Beispiel #1
 private void CreateIDEAOpenModel()
     openStructModel = new OpenModel();
     openStructModel.OriginSettings = new OriginSettings()
         CrossSectionConversionTable = CrossSectionConversionTable.SCIA
     openStructModel.OriginSettings.ProjectName        = "Project 1";
     openStructModel.OriginSettings.Author             = "Author prj";
     openStructModel.OriginSettings.ProjectDescription = "Part 27";
        /// <summary>
        /// Add settings to the IDEA open model
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">Open model</param>
        private static void AddSettingsToIOM(OpenModel model)
            model.OriginSettings = new OriginSettings();

            model.OriginSettings.CrossSectionConversionTable = CrossSectionConversionTable.SCIA;
            model.OriginSettings.CountryCode        = CountryCode.ECEN;
            model.OriginSettings.ProjectName        = "Project";
            model.OriginSettings.Author             = "IDEA StatiCa s.r.o.";
            model.OriginSettings.ProjectDescription = "Training example";
            model.OriginSettings.CheckEquilibrium   = true;
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Create member 1D
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">Idea open model</param>
        /// <param name="id">Member id</param>
        /// <param name="type">Member type</param>
        /// <param name="element">Element</param>
        /// <returns>Member 1D</returns>
        private static Member1D CreateMember1D(OpenModel model, int id, Member1DType type, Element1D element)
            Member1D member1D = new Member1D();

            member1D.Id           = id;
            member1D.Name         = "M" + member1D.Id.ToString();
            member1D.Member1DType = type;
            member1D.Elements1D.Add(new ReferenceElement(element));

 public void CreateIDEAOpenModel()
     openStructModel = new OpenModel();
     openStructModel.OriginSettings = new OriginSettings()
         CrossSectionConversionTable = CrossSectionConversionTable.SCIA
     openStructModel.OriginSettings.ProjectName        = "TrussNode";
     openStructModel.OriginSettings.Author             = Environment.UserName;// "Rayaan Ajouz";
     openStructModel.OriginSettings.ProjectDescription = "test m outt";;
     openStructModel.OriginSettings.DateOfCreate       = DateTime.Now;
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Create element 1D
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">Idea open model</param>
        /// <param name="css">Cross section</param>
        /// <param name="segment">Line segment</param>
        /// <returns>Element 1D</returns>
        private static Element1D CreateElement1D(OpenModel model, CrossSection css, LineSegment3D segment)
            Element1D element1D = new Element1D();

            element1D.Id                = model.GetMaxId(element1D) + 1;
            element1D.Name              = "E" + element1D.Id.ToString();
            element1D.Segment           = new ReferenceElement(segment);
            element1D.CrossSectionBegin = new ReferenceElement(css);
            element1D.CrossSectionEnd   = new ReferenceElement(css);

Beispiel #6
 private void CreateIDEAOpenModel()
     openStructModel = new OpenModel();
     openStructModel.OriginSettings = new OriginSettings()
         CrossSectionConversionTable = CrossSectionConversionTable.SCIA
     openStructModel.OriginSettings.ProjectName        = "TrussNode";
     openStructModel.OriginSettings.Author             = "Author PGC";
     openStructModel.OriginSettings.ProjectDescription = "TestProjectCreatingTrussnodes";
     openStructModel.OriginSettings.DateOfCreate       = DateTime.Now;
Beispiel #7
        private double GetLength(OpenModel openStructModel, Member1D mb)
            Element1D     el     = openStructModel.Element1D.First(c => c.Id == mb.Elements1D[0].Id);
            LineSegment3D seg    = openStructModel.LineSegment3D.First(c => c.Id == el.Segment.Id);
            Point3D       pA     = openStructModel.Point3D.First(c => c.Id == seg.StartPoint.Id);
            Point3D       pB     = openStructModel.Point3D.First(c => c.Id == seg.EndPoint.Id);
            Vector3D      vector = new Vector3D();

            vector.X = pA.X - pB.X;
            vector.Y = pA.Y - pB.Y;
            vector.Z = pA.Z - pB.Z;
            return(Math.Sqrt(((vector.X * vector.X) + (vector.Y * vector.Y) + (vector.Z * vector.Z))));
Beispiel #8
        public static ObservableCollection <ProcessUnit> ExtractProcessUnits(Batch batch)
            ObservableCollection <ProcessUnit> processUnits = new ObservableCollection <ProcessUnit>();

                ProcessUnit unit = new ProcessUnit();
                ObservableCollection <GenericElement> elements = batch.Target.Elements;
                for (int i = 0; i < elements.Count; i++)
                    GenericElement element     = elements[i];
                    string         elementType = element.GetType().Name;
                    switch (elementType)
                    case "OpenModel":
                        OpenModel openModel = element as OpenModel;
                        if (openModel.FileExtension == ".smc")
                            unit.OpenSolibri = openModel;
                        else if (openModel.FileExtension == ".ifc")

                    case "BCFReport":
                        unit.BCFReport = element as BCFReport;

                    case "SaveModel":
                        unit.SaveSolibri = element as SaveModel;
                        if (unit.IfcFiles.Count > 0)
                            unit.OpenSolibri = new OpenModel(unit.SaveSolibri.File);

                    case "CloseModel":
                        unit = new ProcessUnit();
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("Failed to extract process units.\n" + ex.Message, "Extract Process Unit", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning);
Beispiel #9
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            IdeaInstallDir = IOM.SteelFrameDesktop.Properties.Settings.Default.IdeaInstallDir;

            Console.WriteLine("IDEA StatiCa installation directory is '{0}'", IdeaInstallDir);

            AppDomain currentDomain = AppDomain.CurrentDomain;

            currentDomain.AssemblyResolve += new ResolveEventHandler(IdeaResolveEventHandler);

            Console.WriteLine("Start generate example of IOM...");

            // create IOM and results
            OpenModel       example = Example.CreateIOM();
            OpenModelResult result  = Helpers.GetResults();

            // save to the files

            var desktopDir = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.DesktopDirectory);
            var fileConnFileNameFromLocal = Path.Combine(desktopDir, "connectionFromIOM-local.ideaCon");

            string  ideaConLinkFullPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(IdeaInstallDir, "IdeaStatiCa.IOMToConnection.dll");
            var     conLinkAssembly     = Assembly.LoadFrom(ideaConLinkFullPath);
            object  obj = conLinkAssembly.CreateInstance("IdeaStatiCa.IOMToConnection.IOMToConnection");
            dynamic d   = obj;

            // Initializtion
            var initMethod = (obj).GetType().GetMethod("Init");

            initMethod.Invoke(obj, null);

            Console.WriteLine("Generating IDEA Connection project locally");

            // Invoking method Import by reflection
            var methodImport = (obj).GetType().GetMethod("Import");

            object[] array = new object[3];
            array[0] = example;
            array[1] = result;
            array[2] = fileConnFileNameFromLocal;
            methodImport.Invoke(obj, array);

            Console.WriteLine("Writing Idea connection project to file '{0}'", fileConnFileNameFromLocal);

            // end console application
            Console.WriteLine("Done. Press any key to exit.");
        /// <summary>
        /// Add combinations to the IDEA open model
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">OpenModel</param>
        private static void AddCombinationsToIOM(OpenModel model)
            // create first combination input
            CombiInputEC CI1 = new CombiInputEC();

            CI1.Id                   = model.GetMaxId(CI1) + 1;
            CI1.Name                 = "Co.#1";
            CI1.Description          = "SelfWeight + PernamentLoading + LiveLoad";
            CI1.TypeCombiEC          = TypeOfCombiEC.ULS;
            CI1.TypeCalculationCombi = TypeCalculationCombiEC.Linear;

