public OperatorStatistics examineAllAxiomsOfInputOutput(SampleForInputOutput sample, EnumExamineInputOutputType type)
            ExternalOperator   chosenOperator;
            OperatorStatistics statistics;

            statistics = new OperatorStatistics();

            // TODO< abstract the input/output thing into a own class for better usage >
            List <Variadic> values;

            // TODO< use the types of the data and select the possible operators based on that type >

            // TODO< iterate through the possible operators >
            chosenOperator = externalOperators[0];

            if (type == EnumExamineInputOutputType.INPUT)
                // TODO< case for the type >

                values = sample.input;
            else if (type == EnumExamineInputOutputType.OUTPUT)
                values = sample.output;
                throw new Exception("Internal Error");

            // TODO< switch for the type >

            // iterate through all values
            int i;

            for (i = 0; i < values.Count - 1; i++)
                compareValuesWithNotificationAndStoreResultInStatistics(communicationChannel, statistics, chosenOperator, values[i], values[i + 1]);

            // compare first and last
            compareValuesWithNotificationAndStoreResultInStatistics(communicationChannel, statistics, chosenOperator, values[0], values[values.Count - 1]);

        private static void compareValuesWithNotificationAndStoreResultInStatistics(CommunicationChannel communicationChannel, OperatorStatistics statistics, ExternalOperator calledOperator, Variadic left, Variadic right)
            List <Variadic> operatorParameters;
            Variadic        operatorResult;

            operatorParameters = new List <Variadic>();

            operatorResult = callExternalOperatorAndSignalOnCommunicationChannel(communicationChannel, calledOperator, operatorParameters);
            // the result is supposed to be binary
            // TODO< other types? >

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(operatorResult.type == Variadic.EnumType.BOOL);