public ActionQueryRunner <ResolverValue> Compile(string query) { Stack <OpEntry> opstack = new Stack <OpEntry>(); ActionQueryRunner <ResolverValue> .Constructor runner = new ActionQueryRunner <ResolverValue> .Constructor(); OpEntry undecided = OpEntry.Empty; OpEntry entry; int pos = 0; // used and updated only for additional error checking. The algorithm does not depend on this. int level = 0; Match match = _regex.Match(query); while (match.Success) { if (pos != match.Index) { return(runner.Complete(ReportError("Syntax error at {0} - unrecognized text", match.Index, query))); } pos = match.Index + match.Length; if (match.Groups[0].Success) { for (int i = 1; i < match.Groups.Count; i++) { if (match.Groups[i].Success) { string curval = match.Groups[i].Value; switch ((Terms)i) { case Terms.keyword: if (!undecided.IsEmpty) { return(runner.Complete(ReportError("Syntax error at {0}.", match, query))); } undecided = new OpEntry(curval, Terms.keyword, match.Index); goto nextTerm; case Terms.varidentifier: if (!undecided.IsEmpty) { return(runner.Complete(ReportError("Syntax error at {0}.", match, query))); } undecided = new OpEntry(curval, Terms.varidentifier, match.Index); goto nextTerm; case Terms.identifier: if (!undecided.IsEmpty) { return(runner.Complete(ReportError("Syntax error at {0}.", match, query))); } undecided = new OpEntry(curval, Terms.identifier, match.Index); goto nextTerm; case Terms.openbracket: if (undecided.Term == Terms.varidentifier) { opstack.Push(undecided); // Var set undecided = OpEntry.Empty; } else if (undecided.Term == Terms.identifier) { opstack.Push(undecided); // Function call undecided = OpEntry.Empty; } else if (undecided.Term == Terms.keyword) { undecided.Op0Address = runner.Address; opstack.Push(undecided); undecided = OpEntry.Empty; } else if (undecided.IsEmpty) { opstack.Push(new OpEntry(null, Terms.compound, match.Index)); } level++; goto nextTerm; case Terms.closebracket: if (undecided.Term == Terms.varidentifier) { AddArg(opstack, runner); runner.Add(new Instruction(Instructions.PushVar, undecided.Value)); // GetVar varidentifier undecided = OpEntry.Empty; } else if (undecided.Term == Terms.identifier) { AddArg(opstack, runner); runner.Add(new Instruction(Instructions.PushParam, undecided.Value)); undecided = OpEntry.Empty; } // *** Function call if (opstack.Count == 0) { return(runner.Complete(ReportError("Syntax error - function call has no function name at {0}", match, query))); } entry = opstack.Pop(); if (entry.Term == Terms.varidentifier) { AddArg(opstack, runner); // TODO - what about empty argument list? (BUG) runner.Add(new Instruction(Instructions.PullVar, entry.Value, entry.Arguments)); } else if (entry.Term == Terms.identifier) { AddArg(opstack, runner); // TODO - what about empty argument list? (BUG) runner.Add(new Instruction(Instructions.Call, entry.Value, entry.Arguments)); } else if (entry.Term == Terms.keyword) { AddArg(opstack, runner); // TODO: Operator completion if (entry.Value == "if") { if (entry.Arguments == 2) { runner.Add(new Instruction(Instructions.Jump, runner.Address + 2)); // Update initial jumpIfNot runner.Update(entry.Op1Address, runner.Address); // Add dummy else runner.Add(new Instruction(Instructions.PushNull)); } else if (entry.Arguments == 3) { // Update else unconditional jump runner.Update(entry.Op2Address, runner.Address); } else { return(runner.Complete(ReportError("if must have 2 or 3 arguments at {0}", match, query))); } } else if (entry.Value == "while") { if (entry.Arguments == 2) { runner.Add(new Instruction(Instructions.Dump, null, 1)); runner.Add(new Instruction(Instructions.Jump, entry.Op0Address)); // Jump to the initial condition runner.Update(entry.Op1Address, runner.Address); // Update initial JumpIfNot to go after the end runner.Add(new Instruction(Instructions.PushNull)); // Push something to keep the illusion that something is returned. } else { return(runner.Complete(ReportError("while must have 2 arguments at {0}", match, query))); } } else { return(runner.Complete(ReportError("Unexpected end of control operator at {0}", match, query))); } } else if (entry.Term == Terms.compound) { AddArg(opstack, runner); } else { return(runner.Complete(ReportError("Syntax error - function call has no function name at {0}", match, query))); } level--; goto nextTerm; case Terms.comma: if (undecided.Term == Terms.varidentifier) { AddArg(opstack, runner); runner.Add(new Instruction(Instructions.PushVar, undecided.Value)); undecided = OpEntry.Empty; } else if (undecided.Term == Terms.identifier) { AddArg(opstack, runner); runner.Add(new Instruction(Instructions.PushParam, undecided.Value)); undecided = OpEntry.Empty; } else if (!undecided.IsEmpty) // If this happend it will be our mistake. Nothing but identifiers should appear in the undecided { return(runner.Complete(ReportError("Syntax error at {0}", undecided.Pos, query))); } // TODO: Consider root level behavior! Multiple results may be useful? if (opstack.Count == 0 || opstack.Peek().Term == Terms.compound) { // A coma in compond operator or on root level - only the last one must remain in the stack // For this reason we dump the last entry. runner.Add(new Instruction(Instructions.Dump, null, 1)); } else if (opstack.Peek().Term == Terms.keyword) { // TODO: operator midtime entry = opstack.Peek(); if (entry.Arguments == 1) { // We are at addr(1) entry.Op1Address = runner.Address; runner.Add(new Instruction(Instructions.JumpIfNot, -1, 1)); } else if (entry.Arguments == 2) { if (entry.Op1Address >= 0) { if (entry.Value == "if") { // Finish successful part entry.Op2Address = runner.Address; runner.Add(new Instruction(Instructions.Jump, -1)); // Jump here if condition is not met runner.Update(entry.Op1Address, runner.Address); //AddArg(opstack, runner); } else if (entry.Value == "while") { return(runner.Complete(ReportError("while has more than two arguments at {0}", match, query))); } else { // This is completely unexpected return(runner.Complete(ReportError("syntax error at {0}", match, query))); } } else { return(runner.Complete(ReportError("while or if operator cannot be composed correctly {0}", undecided.Pos, query))); } } } goto nextTerm; case Terms.numliteral: if (!undecided.IsEmpty) { return(runner.Complete(ReportError("Syntax error at {0}", undecided.Pos, query))); } if (curval.IndexOf('.') >= 0) // double { if (double.TryParse(curval, NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out double t)) { runner.Add(new Instruction(Instructions.PushDouble, t)); AddArg(opstack, runner); } else { return(runner.Complete(ReportError("Invalid double number at {0}", match, query))); } } else { if (int.TryParse(curval, NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out int n)) { runner.Add(new Instruction(Instructions.PushInt, n)); AddArg(opstack, runner); } else { return(runner.Complete(ReportError("Invalid integer number at {0}", match, query))); } } goto nextTerm; case Terms.specialliteral: if (!undecided.IsEmpty) { return(runner.Complete(ReportError("Syntax error at {0}", undecided.Pos, query))); } if (curval == "null") { runner.Add(new Instruction(Instructions.PushNull)); } else if (curval == "true") { runner.Add(new Instruction(Instructions.PushBool, true)); } else if (curval == "false") { runner.Add(new Instruction(Instructions.PushBool, false)); } else { return(runner.Complete(ReportError("Syntax error at {0}", match, query))); } AddArg(opstack, runner); goto nextTerm; case Terms.stringliteral: if (!undecided.IsEmpty) { return(runner.Complete(ReportError("Syntax error at {0}", undecided.Pos, query))); } runner.Add(new Instruction(Instructions.PushString, curval)); AddArg(opstack, runner); goto nextTerm; case case Terms.comment: // do nothing - we simply ignore the space goto nextTerm; case Terms.end: if (undecided.Term == Terms.varidentifier) { AddArg(opstack, runner); runner.Add(new Instruction(Instructions.PushVar, undecided.Value)); undecided = OpEntry.Empty; } else if (undecided.Term == Terms.identifier) { AddArg(opstack, runner); runner.Add(new Instruction(Instructions.PushParam, undecided.Value)); undecided = OpEntry.Empty; } if (opstack.Count == 0) { // The stack must be empty at this point return(runner.Complete()); } else { return(runner.Complete("Syntax error at the expression end - check for matching brackets")); } // break; default: return(runner.Complete(ReportError("Syntax error at {0}", match, query))); } } // catch actual group } // Check every possible group } else { // Unrecognized or end } nextTerm: match = match.NextMatch(); } // next term var _serr = ""; if (pos > query.Length) { _serr = " Unparsed:[" + query.Substring(pos) + "]"; } return(runner.Complete("Parsing the query failed at pos:" + pos + _serr)); }
private static void AddOpEntry(string name, int precedence, Dictionary<string, OpEntry> current) { current[name] = new OpEntry(name, precedence); }
private static void AddOpEntry(string name, int precedence, Dictionary <string, OpEntry> current) { current[name] = new OpEntry(name, precedence); }