            CombiItem item = new CombiItem();

            item.Id       = 1;
            item.Coeff    = 1;
            item.LoadCase = new ReferenceElement(model.LoadCase.FirstOrDefault(l => l.Name == "SelfWeight"));

            item          = new CombiItem();
            item.Id       = 2;
            item.Coeff    = 1;
            item.LoadCase = new ReferenceElement(model.LoadCase.FirstOrDefault(l => l.Name == "PernamentLoading"));

            item          = new CombiItem();
            item.Id       = 3;
            item.Coeff    = 1;
            item.LoadCase = new ReferenceElement(model.LoadCase.FirstOrDefault(l => l.Name == "LiveLoad"));


            // create second combination input
            CombiInputEC CI2 = new CombiInputEC();

            CI2.Id                   = model.GetMaxId(CI2) + 1;
            CI2.Name                 = "Co.#2";
            CI2.Description          = "SelfWeight";
            CI2.TypeCombiEC          = TypeOfCombiEC.ULS;
            CI2.TypeCalculationCombi = TypeCalculationCombiEC.Linear;

            item          = new CombiItem();
            item.Id       = 1;
            item.Coeff    = 1;
            item.LoadCase = new ReferenceElement(model.LoadCase.FirstOrDefault(l => l.Name == "SelfWeight"));

        /// <summary>
        /// Add cross section to the IDEA open model
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">Open model</param>
        private static void AddCrossSectionToIOM(OpenModel model)
            // only one material is in the model
            MatSteel material = model.MatSteel.FirstOrDefault();

            // create first cross section
            CrossSectionParameter css1 = Helpers.CreateCSSParameter(1, "HE200B", material);

            // create second cross section
            CrossSectionParameter css2 = Helpers.CreateCSSParameter(2, "HE240B", material);

            // add cross sections to the model
Beispiel #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Create member
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">Idea open model</param>
        /// <param name="id">Member id</param>
        /// <param name="type">Member type</param>
        /// <param name="css">Cross section</param>
        /// <param name="startNode">Start node</param>
        /// <param name="middleNode">Middle node</param>
        /// <param name="endNode">End node</param>
        /// <returns>Connected member</returns>
        public static ConnectedMember CreateMember(OpenModel model, int id, Member1DType type, CrossSection css, string startNode, string middleNode, string endNode)
            // column members have different coordination system in our example
            bool transformCoordSystem = type == Member1DType.Column ? true : false;

            // create line segments
            LineSegment3D segment1 = CreateLineSegment3D(model, startNode, middleNode, transformCoordSystem);


            LineSegment3D segment2 = CreateLineSegment3D(model, middleNode, endNode, transformCoordSystem);


            // create polylines
            PolyLine3D polyline = new PolyLine3D();

            polyline.Id = model.GetMaxId(polyline) + 1;
            polyline.Segments.Add(new ReferenceElement(segment1));
            polyline.Segments.Add(new ReferenceElement(segment2));

            // create 1D elements
            Element1D element1 = CreateElement1D(model, css, segment1);


            Element1D element2 = CreateElement1D(model, css, segment2);


            // create 1D members
            Member1D member = CreateMember1D(model, id, type, element1, element2);


            // create and return connected member
            ConnectedMember connectedMember = new ConnectedMember();

            connectedMember.Id       = id;
            connectedMember.MemberId = new ReferenceElement(member);

Beispiel #13
        // ad node to openModel
        private Point3D AddNodeToOpenModel(StructuralPointConnection conPoint, OpenModel openStructModel, int id = 0)
            var pt = openStructModel.Point3D.Find(c => IsEqual(c.X, conPoint.X.GetValueOrDefault(), limits) && IsEqual(c.Y, conPoint.Y.GetValueOrDefault(), limits) && IsEqual(c.Z, conPoint.Z.GetValueOrDefault(), limits));

            if (pt != null)
                IdeaRS.OpenModel.Geometry3D.Point3D point = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Geometry3D.Point3D()
                    X = conPoint.X.GetValueOrDefault(), Y = conPoint.Y.GetValueOrDefault(), Z = conPoint.Z.GetValueOrDefault()
                point.Id   = (id > 0 ? id : (openStructModel.GetMaxId(point) + 1));
                point.Name = point.Id.ToString();
        public static void CreateOnServer(OpenModel model, OpenModelResult openModelResult, string path)
            IdeaRS.OpenModel.OpenModelContainer openModelContainer = new OpenModelContainer()
                OpenModel       = model,
                OpenModelResult = openModelResult,

            // serialize IOM to XML
            var stringwriter = new System.IO.StringWriter();
            var serializer   = new XmlSerializer(typeof(OpenModelContainer));

            serializer.Serialize(stringwriter, openModelContainer);

            var serviceUrl = viewerURL + "/ConnectionViewer/CreateFromIOM";

            Console.WriteLine("Posting iom in xml to the service {0}", serviceUrl);
            var resultMessage = Helpers.PostXMLData(serviceUrl, stringwriter.ToString());

            ResponseMessage responseMessage = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ResponseMessage>(resultMessage);

            Console.WriteLine("Service response is : '{0}'", responseMessage.status);
            if (responseMessage.status == "OK")
                byte[] dataBuffer = Convert.FromBase64String(responseMessage.fileContent);
                Console.WriteLine("Writing {0} bytes to file '{1}'", dataBuffer.Length, path);
                if (dataBuffer.Length > 0)
                    using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(path
                                                                  , FileMode.Create
                                                                  , FileAccess.Write))
                        fileStream.Write(dataBuffer, 0, dataBuffer.Length);
                    Console.WriteLine("The service returned no data");
Beispiel #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Create line segment
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">Idea open model</param>
        /// <param name="startNode">Start node</param>
        /// <param name="endNode">End node</param>
        /// <param name="transformCoordSystem">Tranform coordinate system</param>
        /// <returns>Line segment 3D</returns>
        private static LineSegment3D CreateLineSegment3D(OpenModel model, string startNode, string endNode, bool transformCoordSystem = false)
            LineSegment3D segment3D = new LineSegment3D();

            segment3D.Id         = model.GetMaxId(segment3D) + 1;
            segment3D.StartPoint = new ReferenceElement(model.Point3D.FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name == startNode));
            segment3D.EndPoint   = new ReferenceElement(model.Point3D.FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name == endNode));

            if (transformCoordSystem)
                CoordSystemByPoint system = new CoordSystemByPoint();
                system.Point = new Point3D()
                    X = 100000, Y = 0, Z = 0
                system.InPlane = Plane.ZX;
                segment3D.LocalCoordinateSystem = system;

        /// <summary>
        /// Add nodes to the IDEA open model
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">Open model</param>
        private static void AddNodesToIOM(OpenModel model)
            Point3D N1 = new Point3D()
                X = 0, Y = 0, Z = 0

            N1.Name = "N1";
            N1.Id   = 1;

            Point3D N2 = new Point3D()
                X = 0, Y = 0, Z = 3

            N2.Name = "N2";
            N2.Id   = 2;

            Point3D N3 = new Point3D()
                X = 0, Y = 0, Z = 6

            N3.Name = "N3";
            N3.Id   = 3;

            Point3D N4 = new Point3D()
                X = 3, Y = 0, Z = 3

            N4.Name = "N4";
            N4.Id   = 4;
        public static OpenModel CreateIOM()
            OpenModel model = new OpenModel();

            // add setting

            // add nodes

            // add materials

            // add cross section

            // add members 1D

            // create connection

Beispiel #18
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Start generate example of IOM...");

