Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// 麻醉患者手术信息
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">查询条件</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <dynamic> GetAnesShiftOperInfoList(OperQueryParaModel model)
            string sql = sqlDict.GetSQLByKey("GetAnesShiftOperInfoList");

            DateTime?startTime = null;
            DateTime?endTime   = null;

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.SHIFT_DATE))
                if (model.SHIFT_TYUPE == "1")// 白班
                    startTime = Convert.ToDateTime(model.SHIFT_DATE).Date.AddHours(8);
                    endTime   = Convert.ToDateTime(model.SHIFT_DATE).Date.AddHours(18);
                else if (model.SHIFT_TYUPE == "0")// 夜班
                    startTime = Convert.ToDateTime(model.SHIFT_DATE).Date.AddHours(18);
                    endTime   = Convert.ToDateTime(model.SHIFT_DATE).Date.AddDays(1).AddHours(8);

            List <dynamic> list = dapper.Set <dynamic>().Query(sql, new
                StartDate = startTime,
                EndDate   = endTime,

Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// 手术信息EChart图标统计
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public virtual IList <dynamic> QueryOperEChartReportForDirectionIndex(OperQueryParaModel model)
            //string sql = sqlDict.GetSQLByKey("QueryOperInfosForDirectorIndex");
            //年月日SQL暂时未定怎么存放   暂时放此处
            string sql = "";

            if (model.TimeType == "month")
                // DateTime date = Convert.ToDateTime(Convert.ToDateTime(model.StartDate).Year + "-" + Convert.ToDateTime(model.StartDate).Month);
                string date = Convert.ToDateTime(model.StartDate).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                sql = @"
                    select a.s_date name, nvl(b.value, 0) value
                      from (select rownum s_date
                              from dual
                            connect by rownum <= last_day(to_date('" + date + @"', 'yyyy-mm-dd')) -
                                       to_date('" + date + @"', 'yyyy-mm-dd') + 1) a
                      left join (
                                 select to_number(to_char(START_DATE_TIME, 'dd')) name,
                                         count(1) value
                                   from MED_OPERATION_MASTER
                                  where Oper_Status_Code >= 35
                                    and to_char(START_DATE_TIME, 'yyyy-MM') =
                                        to_char(to_date('" + date + @"', 'yyyy-MM-dd'), 'yyyy-MM')
                                  group by to_char(START_DATE_TIME, 'dd')
                                  order by to_char(START_DATE_TIME, 'dd')) b
                        on a.s_date =
                     order by a.s_date";
            else if (model.TimeType == "year")
                //sql = @"select to_number(to_char(START_DATE_TIME,'MM')) name,count(1) value
                //        from MED_OPERATION_MASTER where Oper_Status_Code>=35 and to_char(START_DATE_TIME, 'yyyy') = to_char(to_date('" + Convert.ToDateTime(model.StartDate).ToShortDateString() + @"', 'yyyy-MM-dd'), 'yyyy') group by to_char(START_DATE_TIME, 'MM')
                //          order by to_char(START_DATE_TIME, 'MM')";
                sql = @"select a.mon name, nvl(b.value, 0) value
                  from (select level mon from dual connect by level < 13) a
                  left join (select to_number(to_char(START_DATE_TIME, 'MM')) name,
                                    count(1) value
                               from MED_OPERATION_MASTER a
                              where Oper_Status_Code >= 35
                                and to_char(START_DATE_TIME, 'yyyy') =
                                    to_char(to_date('" + Convert.ToDateTime(model.StartDate) + @"', 'yyyy-MM-dd'), 'yyyy') group by to_char(START_DATE_TIME, 'MM')
                              order by to_char(START_DATE_TIME, 'MM')) b
                    on a.mon =
                 order by a.mon";
                return(dapper.Set <dynamic>().Query(sql, new { }));
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.Error("查询工作量信息QueryOperEChartReportForDirectionIndex:" + model.TimeType, ex);
Beispiel #3
        public void SaveWeChatCloudOperInfoData()
            OperQueryParaModel model        = new OperQueryParaModel();
            dynamic            operinfolist = WeiXinQuery.GetOperInfo(model);
            PostObject         obj          = new PostObject();

            obj.Data = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(operinfolist);;
            WebApiVisitor.PostAccessApi(webFrontEndUrl + "api/FrontEndMachine/SaveWeChatCloudOperInfoData", obj);
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// 手术信息EChart图标下方集中统计统计
        /// </summary>
        public dynamic GetWeiXinOperInfo(OperQueryParaModel model)
            //string sql = sqlDict.GetSQLByKey("QueryOperInfosForDirectorIndex");
            //年月日SQL暂时未定怎么存放   暂时放此处
            string sql = "";

            if (model.TimeType == "month")
                sql = @"with temp as
                         (select *
                            from medsurgery.MED_OPERATION_MASTER m
                           WHERE TO_CHAR(START_DATE_TIME, 'YYYY') = :Year
                             AND TO_CHAR(START_DATE_TIME, 'MM') = :Month and m.Oper_Status_Code>=35 )

