Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// output all the changes made with the editor to a new datadict file
        /// </summary>
        private void SaveAs_Execute()
            //make sure all the elements that may hold old data before starting the file output process
            //store the header of the currently open file for later use
            SaveAsOutput = OpenFileBytes.Skip(0).Take(16 + (DDObjects.Count * 8)).ToList();

            //for every datadict object in the current file
            for (int i = 0; i < DDObjects.Count; i++)
                ObservableCollection <DataDict_Attribute> SaveAsAttributes = new ObservableCollection <DataDict_Attribute>(DDObjects[i].DataDictObjects);
                //define the attributes associated to the current data dict object
                int SaveAsNumAttributes = DDObjects[i].NumOfAttributes;
                // loop through all atrributes, save to the output attribute description list and final data list
                for (int a = 0; a < SaveAsNumAttributes; a++)
                    //add the attributes description the the attribute description array
                    SaveAsAttributeDescription.AddRange(DDObjects[i].DataDictObjects[a].Description.ToList <byte>());

                    //Set the new offset based on the current length of the final data block and write it to the attribute description array
                    byte[] cbytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(SaveAsFinalData.Count);

                    //write the attribute type to the attribute description array

                    //based on the attribute type write the appropriate value bytes to the attribute description array
                    if (DDObjects[i].DataDictObjects[a].Type == 13)
            //add the attribute description array to the final output array
            //add the final data array to the final output array

            //update bytes 12-16 to represent the new length of data
            byte[] newdatalength = BitConverter.GetBytes(SaveAsFinalData.Count);

            //update the output bytes 4-8 with the new datablock length

            //prepare to write the changes to a file by creating a new savefiledialog
            SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog1 = new SaveFileDialog();

            //Set the window options to default to .datadict file format
            saveFileDialog1.Filter = "DeathSpank Data Files (*.datadict)| *.datadict";
            //set the save as window title
            saveFileDialog1.Title = "Save a DeathSpank Data File";
            //display the save as dialog option

            if (saveFileDialog1.FileName != "")
                //Create a new filestream from the open file dialog options
                using (FileStream fs = (System.IO.FileStream)saveFileDialog1.OpenFile())
                    //create a binary writer to write to the filestream
                    BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(fs);
                    //Write data to the new file

                    //flush and close the binarywriter
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Populate an observable collection of DataDict_Objects
        /// from the bytes in the currently opened files any time the currently
        /// opened file changes
        /// </summary>
        private void OnOpenFileBytesChanged()
            //Clear all objects from the observable collection
            //reset the hexidecimal display boolean
            IsHexadecimalDisplayed = false;

            //Declare the number of objects
            //derived by bytes 4-8 of OpenFileBytes array
            int numobjects = BitConverter.ToInt32(OpenFileBytes.Skip(4).Take(4).ToArray(), 0);
            //declare the datablock length from bytes 12-16
            int datablocklength = BitConverter.ToInt32(OpenFileBytes.Skip(12).Take(4).ToArray(), 0);
            //declare the attribute description block length by taking bytes 8-12 as an integer and multiplying by 8
            //because each attribute description is 8 bytes long
            int attributedescriptionblocklength = BitConverter.ToInt32(OpenFileBytes.Skip(8).Take(4).ToArray(), 0) * 8;

            //define the block of data defining the number of attributes per object
            byte[] objectattributeblock = OpenFileBytes.Skip(16).Take(numobjects * 8).ToArray();
            //define the lock of data defining the details of each object attribute
            byte[] attributedescriptionblock = OpenFileBytes.Skip(16 + objectattributeblock.Length).Take(attributedescriptionblocklength).ToArray();
            //define the block of data where all of the attribute values are held
            byte[] datablock = OpenFileBytes.Skip(OpenFileBytes.Length - datablocklength).Take(datablocklength).ToArray();

            //create a loop that repeats for every object in the file
            for (int i = 0; i < numobjects; i++)
                //Get the 8 bits that define the current object and the number of attributes it has
                byte[] currentobject = objectattributeblock.Skip(i * 8).Take(8).ToArray();
                //take the last 4 bits of the current object byte array to define the number of attributes the object has
                int numattributes = BitConverter.ToInt32(currentobject.Skip(4).Take(4).ToArray(), 0);
                //define where in the attribute description block this object's attributes start
                int attrstartOFfset = (BitConverter.ToInt32(currentobject.Skip(0).Take(4).ToArray(), 0) * 8);

                //create a new datadict_object to represent the file object
                //populate the number of attributes and give it an object ID
                DataDict_Object ddobject = new DataDict_Object()
                    NumOfAttributes = numattributes,
                    ObjectID        = i + 1

                //Loop through the attributes and populate the attributes into to DataDict_Object
                for (int a = 0; a < numattributes; a++)
                    //locate and define the current attribute description object (8 bytes)
                    byte[] currentattribute = attributedescriptionblock.Skip((a * 8) + attrstartOFfset).Take(8).ToArray();

                    //create a new datadict_attribute object and populate the description, offset and type
                    DataDict_Attribute ddattribute = new DataDict_Attribute()
                        Description = currentattribute.Skip(0).Take(4).ToArray(),
                        Offset      = ReturnOffset(currentattribute.Skip(4).Take(3).ToArray()),
                        Type        = currentattribute[7]
                    //use the get value method to return the value for this attribute based on its type and offset
                    ddattribute.Value = GetValue(ddattribute.Offset, ddattribute.Type, datablock);
                    //add the current attribute to the object's observable collection of attributes

                //Add the current object to the bound observablecollection of datadict objects