            // create IOM and results
            OpenModel       example = Example.CreateIOM();
            OpenModelResult result  = Helpers.GetResults();

            // save to the files

            var desktopDir = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.DesktopDirectory);

            #region Generatig IDEA Connection by web service
            Console.WriteLine("Generating IDEA Connection project by web service");
            var fileConnFileNameFromWeb = Path.Combine(desktopDir, "connectionFromIOM-web.ideaCon");
            Example.CreateOnServer(example, result, fileConnFileNameFromWeb);

            // end console application
            Console.WriteLine("Done. Press any key to exit.");
Beispiel #19
 protected void AddBeam(ElementAssembly beam, OpenModel openModel)
Beispiel #20
        public static ObservableCollection <GenericElement> ConvertToGenericElements(ObservableCollection <ProcessUnit> processUnits)
            ObservableCollection <GenericElement> elements = new ObservableCollection <GenericElement>();

                foreach (ProcessUnit unit in processUnits)
                    //open models
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(unit.OpenSolibri.File))
                    if (unit.Models.Count > 0)
                        foreach (InputModel model in unit.Models)
                            if (model.IsUpdate)
                                UpdateModel updateModel = new UpdateModel(model);
                                OpenModel openModel = new OpenModel(model);

                    if (unit.Classifications.Count > 0)
                        foreach (OpenClassification classification in unit.Classifications)

                    if (unit.Rulesets.Count > 0)
                        foreach (OpenRuleset rule in unit.Rulesets)

                    if (unit.CheckEnabled)

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(unit.CheckingReport.PdfFile) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(unit.CheckingReport.RtfFile))

                        if (unit.PresentationCreate.IsSelected)

                        if (unit.PresentationUpdate.IsSelected)

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(unit.PresentationReport.PdfFile) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(unit.PresentationReport.RtfFile))

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(unit.BCFReport.File))

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(unit.CoordReport.File))

                    elements.Add(new CloseModel());
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("Failed to convert to generic elements.\n" + ex.Message, "Convert To Generic Elements", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning);
        static private OpenModel CreateConnectionGeometry(OpenModel openModel)
            //Get geometrical point
            IdeaRS.OpenModel.Geometry3D.Point3D point = openModel.Point3D.Find(p => p.Name.Equals("N2", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));

            //Create a new connection point
            IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.ConnectionPoint connectionPoint = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.ConnectionPoint();

            connectionPoint.Node = new ReferenceElement(point);
            connectionPoint.Name = point.Name;
            connectionPoint.Id   = openModel.GetMaxId(connectionPoint) + 1;

            //create the new  connection data
            var newConnectionData = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.ConnectionData();

            //create list for beams
            newConnectionData.Beams = new List <IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.BeamData>();

                //member1D - column
                var columnMember = openModel.Member1D.Find(x => x.Id == 1);
                IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.ConnectedMember connectedColumn = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.ConnectedMember
                    Id           = columnMember.Id,
                    MemberId     = new ReferenceElement(columnMember),
                    IsContinuous = true,

                IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.BeamData columnData = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.BeamData
                    Name                     = "Column",
                    Id                       = 1,
                    OriginalModelId          = columnMember.Id.ToString(),
                    IsAdded                  = false,
                    MirrorY                  = false,
                    RefLineInCenterOfGravity = false,


                //member1D - beam
                IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.BeamData beamData = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.BeamData
                    Name                     = "Beam",
                    Id                       = 2,
                    OriginalModelId          = "2",
                    IsAdded                  = false,
                    MirrorY                  = false,
                    RefLineInCenterOfGravity = false,

                var column = openModel.Member1D.Find(x => x.Id == 2);
                IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.ConnectedMember connectedBeam = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.ConnectedMember
                    Id           = column.Id,
                    MemberId     = new ReferenceElement(column),
                    IsContinuous = false,


Beispiel #22
        public static ObservableCollection <ProcessUnit> ExtractProcessUnits(Batch batch)
            ObservableCollection <ProcessUnit> processUnits = new ObservableCollection <ProcessUnit>();

                ProcessUnit unit = new ProcessUnit();
                ObservableCollection <GenericElement> elements = batch.Target.Elements;
                for (int i = 0; i < elements.Count; i++)
                    GenericElement element     = elements[i];
                    string         elementType = element.GetType().Name;
                    switch (elementType)
                    case "OpenModel":
                        OpenModel openModel = element as OpenModel;
                        if (openModel.FileExtension == ".smc")
                            unit.OpenSolibri = openModel;
                        else if (modelExtensions.Contains(openModel.FileExtension))
                            InputModel modeltoOpen = new InputModel(openModel);

                    case "UpdateModel":
                        UpdateModel updateModel   = element as UpdateModel;
                        InputModel  modeltoUpdate = new InputModel(updateModel);

                    case "OpenRuleset":
                        OpenRuleset ruleset = element as OpenRuleset;

                    case "OpenClassification":
                        OpenClassification classification = element as OpenClassification;

                    case "Check":
                        Check check = element as Check;
                        check.IsSpecified = true;
                        unit.CheckTask    = check;

                    case "AutoComment":
                        AutoComment comment = element as AutoComment;
                        comment.IsSpecified = true;
                        unit.CommentTask    = comment;

                    case "WriterReport":
                        unit.CheckingReport = element as WriterReport;

                    case "CreatePresentation":
                        CreatePresentation createP = element as CreatePresentation;
                        createP.IsSelected      = true;
                        unit.PresentationCreate = createP;

                    case "UpdatePresentation":
                        UpdatePresentation updateP = element as UpdatePresentation;
                        updateP.IsSelected      = true;
                        unit.PresentationUpdate = updateP;

                    case "GeneralReport":
                        unit.PresentationReport = element as GeneralReport;

                    case "BCFReport":
                        unit.BCFReport = element as BCFReport;

                    case "CoordinationReport":
                        unit.CoordReport = element as CoordinationReport;

                    case "SaveModel":
                        unit.SaveSolibri = element as SaveModel;
                        unit.TaskName    = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(unit.SaveSolibri.File);

                    case "CloseModel":
                        unit = new ProcessUnit();
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("Failed to extract process units.\n" + ex.Message, "Extract Process Unit", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning);
        /// <summary>
        /// Add load cases to the IDEA open model
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">Open model</param>
        private static void AddLoadCasesToIOM(OpenModel model)
            // create LG1
            LoadGroupEC LG1 = new LoadGroupEC();;

            LG1.Id        = 1;
            LG1.Name      = "PERM1";
            LG1.Relation  = Relation.Standard;
            LG1.GroupType = LoadGroupType.Permanent;
            LG1.GammaQ    = 1.35;
            LG1.Dzeta     = 0.85;
            LG1.GammaGInf = 1;
            LG1.GammaGSup = 1.35;

            // create LC1
            LoadCase LC1 = new LoadCase();

            LC1.Id        = 1;
            LC1.Name      = "SelfWeight";
            LC1.LoadType  = LoadCaseType.Permanent;
            LC1.Type      = LoadCaseSubType.PermanentStandard;
            LC1.Variable  = VariableType.Standard;
            LC1.LoadGroup = new ReferenceElement(LG1);

            // create LC2
            LoadCase LC2 = new LoadCase();

            LC2.Id        = 2;
            LC2.Name      = "PernamentLoading";
            LC2.LoadType  = LoadCaseType.Permanent;
            LC2.Type      = LoadCaseSubType.PermanentStandard;
            LC2.Variable  = VariableType.Standard;
            LC2.LoadGroup = new ReferenceElement(LG1);