                        ( select count(1) from temp ) TotalCount,
                        decode((select count(1) operCount from  (select  1 from temp group by to_char(START_DATE_TIME,'yyyy-MM-dd'))),0,0,  round(( select  count(1) from temp )/ (select count(1) operCount from  (select  1 from temp group by to_char(START_DATE_TIME,'yyyy-MM-dd'))),0)) DayAvgCount,
                        (select dateTime  from  (select to_char(START_DATE_TIME,'yyyy-MM-dd') dateTime,  count(1) operCount from temp group by to_char(START_DATE_TIME,'yyyy-MM-dd') order by count(1) desc) where rownum=1)  MostOperDate,
                        (select operCount  from  (select to_char(START_DATE_TIME,'yyyy-MM-dd') dateTime,  count(1) operCount from temp group by to_char(START_DATE_TIME,'yyyy-MM-dd') order by count(1) desc) where rownum=1)  MostOperCount,
                        (select dateTime  from  (select to_char(START_DATE_TIME,'yyyy-MM-dd') dateTime,  count(1) operCount from temp group by to_char(START_DATE_TIME,'yyyy-MM-dd') order by count(1) ) where rownum=1) LeastOperDate,
                        (select operCount  from  (select to_char(START_DATE_TIME,'yyyy-MM-dd') dateTime,  count(1) operCount from temp group by to_char(START_DATE_TIME,'yyyy-MM-dd') order by count(1) ) where rownum=1)  LeastOperCount,
                        ( select count(1) from temp where   to_char(START_DATE_TIME,'day') ='星期六' or  to_char(START_DATE_TIME,'day')='星期日' ) WeekOperCount,
                        ( select count(1) from temp where Emergency_Ind=1 ) EmergencyCount
                         from dual 

                return(dapper.Set <dynamic>().Query(sql, new { Year = Convert.ToDateTime(model.StartDate).Year, Month = Convert.ToDateTime(model.StartDate).Month }).FirstOrDefault());
            else if (model.TimeType == "year")
                sql = @"with temp as
                         (select *
                            from medsurgery.MED_OPERATION_MASTER m
                           WHERE TO_CHAR(START_DATE_TIME, 'YYYY') = :Year and m.Oper_Status_Code>=35 )

                        ( select count(1) from temp ) TotalCount,
                       decode((select count(1) operCount from  (select  1 from temp group by to_char(START_DATE_TIME,'yyyy-MM-dd'))),0,0,  round(( select  count(1) from temp )/ (select count(1) operCount from  (select  1 from temp group by to_char(START_DATE_TIME,'yyyy-MM-dd'))),0)) DayAvgCount,
                        (select dateTime  from  (select to_char(START_DATE_TIME,'yyyy-MM-dd') dateTime,  count(1) operCount from temp group by to_char(START_DATE_TIME,'yyyy-MM-dd') order by count(1) desc) where rownum=1)  MostOperDate,
                        (select operCount  from  (select to_char(START_DATE_TIME,'yyyy-MM-dd') dateTime,  count(1) operCount from temp group by to_char(START_DATE_TIME,'yyyy-MM-dd') order by count(1) desc) where rownum=1)  MostOperCount,
                        (select dateTime  from  (select to_char(START_DATE_TIME,'yyyy-MM-dd') dateTime,  count(1) operCount from temp group by to_char(START_DATE_TIME,'yyyy-MM-dd') order by count(1) ) where rownum=1) LeastOperDate,
                        (select operCount  from  (select to_char(START_DATE_TIME,'yyyy-MM-dd') dateTime,  count(1) operCount from temp group by to_char(START_DATE_TIME,'yyyy-MM-dd') order by count(1) ) where rownum=1)  LeastOperCount,
                        ( select count(1) from temp where   to_char(START_DATE_TIME,'day') ='星期六' or  to_char(START_DATE_TIME,'day')='星期日' ) WeekOperCount,
                        ( select count(1) from temp where Emergency_Ind=1 ) EmergencyCount
                         from dual 

                return(dapper.Set <dynamic>().Query(sql, new { Year = Convert.ToDateTime(model.StartDate).Year, Month = Convert.ToDateTime(model.StartDate).Month }).FirstOrDefault());
            return(dapper.Set <dynamic>().Query(sql, new { }).FirstOrDefault());
Beispiel #5
        public RequestResult <dynamic> QueryOutOperatingAnesRecord(OperQueryParaModel model)
            IList <dynamic> MedOperationMasterList = AnesInfo.GetOutOperatingAnesRecord(model);

            dynamic dynamicInfo = new { Total = MedOperationMasterList.Count, CurrentData = MedOperationMasterList.Skip((model.CurrentPage - 1) * model.PageSize).Take(model.PageSize).ToList() };

            return(Success <dynamic>(dynamicInfo));
Beispiel #6
        /// <summary>
        /// 查询文书PDF列表
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IList <AnesDocumentPDFSrcEntity> QueryAnesDocumentPDF(OperQueryParaModel model)
            string sql = sqlDict.GetSQLByKey("QueryAnesDocumentPDF");

            return(dapper.Set <AnesDocumentPDFSrcEntity>().Query(sql, new
                PatientId = model.PatientId,
                VisitId = model.VisitId,
                OperId = model.OperId,
                DocName = model.SearchMark
Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        /// 病例病程
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IList <dynamic> GetOutOperatingAnesRecord(OperQueryParaModel model)
            string sql = sqlDict.GetSQLByKey("GetOutOperatingAnesRecord");

            return(dapper.Set <dynamic>().Query(sql, new
                StartDate = Convert.ToDateTime(model.StartDate),
                EndDate = Convert.ToDateTime(model.EndDate).AddDays(1),
                INP_NO = model.InpNo,
                ANES_DOCTOR = model.AnesDoctor
Beispiel #8
        public RequestResult <dynamic> GetAnesthesiaEvent(OperQueryParaModel model)
            DateTime startTime = DateTime.MinValue;

