Beispiel #1
        public static DropDownItem[] GetReasonCodes(string connectString, string providerName, string reasonType)
            const string strQuery = @"
                SELECT reason.reason_code AS reason_code,
                       reason.description AS description
               FROM tab_reason reason WHERE 1 = 1 <if c=""$reasonType = 'Pickslip'""> AND reason.pickslip_cancel_flag = 'Y'</if>";

            using (OracleDataSource ds = new OracleDataSource())
                ds.ConnectionString      = connectString;
                ds.SelectSql             = strQuery;
                ds.ProviderName          = providerName;
                ds.SysContext.ModuleName = "Retrieving reason codes";
                ds.SelectParameters.Add("reasonType", reasonType);
                ds.SelectSql = strQuery;
                //ds.CancelSelectOnValidationFailure = false;
                return((from object row in ds.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty)
                        select new DropDownItem()
                    Text = string.Format("{0}: {1}", DataBinder.Eval(row, "reason_code"),
                                         DataBinder.Eval(row, "description")),
                    Value = DataBinder.Eval(row, "reason_code", "{0}"),
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// If you are calling from a webmethod then pass storesWhat = CTN for getting carton area, SKU for getting SKU areas.
        /// If you want to select all areas pass empty string.
        /// Pass usableInventory as "true" if you want to select only usable inventory areas otherwise pass empty.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="connectString"></param>
        /// <param name="providerName"></param>
        /// <param name="storesWhat"></param>
        /// <param name="usableInventory"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static DropDownItem[] GetAreas(string connectString, string providerName, string storesWhat, string usableInventory)
            string strQuery = @"
select inventory_storage_area,
    short_name || ':' || description as description,
from tab_inventory_area
where 1 = 1
<if>AND stores_what = :stores_what</if>
<if c='$unusable_inventory'>AND unusable_inventory IS NULL</if>
order by short_name,warehouse_location_id

            using (OracleDataSource ds = new OracleDataSource())
                ds.ConnectionString      = connectString;
                ds.SelectSql             = strQuery;
                ds.ProviderName          = providerName;
                ds.SysContext.ModuleName = "Selecting Areas";
                //ds.CancelSelectOnValidationFailure = false;
                ds.SelectParameters.Add("stores_what", DbType.String, storesWhat);
                ds.SelectParameters.Add("unusable_inventory", DbType.String, usableInventory);

                var query = from object row in ds.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty)
                            select new DropDownItem()
                    Text        = string.Format("{0}", DataBinder.Eval(row, "description")),
                    Value       = DataBinder.Eval(row, "inventory_storage_area", "{0}"),
                    OptionGroup = DataBinder.Eval(row, "stores_what", "{0}")

Beispiel #3
        public static DropDownItem[] GetLabels(string connectString, string providerName, bool labelGroup)
            string QUERY;

            if (labelGroup)
                QUERY = @"
select tsl.label_id as label_id,
       MAX(twl.warehouse_location_id) as max_warehouse_location_id,
       MAX(twl.description) as building_description,
       COUNT(DISTINCT twl.warehouse_location_id) as count_warehouse_location_id,
       MAX(tsl.description) as label_description
  from <proxy />tab_style_label tsl
  left outer join <proxy />tab_label_group tlg on tsl.label_id = tlg.label_id
  left outer join <proxy />tab_warehouse_location twl on tlg.label_group =
 group by tsl.label_id
 order by tsl.label_id

                QUERY = @"select tsl.label_id as label_id,      
      tsl.description as label_description
  from <proxy />tab_style_label tsl
 order by tsl.label_id";

            using (OracleDataSource ds = new OracleDataSource())
                ds.ConnectionString      = connectString;
                ds.SelectSql             = QUERY;
                ds.ProviderName          = providerName;
                ds.SysContext.ModuleName = "Reteriving labels";
                //ds.CancelSelectOnValidationFailure = false;
                var query = from object row in ds.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty)
                            select new DropDownItem()
                    Text = string.Format("{0}: {1}", DataBinder.Eval(row, "label_id"),
                                         DataBinder.Eval(row, "label_description")),
                    Value = DataBinder.Eval(row, "label_id", "{0}")