            // create LG2
            LoadGroupEC LG2 = new LoadGroupEC();;

            LG2.Id        = 2;
            LG2.Name      = "VAR1";
            LG2.Relation  = Relation.Exclusive;
            LG2.GroupType = LoadGroupType.Variable;
            LG2.GammaQ    = 1.5;
            LG2.Dzeta     = 0.85;
            LG2.GammaGInf = 0;
            LG2.GammaGSup = 1.5;
            LG2.Psi0      = 0.7;
            LG2.Psi1      = 0.5;
            LG2.Psi2      = 0.3;

            // create LC3
            LoadCase LC3 = new LoadCase();

            LC3.Id        = 3;
            LC3.Name      = "LiveLoad";
            LC3.LoadType  = LoadCaseType.Variable;
            LC3.Type      = LoadCaseSubType.VariableStatic;
            LC3.Variable  = VariableType.Standard;
            LC3.LoadGroup = new ReferenceElement(LG2);

            // add load cases
        /// <summary>
        /// Add nodes to the IDEA open model
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">Open model</param>
        private static void AddNodesToIOM(OpenModel model)
            Point3D N1 = new Point3D()
                X = -2, Y = 3, Z = 0

            N1.Name = "N1";
            N1.Id   = 1;

            Point3D N2 = new Point3D()
                X = -2, Y = 3, Z = 3

            N2.Name = "N2";
            N2.Id   = 2;

            Point3D N3 = new Point3D()
                X = 2, Y = 3, Z = 0

            N3.Name = "N3";
            N3.Id   = 3;

            Point3D N4 = new Point3D()
                X = 2, Y = 3, Z = 3

            N4.Name = "N4";
            N4.Id   = 4;

            Point3D N5 = new Point3D()
                X = 6, Y = 3, Z = 0

            N5.Name = "N5";
            N5.Id   = 5;

            Point3D N6 = new Point3D()
                X = 6, Y = 3, Z = 3

            N6.Name = "N6";
            N6.Id   = 6;

            Point3D N7 = new Point3D()
                X = -2, Y = 3, Z = 6

            N7.Name = "N7";
            N7.Id   = 7;

            Point3D N8 = new Point3D()
                X = 2, Y = 3, Z = 6

            N8.Name = "N8";
            N8.Id   = 8;

            Point3D N9 = new Point3D()
                X = 6, Y = 3, Z = 6

            N9.Name = "N9";
            N9.Id   = 9;
        static private OpenModel CreateConnectionGeometry(OpenModel openModel)
            //Add connection point
            IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.ConnectionPoint connection = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.ConnectionPoint();

            IdeaRS.OpenModel.Geometry3D.Point3D point = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Geometry3D.Point3D()
                X = -2, Y = 3, Z = 3
            point.Id   = openModel.GetMaxId(point) + 1;
            point.Name = point.Id.ToString();

            connection.Node = new ReferenceElement(point);
            connection.Name = point.Name;
            connection.Id   = openModel.GetMaxId(connection) + 1;

            //add connection
            openModel.Connections.Add(new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.ConnectionData());

            //add Beams
            openModel.Connections[0].Beams = new List <IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.BeamData>();

            //member1D 1
            IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.BeamData beam1Data = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.BeamData
                Name                     = "M1",
                Id                       = 1,
                OriginalModelId          = "1",
                IsAdded                  = false,
                MirrorY                  = false,
                RefLineInCenterOfGravity = false,

            var member1 = openModel.Member1D.Find(x => x.Id == 1);

            IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.ConnectedMember conMb = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.ConnectedMember
                Id           = member1.Id,
                MemberId     = new ReferenceElement(member1),
                IsContinuous = false,

            //member1D 3
            var member3 = openModel.Member1D.Find(x => x.Id == 3);

            IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.ConnectedMember conMb3 = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.ConnectedMember
                Id           = member3.Id,
                MemberId     = new ReferenceElement(member3),
                IsContinuous = true,

            IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.BeamData beam2Data = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.BeamData
                Name                     = "M3",
                Id                       = 3,
                OriginalModelId          = member3.Id.ToString(),
                IsAdded                  = false,
                MirrorY                  = false,
                RefLineInCenterOfGravity = false,


            //add plate
            IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.PlateData plateData = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.PlateData
                Name            = "P1",
                Thickness       = 0.02,
                Id              = 11,
                Material        = "S355",
                OriginalModelId = "11",
                Origin          = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Geometry3D.Point3D
                    X = -1.87,
                    Y = 2.88,
                    Z = 2.7
                AxisX = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Geometry3D.Vector3D
                    X = 0,
                    Y = 1,
                    Z = 0
                AxisY = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Geometry3D.Vector3D
                    X = 0,
                    Y = 0,
                    Z = 1
                AxisZ = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Geometry3D.Vector3D
                    X = 1,
                    Y = 0,
                    Z = 0
                Region = "M 0 0 L 0.24 0 L 0.24 0.5 L 0 0.5 L 0 0",

            (openModel.Connections[0].Plates ?? (openModel.Connections[0].Plates = new List <IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.PlateData>())).Add(plateData);

            // add cut
            openModel.Connections[0].CutBeamByBeams = new List <IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.CutBeamByBeamData>
                new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.CutBeamByBeamData
                    CuttingObject  = new ReferenceElement(plateData),
                    ModifiedObject = new ReferenceElement(beam1Data),
                    Orientation    = CutOrientation.Parallel,
                    WeldType       = WeldType.DoubleFillet,
                    IsWeld         = true,

            IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.BoltGrid boltGrid = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.BoltGrid()
                Id = 41,
                ConnectedPartIds     = new List <string>(),
                Diameter             = 0.016,
                HeadDiameter         = 0.024,
                DiagonalHeadDiameter = 0.026,
                HeadHeight           = 0.01,
                BoreHole             = 0.018,
                TensileStressArea    = 157,
                NutThickness         = 0.013,
                AnchorLen            = 0.05,
                Material             = "8.8",
                Standard             = "M 16",

            boltGrid.Origin = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Geometry3D.Point3D()
                X = plateData.Origin.X, Y = plateData.Origin.Y, Z = plateData.Origin.Z
            boltGrid.AxisX = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Geometry3D.Vector3D()
                X = plateData.AxisX.X, Y = plateData.AxisX.Y, Z = plateData.AxisX.Z
            boltGrid.AxisY = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Geometry3D.Vector3D()
                X = plateData.AxisY.X, Y = plateData.AxisY.Y, Z = plateData.AxisY.Z
            boltGrid.AxisZ = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Geometry3D.Vector3D()
                X = plateData.AxisZ.X, Y = plateData.AxisZ.Y, Z = plateData.AxisZ.Z
            boltGrid.Positions = new List <IdeaRS.OpenModel.Geometry3D.Point3D>
                new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Geometry3D.Point3D()
                    X = -1.87,
                    Y = 2.92,
                    Z = 2.8
                new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Geometry3D.Point3D()
                    X = -1.87,
                    Y = 3.08,
                    Z = 2.8
                new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Geometry3D.Point3D()
                    X = -1.87,
                    Y = 2.92,
                    Z = 3.15
                new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Geometry3D.Point3D()
                    X = -1.87,
                    Y = 3.08,
                    Z = 3.15

            boltGrid.ConnectedPartIds = new List <string>()
                beam2Data.OriginalModelId, plateData.OriginalModelId

            (openModel.Connections[0].BoltGrids ?? (openModel.Connections[0].BoltGrids = new List <IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.BoltGrid>())).Add(boltGrid);

