Beispiel #1
    public GameObject SpawnExpression(Expression expression)
        GameObject wordContainer = ArgumentContainer.From(expression);

        ArgumentContainer wordContainerScript =
            wordContainer.GetComponent <ArgumentContainer>();


        wordContainer.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;

        int width  = wordContainerScript.Width;
        int height = wordContainerScript.Height;

        wordContainer.transform.localScale =
            new Vector3(0.125f * 0.875f * width, 0.125f * 0.875f * height, 1);

        // find the next available slot that
        // can accommodate the expression
        for (int i = 0; i < slotsY; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < slotsX; j++)
                bool empty = true;
                for (int h = 0; h < height; h++)
                    if (!empty)
                    if (i + h >= slotsY)
                        empty = false;
                    for (int w = 0; w < width; w++)
                        if (j + w >= slotsX)
                            empty = false;
                        if (slots[i + h, j + w] != null)
                            empty = false;

                // we've found a rectangular region
                // that can fit this new container
                if (empty)
                    // here, we add the open arguments in this expression
                    // to a map which will be used when expressions of the
                    // right type are selected.
                    if (wordContainerScript.Argument is Expression)
                        List <Argument> arguments = new List <Argument>();
                        Expression      e         = (Expression)wordContainerScript.Argument;

                        int index = 0;
                        foreach (Transform child in wordContainer.transform)
                            var script = child.gameObject.GetComponent <ArgumentContainer>();
                            if (script == null)
                            if (script.Argument is Empty)
                                var newArguments = new List <Argument>();
                                foreach (Argument arg in newArguments)
                                    newArguments.Add(new Empty(arg.Type));
                                openArgumentSlots[i + 1, j + index] = new OpenArgumentInfo(j, i, script.gameObject, wordContainer, arguments);
                            index += script.Width;

                    // here, we set the container's position to the first available grid position.
                    wordContainer.transform.localPosition =
                        new Vector3(0.95f * (-0.5f + width / 16.0f + 0.125f * j),
                                    0.95f * ((0.5f - height / 16.0f) - 0.125f * i), -0.01f);

                    // if no pointer is active on the workspace, we set the pointer active
                    // to this expression.
                    if (!
               = true;
                        Pointer.transform.localPosition =
                            new Vector3(wordContainer.transform.localPosition.x,
                                        wordContainer.transform.localPosition.y + (3.0f * height / 32.0f),

                    // fill the slots in the grid with the ID
                    // of this container.
                    for (int h = 0; h < height; h++)
                        for (int w = 0; w < width; w++)
                            slots[i + h, j + w] = wordContainer;

        // @NOTE the workspace should expand when there's
        // no room for another word.
        // Need to implement scroll and zoom.
        Debug.Log("no more room :'(");
Beispiel #2
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        // the menu button was pressed
        if (Input.GetButtonDown("Menu"))
            // the workspace is already open
            if (IsWorkspaceActive)
                IsRadialMenuActive = true;
                RadialMenu.enabled = true;
                // do stuff with the radial menu
                // the workspace isn't open yet

                // lock the player's movement
                PlayerMovement.enabled = false;
                MouseLook.enabled      = false;
                // HighlightPoint.SetActive(false);

                // set the workspace to active
                IsWorkspaceActive = true;

        // @NOTE: for each of cursor movements, the traversal should
        // be different from how it is. It should follow a zig-zag
        // traversal pattern that covers the whole rectangular region
        // starting from the position of the cursor.

        // move the cursor to the expression to the right
        // of the current expression
        if (Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") > 0 && Time.time - lastStepHorizontal > timeBetweenSteps)
            lastStepHorizontal = Time.time;

            int        bestX      = -1;
            int        bestY      = -1;
            int        bestNorm   = int.MaxValue;
            GameObject bestObject = null;
            if (SelectedExpression == null)
                GameObject currentlySelected = slots[cursorY, cursorX];
                for (int i = 0; i < slotsY; i++)
                    for (int j = cursorX + 1; j < slotsX; j++)
                        GameObject o = slots[i, j];
                        if (o == null || o == currentlySelected)

                        int dx = j - cursorX;
                        int dy = i - cursorY;

                        int norm = (dx * dx) + (dy * dy);

