        public ActionResult AgentUserNameIndexSale(int ID)
            C_UserVM cuser = C_UserVM.GetVMByID(ID);

            ViewData["user"] = cuser;
            DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;

            ViewData["TheMonthSale"] = OrderCensus.GetLastMonthVal(string.Format("and ParentUser='******' and DatAudit >='{0}-{1}-01 00:00:00' and DatAudit <='{2}-{3}-01 00:00:00'", dt.Year, dt.Month, dt.AddMonths(1).Year, dt.AddMonths(1).Month))[0].SumPrice;
            ViewData["Sale"]         = OrderCensus.GetLastMonthVal(" and ParentUser='******'")[0].SumPrice;
        public ActionResult GetLastMonthValueSale(string ID)
            string where = string.Empty;
            int            month     = 0;
            int            year      = 0;
            int            Nextmonth = 0;
            int            Nextyear  = 0;
            List <decimal> SumVal    = new List <decimal>();
            DateTime       dt        = DateTime.Now;

            for (int i = 5; i >= 1; i--)
                year      = dt.AddMonths(-i).Year;
                month     = dt.AddMonths(-i).Month;
                Nextyear  = dt.AddMonths(-i + 1).Year;
                Nextmonth = dt.AddMonths(-i + 1).Month;
                where     = " and ParentUser='******'";
                where    += string.Format(" and DatAudit >='{0}-{1}-01 00:00:00' ", year, month);
                where    += string.Format(" and DatAudit <'{0}-{1}-01 00:00:00' ", Nextyear, Nextmonth);
                List <OrderCensusShow> list = OrderCensus.GetLastMonthVal(where);