Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// AddFoodStore(Food_Stores foodStore) adds the foodStore to the Food_Stores table
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="foodStore"></param>
        /// <returns>integer value indicating the Food_Store_Id of the added foodStore</returns>
        public bool AddFoodStore(Food_Store foodStore)
                //instantiating Online_Food_Ordering_SystemEntities Context class
                using (Online_Food_Ordering_SystemEntities1 db = new Online_Food_Ordering_SystemEntities1())
                    //use LINQ query to Add Food Stores from table Food_Stores

                    //save changes to the database

            catch (Exception ex)
                //throw user defined FoodOrderException
                throw new FoodOrderException(ex.Message);
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Method GetAllFoodItems() to get a list of all the Food Items
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>List of Food Items</returns>
        public List <Food_Item> GetAllFoodItems()
            //instantiating Online_Food_Ordering_SystemEntities3 Context class
                using (Online_Food_Ordering_SystemEntities1 db = new Online_Food_Ordering_SystemEntities1())
                    //use LINQ query to fetch list of Food Items from table Food_Items
                    List <Food_Item> foodItemsList = db.usp_GetFoodItemDetails().ToList();

                    //assigning lazy loading to be false
                    db.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;

                    //return obtained data
            catch (Exception ex)
                //throw user defined FoodOrderException
                throw new FoodOrderException(ex.Message);
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Method GetAllEmployees() to get a list of all the Employees
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>List of Employee</returns>
        public List <Employee> GetAllEmployees()
            //instantiating Online_Food_Ordering_SystemEntities1 Context class
                using (Online_Food_Ordering_SystemEntities1 db = new Online_Food_Ordering_SystemEntities1())
                    //use LINQ query to fetch list of employees from table Employees
                    List <Employee> employeeList = db.Employees.Where(f => f.IsActive == true).ToList();

                    //assigning lazy loading to be false
                    db.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;

                    //return obtained data
            catch (Exception ex)
                //throw user defined EmployeeException
                throw new EmployeeException(ex.Message);
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// AddEmployee(Employees employee) adds the employee to the Employees table
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="employee">Employee type value that is to be added</param>
        /// <returns>bool value indicating the employeeId of the added employee</returns>
        public bool AddEmployee(Employee employee)
                //instantiating Online_Food_Ordering_SystemEntities3 Context class
                using (Online_Food_Ordering_SystemEntities1 db = new Online_Food_Ordering_SystemEntities1())
                    //check if the employee already exists
                    Employee item = db.Employees.Where(f => f.Email.Equals(employee.Email, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && f.IsActive == true).FirstOrDefault();

                    if (item != null)
                        //if exists then throw exception
                        throw new FoodOrderException("Employee already present");

                    //set IsActive to true
                    employee.IsActive = true;

                    //set Creation Date to be the
                    employee.Creation_Date = DateTime.Now;

                    //use LINQ query to Add Employee to table Employees

                    //save changes to the database

            catch (Exception ex)
                //throw user defined EmployeeException
                throw new EmployeeException(ex.Message);
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Method updates or edits the changes of the passed foodItem in the Food_Items table
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="foodItem">object of type FoodItem </param>
        /// <returns>boolean value indicating whether fooItem is updated or not</returns>
        public bool UpdateFoodItem(Food_Item foodItem)
                //instantiating Online_Food_Ordering_SystemEntities3 Context class
                using (Online_Food_Ordering_SystemEntities1 db = new Online_Food_Ordering_SystemEntities1())
                    //use LINQ query to find the Food Item with id foodItem.Food_Item_Id
                    Food_Item item = db.Food_Items.Where(f => f.Food_Item_Id == foodItem.Food_Item_Id && f.IsActive == true).FirstOrDefault();

                    if (item != null)
                        //update  Food Item details
                        item.Food_Name = foodItem.Food_Name;
                        item.Food_Type = foodItem.Food_Type;
                        item.Price     = foodItem.Price;