                        if (norm < bestNorm)
                            bestX      = j;
                            bestY      = i;
                            bestNorm   = norm;
                            bestObject = o;

                if (bestX != -1 && bestY != -1)
                    cursorX = bestX;
                    cursorY = bestY;

                    Pointer.transform.localPosition =
                        new Vector3(bestObject.transform.localPosition.x,
                                    bestObject.transform.localPosition.y +
                                    (3.0f * bestObject.GetComponent <ArgumentContainer>().Height / 32.0f),
                for (int i = 0; i < slotsY; i++)
                    for (int j = cursorX + 1; j < slotsX; j++)
                        if (openArgumentSlots[i, j] == null ||
                            !openArgumentSlots[i, j].Type.Equals(SelectedExpression.GetComponent <ArgumentContainer>().Argument.Type))

                        int dx = j - cursorX;
                        int dy = i - cursorY;

                        int norm = (dx * dx) + (dy * dy);

                        if (norm < bestNorm)
                            bestX    = j;
                            bestY    = i;
                            bestNorm = norm;

                if (bestX != -1 && bestY != -1)
                    cursorX = bestX;
                    cursorY = bestY;

                    Pointer.transform.localPosition =
                        new Vector3(0.95f * (-0.5f + 1 / 16.0f + 0.125f * cursorX),
                                    0.95f * ((0.5f + 1 / 16.0f) - 0.125f * cursorY), -0.02f);

        // move the cursor to the expression to the left
        // of the current expression
        if (Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") < 0 && Time.time - lastStepHorizontal > timeBetweenSteps)
            lastStepHorizontal = Time.time;

            int        bestX      = -1;
            int        bestY      = -1;
            int        bestNorm   = int.MaxValue;
            GameObject bestObject = null;
            if (SelectedExpression == null)
                GameObject currentlySelected = slots[cursorY, cursorX];
                for (int i = 0; i < slotsY; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < cursorX; j++)
                        GameObject o = slots[i, j];
                        if (o == null || o == currentlySelected)

                        int dx = j - cursorX;
                        int dy = i - cursorY;

                        int norm = (dx * dx) + (dy * dy);

                        if (norm < bestNorm)
                            bestX      = j;
                            bestY      = i;
                            bestNorm   = norm;
                            bestObject = o;

                if (bestX != -1 && bestY != -1)
                    cursorX = bestX;
                    cursorY = bestY;

                    Pointer.transform.localPosition =
                        new Vector3(bestObject.transform.localPosition.x,
                                    bestObject.transform.localPosition.y +
                                    (3.0f * bestObject.GetComponent <ArgumentContainer>().Height / 32.0f),
                for (int i = 0; i < slotsY; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < cursorX; j++)
                        if (openArgumentSlots[i, j] == null ||
                            !openArgumentSlots[i, j].Type.Equals(SelectedExpression.GetComponent <ArgumentContainer>().Argument.Type))

                        int dx = j - cursorX;
                        int dy = i - cursorY;

                        int norm = (dx * dx) + (dy * dy);

                        if (norm < bestNorm)
                            bestX    = j;
                            bestY    = i;
                            bestNorm = norm;

                if (bestX != -1 && bestY != -1)
                    cursorX = bestX;
                    cursorY = bestY;

                    Pointer.transform.localPosition =
                        new Vector3(0.95f * (-0.5f + 1 / 16.0f + 0.125f * cursorX),
                                    0.95f * ((0.5f + 1 / 16.0f) - 0.125f * cursorY), -0.02f);

        // move the cursor to the expression downard
        // from the current expression
        if (Input.GetAxis("Vertical") < 0 && Time.time - lastStepVertical > timeBetweenSteps)
            lastStepVertical = Time.time;

            int        bestX      = -1;
            int        bestY      = -1;
            int        bestNorm   = int.MaxValue;
            GameObject bestObject = null;
            if (SelectedExpression == null)
                GameObject currentlySelected = slots[cursorY, cursorX];
                for (int i = cursorY + 1; i < slotsY; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < slotsX; j++)
                        GameObject o = slots[i, j];
                        if (o == null || o == currentlySelected)

                        int dx = j - cursorX;
                        int dy = i - cursorY;

                        int norm = (dx * dx) + (dy * dy);

