TransactionId = transactionId,
                                ProductName   = productName != null?productName.ToString() : string.Empty,
                                                    ProductCode = productId != null?productId.ToString() : string.Empty,
                                                                      OrderId = existingOrderId != null?existingOrderId.ToString() : orderId.ToString(), // adding existing order id if it exists in the response object,
                                                                                    OrderStatus     = response.SelectToken("$.status").ToString(),
                                                                                    LoanInformation = loanInformation

                            // Adding Transaction Information in the local In Memory cache. This would be implemented by the partner in their own way to track transactions and their order statuses

                            order               = new JObject();
                              = orderId.ToString();
                            order.orderDateTime = orderDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm-ss:ff"); // result["orderDate"];
                            order.orderStatus   = response["status"];
                            order.orderMessage  = result["orderMessage"];
                            order.product       = productName;
                            order.documents     = new JArray();


                        _Logger.LogInformation("[" + _ClassName + "] - SubmitAcknowledgementToPartnerAPI - Order Date time is " + orderDate.ToString("o"));

                        responsePayload.orders = orders;

                        var responsePayloadString = Convert.ToString(responsePayload);

                        var partnerAPIWrapper = new PartnerAPIWrapper(this._AppSettings);

                        // This is the POST call to the Partner API (Create Response call) | partner/v1/transactions/{{transactionId}}/response
                        var isResponseCreated = partnerAPIWrapper.CreateResponse(responsePayloadString, transactionId);

                        if (isResponseCreated)
                            _Logger.LogInformation("[" + _ClassName + "] - SubmitAcknowledgementToPartnerAPI - isResponseCreated flag is true");
                            TransactionStatusCache.Instance.Add(transactionId, response);
            catch (Exception ex)
                _Logger.LogError("[" + _ClassName + "] - SubmitAcknowledgementToPartnerAPI - Exception - " + ex.Message);
                _Logger.LogError("[" + _ClassName + "] - SubmitAcknowledgementToPartnerAPI - StackTrace - " + ex.StackTrace);

            _Logger.LogInformation("[" + _ClassName + "] - SubmitAcknowledgementToPartnerAPI - [ENDS]");
Beispiel #14
        public async Task <IActionResult> EditOrder(OrderInformation orderInformation)
            await _service.EditOrder(orderInformation);

Beispiel #15
 public void CalculateTotalPrice()
     TotalPrice = OrderInformation.Select(o => o.Price).Sum();
Beispiel #16
 public void AddItemOrderInfo(ItemOrderInfo orderInfo)
Beispiel #17
        /// <summary>
        /// 修改借货数量
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="deliveryUserSysNo">配送员系统编号</param>
        /// <param name="orderItem">商品销售数据</param>
        /// <param name="lastUpdateBySysNo">最后更新人系统编号</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <remarks>2013-11-15 周唐炬 创建</remarks>
        private void ProductReturn(int deliveryUserSysNo, OrderInformation orderItem, int lastUpdateBySysNo)
            if (orderItem.ProductOrderNumber <= 0)
                throw new HytException("补单商品数量必需大于0个");
            var list = IProductLendDao.Instance.GetWhProductLendItemList(new ParaWhProductLendItemFilter()
                DeliveryUserSysNo = deliveryUserSysNo,
                ProductSysNo      = orderItem.ProductSysNo,
                Status            = (int)WarehouseStatus.借货单状态.已出库

            if (list == null || !list.Any())
                throw new HytException("没有可补单的商品");

            var productlends = new List <int>();//借货单系统编号列表
            var saleQuantity = orderItem.ProductOrderNumber;
            var allQuantity = 0;

            list.ForEach(x =>
                if (saleQuantity <= 0)

                var model = IProductLendDao.Instance.GetWhProductLendItem(x);
                if (model == null)
                var quantity = model.LendQuantity - model.ReturnQuantity - model.SaleQuantity;
                allQuantity += quantity;
                if (quantity > saleQuantity)
                    model.SaleQuantity += saleQuantity;
                    saleQuantity        = 0;
                else    //该条借货明细记录的可销售数量小于本次销售数量
                    model.SaleQuantity += quantity;
                    saleQuantity        = saleQuantity - quantity;


                if (model.SaleQuantity + model.ReturnQuantity != model.LendQuantity)
                if (productlends.All(c => c != model.ProductLendSysNo))
            if (saleQuantity > allQuantity)
                throw new HytException("补单的商品数量超过本商品最大可销售商品数量,操作失败!");
            // 完结销售完的借货单
            if (productlends.Any())
                productlends.ForEach(x => ProductLendBo.Instance.CompleteProductLend(x, lastUpdateBySysNo));
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new order item, calculates order total and updates inventory
        /// </summary>
        public IActionResult Checkout()
            //Takes our Cart, creates a new order item, calculates orderTotal, and updates the inventory