            DateTime endTime = DateTime.MinValue;

            DateTime.TryParse(model.StartDate, out startTime);

            DateTime.TryParse(model.EndDate, out endTime);

            return(Success <dynamic>(surgicalMonitorService.GetAnesthesiaEvent(model.PatientId, model.VisitId, model.OperId, startTime, endTime)));
Beispiel #9
        public RequestPageResult <List <dynamic> > GetPatientInfoList(OperQueryParaModel model)
            List <dynamic> list = nurseManageService.GetPatientInfoList(model);

            List <dynamic> pageList = list;

            if (list.Count > model.PageSize)
                pageList = pageList.Skip((model.CurrentPage - 1) * model.PageSize).Take(model.PageSize).ToList();
            return(PageSuccess(pageList, model.PageSize, model.CurrentPage, list.Count));
Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取医院信息数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IList <MED_WECHAT_HOSPITALS> GetHospitalList(OperQueryParaModel model)
            string sql = @" select *
 where (a.hospital_name like '%' || @HospitalNameKey || '%'
    or a.short_name like '%' || @HospitalNameKey || '%' or @HospitalNameKey is null) and (a.province like '%' || @ProvinceKey || '%'
    or like '%' || @ProvinceKey || '%' or @ProvinceKey is null )";

                return(dapper.Set <MED_WECHAT_HOSPITALS>().Query(sql, new { HospitalNameKey = model.QueryType, ProvinceKey = model.SearchMark }));
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.Error("读取医院信息数据GetHospitalList:", ex);
Beispiel #11
        public bool SaveWeChatCloudStatisticsDataAll(OperQueryParaModel para)
            DateTime           start = Convert.ToDateTime(para.StartDate);
            DateTime           end   = Convert.ToDateTime(para.EndDate).AddMonths(1).AddDays(-1);
            OperQueryParaModel model = new OperQueryParaModel();
            bool result = false;

            if (start < end)
                    model.StartDate = start.ToString();
                    start  = start.AddMonths(1);
                    result = true;
                }while (start < end);
Beispiel #12
        public IList <OperQuerytForAnesQueryEntity> GetChargePatientList(OperQueryParaModel model)
            string   sql       = sqlDict.GetSQLByKey("GetChargePatientQuery");
            DateTime?startTime = null;
            DateTime?endTime   = null;

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.StartDate))
                startTime = Convert.ToDateTime(model.StartDate);
                endTime   = Convert.ToDateTime(model.EndDate).AddDays(1);
            return(dapper.Set <OperQuerytForAnesQueryEntity>().Query(sql, new
                STATUS = model.StatusType.Equals("已审核") ? "2" : "1",
                PatName = model.PatName,
                InpNo = model.InpNo,
                AnesDoctor = model.AnesDoctor,
                StartDate = startTime,
                EndDate = endTime,
Beispiel #13
        /// <summary>
        /// 手术查询
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">对象</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IList <OperQuerytForAnesQueryEntity> GetOperList(OperQueryParaModel model)
            string   sql       = sqlDict.GetSQLByKey("GetOperListForAnesQuery");
            DateTime?startTime = null;
            DateTime?endTime   = null;

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.StartDate))
                startTime = Convert.ToDateTime(model.StartDate);
                endTime   = Convert.ToDateTime(model.EndDate).AddDays(1);
            return(dapper.Set <OperQuerytForAnesQueryEntity>().Query(sql, new
                PatName = model.PatName,
                InpNo = model.InpNo,
                AnesDoctor = model.AnesDoctor,
                StartDate = startTime,
                EndDate = endTime,
Beispiel #14
        public void SaveWeChatCloudQuanlityData(OperQueryParaModel para)
            List <MED_QC_REPORT_IND> list = WeiXinQuery.GetQuanlityControlReportInd();

            DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;

            if (para.StartDate == "")
                dt = WeiXinQuery.GetSysDate().AddMonths(-1);
                dt = Convert.ToDateTime(para.StartDate);
            //DateTime dt = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-3); //WeiXinQuery.GetSysDate().AddMonths(-1);

            MED_QC_REPORT_IND find = list.Find(t => t.REPORT_MONTH == (dt.ToString("yyyyMM")));

            if (find != null)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(find.REPORT_NAME))
                    IList <MED_QC_REPORT_LIST> reportList = WeiXinQuery.GetQuanlityControlReportBakItemList(find.REPORT_NAME);

                    find.list = reportList;
                    PostObject obj = new PostObject();
                    obj.Data        = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(find);
                    obj.ReportMonth = dt.ToString();
                        WebApiVisitor.PostAccessApi(webFrontEndUrl + "api/FrontEndMachine/SaveWeChatCloudQuanlityData", obj);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                    { }
Beispiel #15
        public void SaveWeChatCloudStatisticsData(OperQueryParaModel para)
            List <PostObject>  list  = new List <PostObject>();  //汇总list
            OperQueryParaModel model = new OperQueryParaModel(); //工作量

