public async Task <IActionResult> Delete([FromRoute] string userNameOrId)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ProjectId))
                       .BadRequest($"Project Id provided in the url path is invalid.  Must be a valid GUID.", ResultErrorCode.ValidationError)

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(userNameOrId))
                       .BadRequest($"The identifier '{userNameOrId}' provided in the url path is invalid.  Must be a valid email address or GUID.", ResultErrorCode.ValidationError)

            var userId = await userService

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userId))
                       .NotFound($"The user '{userNameOrId}' could not be found.")

            var user = await usersRepository

            if (user is null || !user.IsMember(ProjectId))
                       .NotFound($"The specified User could not be found in this Project.")

            if (user.IsOwner(ProjectId))
                var otherOwners = await usersRepository
                                  .AnyAsync(o => o.Id.Equals(userId, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))

                if (!otherOwners)
                           .BadRequest($"Projects must have at least one Owner. To delete this user you must first add another Owner.", ResultErrorCode.ValidationError)

            var currentUserForCommand = await userService

            var command = new OrchestratorProjectUserDeleteCommand(currentUserForCommand, user, ProjectId);

            return(await orchestrator
        public async Task <IActionResult> Delete([FromRoute] string userNameOrId)
            if (!ProjectId.HasValue)
                       .BadRequest($"Project Id provided in the url path is invalid.  Must be a valid GUID.", ResultErrorCode.ValidationError)

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(userNameOrId))
                       .BadRequest($"The identifier '{userNameOrId}' provided in the url path is invalid.  Must be a valid email address or GUID.", ResultErrorCode.ValidationError)

            var project = await projectsRepository

            if (project is null)
                       .NotFound($"A Project with the ID '{ProjectId.Value}' could not be found in this TeamCloud Instance.")

            if (!Guid.TryParse(userNameOrId, out var userId))
                var idLookup = await userService

                if (!idLookup.HasValue || idLookup.Value == Guid.Empty)
                           .NotFound($"A User with the email '{userNameOrId}' could not be found.")

                userId = idLookup.Value;

            var user = project?.Users?.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Id == userId);

            if (user is null)
                       .NotFound($"The specified User could not be found in this Project.")

            var command = new OrchestratorProjectUserDeleteCommand(CurrentUser, user, ProjectId.Value);

            var commandResult = await orchestrator

            if (commandResult.Links.TryGetValue("status", out var statusUrl))
                       .Accepted(commandResult.CommandId.ToString(), statusUrl, commandResult.RuntimeStatus.ToString(), commandResult.CustomStatus)

            throw new Exception("This shoudn't happen, but we need to decide to do when it does.");