//Computes the delta-V of the burn required to change an orbit's inclination to a given value
 //at a given UT. If the latitude at that time is too high, so that the desired inclination
 //cannot be attained, the burn returned will achieve as low an inclination as possible (namely, inclination = latitude).
 //The input inclination is in degrees.
 //Note that there are two orbits through each point with a given inclination. The convention used is:
 //   - first, clamp newInclination to the range -180, 180
 //   - if newInclination > 0, do the cheaper burn to set that inclination
 //   - if newInclination < 0, do the more expensive burn to set that inclination
 public static Vector3d DeltaVToChangeInclination(Orbit o, double UT, double newInclination)
     double latitude = o.referenceBody.GetLatitude(o.SwappedAbsolutePositionAtUT(UT));
     double desiredHeading = HeadingForInclination(newInclination, latitude);
     Vector3d actualHorizontalVelocity = Vector3d.Exclude(o.Up(UT), o.SwappedOrbitalVelocityAtUT(UT));
     Vector3d eastComponent = actualHorizontalVelocity.magnitude * Math.Sin(Math.PI / 180 * desiredHeading) * o.East(UT);
     Vector3d northComponent = actualHorizontalVelocity.magnitude * Math.Cos(Math.PI / 180 * desiredHeading) * o.North(UT);
     if (Vector3d.Dot(actualHorizontalVelocity, northComponent) < 0) northComponent *= -1;
     if (MuUtils.ClampDegrees180(newInclination) < 0) northComponent *= -1;
     Vector3d desiredHorizontalVelocity = eastComponent + northComponent;
     return desiredHorizontalVelocity - actualHorizontalVelocity;
        //Computes the deltaV of the burn needed to set a given LAN at a given UT.
        public static Vector3d DeltaVToShiftLAN(Orbit o, double UT, double newLAN)
            Vector3d pos = o.SwappedAbsolutePositionAtUT(UT);
            // Burn position in the same reference frame as LAN
            double burn_latitude = o.referenceBody.GetLatitude(pos);
            double burn_longitude = o.referenceBody.GetLongitude(pos) + o.referenceBody.rotationAngle;

            const double target_latitude = 0; // Equator
            double target_longitude = 0; // Prime Meridian

            // Select the location of either the descending or ascending node.
            // If the descending node is closer than the ascending node, or there is no ascending node, target the reverse of the newLAN
            // Otherwise target the newLAN
            if (o.AscendingNodeEquatorialExists() && o.DescendingNodeEquatorialExists())
                if (o.TimeOfDescendingNodeEquatorial(UT) < o.TimeOfAscendingNodeEquatorial(UT))
                    // DN is closer than AN
                    // Burning for the AN would entail flipping the orbit around, and would be very expensive
                    // therefore, burn for the corresponding Longitude of the Descending Node
                    target_longitude = MuUtils.ClampDegrees360(newLAN + 180.0);
                    // DN is closer than AN
                    target_longitude = MuUtils.ClampDegrees360(newLAN);
            else if (o.AscendingNodeEquatorialExists() && !o.DescendingNodeEquatorialExists())
                // No DN
                target_longitude = MuUtils.ClampDegrees360(newLAN);
            else if (!o.AscendingNodeEquatorialExists() && o.DescendingNodeEquatorialExists())
                // No AN
                target_longitude = MuUtils.ClampDegrees360(newLAN + 180.0);
                throw new ArgumentException("OrbitalManeuverCalculator.DeltaVToShiftLAN: No Equatorial Nodes");
            double desiredHeading = MuUtils.ClampDegrees360(Heading(burn_latitude, burn_longitude, target_latitude, target_longitude));
            Vector3d actualHorizontalVelocity = Vector3d.Exclude(o.Up(UT), o.SwappedOrbitalVelocityAtUT(UT));
            Vector3d eastComponent = actualHorizontalVelocity.magnitude * Math.Sin(Math.PI / 180 * desiredHeading) * o.East(UT);
            Vector3d northComponent = actualHorizontalVelocity.magnitude * Math.Cos(Math.PI / 180 * desiredHeading) * o.North(UT);
            Vector3d desiredHorizontalVelocity = eastComponent + northComponent;
            return desiredHorizontalVelocity - actualHorizontalVelocity;
Beispiel #3
        //Computes the delta-V of the burn required to change an orbit's inclination to a given value
        //at a given UT. If the latitude at that time is too high, so that the desired inclination
        //cannot be attained, the burn returned will achieve as low an inclination as possible (namely, inclination = latitude).
        //The input inclination is in degrees.
        //Note that there are two orbits through each point with a given inclination. The convention used is:
        //   - first, clamp newInclination to the range -180, 180
        //   - if newInclination > 0, do the cheaper burn to set that inclination
        //   - if newInclination < 0, do the more expensive burn to set that inclination
        public static Vector3d DeltaVToChangeInclination(Orbit o, double UT, double newInclination)
            double   latitude                 = o.referenceBody.GetLatitude(o.SwappedAbsolutePositionAtUT(UT));
            double   desiredHeading           = HeadingForInclination(newInclination, latitude);
            Vector3d actualHorizontalVelocity = Vector3d.Exclude(o.Up(UT), o.SwappedOrbitalVelocityAtUT(UT));
            Vector3d eastComponent            = actualHorizontalVelocity.magnitude * Math.Sin(Math.PI / 180 * desiredHeading) * o.East(UT);
            Vector3d northComponent           = actualHorizontalVelocity.magnitude * Math.Cos(Math.PI / 180 * desiredHeading) * o.North(UT);