            if (para.StartDate == "")
                model.StartDate = WeiXinQuery.GetSysDate().ToString();
                model.StartDate = para.StartDate.ToString();
            model.TimeType = "month";
            dynamic listWorkTime = WeiXinQuery.QueryOperEChartReportForDirectionIndex(model);  //获取图标

            list.Add(GetPostObject("工作量明细", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(listWorkTime), model.StartDate));
            dynamic listWorkTimeDetail = WeiXinQuery.GetWeiXinOperInfo(model);//获取图标明细

            list.Add(GetPostObject("工作量", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(listWorkTimeDetail), model.StartDate));

            model.QueryType = "ASA";
            dynamic listASA = WeiXinQuery.QueryRightEChartReportForDirectionIndex(model);//获取ASA

            list.Add(GetPostObject("ASA分级", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(listASA), model.StartDate));
            model.QueryType = "AnesMethod";
            dynamic listMethod = WeiXinQuery.QueryRightEChartReportForDirectionIndex(model);//获取麻醉方式

            list.Add(GetPostObject("麻醉方式", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(listMethod), model.StartDate));

                WebApiVisitor.PostAccessApi(webFrontEndUrl + "api/FrontEndMachine/SaveWeChatCloudStatisticsData", list);
            catch (Exception ex)
Beispiel #16
        public RequestResult <OperInfosForDoctorIndexEntity> QueryOperInfosForDoctorIndex(OperQueryParaModel model)
            OperInfosForDoctorIndexEntity list = AnesQuery.QueryOperInfosForDoctorIndex(model);

Beispiel #17
        public RequestResult <IList <EChartsItemEntity> > QueryRightEChartReportForDirectionIndex(OperQueryParaModel modela)
            IList <EChartsItemEntity> list = AnesQuery.QueryRightEChartReportForDirectionIndex(modela);

Beispiel #18
        public RequestResult <OperReportForDirectionEntity> QueryOperReportForDirectionIndex(OperQueryParaModel modela)
            OperReportForDirectionEntity list = AnesQuery.QueryOperReportForDirectionIndex(modela);

Beispiel #19
 public RequestResult <List <AnesDocumentPDFSrcEntity> > GetUnUploadPatientInfos(OperQueryParaModel model)
Beispiel #20
        public RequestPageResult <IList <OperQuerytForAnesQueryEntity> > GetChargePatientList(OperQueryParaModel model)
            IList <OperQuerytForAnesQueryEntity> list = ChargeInfo.GetChargePatientList(model);

            return(PageSuccess(list, 0, 0, list.Count));
Beispiel #21
        public RequestPageResult <List <MED_ANES_SHIFT_PATIENTINFO> > GetAnesShiftPatientInfoList(OperQueryParaModel model)
            List <MED_ANES_SHIFT_PATIENTINFO> list = anesShiftService.GetAnesShiftPatientInfoList(model);

            return(PageSuccess(list, model.PageSize, model.CurrentPage, list.Count));
Beispiel #22
        public RequestResult <IList <AnesDocumentPDFSrcEntity> > QueryAnesDocumentPDF(OperQueryParaModel model)
            //string docName = "";
            //switch (model.SearchMark)
            //    case "1":
            //        docName = "麻醉同意书";
            //        break;
            //    case "2":
            //        docName = "术前访视单";
            //        break;
            //    case "3":
            //        docName = "麻醉计划单";
            //        break;
            //    case "4":
            //        docName = "麻醉记录单";
            //        break;
            //    case "5":
            //        docName = "麻醉总结单";
            //        break;
            //    case "6":
            //        docName = "术后随访单";
            //        break;
            //    case "7":
            //        docName = "镇痛记录单";
            //        break;
            //    case "8":
            //        docName = "复苏记录单";
            //        break;

            //model.SearchMark = docName;
            IList <AnesDocumentPDFSrcEntity> list = PatientRecord.QueryAnesDocumentPDF(model);

Beispiel #23
        public RequestPageResult <IList <OperQuerytForDoctorIndexEntity> > QueryOperListForNurseIndex(OperQueryParaModel model)
            IList <OperQuerytForDoctorIndexEntity> list = AnesQuery.GetOperListForNurseIndex(model);

            IList <OperQuerytForDoctorIndexEntity> pageList = list;

            if (list.Count > model.PageSize)
                //pageList = (IList<OperQuerytForDoctorIndexEntity>)list.Where(p => (p.ID - 1) >=
                //(model.CurrentPage - 1) * model.PageSize && (p.ID - 1) < model.CurrentPage * model.PageSize).ToList(); ;