            //get the logged in customer
            var loggedIn = _cache.Get("loggedInCustomer");

            loggedInCustomer = (Customers)loggedIn;

            //Retrieve the cart contents
            var itemCart = _cache.Get("Cart");
            List <OrderInformation> cart = new List <OrderInformation>();

            cart = (List <OrderInformation>)itemCart;

            //Get new order id
            var orderList  = StoreMethods.GetAllOrderIds(_db);
            int newOrderId = StoreMethods.GetNewOrderId(orderList);

            if (cart.Count == 0)
                _logger.LogInformation("Cart was empty");
            else //Begin checkout
                _logger.LogInformation("Cart had items, beginning checkout...");
                decimal orderTotal = 0;
                foreach (var product in cart)
                    //Update the item quantities
                    var allItemsInventory = StoreMethods.GetAllProducts(_db);

                    var storeInventory = (from Inventory in _db.Inventory
                                          where Inventory.StoreInventory == loggedInCustomer.DefaultStore && Inventory.ItemInInventory == product.OrderedProduct
                                          select new { Inventory.InventoryId,
                                                       Inventory.ProductCurrentQuantity }).ToList();  //Gets only the user's default store's inventory
                    //var allInventories = (from Inventory in _db.Inventory
                    //                      select new
                    //                      {
                    //                          Inventory.InventoryId,
                    //                          Inventory.ItemInInventory,
                    //                          Inventory.StoreInventory,
                    //                          Inventory.ProductCurrentQuantity
                    //                      }).ToList();
                    foreach (var Inventory in _db.Inventory) //Update the ordered product's quantity
                        foreach (var storeInv in storeInventory)
                            if (storeInv.StoreInventory == Inventory.StoreInventory && Inventory.ItemInInventory == product.OrderedProduct)
                                Inventory.ProductCurrentQuantity -= product.OrderedProductAmount; //New quantity set for ordered product
                                _logger.LogInformation($"Amount decremented");
                    if (product.IsBundle == true) //if the ordered product is a bundle, update associated items
                        foreach (var inventory in _db.Inventory)
                            foreach (var items in allItemsInventory)
                                if (items.BundleId == product.BundleId && inventory.ItemInInventory == items.Skunum && items.IsInBundle == true && inventory.StoreInventory == loggedInCustomer.DefaultStore) //if the item is InBundle, is part of the orderedProduct's bundle, and available at the same store
                                    inventory.ProductCurrentQuantity -= product.OrderedProductAmount;                                                                                                         //Decrement items that are a part of the bundle as well
                                    _logger.LogInformation("Bundle included item decremented");
                    //Because the 'unit price' of each item is calculated with ordered# and discount, just add item totals
                    orderTotal += product.UnitPrice;
                    orderTotal  = Math.Round(orderTotal, 2); //2 decimal points
                //Need a uniform order total, so we need another foreach loop
                foreach (var product in cart)
                    Orders newOrder = new Orders();
                    newOrder.OrderDate            = DateTime.Now;
                    newOrder.OrderedProduct       = product.OrderedProduct;
                    newOrder.OrderedProductAmount = product.OrderedProductAmount;
                    newOrder.OrderTotal           = orderTotal;
                    newOrder.StoreOrderedFrom     = loggedInCustomer.DefaultStore;
                    newOrder.WhoOrdered           = loggedInCustomer.CustomerId;
                    newOrder.OrderId = newOrderId;
                //Empty out the cart, set the cache's cart to be the new empty cart, then return the checkout screen
                List <OrderInformation> emptyCart    = new List <OrderInformation>();
                List <OrderInformation> checkoutCart = new List <OrderInformation>();
                foreach (var item in cart)
                    OrderInformation purchased = new OrderInformation();
                    purchased            = item;
                    purchased.OrderDate  = DateTime.Now;
                    purchased.OrderTotal = orderTotal;
                _cache.Set("Cart", emptyCart);
                return(View("_Checkout", checkoutCart));
Beispiel #19
        /// <summary>
        /// 根据订单号查询门信息
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="orderNum">订单号</param>
        /// <returns>门信息</returns>
        public static OrderInformation SearchOrderInfoByOrderNum(string orderNum)
            OrderInformation orderInformation = null;
            string           sql          = DB_SQL.Sel_InfoByOrderNum(orderNum);
            SqlConnection    conn         = null;
            SqlCommand       cmd          = null;
            SqlDataReader    objSqlReader = null;