            //add plate 2
            IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.PlateData plateData2 = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.PlateData
                Name            = "P2",
                Thickness       = 0.02,
                Id              = 12,
                Material        = "S355",
                OriginalModelId = "12",
                Origin          = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Geometry3D.Point3D
                    X = -2.103,
                    Y = 2.88,
                    Z = 2.75
                AxisX = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Geometry3D.Vector3D
                    X = 1,
                    Y = 0,
                    Z = 0
                AxisY = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Geometry3D.Vector3D
                    X = 0,
                    Y = 1,
                    Z = 0
                AxisZ = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Geometry3D.Vector3D
                    X = 0,
                    Y = 0,
                    Z = 1
                Region = "M 0 0 L 0.206 0 L 0.206 0.105 L 0.195 0.115 L 0.011 0.115 L 0.0 0.105 L 0 0",

            (openModel.Connections[0].Plates ?? (openModel.Connections[0].Plates = new List <IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.PlateData>())).Add(plateData2);
            //add weld between memeber 2 and plate 2 - stiffener
            IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.WeldData weldData = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.WeldData()
                Id = 31,
                ConnectedPartIds = new List <string>()
                    plateData2.OriginalModelId, beam2Data.OriginalModelId
                Start = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Geometry3D.Point3D()
                    X = -2,
                    Y = 2.995,
                    Z = 2.76
                End = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Geometry3D.Point3D()
                    X = -2,
                    Y = 2.995,
                    Z = 2.76
                Thickness = 0.004,
                WeldType  = IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.WeldType.DoubleFillet,
            (openModel.Connections[0].Welds ?? (openModel.Connections[0].Welds = new List <IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.WeldData>())).Add(weldData);

            //add weld3 between memeber 2 and plate 2 - stiffener
            IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.WeldData weldData3 = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.WeldData()
                Id = 33,
                ConnectedPartIds = new List <string>()
                    plateData2.OriginalModelId, beam2Data.OriginalModelId
                Start = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Geometry3D.Point3D()
                    X = -2.103,
                    Y = 2.90,
                    Z = 2.76
                End = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Geometry3D.Point3D()
                    X = -2.103,
                    Y = 2.90,
                    Z = 2.76
                Thickness = 0.004,
                WeldType  = IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.WeldType.DoubleFillet,

            //add weld4 between memeber 2 and plate 2 - stiffener
            IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.WeldData weldData4 = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.WeldData()
                Id = 34,
                ConnectedPartIds = new List <string>()
                    plateData2.OriginalModelId, beam2Data.OriginalModelId
                Start = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Geometry3D.Point3D()
                    X = -1.897,
                    Y = 2.90,
                    Z = 2.76
                End = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Geometry3D.Point3D()
                    X = -1.897,
                    Y = 2.90,
                    Z = 2.76
                Thickness = 0.004,
                WeldType  = IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.WeldType.DoubleFillet,

            //add plate 3
            IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.PlateData plateData3 = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.PlateData
                Name            = "P3",
                Thickness       = 0.02,
                Id              = 13,
                Material        = "S355",
                OriginalModelId = "13",
                Origin          = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Geometry3D.Point3D
                    X = -2.103,
                    Y = 2.88,
                    Z = 3.1
                AxisX = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Geometry3D.Vector3D
                    X = 1,
                    Y = 0,
                    Z = 0
                AxisY = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Geometry3D.Vector3D
                    X = 0,
                    Y = 1,
                    Z = 0
                AxisZ = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Geometry3D.Vector3D
                    X = 0,
                    Y = 0,
                    Z = 1
                Region = "M 0 0 L 0.206 0 L 0.206 0.105 L 0.195 0.115 L 0.011 0.115 L 0.0 0.105 L 0 0",

            //add weld between memeber 2 and plate 3 - stiffener
            IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.WeldData weldData2 = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.WeldData()
                Id = 32,
                ConnectedPartIds = new List <string>()
                    plateData3.OriginalModelId, beam2Data.OriginalModelId
                Start = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Geometry3D.Point3D()
                    X = -2,
                    Y = 2.995,
                    Z = 3.11
                End = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Geometry3D.Point3D()
                    X = -2,
                    Y = 2.995,
                    Z = 3.11
                Thickness = 0.004,
                WeldType  = IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.WeldType.DoubleFillet,

            //add weld5 between memeber 2 and plate 3 - stiffener
            IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.WeldData weldData5 = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.WeldData()
                Id = 35,
                ConnectedPartIds = new List <string>()
                    plateData3.OriginalModelId, beam2Data.OriginalModelId
                Start = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Geometry3D.Point3D()
                    X = -2.103,
                    Y = 2.90,
                    Z = 3.11
                End = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Geometry3D.Point3D()
                    X = -2.103,
                    Y = 2.90,
                    Z = 3.11
                Thickness = 0.004,
                WeldType  = IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.WeldType.DoubleFillet,

            //add weld6 between memeber 2 and plate 3 - stiffener
            IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.WeldData weldData6 = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.WeldData()
                Id = 36,
                ConnectedPartIds = new List <string>()
                    plateData3.OriginalModelId, beam2Data.OriginalModelId
                Start = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Geometry3D.Point3D()
                    X = -1.897,
                    Y = 2.90,
                    Z = 3.11
                End = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Geometry3D.Point3D()
                    X = -1.897,
                    Y = 2.90,
                    Z = 3.11
                Thickness = 0.004,
                WeldType  = IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.WeldType.DoubleFillet,

            //add plate 4
            IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.PlateData plateData4 = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.PlateData
                Name            = "P4",
                Thickness       = 0.02,
                Id              = 14,
                Material        = "S355",
                OriginalModelId = "14",
                Origin          = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Geometry3D.Point3D
                    X = -2.103,
                    Y = 3.12,
                    Z = 2.75
                AxisX = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Geometry3D.Vector3D
                    X = 1,
                    Y = 0,
                    Z = 0
                AxisY = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Geometry3D.Vector3D
                    X = 0,
                    Y = -1,
                    Z = 0
                AxisZ = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Geometry3D.Vector3D
                    X = 0,
                    Y = 0,
                    Z = 1
                Region = "M 0 0 L 0.206 0 L 0.206 0.105 L 0.195 0.115 L 0.011 0.115 L 0.0 0.105 L 0 0",

            //add weld7 between memeber 2 and plate 4 - stiffener
            IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.WeldData weldData7 = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.WeldData()
                Id = 37,
                ConnectedPartIds = new List <string>()
                    plateData4.OriginalModelId, beam2Data.OriginalModelId
                Start = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Geometry3D.Point3D()
                    X = -2,
                    Y = 3.005,
                    Z = 2.76
                End = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Geometry3D.Point3D()
                    X = -2,
                    Y = 3.005,
                    Z = 2.76
                Thickness = 0.004,
                WeldType  = IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.WeldType.DoubleFillet,

            //add weld8 between memeber 2 and plate 4 - stiffener
            IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.WeldData weldData8 = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.WeldData()
                Id = 38,
                ConnectedPartIds = new List <string>()
                    plateData4.OriginalModelId, beam2Data.OriginalModelId
                Start = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Geometry3D.Point3D()
                    X = -2.103,
                    Y = 3.1,
                    Z = 2.76
                End = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Geometry3D.Point3D()
                    X = -2.103,
                    Y = 3.1,
                    Z = 2.76
                Thickness = 0.004,
                WeldType  = IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.WeldType.DoubleFillet,