Beispiel #4
        public static DropDownItem[] GetBuildings(string connectString, string providerName)
            const string strQuery = "select warehouse_location_id, description AS description from <proxy/>tab_warehouse_location order by 1";

            using (OracleDataSource ds = new OracleDataSource())
                ds.ProviderName          = providerName;
                ds.SysContext.ModuleName = "Retrieving Buildings";
                ds.ConnectionString      = connectString;
                ds.SelectSql             = strQuery;
                //ds.CancelSelectOnValidationFailure = false;

                return((from object row in ds.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty)
                        select new DropDownItem()
                    Text = string.Format("{0}: {1}", DataBinder.Eval(row, "warehouse_location_id"),
                                         DataBinder.Eval(row, "description")),
                    Value = DataBinder.Eval(row, "warehouse_location_id", "{0}"),
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Sharad 23 Aug 2011: Retrieving dates for +/- 2 years
        /// </summary>
        static BusinessDateTextBox()
            __monthStartDates = new List <DateTime>(24);
            const string QUERY = @"
SELECT t.month_start_date as month_start_date
FROM tab_fdc_calendar t
where t.fiscal_year &lt;= (:curYear + 2) and t.fiscal_year &gt;= (:curYear - 2)
ORDER BY t.month_start_date DESC

            using (OracleDataSource ds = new OracleDataSource(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["dcmslive"]))
                ds.SelectSql = QUERY;
                ds.SelectParameters.Add("curYear", TypeCode.Int32, DateTime.Today.Year.ToString());
                ds.SysContext.ModuleName = "Month Start Date";

                foreach (var row in ds.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty))
                    __monthStartDates.Add(Convert.ToDateTime(DataBinder.Eval(row, "month_start_date")));
Beispiel #6
        public static DropDownItem[] GetCustomerType(string connectString, string providerName)
            const string QUERY = @"
        select tct.customer_type, tct.description from tab_customer_type tct order by tct.description

            using (OracleDataSource ds = new OracleDataSource())
                ds.ConnectionString      = connectString;
                ds.SelectSql             = QUERY;
                ds.ProviderName          = providerName;
                ds.SysContext.ModuleName = "Customer Type";
                //ds.CancelSelectOnValidationFailure = false;
                return((from object row in ds.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty)
                        select new DropDownItem()
                    Text = string.Format("{0}: {1}", DataBinder.Eval(row, "customer_type"),
                                         DataBinder.Eval(row, "description")),
                    Value = DataBinder.Eval(row, "customer_type", "{0}")
Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        /// This is static to make it possible to call from a web service
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="connectString"></param>
        /// <param name="providerName"></param>
        /// <param name="printerType"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static DropDownItem[] GetPrinters(string connectString, string providerName, string printerType)
            const string strQuery = @"
select AS name,
    tabprinter.description AS description,
<if c='$printer_type'>
printer_type As printer_type
NULL as printer_type
from <proxy />tab_printer tabprinter 
where 1 = 1
<if c='$printer_type'>
AND upper(printer_type) = upper(:printer_type)
order by lower(name)";

            using (OracleDataSource ds = new OracleDataSource())
                ds.ProviderName          = providerName;
                ds.ConnectionString      = connectString;
                ds.SelectSql             = strQuery;
                ds.SysContext.ModuleName = "Retrieving printers";
                //ds.CancelSelectOnValidationFailure = false;
                ds.SelectParameters.Add("printer_type", DbType.String, printerType);
                return((from object row in ds.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty)
                        select new DropDownItem()
                    Text = string.Format("{0}: {1}", DataBinder.Eval(row, "name"),
                                         DataBinder.Eval(row, "description")),
                    Value = DataBinder.Eval(row, "name", "{0}"),
                    OptionGroup = DataBinder.Eval(row, "printer_type", "{0}")
Beispiel #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Called once to retrieve customer constraints.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ds"></param>
        /// <param name="customer_id"></param>
        /// <returns>Returns true if each SKU must have the min max pieces specified</returns>
        private bool RetrieveFromDataBase(string customer_id)
            //TODO: We will include the customer constraints also in future.
            _ds.SelectSql = @"select c.required_case_id as required_case_id,
                                        c.max_pieces_per_box from <proxy />cust c 
                                  where c.customer_id=:customer_id";
            _ds.SelectParameters.Add("customer_id", DbType.String, customer_id);

            var c = (from object obj in _ds.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty)
                     select obj).FirstOrDefault();

            string requiredCaseId = DataBinder.Eval(c, "required_case_id", "{0}");

            _ds.SelectSql = @"
                              with const as
                     (select s.splh_id as splh_id,
                             s.splh_value as splh_value
                        from <proxy />splh s
                       WHERE s.splh_id IN ('$SSB', '$PSMINMAX','$BOXMAXWT','$BOXMINWT','$CSEMINVOL','$CSEMAXVOL', '$MAXSKUPB' )

                    cust_const as
                     (select c.splh_id, c.splh_value
                        from <proxy />custsplh c
                       where c.customer_id = :customer_id
                         and c.splh_id IN ('$SSB', '$PSMINMAX','$BOXMAXWT','$BOXMINWT','$CSEMINVOL','$CSEMAXVOL','$MAXSKUPB')
                         and c.splh_value is not null)

                    select co.splh_id, nvl(c.splh_value,co.splh_value) splh_value
                      from const co
                      left outer join cust_const c
                        on co.splh_id = c.splh_id
                     where nvl(c.splh_value,co.splh_value) is not null
            bool bMinMaxPiecesRequired = false;