                using (conn = new SqlConnection(DB_SQL.conStr))
                    using (cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, conn))
                        objSqlReader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
                        int n = 0;
                        while (objSqlReader.Read())
                            n += 1;
                            orderInformation = new OrderInformation
                                OrderNum           = objSqlReader[0].ToString().Trim(),
                                OrderQuantity      = objSqlReader[1].ToString().Trim(),
                                ProductLine        = objSqlReader[2].ToString().Trim(),
                                DoorThickness      = objSqlReader[3].ToString().Trim(),
                                DoorStructure      = objSqlReader[4].ToString().Trim(),
                                SpecificationsWide = objSqlReader[5].ToString().Trim(),
                                SpecificationHigh  = objSqlReader[6].ToString().Trim(),
                                FacadeStyle        = objSqlReader[7].ToString().Trim(),
                                ChildDoorStyle     = objSqlReader[8].ToString().Trim(),
                                Lock                        = objSqlReader[9].ToString().Trim(),
                                Overdye                     = objSqlReader[10].ToString().Trim(),
                                Doorframe                   = objSqlReader[11].ToString().Trim(),
                                OpenTo                      = objSqlReader[12].ToString().Trim(),
                                Buckles                     = objSqlReader[13].ToString().Trim(),
                                ColorCategories             = objSqlReader[14].ToString().Trim(),
                                PictureDoorSpecification    = objSqlReader[15].ToString().Trim(),
                                CustomerSpecialRequirements = objSqlReader[16].ToString().Trim()
                        if (n == 0)
                            MessageBox.Show("订单号" + orderNum + "不存在!");
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message.ToString() + "打开数据库失败!");
                if (objSqlReader != null)
                if (cmd != null)
                if (conn != null)
Beispiel #20
 protected override string Build() => $"{PatientId.Build()}{OrderId.Build()}" +
                                      $"{OrderInformation.Build()}{SampleName.Build()}" +
Beispiel #21
        private void DoorChooseBtn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            string orderNoTxt = OrderNum.Text.Trim();

            if (orderNoTxt == "")
                string ponputChooseTxt         = PonputChoose.Text.Trim();
                string doorMoldCombTxt         = DoorMoldComb.Text.Trim();
                string stackPositionCombTxt    = StackPositionComb.Text.Trim();
                string doorNumChooseTxt        = DoorNumChoose.Text.Trim();
                string PerliteStackPositionTxt = PerliteStackPosition.Text.Trim();

                doorInformation                      = new DoorInformation();
                doorInformation.LoadBatchID          = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss", DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo);
                doorInformation.OrderNum             = orderNoTxt;
                doorInformation.DoorMold             = doorMoldCombTxt;
                doorInformation.PlacementMode        = ponputChooseTxt;
                doorInformation.ThicknessDistinguish = "厚板";
                doorInformation.StackPosition        = stackPositionCombTxt;
                doorInformation.PerlitePosition      = PerliteStackPositionTxt;
                int.TryParse(doorNumChooseTxt, out int num);
                doorInformation.LoadNum = num;
                doorInformation.SentNum = 0;
                doorInformation.Status  = "0";

                OrderInformation orderInformation = DB_OrderInfo.SearchOrderInfoByOrderNum(orderNoTxt);
                if (orderInformation != null)
                    if (orderInformation.ProductLine == doorMoldCombTxt)
                        doorInformation.OpenDirection = orderInformation.OpenTo;
                        int.TryParse(orderInformation.DoorThickness, out int thickness);
                        doorInformation.Thickness = thickness;
                        int.TryParse(orderInformation.OrderQuantity, out int quantity);
                        doorInformation.OrderQuantity = quantity;

                        DoorInfoCalculate.DoorModel(orderInformation, out int thinPlateLength, out int thinPlateWidth,
                                                    out int thickPlateLength, out int thickPlateWidth);
                        doorInformation.ThinPlateLength  = thinPlateLength;
                        doorInformation.ThinPlateWidth   = thinPlateWidth;
                        doorInformation.ThickPlateLength = thickPlateLength;
                        doorInformation.ThickPlateWidth  = thickPlateWidth;