            //add weld9 between memeber 2 and plate 4 - stiffener
            IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.WeldData weldData9 = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.WeldData()
                Id = 39,
                ConnectedPartIds = new List <string>()
                    plateData4.OriginalModelId, beam2Data.OriginalModelId
                Start = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Geometry3D.Point3D()
                    X = -1.897,
                    Y = 3.1,
                    Z = 2.76
                End = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Geometry3D.Point3D()
                    X = -1.897,
                    Y = 3.1,
                    Z = 2.76
                Thickness = 0.004,
                WeldType  = IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.WeldType.DoubleFillet,

            //add plate 5
            IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.PlateData plateData5 = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.PlateData
                Name            = "P5",
                Thickness       = 0.02,
                Id              = 15,
                Material        = "S355",
                OriginalModelId = "15",
                Origin          = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Geometry3D.Point3D
                    X = -2.103,
                    Y = 3.12,
                    Z = 3.1
                AxisX = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Geometry3D.Vector3D
                    X = 1,
                    Y = 0,
                    Z = 0
                AxisY = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Geometry3D.Vector3D
                    X = 0,
                    Y = -1,
                    Z = 0
                AxisZ = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Geometry3D.Vector3D
                    X = 0,
                    Y = 0,
                    Z = 1
                Region = "M 0 0 L 0.206 0 L 0.206 0.105 L 0.195 0.115 L 0.011 0.115 L 0.0 0.105 L 0 0",

            //add weld10 between memeber 2 and plate 5 - stiffener
            IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.WeldData weldData10 = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.WeldData()
                Id = 40,
                ConnectedPartIds = new List <string>()
                    plateData5.OriginalModelId, beam2Data.OriginalModelId
                Start = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Geometry3D.Point3D()
                    X = -2,
                    Y = 3.005,
                    Z = 3.11
                End = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Geometry3D.Point3D()
                    X = -2,
                    Y = 3.005,
                    Z = 3.11
                Thickness = 0.004,
                WeldType  = IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.WeldType.DoubleFillet,

            //add weld11 between memeber 2 and plate 5 - stiffener
            IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.WeldData weldData11 = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.WeldData()
                Id = 41,
                ConnectedPartIds = new List <string>()
                    plateData5.OriginalModelId, beam2Data.OriginalModelId
                Start = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Geometry3D.Point3D()
                    X = -2.103,
                    Y = 3.10,
                    Z = 3.11
                End = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Geometry3D.Point3D()
                    X = -2.103,
                    Y = 3.10,
                    Z = 3.11
                Thickness = 0.004,
                WeldType  = IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.WeldType.DoubleFillet,

            //add weld12 between memeber 2 and plate 5 - stiffener
            IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.WeldData weldData12 = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.WeldData()
                Id = 46,
                ConnectedPartIds = new List <string>()
                    plateData5.OriginalModelId, beam2Data.OriginalModelId
                Start = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Geometry3D.Point3D()
                    X = -1.897,
                    Y = 3.10,
                    Z = 3.11
                End = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Geometry3D.Point3D()
                    X = -1.897,
                    Y = 3.10,
                    Z = 3.11
                Thickness = 0.004,
                WeldType  = IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.WeldType.DoubleFillet,

Beispiel #26
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            IdeaInstallDir = IOM.SteelFrameDesktop.Properties.Settings.Default.IdeaInstallDir;

            if (!Directory.Exists(IdeaInstallDir))
                Console.WriteLine("IDEA StatiCa installation was not found in '{0}'", IdeaInstallDir);

            Console.WriteLine("IDEA StatiCa installation directory is '{0}'", IdeaInstallDir);

            Console.WriteLine("Select the required example");
            Console.WriteLine("1  - Steel frame ECEN");
            Console.WriteLine("2  - Simple frame AUS");

            var option = Console.ReadLine();

            OpenModel       iom       = null;
            OpenModelResult iomResult = null;

            if (option.Equals("2", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                Console.WriteLine("Generating Australian steel frame ...");

                // create IOM and results
                iom       = SimpleFrameAUS.CreateIOM();
                iomResult = null;
                Console.WriteLine("Generating ECEN steel frame ...");

                // create IOM and results
                iom       = SteelFrameExample.CreateIOM();
                iomResult = Helpers.GetResults();

            string iomFileName    = "example.xml";
            string iomResFileName = "example.xmlR";

            // save to the files

            if (iomResult != null)
                iomResFileName = string.Empty;

            var desktopDir = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.DesktopDirectory);
            var fileConnFileNameFromLocal = Path.Combine(desktopDir, "connectionFromIOM-local.ideaCon");

            var calcFactory = new ConnHiddenClientFactory(IdeaInstallDir);

            var client = calcFactory.Create();

                // it creates connection project from IOM
                Console.WriteLine("Creating Idea connection project ");
                client.CreateConProjFromIOM(iomFileName, iomResFileName, fileConnFileNameFromLocal);
                Console.WriteLine("Generated project was saved to the file '{0}'", fileConnFileNameFromLocal);
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Error '{0}'", e.Message);
                if (client != null)

            // end console application
            Console.WriteLine("Done. Press any key to exit.");
Beispiel #27
        /// <summary>
        /// 支付
        /// </summary>
        public ActionResult Pay()
            int oid = WebHelper.GetQueryInt("oid");

            OrderInfo orderInfo = Orders.GetOrderByOid(oid);

            if (orderInfo == null || orderInfo.OrderState != (int)OrderState.WaitPaying)

            string code = Request.QueryString["code"];

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(code))
                string code_url = string.Format("{0}&redirect_uri={1}&response_type=code&scope=snsapi_base&state=lk#wechat_redirect", PayConfig.AppId, string.Format("http://{0}/mob/wechat/pay?oid=" + oid, BSPConfig.ShopConfig.SiteUrl));
                LogUtil.WriteLog("code_url:" + code_url);

            LogUtil.WriteLog(" ============ 开始 获取微信用户相关信息 =====================");

            #region 获取支付用户 OpenID================
            string url       = string.Format("{0}&secret={1}&code={2}&grant_type=authorization_code", PayConfig.AppId, PayConfig.AppSecret, code);
            string returnStr = HttpUtil.Send("", url);
            LogUtil.WriteLog("Send 页面  returnStr 第一个:" + returnStr);

            OpenModel openModel = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <OpenModel>(returnStr);

            url       = string.Format("{0}&grant_type=refresh_token&refresh_token={1}", PayConfig.AppId, openModel.refresh_token);
            returnStr = HttpUtil.Send("", url);
            openModel = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <OpenModel>(returnStr);

            LogUtil.WriteLog("Send 页面  access_token:" + openModel.access_token);
            LogUtil.WriteLog("Send 页面  openid=" + openModel.openid);

            //url = string.Format("{0}&openid={1}", obj.access_token, obj.openid);
            //returnStr = HttpUtil.Send("", url);
            //LogUtil.WriteLog("Send 页面  returnStr:" + returnStr);

            LogUtil.WriteLog(" ============ 结束 获取微信用户相关信息 =====================");

            LogUtil.WriteLog("============ 单次支付开始 ===============");

            #region 支付操作============================

            #region 基本参数===========================
            string outTradeNo = orderInfo.Oid.ToString() + Randoms.CreateRandomValue(10, false);
            string subject = BSPConfig.ShopConfig.SiteTitle + "购物";
            string totalFee = ((int)(orderInfo.SurplusMoney * 100)).ToString();
            string openId = openModel.openid;
            string timeStamp = TenpayUtil.getTimestamp();
            string nonceStr = TenpayUtil.getNoncestr();
            string notifyUrl = string.Format("http://{0}/mob/wechat/notify", BSPConfig.ShopConfig.SiteUrl);

            LogUtil.WriteLog("totalFee" + totalFee);