                pageList = pageList.Skip((model.CurrentPage - 1) * model.PageSize).Take(model.PageSize).ToList();
            return(PageSuccess(pageList, model.PageSize, model.CurrentPage, list.Count));
Beispiel #24
        /// <summary>
        /// 病例病程
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public OperPatientProgressEntity QueryOperPatientProgress(OperQueryParaModel model)
//            string sql = @"select a.patient_id,
//                           a.visit_id,
//                           a.oper_id,
//                           b.Name,
//                           b.Sex,
//                           ROUND((a.SCHEDULED_DATE_TIME - b.DATE_OF_BIRTH) / 365, 0) AS AGE,
//                           a.Bed_No,
//                           e.Inp_No,
//                           e.ADMISSION_DATE_TIME,
//                           c.Dept_Name,
//                           nvl(d.User_Name, a.Anes_Doctor) AnesDoctor,
//                           nvl(d1.User_Name, a.Surgeon) Surgeon,
//                           DIAG_BEFORE_OPERATION,
//                           OPERATION_NAME,
//                           OPER_POSITION,
//                           A.Oper_Scale,
//                           a.Scheduled_Date_Time,
//                           f.Height,
//                           f.Weight,
//                           g.item_value before_BP1,
//                           g1.Item_Value before_BP2,
//                           g2.Item_Value before_P,
//                           g3.Item_Value brfore_R,
//                           g4.Item_Value before_XDT,
//                           decode(g5.Item_Value, '0', '有', '1', '无', '无') before_YWGMS,
//                           a.ANES_METHOD,
//                           a.Asa_Grade,
//                           TO_CHAR(TRUNC((NVL((a.End_Date_Time - a.Start_Date_Time) * 24, 0) * 60) / 60,
//                                         0)) || '小时' ||
//                           TO_CHAR(ROUND(MOD((NVL((a.End_Date_Time - a.Start_Date_Time) * 24, 0) * 60),
//                                             60),
//                                         0)) || '分钟' AS OPERTIME,
//                           a.In_Date_Time,
//                           a.Out_Date_Time,
//                           a.Start_Date_Time,
//                           a.End_Date_Time,
//                           a.Anes_Start_Time,
//                           a.Anes_End_Time,
//                           a.In_Pacu_Date_Time,
//                           a.Out_Pacu_Date_Time,  nvl(mead.Docs,'无') Docs
//                      from Med_Operation_Master a
//                      left join Med_Pat_Master_Index b
//                        on a.Patient_Id = b.Patient_Id
//                      left join Med_Dept_Dict c
//                        on a.Dept_Code = c.Dept_Code
//                      left join Med_His_Users d
//                        on a.Anes_Doctor = d.User_Job_Id
//                      left join Med_His_Users d1
//                        on a.Surgeon = d1.User_Job_Id
//                      left join Med_Pats_In_Hospital e
//                        on a.Patient_Id = e.Patient_Id
//                       and a.Visit_Id = e.Visit_Id
//                      left join MED_ANESTHESIA_PLAN_PMH f
//                        on a.Patient_Id = f.Patient_Id
//                       and a.Visit_Id = f.Visit_Id
//                       and a.Oper_Id = f.Oper_Id

//                      left join MED_PREOPERATIVE_EXPANSION g
//                        on a.Patient_Id = g.Patient_Id
//                       and a.Visit_Id = g.Visit_Id
//                       and a.Oper_Id = g.Oper_Id
//                       and g.item_name = '术前访视_BP'
//                      left join MED_PREOPERATIVE_EXPANSION g1
//                        on a.Patient_Id = g1.Patient_Id
//                       and a.Visit_Id = g1.Visit_Id
//                       and a.Oper_Id = g1.Oper_Id
//                       and g1.item_name = '术前访视单_低压'
//                      left join MED_PREOPERATIVE_EXPANSION g2
//                        on a.Patient_Id = g2.Patient_Id
//                       and a.Visit_Id = g2.Visit_Id
//                       and a.Oper_Id = g2.Oper_Id
//                       and g2.item_name = '术前访视_P'
//                      left join MED_PREOPERATIVE_EXPANSION g3
//                        on a.Patient_Id = g3.Patient_Id
//                       and a.Visit_Id = g3.Visit_Id
//                       and a.Oper_Id = g3.Oper_Id
//                       and g3.item_name = '术前访视_R'
//                      left join MED_PREOPERATIVE_EXPANSION g4
//                        on a.Patient_Id = g4.Patient_Id
//                       and a.Visit_Id = g4.Visit_Id
//                       and a.Oper_Id = g4.Oper_Id
//                       and g4.item_name = '术前访视_心电图'
//                      left join MED_PREOPERATIVE_EXPANSION g5
//                        on a.Patient_Id = g5.Patient_Id
//                       and a.Visit_Id = g5.Visit_Id
//                       and a.Oper_Id = g5.Oper_Id
//                       and g5.item_name = '术前访视_药物过敏史'
// left join (select patient_id,visit_id,archive_key Oper_Id ,to_char(replace(wm_concat(Mr_Sub_Class),',',';')) Docs from Med_Emr_Archive_Detial
//group by patient_id,visit_id,archive_key)  mead  on a.Patient_Id=mead.Patient_Id and a.Visit_Id=mead.Visit_Id and a.Oper_Id=mead.Oper_Id
//                    where a.patient_id = :PatientId and a.visit_Id =:VisitId and a.oper_Id=:OperId
//                    ";
            string sql = sqlDict.GetSQLByKey("QueryOperPatientProgress");

            return(dapper.Set <OperPatientProgressEntity>().Query(sql, new
                PatientId = model.PatientId,
                VisitId = model.VisitId,
                OperId = model.OperId
Beispiel #25
        public RequestResult <IList <dynamic> > QueryRightEChartReportForDirectionIndex(OperQueryParaModel modela)
            IList <dynamic> list = WeiXinQuery.QueryRightEChartReportForDirectionIndex(modela);