                        doorInformation.LaminationDosage = DoorInfoCalculate.Lamination(orderInformation);

                        DoorInfoCalculate.Gluing(orderInformation, out int thinPlateKeyholeX, out int thinPlateKeyholeY,
                                                 out int thickPlateKeyholeX, out int thickPlateKeyholeY, out int thinPlateViewerX,
                                                 out int thinPlateViewerY, out int thickPlateViewerX, out int thickPlateViewerY,
                                                 out int lockWidth, out int lockLength);
                        doorInformation.ThinPlateKeyholeX  = thinPlateKeyholeX;
                        doorInformation.ThinPlateKeyholeY  = thinPlateKeyholeY;
                        doorInformation.ThickPlateKeyholeX = thickPlateKeyholeX;
                        doorInformation.ThickPlateKeyholeY = thickPlateKeyholeY;
                        doorInformation.ThinPlateViewerX   = thinPlateViewerX;
                        doorInformation.ThinPlateViewerY   = thinPlateViewerY;
                        doorInformation.ThickPlateViewerX  = thickPlateViewerX;
                        doorInformation.ThickPlateViewerY  = thickPlateViewerY;
                        doorInformation.LockWidth          = lockWidth;
                        doorInformation.LockLength         = lockLength;

                        if (doorInformation.DoorMold == "防火门")
                            DoorInfoCalculate.PerliteFilling(orderInformation, out int perliteLength, out int perliteWidth);
                            doorInformation.PerliteLength    = perliteLength;
                            doorInformation.PerliteWidth     = perliteWidth;
                            doorInformation.PerliteThickness = thickness - 2;
                            doorInformation.PerliteLength    = 0;
                            doorInformation.PerliteWidth     = 0;
                            doorInformation.PerliteThickness = 0;

                        DoorInfoCalculate.GrindingWelding(orderInformation, thickPlateLength, thickPlateWidth, out int[] weldSpacingUpDown,
                                                          out int[] weldSpacingHinge, out int[] weldSpacingKeyhole, out int weldNumUpDown, out int weldNumHinge, out int weldNumKeyhole);
                        doorInformation.WeldNumUpDown      = weldNumUpDown;
                        doorInformation.WeldSpacingUpDown  = weldSpacingUpDown;
                        doorInformation.WeldNumHinge       = weldNumHinge;
                        doorInformation.WeldSpacingHinge   = weldSpacingHinge;
                        doorInformation.WeldNumKeyhole     = weldNumKeyhole;
                        doorInformation.WeldSpacingKeyhole = weldSpacingKeyhole;

                        string spacingUpDown = doorInformation.WeldSpacingUpDown[0].ToString();
                        for (int i = 1; i < doorInformation.WeldNumUpDown; i++)
                            spacingUpDown = spacingUpDown + ",";
                            spacingUpDown = spacingUpDown + doorInformation.WeldSpacingUpDown[i].ToString();
                        doorInformation.WeldSpacingUpDownStr = spacingUpDown;
                        string spacingHinge = doorInformation.WeldSpacingHinge[0].ToString();
                        for (int i = 1; i < doorInformation.WeldNumHinge; i++)
                            spacingHinge = spacingHinge + ",";
                            spacingHinge = spacingHinge + doorInformation.WeldSpacingHinge[i].ToString();
                        doorInformation.WeldSpacingHingeStr = spacingHinge;
                        string spacingKeyhole = doorInformation.WeldSpacingKeyhole[0].ToString();
                        for (int i = 1; i < doorInformation.WeldNumKeyhole; i++)
                            spacingKeyhole = spacingKeyhole + ",";
                            spacingKeyhole = spacingKeyhole + doorInformation.WeldSpacingKeyhole[i].ToString();
                        doorInformation.WeldSpacingKeyholeStr = spacingKeyhole;

