void internalInstruction_Executed(OrderExecutedEventArgs e)
     var onInstructionUpdated = this.InstructionUpdated;
     if (onInstructionUpdated != null)
         // TODO: retrieve investor instruction
         InvestorInstruction instruction = null;
         //var instruction = (InvestorInstruction)sender;
         onInstructionUpdated(this, new InvestorInstructionUpdatedDto(instruction.IdentifierDto, InvestorInstructionStatus.Executed));
        public void FailingTestForDemo()
            Check.ThatCode(() =>
                var args = new OrderExecutedEventArgs(100M, 150, Way.Sell);

                Check.That(args).HasFieldsWithSameValues(new { Price = 100, Quantity = 150, Way = Way.Sell });
                                         "The checked value's autoproperty 'Price' (field '<Price>k__BackingField') does not have the expected value.",
                                         "The checked value's autoproperty 'Price' (field '<Price>k__BackingField'):",
                                         "\t[100] of type: [decimal]",
                                         "The expected value's autoproperty 'Price' (field '<Price>k__BackingField'):",
                                         "\t[100] of type: [int]");
        public void FailingTestForDemo()
            Check.ThatCode(() =>
                var args = new OrderExecutedEventArgs(100M, 150, Way.Sell);

                Check.That(args).HasFieldsWithSameValues(new { Price = 100, Quantity = 150, Way = Way.Sell });
            .WithMessage(Environment.NewLine+ "The checked value's field 'Price' does not have the expected value." + Environment.NewLine + "The checked value:" + Environment.NewLine + "\t[100] of type: [decimal]" + Environment.NewLine + "The expected value:" + Environment.NewLine + "\t[100] of type: [int]");
Beispiel #4
        public void FailingTestForDemo()
            var args = new OrderExecutedEventArgs(100M, 150, Way.Sell);

            Check.That(args).HasFieldsWithSameValues(new { Price = 100, Quantity = 150, Way = Way.Sell });
Beispiel #5
 public void OnExecuted(object sender, OrderExecutedEventArgs e)
 public void ConsumeEvent(object sender, OrderExecutedEventArgs ea)
            public void FailingTestForDemo()
                var args = new OrderExecutedEventArgs(100M, 150, Way.Sell);

                Check.That(args).HasFieldsWithSameValues(new { Price = 100, Quantity = 150, Way = Way.Sell });