Beispiel #26
 public RequestResult <dynamic> QueryWeiXinOperInfo(OperQueryParaModel modela)
Beispiel #27
        public RequestResult <OperPatientProgressEntity> QueryOperPatientProgress(OperQueryParaModel model)
            OperPatientProgressEntity list = PatientRecord.QueryOperPatientProgress(model);

Beispiel #28
        /// <summary>
        /// 饼图EChart图标统计
        /// </summary>
        public IList <dynamic> QueryRightEChartReportForDirectionIndex(OperQueryParaModel model)
            //string sql = sqlDict.GetSQLByKey("QueryOperInfosForDirectorIndex");

            //年月日SQL暂时未定怎么存放   暂时放此处

            string sql = "";

            if (model.QueryType == "ASA")
                #region ASA统计
                if (model.TimeType == "month")
                    sql = @"select ASA  name,COUNT(1) value from ( SELECT 
                        CASE WHEN INSTR('{0}',T.OLD_ASA_GRADE)>0 THEN '{1}'
                             WHEN INSTR('{2}',T.OLD_ASA_GRADE)>0 THEN '{3}'  
                             WHEN INSTR('{4}',T.OLD_ASA_GRADE)>0 THEN '{5}'  
                             WHEN INSTR('{6}',T.OLD_ASA_GRADE)>0 THEN '{7}'  
                             WHEN INSTR('{8}',T.OLD_ASA_GRADE)>0 THEN '{9}'  
                             WHEN INSTR('{10}',T.OLD_ASA_GRADE)>0 THEN '{11}'  
                        ELSE '其他' END AS ASA
                        FROM (
                        START_DATE_TIME, ','||TRIM(ASA_GRADE)||',' OLD_ASA_GRADE 
                        ) T

                        ) main
                group by Asa order by ASA 
                    List <DictXML.DictGroup> lstASA = mdkConfig.XmlDict.GetGroupByName("ASAGrade");
                    List <string>            sqlStr = new List <string>();
                    sqlStr = mdkConfig.XmlDict.ReplaceParamsForSql(lstASA, sqlStr);
                    sql    = string.Format(sql, sqlStr.ToArray());
                    return(dapper.Set <dynamic>().Query(sql, new { Year = Convert.ToDateTime(model.StartDate).Year, Month = Convert.ToDateTime(model.StartDate).Month }));
                else if (model.TimeType == "year")
                    sql = @"select ASA  name,COUNT(1) value from ( SELECT 
                        CASE WHEN INSTR('{0}',T.OLD_ASA_GRADE)>0 THEN '{1}'
                             WHEN INSTR('{2}',T.OLD_ASA_GRADE)>0 THEN '{3}'  
                             WHEN INSTR('{4}',T.OLD_ASA_GRADE)>0 THEN '{5}'  
                             WHEN INSTR('{6}',T.OLD_ASA_GRADE)>0 THEN '{7}'  
                             WHEN INSTR('{8}',T.OLD_ASA_GRADE)>0 THEN '{9}'  
                             WHEN INSTR('{10}',T.OLD_ASA_GRADE)>0 THEN '{11}'  
                        ELSE '其他' END AS ASA
                        FROM (
                        START_DATE_TIME, ','||TRIM(ASA_GRADE)||',' OLD_ASA_GRADE 
                        FROM V_MED_ANES_INFO WHERE   TO_CHAR(START_DATE_TIME,'YYYY')=:Year 
                        ) T

                        ) main
                group by Asa order by ASA 
                    List <DictXML.DictGroup> lstASA = mdkConfig.XmlDict.GetGroupByName("ASAGrade");
                    List <string>            sqlStr = new List <string>();
                    sqlStr = mdkConfig.XmlDict.ReplaceParamsForSql(lstASA, sqlStr);
                    sql    = string.Format(sql, sqlStr.ToArray());
                    return(dapper.Set <dynamic>().Query(sql, new { Year = Convert.ToDateTime(model.StartDate).Year }));
            else if (model.QueryType == "AnesMethod")
                if (model.TimeType == "month")
                    sql = @"select nvl(mad.ANAESTHESIA_TYPE,'其他麻醉')   name,COUNT(1) value from medsurgery.MED_OPERATION_MASTER  m
                            left join MED_ANESTHESIA_DICT mad on m.Anes_Method = mad.Anaesthesia_Name
                             WHERE m.oper_status_code>=35 and TO_CHAR(START_DATE_TIME, 'YYYY') = :Year AND TO_CHAR(START_DATE_TIME,'MM')= :Month
                                            group by nvl(mad.ANAESTHESIA_TYPE,'其他麻醉')  ";
                    return(dapper.Set <dynamic>().Query(sql, new { Year = Convert.ToDateTime(model.StartDate).Year, Month = Convert.ToDateTime(model.StartDate).Month }));
                else if (model.TimeType == "year")
                    sql = @"select nvl(mad.ANAESTHESIA_TYPE,'其他麻醉')  name,COUNT(1) value from medsurgery.MED_OPERATION_MASTER  m
                            left join MED_ANESTHESIA_DICT mad on m.Anes_Method = mad.Anaesthesia_Name
                             WHERE m.oper_status_code>=35 and TO_CHAR(START_DATE_TIME, 'YYYY') = :Year 
                                            group by nvl(mad.ANAESTHESIA_TYPE,'其他麻醉')";
                    return(dapper.Set <dynamic>().Query(sql, new { Year = Convert.ToDateTime(model.StartDate).Year }));

            return(dapper.Set <dynamic>().Query(sql, new { }));
Beispiel #29
        public RequestPageResult <IList <OperQuerytForAnesQueryEntity> > QueryOperList(OperQueryParaModel model)
            IList <OperQuerytForAnesQueryEntity> list = PatientRecord.GetOperList(model);