        public void SendMail(OrderInformation orderInformation, int orderNumber)
            string orderPrice   = (orderInformation.GoodsTotalPrice + orderInformation.DeliveryPrice).ToString();
            string productsHTML = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < orderInformation.GoodNameArray.Count(); i++)
                productsHTML += @"
                        <!-- Product -->
                                <table width = '100%' style = 'border-collapse:collapse; border-top:1px solid #E5E5E5;'>   
                                    <tr><td height='24' colspan ='5'></td></tr>        
                                        <td width='24'></td>         
                                        <td width='80'><img src='http://*****:*****@"' width='80' alt='" + orderInformation.GoodNameArray[i] + @"'></td>                  
                                        <td width='24'></td>                   
                                        <td >                   
                                            <a href='#' style='font-size:20px; color:#424A5B; text-decoration:none'>" + orderInformation.GoodNameArray[i] + @"</span><br>                          
                                            <span style='font-size:12px; color:#939CA2;'>Purchased: " + DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime() + @"</span >                               
                                        <td width='124'>                                
                                            <table style = 'border-collapse:collapse'>                                 
                                                    <td width='24'></td>                                  
                                                    <td width='80' style = 'color:#424A5B; text-align: right;'>
                                                         " + orderInformation.GoodQuantityArray[i] + @" X $"
                                + orderInformation.GoodPriceArray[i] + @"<br> $"
                                + orderInformation.GoodTotalPriceArray[i] + @"
                                                    </td >
                                                    <td width='24'></td>                                         
                                    <tr><td height='24' colspan='5'></td></tr>        
                        <!-- Product end -->                                                                                   
            string mailBody = @"                    
                    <table align='center' bgcolor='#f9f8fb' style='font-family:Helvetica;border-collapse:collapse;width:100%;'>
				            <td colspan='3' height='24'></td>
			            <tr align='center'>
				            <td width='24'></td>				
					            <!-- Mail information -->
					            <table style='border-collapse:collapse; width:100%;'>
						            <!-- Header -->
						            <tr align='center'>
									            <tr width='100%' height='24'><td></td></tr>
									            <tr><td><a href='http://*****:*****@"</span>!<br>
																	            <span style='font-size: 14px;'>You have made an order! Order information is shown below.</span>
													            <td width='162'>
																            <td width='18'></td>
																            <td width='126'>
																	            <a href='http://*****:*****@"
                                                <!-- Delivery method -->
											            <table width='100%' style='height:49px; border-collapse:collapse; border-top:1px solid #E5E5E5;'>
													            <td width='24'></td>
													            <td align='left' style='font-size:12px; color:#939CA2;'>"                                                     + orderInformation.DeliveryMethods + @"</td>
													            <td align='right' style='font-size:16px; color:#424A5B;'>$ "                                                     + orderInformation.DeliveryPrice + @"</td>
													            <td width='24'></td>
									            <!-- Delivery method end -->

                                                <!-- Total price -->
											            <table width='100%' style='height:49px; border-collapse:collapse; border-top:1px solid #E5E5E5;'>
													            <td width='24'></td>
													            <td align='left' style='font-size:12px; color:#939CA2;'>TOTAL</td>
													            <td align='right' style='font-size:16px; color:#424A5B;'>$ "                                                     + orderPrice + @"</td>
													            <td width='24'></td>
									            <!-- Total price end -->
							            <td align='center'>
									            <tr width='100%' height='24'><td></td></tr>
									            <tr><td align='center' style='font-size:12px; color:#7E8993;'><a href='http://*****:*****", orderInformation.AddresseeEmail))
                mm.Subject    = "Order №" + orderNumber.ToString();
                mm.Body       = mailBody;
                mm.IsBodyHtml = true;
                using (SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient())
                    smtp.Host      = "";
                    smtp.EnableSsl = true;
                    NetworkCredential NetworkCred = new NetworkCredential("*****@*****.**", "ShakuroMarketplace2018");
                    smtp.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
                    smtp.Credentials           = NetworkCred;
                    smtp.Port = 587;
        /// <summary>
        /// This method will build the payload required for Creating Response in the Partner API
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="response"></param>
        /// <param name="loanInformation"></param>
        /// <param name="transactionId"></param>
        private void SubmitAcknowledgementToPartnerAPI(JObject response, JToken loanInformation, string transactionId)
            _Logger.LogInformation("[" + _ClassName + "] - SubmitAcknowledgementToPartnerAPI - [STARTS]");

                if (response != null)
                    _Logger.LogInformation("[" + _ClassName + "] - SubmitAcknowledgementToPartnerAPI - Submitting Resposne to Partner API ");

                    // assuming the response is of type JToken
                    if (response.SelectToken("$.result") != null && loanInformation != null)
                        var result          = response.SelectToken("$.result");
                        var productName     = loanInformation.SelectToken("$.product.options.productName");
                        var productId       = loanInformation.SelectToken("$.product.options.productId");
                        var existingOrderId = loanInformation.SelectToken("$.product.options.existingOrderId");

                        var random = new System.Random();