            RequestHandler packageReqHandler = new RequestHandler(System.Web.HttpContext.Current);

            //设置package订单参数  具体参数列表请参考官方pdf文档,请勿随意设置
            packageReqHandler.setParameter("body", subject); //商品信息 127字符
            packageReqHandler.setParameter("appid", PayConfig.AppId);
            packageReqHandler.setParameter("mch_id", PayConfig.MchId);
            packageReqHandler.setParameter("nonce_str", nonceStr.ToLower());
            packageReqHandler.setParameter("notify_url", notifyUrl);
            packageReqHandler.setParameter("openid", openId);
            packageReqHandler.setParameter("out_trade_no", outTradeNo);                  //商家订单号
            packageReqHandler.setParameter("spbill_create_ip", Request.UserHostAddress); //用户的公网ip,不是商户服务器IP
            packageReqHandler.setParameter("total_fee", totalFee);                       //商品金额,以分为单位(money * 100).ToString()
            packageReqHandler.setParameter("trade_type", "JSAPI");
            //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Attach))
            //    packageReqHandler.setParameter("attach", this.Attach);//自定义参数 127字符


            #region sign===============================
            string sign = packageReqHandler.CreateMd5Sign("key", PayConfig.AppKey);
            LogUtil.WriteLog("WeiPay 页面  sign:" + sign);

            #region 获取package包======================
            packageReqHandler.setParameter("sign", sign);

            string data = packageReqHandler.parseXML();
            LogUtil.WriteLog("WeiPay 页面  package(XML):" + data);

            string prepayXml = HttpUtil.Send(data, "");
            LogUtil.WriteLog("WeiPay 页面  package(Back_XML):" + prepayXml);

            string      prepayId = "";
            string      package  = "";
            XmlDocument xdoc     = new XmlDocument();
            XmlNode     xn  = xdoc.SelectSingleNode("xml");
            XmlNodeList xnl = xn.ChildNodes;
            if (xnl.Count > 7)
                prepayId = xnl[7].InnerText;
                package  = string.Format("prepay_id={0}", prepayId);
                LogUtil.WriteLog("WeiPay 页面  package:" + package);

            #region 设置支付参数 输出页面  该部分参数请勿随意修改 ==============
            RequestHandler paySignReqHandler = new RequestHandler(System.Web.HttpContext.Current);
            paySignReqHandler.setParameter("appId", PayConfig.AppId);
            paySignReqHandler.setParameter("timeStamp", timeStamp);
            paySignReqHandler.setParameter("nonceStr", nonceStr);
            paySignReqHandler.setParameter("package", package);
            paySignReqHandler.setParameter("signType", "MD5");
            string paySign = paySignReqHandler.CreateMd5Sign("key", PayConfig.AppKey);

            LogUtil.WriteLog("WeiPay 页面  paySign:" + paySign);

            Dictionary <string, string> model = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            model.Add("oid", orderInfo.Oid.ToString());
            model.Add("timeStamp", timeStamp);
            model.Add("nonceStr", nonceStr);
            model.Add("package", package);
            model.Add("paySign", paySign);
            return(PartialView("~/plugins/BrnShop.PayPlugin.WeChat/views/wechat/pay.cshtml", model));
Beispiel #28
        protected override ModelBIM ImportActive(CountryCode countryCode, RequestedItemsType requestedType)
                if (_selectedObjects?.Count == 0)
                    Debug.Fail("Nothing selected");

                var materials        = new Dictionary <string, MatSteelEc2>();
                var crossSections    = new Dictionary <string, CrossSectionParameter>();
                var pointConnections = _selectedObjects.OfType <StructuralPointConnection>().ToList();
                var curveMembers     = _selectedObjects.OfType <StructuralCurveMember>().ToList();
                var assemblies       = _selectedObjects.OfType <ElementAssembly>().ToList();
                if (pointConnections.Count == 0)
                    MessageBoxHelper.ShowInformation("please select a PointConnection object to identify the connectionPoint", null);

                // read all nodes (maybe it's esier)
                var nodes = _integrationBase.ApiCore.DtObjects.GetObjects <StructuralPointConnection>(
                    _integrationBase.CurrentProject.Id, false, false, true);

                OpenModel openModel = new OpenModel
                    OriginSettings = new OriginSettings()
                        CrossSectionConversionTable = IdeaRS.OpenModel.CrossSectionConversionTable.NoUsed, CountryCode = countryCode

                int ccsId    = 1;
                int matId    = 1;
                int lsId     = 1;
                int memberId = 1;
                // ConnectionPoint
                ConnectionPoint connectionPoint = null;
                foreach (var point in pointConnections)
                    // ad main node to openModel
                    connectionPoint = new ConnectionPoint();
                    if (point.NodeId.HasValue)
                        ConnectionPointId = point.NodeId.Value;
                    Point3D node = AddNodeToOpenModel(point, openModel, ConnectionPointId);
                    connectionPoint.Node = new ReferenceElement(node);

                    connectionPoint.Id              = ConnectionPointId;
                    connectionPoint.Name            = string.Format("Conn-{0}", ConnectionPointId);
                    connectionPoint.ProjectFileName = Path.Combine(".\\Connections", connectionPoint.Name + ".ideaCon");

                // try to add Member1D objects if they are not selected by user
                foreach (var assembly in assemblies)
                    if (assembly.Connections == null)
                    foreach (var c in assembly.Connections)
                        var ce = c as RelConnectsElements;
                        if (ce == null || curveMembers.Find(x => x.Id == ce.RelatedElement.Value) != null)
                        var cm = _integrationBase.ApiCore.DtObjects.GetObjectInternal(ce.RelatedElement.Value) as StructuralCurveMember;
                        if (cm != null)
                            foreach (var cm1 in pointConnections[0].ConnectsStructuralMembers)
                                if (cm.Id.ToString() == cm1.RelatingStructuralMember.GetValueOrDefault().ToString())
                // create Element1D from StructuralCurveMember
                foreach (var element in curveMembers)
                    var matName = element.GetStringProperty(TableNames.contentAttributes, MaterialAttributeId) ?? "S355";
                    if (!materials.ContainsKey(matName))
                        MatSteelEc2 material = new MatSteelEc2();

                        // set properties
                        material.Id                         = matId++;
                        material.Name                       = matName;
                        material.E                          = 210000000000;
                        material.G                          = material.E / (2 * (1 + 0.3));
                        material.Poisson                    = 0.3;
                        material.UnitMass                   = 7850;
                        material.SpecificHeat               = 0.6;
                        material.ThermalExpansion           = 0.000012;
                        material.ThermalConductivity        = 45;
                        material.IsDefaultMaterial          = false;
                        material.OrderInCode                = 0;
                        material.StateOfThermalExpansion    = ThermalExpansionState.Code;
                        material.StateOfThermalConductivity = ThermalConductivityState.Code;
                        material.StateOfThermalSpecificHeat = ThermalSpecificHeatState.Code;
                        material.StateOfThermalStressStrain = ThermalStressStrainState.Code;
                        material.StateOfThermalStrain       = ThermalStrainState.Code;
                        material.fy                         = 355000000;
                        material.fu                         = 510000000;
                        material.fy40                       = 335000000;
                        material.fu40                       = 470000000;
                        material.DiagramType                = SteelDiagramType.Bilinear;