                        if (norm < bestNorm)
                            bestX      = j;
                            bestY      = i;
                            bestNorm   = norm;
                            bestObject = o;

                if (bestX != -1 && bestY != -1)
                    cursorX = bestX;
                    cursorY = bestY;

                    Pointer.transform.localPosition =
                        new Vector3(bestObject.transform.localPosition.x,
                                    bestObject.transform.localPosition.y +
                                    (3.0f * bestObject.GetComponent <ArgumentContainer>().Height / 32.0f),
                for (int i = cursorY + 1; i < slotsY; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < slotsX; j++)
                        if (openArgumentSlots[i, j] == null ||
                            !openArgumentSlots[i, j].Type.Equals(SelectedExpression.GetComponent <ArgumentContainer>().Argument.Type))

                        int dx = j - cursorX;
                        int dy = i - cursorY;

                        int norm = (dx * dx) + (dy * dy);

                        if (norm < bestNorm)
                            bestX    = j;
                            bestY    = i;
                            bestNorm = norm;

                if (bestX != -1 && bestY != -1)
                    cursorX = bestX;
                    cursorY = bestY;

                    Pointer.transform.localPosition =
                        new Vector3(0.95f * (-0.5f + 1 / 16.0f + 0.125f * cursorX),
                                    0.95f * ((0.5f + 1 / 16.0f) - 0.125f * cursorY), -0.02f);

        // move the cursor to the expression upward
        // from the current expression
        if (Input.GetAxis("Vertical") > 0 && Time.time - lastStepVertical > timeBetweenSteps)
            lastStepVertical = Time.time;

            int        bestX      = -1;
            int        bestY      = -1;
            int        bestNorm   = int.MaxValue;
            GameObject bestObject = null;
            if (SelectedExpression == null)
                GameObject currentlySelected = slots[cursorY, cursorX];
                for (int i = 0; i < cursorY; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < slotsX; j++)
                        GameObject o = slots[i, j];
                        if (o == null || o == currentlySelected)

                        int dx = j - cursorX;
                        int dy = i - cursorY;

                        int norm = (dx * dx) + (dy * dy);

                        if (norm < bestNorm)
                            bestX      = j;
                            bestY      = i;
                            bestNorm   = norm;
                            bestObject = o;

                if (bestX != -1 && bestY != -1)
                    cursorX = bestX;
                    cursorY = bestY;

                    Pointer.transform.localPosition =
                        new Vector3(bestObject.transform.localPosition.x,
                                    bestObject.transform.localPosition.y +
                                    (3.0f * bestObject.GetComponent <ArgumentContainer>().Height / 32.0f),
                for (int i = 0; i < cursorY; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < slotsX; j++)
                        if (openArgumentSlots[i, j] == null ||
                            !openArgumentSlots[i, j].Type.Equals(SelectedExpression.GetComponent <ArgumentContainer>().Argument.Type))

                        int dx = j - cursorX;
                        int dy = i - cursorY;

                        int norm = (dx * dx) + (dy * dy);

                        if (norm < bestNorm)
                            bestX    = j;
                            bestY    = i;
                            bestNorm = norm;

                if (bestX != -1 && bestY != -1)
                    cursorX = bestX;
                    cursorY = bestY;

                    Pointer.transform.localPosition =
                        new Vector3(0.95f * (-0.5f + 1 / 16.0f + 0.125f * cursorX),
                                    0.95f * ((0.5f + 1 / 16.0f) - 0.125f * cursorY), -0.02f);

        if (Input.GetButtonDown("Submit") && IsWorkspaceActive)
            if (SelectedExpression == null)
                SelectedExpression = slots[cursorY, cursorX];

                var selectedType = SelectedExpression.GetComponent <ArgumentContainer>().Argument.Type;

                bool oneOpenSlot = false;
                for (int i = 0; i < slotsY; i++)
                    if (oneOpenSlot)
                    for (int j = 0; j < slotsX; j++)
                        OpenArgumentInfo openArgumentSlot = openArgumentSlots[i, j];
                        if (openArgumentSlot == null || !openArgumentSlot.Type.Equals(selectedType))

                        if (openArgumentSlot.Arguments.Length > 0 &&
                            openArgumentSlot.Type.Equals(SelectedExpression.GetComponent <ArgumentContainer>().Argument.Type))
                            cursorX = j;
                            cursorY = i;