            IList <OperQuerytForAnesQueryEntity> pageList = list;

            if (list.Count > model.PageSize)
                pageList = pageList.Skip((model.CurrentPage - 1) * model.PageSize).Take(model.PageSize).ToList();

            return(PageSuccess(pageList, model.PageSize, model.CurrentPage, list.Count));
Beispiel #30
        public dynamic GetOperInfo(OperQueryParaModel model)
            //string sql = sqlDict.GetSQLByKey("QueryOperInfosForDirectorIndex");
            //针对oracle ora-03113: 通信通道的文件结束 报错使用以下SQL
            string sql = @"      select 
                            (select count(1) from (
                             select *  from Med_Operation_Master m left join MED_ANESTHESIA_INPUT_DATA a on m.patient_id=a.Patient_Id and m.visit_id = a.Visit_Id and m.oper_id=a.Oper_Id
                              where  to_char(m.scheduled_date_time,'YYYY-MM-DD')=to_char(sysdate,'YYYY-MM-DD')) t ) as TodayTotalCount,
                            (select count(1) from (
                             select *  from Med_Operation_Master m left join MED_ANESTHESIA_INPUT_DATA a on m.patient_id=a.Patient_Id and m.visit_id = a.Visit_Id and m.oper_id=a.Oper_Id
                              where  to_char(m.scheduled_date_time,'YYYY-MM-DD')=to_char(sysdate,'YYYY-MM-DD')) t  where t.Oper_Status_Code>=35) as TodayCompletedCount,
                            (select count(1) from (
                             select *  from Med_Operation_Master m left join MED_ANESTHESIA_INPUT_DATA a on m.patient_id=a.Patient_Id and m.visit_id = a.Visit_Id and m.oper_id=a.Oper_Id
                              where  to_char(m.scheduled_date_time,'YYYY-MM-DD')=to_char(sysdate,'YYYY-MM-DD')) t  where t.Oper_Status_Code>=5 and  t.Oper_Status_Code<=35) as TodayOperatingCount,
                            (select count(1) from (
                             select *  from Med_Operation_Master m left join MED_ANESTHESIA_INPUT_DATA a on m.patient_id=a.Patient_Id and m.visit_id = a.Visit_Id and m.oper_id=a.Oper_Id
                              where  to_char(m.scheduled_date_time,'YYYY-MM-DD')=to_char(sysdate,'YYYY-MM-DD')) t  where t.Oper_Status_Code=-80) as TodayCancelCount,
                            (select count(1) from  (
                             select *  from Med_Operation_Master m left join MED_ANESTHESIA_INPUT_DATA a on m.patient_id=a.Patient_Id and m.visit_id = a.Visit_Id and m.oper_id=a.Oper_Id
                              where  to_char(m.scheduled_date_time,'YYYY-MM-DD')=to_char(sysdate,'YYYY-MM-DD')) t  where t.Oper_Status_Code>=0 and Oper_Status_Code<5) as TodayWaitingCount,
                            (select count(1) from (
                             select *  from Med_Operation_Master m left join MED_ANESTHESIA_INPUT_DATA a on m.patient_id=a.Patient_Id and m.visit_id = a.Visit_Id and m.oper_id=a.Oper_Id
                              where  to_char(m.scheduled_date_time,'YYYY-MM-DD')=to_char(sysdate,'YYYY-MM-DD')) t where Emergency_Ind=1 ) as TodayEmergencyCount,
                            (select count(1) from (
                             select *  from Med_Operation_Master m left join MED_ANESTHESIA_INPUT_DATA a on m.patient_id=a.Patient_Id and m.visit_id = a.Visit_Id and m.oper_id=a.Oper_Id
                              where  to_char(m.scheduled_date_time,'YYYY-MM-DD')=to_char(sysdate,'YYYY-MM-DD')) t where Isolation_Ind=2 or INFECTED_IND =2) as TodayGLGRCount,
                            (select count(1) from (
                             select *  from Med_Operation_Master m left join MED_ANESTHESIA_INPUT_DATA a on m.patient_id=a.Patient_Id and m.visit_id = a.Visit_Id and m.oper_id=a.Oper_Id
                              where  to_char(m.scheduled_date_time,'YYYY-MM-DD')=to_char(sysdate,'YYYY-MM-DD')) t where oper_class in (2,3) ) as TodayRescueCount,
                            (select count(1) from (
                             select *  from Med_Operation_Master m left join MED_ANESTHESIA_INPUT_DATA a on m.patient_id=a.Patient_Id and m.visit_id = a.Visit_Id and m.oper_id=a.Oper_Id
                              where  to_char(m.scheduled_date_time,'YYYY-MM-DD')=to_char(sysdate,'YYYY-MM-DD')) t where t.anes_death=1 and t.death_after_oper =1 ) as TodayDeathCount,
                            (select count(1) from (
                             select *  from Med_Operation_Master m left join MED_ANESTHESIA_INPUT_DATA a on m.patient_id=a.Patient_Id and m.visit_id = a.Visit_Id and m.oper_id=a.Oper_Id
                              where  to_char(m.scheduled_date_time,'YYYY-MM-DD')=to_char(sysdate,'YYYY-MM-DD')) t where CANCELED_TYPE = '1' or PACU_TEMPERATURE =1 or CONS_DISTURBANCE =1