                        // add material to the model
                        materials.Add(matName, material);

                    var crossSection = element.GetStringProperty(TableNames.contentAttributes, CrossSectionAttributeId) ?? "HE200";
                    crossSection = crossSection.Replace("HE200B", "HEB200");
                    crossSection = crossSection.Replace("HE240B", "HEB240");
                    if (!crossSections.ContainsKey(crossSection))
                        CrossSectionParameter css = new CrossSectionParameter
                            Id   = ccsId++,
                            Name = crossSection,
                            CrossSectionRotation = 0,
                            CrossSectionType     = CrossSectionType.RolledI,
                            Material             = new ReferenceElement(materials[matName])
                        css.Parameters.Add(new ParameterString()
                            Name = "UniqueName", Value = crossSection

                        // add cross sections to the model
                        crossSections.Add(crossSection, css);

                    if (element?.ConnectedBy.Count != 2)

                    var node = nodes.Find(x => x.Id == element?.ConnectedBy[0].RelatedStructuralConnection.Value);
                    if (node == null)
                    Point3D ptA = AddNodeToOpenModel(node, openModel, node.NodeId.GetValueOrDefault());

                    node = nodes.Find(x => x.Id == element?.ConnectedBy[1].RelatedStructuralConnection.Value);
                    Point3D ptB = AddNodeToOpenModel(node, openModel, node.NodeId.GetValueOrDefault());

                    var member1d = new Member1D
                        Id   = memberId++,
                        Name = element.Name

                    IdeaRS.OpenModel.Geometry3D.PolyLine3D polyLine3D = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Geometry3D.PolyLine3D
                        Id = member1d.Id

                    var start      = new WM.Point3D(ptA.X, ptA.Y, ptA.Z);
                    var end        = new WM.Point3D(ptB.X, ptB.Y, ptB.Z);
                    var dirVectort = end - start;

                    GetAngles(dirVectort, out double alpha, out double beta);
                    beta *= -1;

                    CI.Geometry3D.Matrix44 lcsSegmentMatrix = new CI.Geometry3D.Matrix44();

                    if (!IsZero(beta))
                        // gamma pitch
                        lcsSegmentMatrix.Rotate(beta, new CI.Geometry3D.Vector3D(0, 1, 0));

                    if (!IsZero(alpha))
                        // beta direction
                        lcsSegmentMatrix.Rotate(alpha, new CI.Geometry3D.Vector3D(0, 0, 1));

                    IdeaRS.OpenModel.Geometry3D.LineSegment3D ls = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Geometry3D.LineSegment3D
                        Id                    = member1d.Id,
                        StartPoint            = new ReferenceElement(ptA),
                        EndPoint              = new ReferenceElement(ptB),
                        LocalCoordinateSystem = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Geometry3D.CoordSystemByVector()
                            VecX = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Geometry3D.Vector3D()
                                X = lcsSegmentMatrix.AxisX.DirectionX,
                                Y = lcsSegmentMatrix.AxisX.DirectionY,
                                Z = lcsSegmentMatrix.AxisX.DirectionZ,
                            VecY = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Geometry3D.Vector3D()
                                X = lcsSegmentMatrix.AxisY.DirectionX,
                                Y = lcsSegmentMatrix.AxisY.DirectionY,
                                Z = lcsSegmentMatrix.AxisY.DirectionZ,
                            VecZ = new IdeaRS.OpenModel.Geometry3D.Vector3D()
                                X = lcsSegmentMatrix.AxisZ.DirectionX,
                                Y = lcsSegmentMatrix.AxisZ.DirectionY,
                                Z = lcsSegmentMatrix.AxisZ.DirectionZ,
                    polyLine3D.Segments.Add(new ReferenceElement(ls));


                    Element1D element1d = new Element1D
                        Id                = member1d.Id,
                        Name              = element.Id.ToString(), //element.Name, Its esier for mapping Element1D with bimplus Structuralcurvemember
                        RotationRx        = element.GetDoubleProperty(TableNames.contentAttributes, RotationAttributeId) ?? 0,
                        CrossSectionBegin = new ReferenceElement(crossSections[crossSection]),
                        CrossSectionEnd   = new ReferenceElement(crossSections[crossSection]),
                        Segment           = new ReferenceElement(ls)

                    member1d.Elements1D.Add(new ReferenceElement(element1d));


                    if (connectionPoint != null)
                        ConnectedMember conMb = new ConnectedMember
                            Id           = member1d.Id,
                            MemberId     = new ReferenceElement(member1d),
                            IsContinuous = false,


                    BeamData beamData = new BeamData
                        Id                       = member1d.Id,
                        Name                     = element1d.Name,
                        OriginalModelId          = member1d.Id.ToString(), // member1d.Name,
                        IsAdded                  = false,
                        MirrorY                  = false,
                        RefLineInCenterOfGravity = true,

                    if (openModel.Connections.Count == 0)
                        openModel.Connections.Add(new ConnectionData());
                    (openModel.Connections[0].Beams ?? (openModel.Connections[0].Beams = new List <BeamData>())).Add(beamData);

                // create Member1D from assemblies

                /* foreach (var assembly in assemblies)
                 * {
                 *   var member1d = new Member1D
                 *   {
                 *       Id = assembly.OrderNumber.GetValueOrDefault(),
                 *       Name = assembly.Name
                 *   };
                 *   foreach (var c in assembly.Connections)
                 *   {
                 *       var ce = c as RelConnectsElements;
                 *       var element = openModel.Element1D.Find(x => x.Name == ce.RelatedElement.ToString());
                 *       if (element == null) continue;
                 *       member1d.Elements1D.Add(new ReferenceElement(element));
                 *       openModel.Member1D.Add(member1d);
                 *   }
                 * }*/

                /*if (connectionPoint != null)
                 * {
                 *   var p0t = pointConnections.Find(x => x.NodeId.GetValueOrDefault() == ConnectionPointId);
                 *   if (p0t != null && p0t.ConnectsStructuralMembers != null)
                 *   {
                 *       foreach (var cm in p0t.ConnectsStructuralMembers)
                 *       {
                 *           var member = openModel.Element1D.Find(x => x.Name == cm.RelatingStructuralMember.GetValueOrDefault().ToString());
                 *           if (member == null)
                 *               continue;
                 *           ConnectedMember conMb = new ConnectedMember
                 *           {
                 *               Id = member.Id,
                 *               MemberId = new ReferenceElement(member),
                 *               IsContinuous = false,
                 *           };
                 *           connectionPoint.ConnectedMembers.Add(conMb);
                 *           // BEAM DATA - definition
                 *           BeamData bData = new BeamData
                 *           {
                 *               Id = conMb.Id,
                 *               OriginalModelId = "???", // ass.Id.ToString(), is it important?
                 *               IsAdded = false,
                 *               MirrorY = false,
                 *               RefLineInCenterOfGravity = false,
                 *           };
                 *           if (openModel.Connections.Count == 0)
                 *           {
                 *               openModel.Connections.Add(new ConnectionData { Beams = new List<BeamData>() });
                 *           }
                 *           openModel.Connections[0].Beams.Add(bData);
                 *       }
                 *   }
                 * }*/
                openModel.AddObject(connectionPoint); // important !!!

                OpenModelResult openModelResult =
                    new OpenModelResult()
                    ResultOnMembers = new System.Collections.Generic.List <ResultOnMembers>()
                        new ResultOnMembers()
                OpenMessages openMessages = new OpenMessages();

                return(new ModelBIM()
                    Items = new List <BIMItemId>()
                        new BIMItemId()
                            Id = connectionPoint.Id, Type = BIMItemType.Node
                    Model = openModel,
                    Results = openModelResult,
                    Messages = openMessages,
                    Project = AllplanBimplusDemo.Properties.Settings.Default.IdeaDefaultWorkingDir,
            catch (Exception e)
                MessageBoxHelper.ShowInformation(e.Message, null);