                        Pointer.transform.localPosition =
                            new Vector3(0.95f * (-0.5f + 1 / 16.0f + 0.125f * j),
                                        0.95f * ((0.5f + 1 / 16.0f) - 0.125f * i), -0.02f);

                        oneOpenSlot = true;
                // Debug.Log("Combining " + SelectedExpression + " at " + CurrentArguments[ArgumentIndex]);
                var      openArgumentSlot = openArgumentSlots[cursorY, cursorX];
                Argument selectedArgument = SelectedExpression.GetComponent <ArgumentContainer>().Argument;
                if (openArgumentSlot != null && openArgumentSlot.Type.Equals(selectedArgument.Type))
                    openArgumentSlot.Arguments[openArgumentSlot.Arguments.Length - 1] = selectedArgument;

                    var parentContainerScript = openArgumentSlot.ParentContainer.GetComponent <ArgumentContainer>();

                    for (int i = openArgumentSlot.ParentY; i < openArgumentSlot.ParentY + parentContainerScript.Height; i++)
                        for (int j = openArgumentSlot.ParentX; j < openArgumentSlot.ParentX + parentContainerScript.Width; j++)
                            slots[i, j]             = null;
                            openArgumentSlots[i, j] = null;
                    var combinedExpression =
                        new Expression(parentContainerScript.Argument as Expression,


                    var o = SpawnExpression(combinedExpression);

                    Pointer.transform.localPosition =
                        new Vector3(o.transform.localPosition.x,
                                    o.transform.localPosition.y + (3.0f * o.GetComponent <ArgumentContainer>().Height / 32.0f),

                    // TODO: make this more efficient
                    for (int i = 0; i < slotsY; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < slotsX; j++)
                            if (slots[i, j] == SelectedExpression)
                                slots[i, j] = null;


        if (Input.GetButtonDown("Use"))
            if (IsWorkspaceActive)
                if (SelectedExpression != null && !IsRadialMenuActive)
                    // set expression to center of screen
                    SelectedExpression.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0.5f);

                    // @TODO move the pointer to another expression, if one exists
                    // (this should probably be its own method)

                    // disable the workspace
                    IsWorkspaceActive = false;
                    PlayerMovement.enabled = true;
                    MouseLook.enabled      = true;

                    // set equipped expression
                    EquippedExpression = SelectedExpression;
                    SelectedExpression = null;
                if (EquippedExpression != null)
                    // Raycast
                    RaycastHit hit;
                    bool       collided = Physics.Raycast(
                        // Camera.transform.forward,
                        out hit,
                        1 << 10);

                    if (collided)
                        var targetedObject = hit.transform.gameObject;
                        // @Note the object should be displayed
                        // and received by other NPC's sensors,
                        // not sent directly. But this is less
                        // error-prone to start out with.
                        var targetedMentalState = targetedObject.GetComponent <MentalState>();
                        var targetedActuator    = targetedObject.GetComponent <Actuator>();

                        if (targetedMentalState != null && targetedActuator != null)
                            // TODO uncomment this when you have the ability
                            // to make a polymorphic functional expression.

                            // targetedMentalState.StartCoroutine(targetedMentalState.Assert(
                            //     new Expression(Expression.SAY, Expression.CHARLIE,
                            //     EquippedExpression.GetComponent<ArgumentContainer>().Argument as Expression)));

                                targetedActuator.RespondTo(EquippedExpression.GetComponent <ArgumentContainer>().Argument as Expression, Expression.CHARLIE));

                            EquippedExpression = null;

        if (Input.GetButtonDown("Cancel") && IsWorkspaceActive)
            if (IsRadialMenuActive)
                RadialMenu.enabled = false;
                IsRadialMenuActive = false;
            else if (SelectedExpression != null)
                Pointer.transform.localPosition =
                    new Vector3(SelectedExpression.transform.localPosition.x,
                                SelectedExpression.transform.localPosition.y +
                                (3.0f * SelectedExpression.GetComponent <ArgumentContainer>().Height / 32.0f),
                SelectedExpression = null;
                IsWorkspaceActive = false;
                PlayerMovement.enabled = true;
                MouseLook.enabled      = true;
            // HighlightPoint.SetActive(true);