            if (Vector3d.Dot(actualHorizontalVelocity, northComponent) < 0)
                northComponent *= -1;
            if (MuUtils.ClampDegrees180(newInclination) < 0)
                northComponent *= -1;
            Vector3d desiredHorizontalVelocity = eastComponent + northComponent;

            return(desiredHorizontalVelocity - actualHorizontalVelocity);
        //Computes the deltaV of the burn needed to set a given LAN at a given UT.
        public static Vector3d DeltaVToShiftLAN(Orbit o, double UT, double newLAN)
            Vector3d pos = o.SwappedAbsolutePositionAtUT(UT);
            // Burn position in the same reference frame as LAN
            double burn_latitude  = o.referenceBody.GetLatitude(pos);
            double burn_longitude = o.referenceBody.GetLongitude(pos) + o.referenceBody.rotationAngle;

            const double target_latitude  = 0; // Equator
            double       target_longitude = 0; // Prime Meridian

            // Select the location of either the descending or ascending node.
            // If the descending node is closer than the ascending node, or there is no ascending node, target the reverse of the newLAN
            // Otherwise target the newLAN
            if (o.AscendingNodeEquatorialExists() && o.DescendingNodeEquatorialExists())
                if (o.TimeOfDescendingNodeEquatorial(UT) < o.TimeOfAscendingNodeEquatorial(UT))
                    // DN is closer than AN
                    // Burning for the AN would entail flipping the orbit around, and would be very expensive
                    // therefore, burn for the corresponding Longitude of the Descending Node
                    target_longitude = MuUtils.ClampDegrees360(newLAN + 180.0);
                    // DN is closer than AN
                    target_longitude = MuUtils.ClampDegrees360(newLAN);
            else if (o.AscendingNodeEquatorialExists() && !o.DescendingNodeEquatorialExists())
                // No DN
                target_longitude = MuUtils.ClampDegrees360(newLAN);
            else if (!o.AscendingNodeEquatorialExists() && o.DescendingNodeEquatorialExists())
                // No AN
                target_longitude = MuUtils.ClampDegrees360(newLAN + 180.0);
                throw new ArgumentException("OrbitalManeuverCalculator.DeltaVToShiftLAN: No Equatorial Nodes");
            double   desiredHeading            = MuUtils.ClampDegrees360(Heading(burn_latitude, burn_longitude, target_latitude, target_longitude));
            Vector3d actualHorizontalVelocity  = Vector3d.Exclude(o.Up(UT), o.SwappedOrbitalVelocityAtUT(UT));
            Vector3d eastComponent             = actualHorizontalVelocity.magnitude * Math.Sin(Math.PI / 180 * desiredHeading) * o.East(UT);
            Vector3d northComponent            = actualHorizontalVelocity.magnitude * Math.Cos(Math.PI / 180 * desiredHeading) * o.North(UT);
            Vector3d desiredHorizontalVelocity = eastComponent + northComponent;

            return(desiredHorizontalVelocity - actualHorizontalVelocity);