            _ds.SelectParameters.Add("customer_id", DbType.String, customer_id);
            //Getting the constraint values and set in respective properties.
            decimal?minVolume = null;
            decimal?maxVolume = null;

            foreach (var row in _ds.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty))
                object obj;
                switch (DataBinder.Eval(row, "splh_id", "{0}"))
                //Setting the Single SKU per Box
                case ("$SSB"):
                    switch (DataBinder.Eval(row, "splh_value", "{0}"))
                    case "Y":
                    case "SCDZ":
                        this.SkuMixing = SkuPerBox.SingleSku;

                    case "SC":
                        this.SkuMixing = SkuPerBox.SingleStyleColor;

                        this.SkuMixing = SkuPerBox.NoConstraint;

                //Setting the pickslip level min max setting
                case ("$PSMINMAX"):
                    switch (DataBinder.Eval(row, "splh_value", "{0}"))
                    case "REQUIRED":
                        // Every SKU must have min/max defined
                        bMinMaxPiecesRequired = true;
                        this.SkuMixing        = SkuPerBox.SingleSku;

                    case "Y":
                        bMinMaxPiecesRequired = true;


                //Setting Box Max Weight Constraint if defined.
                case ("$BOXMAXWT"):
                    obj = DataBinder.Eval(row, "splh_value");
                    if (obj != DBNull.Value)
                        BoxMaxWeight = Convert.ToDecimal(obj);

                //setting the Box Min Weight Constraint if defined.
                case ("$BOXMINWT"):
                    obj = DataBinder.Eval(row, "splh_value");
                    if (obj != DBNull.Value)
                        BoxMinWeight = Convert.ToDecimal(obj);

                //Setting the Case Min Volume Constraint is defined
                case ("$CSEMINVOL"):
                    obj = DataBinder.Eval(row, "splh_value");
                    if (obj != DBNull.Value)
                        minVolume = Convert.ToDecimal(obj);

                //Setting the Case Max Volume Constraint if defined
                case ("$CSEMAXVOL"):
                    obj = DataBinder.Eval(row, "splh_value");
                    if (obj != DBNull.Value)
                        maxVolume = Convert.ToDecimal(obj);

                //Setting the Maximum SKUs per Box.
                case ("$MAXSKUPB"):
                    MaxSkuPerBox = Convert.ToInt32(DataBinder.Eval(row, "splh_value"));

            //Maximum SKUs per Box(Honored only in case when single sku per box is set as single style color)
            if (SkuMixing != SkuPerBox.SingleStyleColor)
                MaxSkuPerBox = 0;

            //Getting the all box cases available
            RetrieveBoxCases(requiredCaseId, minVolume, maxVolume);

Beispiel #9
    private IEnumerable <ReportStat> GetReportStats()
        ReportStat[] statistics;
            statistics = (ReportStat[])Cache["ReportStatData"];
        catch (InvalidCastException)
            // This happens when default.aspx page is recompiled. Just Ignore the cache
            statistics = null;

        if (statistics != null)

        using (OracleDataSource dsHits = new OracleDataSource())
            dsHits.SelectSql             = @"
select t.report_id as report_id,
       MIN(t.query_seconds) as min_query_seconds,
       MAX(t.query_seconds) as max_query_seconds,
       ROUND(AVG(t.query_seconds), 4) as avg_query_seconds,
       MAX(t.hit_index) as hit_count
  from xreporter_report_hits t
  where t.application_name = :application_name
 group by t.report_id
            dsHits.SysContext.ModuleName = "DCMS Live 2009 Home";
            dsHits.ConnectionString      = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DCMSLIVE"].ConnectionString;
            dsHits.ProviderName          = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DCMSLIVE"].ProviderName;
            Parameter appName = new Parameter("application_name", DbType.String);
            appName.DefaultValue = ProfileManager.Provider.ApplicationName;
                statistics =
                    (from object stat in dsHits.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty)
                     select new ReportStat(DataBinder.Eval(stat, "report_id", "{0}"))
                    MinQuerySeconds = DataBinder.Eval(stat, "min_query_seconds"),
                    MaxQuerySeconds = DataBinder.Eval(stat, "max_query_seconds"),
                    AverageQuerySeconds = DataBinder.Eval(stat, "avg_query_seconds"),
                    HitCount = DataBinder.Eval(stat, "hit_count")
                Cache.Insert("ReportStatData", statistics, null, DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(1),
                __statUpdateTime = DateTime.Now;
            catch (DbException ex)
                // Empty array
                statistics = new ReportStat[0];
                mvStats.ActiveViewIndex = 1;
                lblError.Text           = ex.Message;