                        // setting the order id to existingOrderId if the payload has it otherwise setting it to a random number
                        var orderId = existingOrderId != null?existingOrderId.ToString() : random.Next(10000, 80000).ToString();

                        var orderInfo = new OrderInformation()
                            TransactionId = transactionId,
                            ProductName   = productName != null?productName.ToString() : string.Empty,
                                                ProductCode = productId != null?productId.ToString() : string.Empty,
                                                                  OrderId = existingOrderId != null?existingOrderId.ToString() : orderId.ToString(), // adding existing order id if it exists in the response object,
                                                                                OrderStatus     = response.SelectToken("$.status").ToString(),
                                                                                LoanInformation = loanInformation

                        // Adding Transaction Information in the local In Memory cache. This would be implemented by the partner in their own way to track transactions and their order statuses

                        // building payload for Partner API Create Response
                        dynamic responsePayload = new JObject();
                        dynamic orders          = new JArray();
                        dynamic order           = new JObject();

                        //var orderDate = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime();
                        var orderDate = DateTime.Now;

                        _Logger.LogInformation("[" + _ClassName + "] - SubmitAcknowledgementToPartnerAPI - Order Date time is " + orderDate.ToString("o"));

                          = orderId.ToString();
                        order.orderDateTime = orderDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm-ss:ff"); // result["orderDate"];
                        order.orderStatus   = response["status"];
                        order.orderMessage  = result["orderMessage"];
                        order.product       = productName;
                        order.documents     = new JArray();


                        responsePayload.orders = orders;

                        var responsePayloadString = Convert.ToString(responsePayload);

                        var partnerAPIWrapper = new PartnerAPIWrapper(this._AppSettings);

                        // This is the POST call to the Partner API (Create Response call) | partner/v1/transactions/{{transactionId}}/response
                        var isResponseCreated = partnerAPIWrapper.CreateResponse(responsePayloadString, transactionId);

                        if (isResponseCreated)
                            TransactionStatusCache.Instance.Add(transactionId, response);
            catch (Exception ex)
                _Logger.LogError("[" + _ClassName + "] - SubmitAcknowledgementToPartnerAPI - Exception - " + ex.Message);
                _Logger.LogError("[" + _ClassName + "] - SubmitAcknowledgementToPartnerAPI - StackTrace - " + ex.StackTrace);

            _Logger.LogInformation("[" + _ClassName + "] - SubmitAcknowledgementToPartnerAPI - [ENDS]");
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes user's history type selection input
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="orderHistoryType"></param>
        /// <param name="store"></param>
        /// <returns>Appropriate order history list view</returns>
        public IActionResult GetOrderHistorySelection(int orderHistoryType, Stores store = null)
            if (orderHistoryType == 1) //User selects to see their order history
                //Return the customer order history view which always prints out the order history of the currently logged in customer
                var loggedIn = _cache.Get("loggedInCustomer");
                loggedInCustomer = (Customers)loggedIn;

                //Select all the orders associated with logged in customer
                var custOrders = (from Orders in _db.Orders
                                  where Orders.WhoOrdered == loggedInCustomer.CustomerId
                                  select new { Orders.OrderDate,
                                               Orders.WhoOrdered }).ToList();

                //Select all the product info
                var orderItems = (from Products in _db.Products
                                  where Products.IsInBundle == false
                                  select new { Products.Skunum,
                                               Products.ProductDiscount }).ToList();

                //Get product info on all items in the order
                var custOrderInfo = (from Orders in custOrders
                                     from Products in orderItems
                                     where Orders.OrderedProduct == Products.Skunum
                                     orderby Orders.OrderDate descending
                                     select new {

                //Fresh instantiation of the OrderInfo list for populating
                orderInfo = new List <OrderInformation>();
                foreach (var order in custOrderInfo)
                    OrderInformation item = new OrderInformation();
                    item.OrderId              = order.OrderId;
                    item.OrderedProduct       = order.OrderedProduct;
                    item.ProductName          = order.ProductName;
                    item.OrderedProductAmount = order.OrderedProductAmount;
                    item.UnitPrice            = order.UnitPrice;
                    item.ProductDiscount      = order.ProductDiscount;
                    item.StoreOrderedFrom     = order.StoreOrderedFrom;
                    item.WhoOrdered           = order.WhoOrdered;
                    item.OrderDate            = order.OrderDate;
                    item.OrderTotal           = order.OrderTotal;
                return(View("_CustomerOrderHistory", orderInfo));