                                                                    or TRACHEA_6H = 1 or OXYGEN_SATURATION =1 or ANES_ANAPHYLAXIS =1 or
                                                                    ANES_DEATH = 1 or RES_TRACT_OBSTRUCE =1 or CENTRAL_VENOUS = 1
                                                                    or ANES_START_24H_DEATH = 1 or ANES_START_24H_STOP = 1 or SPINAL_ANES_COMP =1 
                                                                    or TRACHEA_HOARSE = 1 or AFTER_ANES_COMA = 1 or USE_REMINDERS = 1 or 
                                                                    RES_TRACT_OBSTRUCE = 1 or OTHER_NOT_EXP = 1 or NO_PLAN_IN_ICU = 1) as TodayUnExpectCount,
                            (select count(1) from (
                             select *  from Med_Operation_Master m left join MED_ANESTHESIA_INPUT_DATA a on m.patient_id=a.Patient_Id and m.visit_id = a.Visit_Id and m.oper_id=a.Oper_Id
                              where  to_char(m.scheduled_date_time,'YYYY-MM-DD')=to_char(sysdate,'YYYY-MM-DD')) t  where t.Oper_Status_Code=65) as TodayToICUCount,
                            (select count(1) from (
                             select *  from Med_Operation_Master m left join MED_ANESTHESIA_INPUT_DATA a on m.patient_id=a.Patient_Id and m.visit_id = a.Visit_Id and m.oper_id=a.Oper_Id
                              where  to_char(m.scheduled_date_time,'YYYY-MM-DD')=to_char(sysdate,'YYYY-MM-DD')) t  where TRUNC((T.OUT_PACU_DATE_TIME-T.IN_PACU_DATE_TIME)*1440 ) >= 120) as TodayPacuCount,
                            (select count(1) from (
                             select *  from Med_Operation_Master m  where  to_char(m.scheduled_date_time,'YYYY-MM-DD')=to_char(sysdate+1,'YYYY-MM-DD')
                             ) t ) as TomorrowTotalCount,
                            (select count(1) from (
                            select *  from Med_Operation_Master m 
                             where  to_char(m.scheduled_date_time,'YYYY-MM-DD')=to_char(sysdate-1,'YYYY-MM-DD')) t ) as YesterdayTotalCount,
 (select count(1) from (
                             select *  from Med_Operation_Master m left join MED_ANESTHESIA_INPUT_DATA a on m.patient_id=a.Patient_Id and m.visit_id = a.Visit_Id and m.oper_id=a.Oper_Id
                              where  to_char(m.scheduled_date_time,'YYYY-MM-DD')=to_char(sysdate-1,'YYYY-MM-DD')) t  where t.Oper_Status_Code>=35) as YesterdayCompletedCount,
 (select count(1) from  (
                             select *  from Med_Operation_Master m left join MED_ANESTHESIA_INPUT_DATA a on m.patient_id=a.Patient_Id and m.visit_id = a.Visit_Id and m.oper_id=a.Oper_Id
                              where  to_char(m.scheduled_date_time,'YYYY-MM-DD')=to_char(sysdate-1,'YYYY-MM-DD')) t  where t.Oper_Status_Code>=0 and Oper_Status_Code<5) as YesterdayWaitingCount,
(select count(1) from (
                             select *  from Med_Operation_Master m left join MED_ANESTHESIA_INPUT_DATA a on m.patient_id=a.Patient_Id and m.visit_id = a.Visit_Id and m.oper_id=a.Oper_Id
                              where  to_char(m.scheduled_date_time,'YYYY-MM-DD')=to_char(sysdate-1,'YYYY-MM-DD')) t  where t.Oper_Status_Code=-80) as YesterdayCancelCount,
                            (select count(1) from (
                            select *  from Med_Operation_Master m 
                             where  to_char(m.start_date_time,'YYYY-MM-DD')=to_char(sysdate-1,'YYYY-MM-DD')) t where Isolation_Ind=2 or INFECTED_IND =2) as YesterdayGLGRCount,
                            (select count(1) from (
                            select *  from Med_Operation_Master m 
                             where  to_char(m.start_date_time,'YYYY-MM-DD')=to_char(sysdate-1,'YYYY-MM-DD')) t where oper_class in (2,3) ) as YesterdayRescueCount,
                            (select count(1) from (
                            select *  from Med_Operation_Master m 
                             where  to_char(m.start_date_time,'YYYY-MM-DD')=to_char(sysdate-1,'YYYY-MM-DD')) t  where t.Oper_Status_Code=65) as YesterdayToICUCount,
                            (select count(1) from (
                            select *  from Med_Operation_Master m 
                             where  to_char(m.start_date_time,'YYYY-MM-DD')=to_char(sysdate-1,'YYYY-MM-DD')) t  where TRUNC((T.OUT_PACU_DATE_TIME-T.IN_PACU_DATE_TIME)*1440 ) >= 120) as YesterdayPacuCount
                            from dual

            return(dapper.Set <dynamic>().Query(sql, new { }).FirstOrDefault());