                        //save changes to the database


                        throw new FoodOrderException("Food item does not exist");
            catch (Exception ex)
                //throw user defined FoodOrderException
                throw new FoodOrderException(ex.Message);
        /// <summary>
        /// Provides history of all previous orders of a specific customer
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="customerId">integer value to uniquely identify the customer</param>
        /// <param name="fromEntryNo">integer value that will query the database from which entry number to begin from</param>
        /// <param name="toEntryNo">integer value that will query the database till which entry number to get record</param>
        /// <returns>List of all the past orders</returns>
        public List <Order> GetOrdersByCustomerId(int customerId, int fromEntryNo, int toEntryNo)
            List <Order> OrdersList = new List <Order>();

            using (Online_Food_Ordering_SystemEntities1 db = new Online_Food_Ordering_SystemEntities1())
                    int totalOrdersCount = db.Orders.Select(o => o.isActive && o.Customer_Id == customerId && o.Submit_Status).Count();
                    if (fromEntryNo > totalOrdersCount)
                        throw new FoodOrderException($"Not enough entries to start from {fromEntryNo}");
                    if (toEntryNo > totalOrdersCount)
                        toEntryNo = totalOrdersCount;
                    IQueryable <Order> OrdersQuery = db.Orders.Where(o => o.isActive && o.Customer_Id == customerId && o.Submit_Status);
                    if (OrdersQuery != null)
                        foreach (Order singleOrder in OrdersQuery)
                            Order orderToAdd = new Order()
                                Customer_Id    = singleOrder.Customer_Id,
                                Order_date     = singleOrder.Order_date,
                                Order_Id       = singleOrder.Order_Id,
                                Employee_Id    = singleOrder.Employee_Id,
                                Food_Store_Id  = singleOrder.Food_Store_Id,
                                Total_Price    = singleOrder.Total_Price,
                                Total_Quantity = singleOrder.Total_Quantity,
                                isActive       = singleOrder.isActive,
                                Submit_Status  = singleOrder.Submit_Status
                            List <Order_Item> orderItemsQuery = db.Order_Items.Where(item => item.Order_Id == orderToAdd.Order_Id).ToList();
                            List <Order_Item> orderItems      = new List <Order_Item>();
                            if (orderItemsQuery != null)
                                foreach (Order_Item singleItem in orderItemsQuery)
                                    var       currentItemFoodObject = db.Food_Items.FirstOrDefault(fitem => fitem.Food_Item_Id == singleItem.Food_Item_Id);
                                    Food_Item food = currentItemFoodObject != null
                                                     new Food_Item()
                                        Food_Name = currentItemFoodObject.Food_Name, Food_Type = currentItemFoodObject.Food_Type, ImagePath = currentItemFoodObject.ImagePath
                                        : null;
                                    orderItems.Add(new Order_Item()
                                        Order_Id = singleItem.Order_Id, Food_Item_Id = singleItem.Food_Item_Id, Food_Items = food, Price = singleItem.Price, Quantity = singleItem.Quantity
                            orderToAdd.Order_Items = orderItems;
                    throw new FoodOrderException("Not able to fetch Order List");
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="customerId"></param>
        /// <param name="foodItemId"></param>
        /// <param name="foodItemQuantity"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool UpdateCart(int customerId, ICollection <Order_Item> orderItems)
            using (Online_Food_Ordering_SystemEntities1 db = new Online_Food_Ordering_SystemEntities1())
                bool isUpdated = false;

                    //find if customer exists, if not then:
                    if (db.Customers.Where(c => c.Customer_Id == customerId).Count() == 0)
                        throw new FoodOrderException("Customer Doesn't Exist");
                    //find cart for given customer
                    Order cart = db.Orders.FirstOrDefault(o => (o.isActive && o.Customer_Id == customerId && o.Submit_Status == false));
                    //if cart doesn't exist for customer
                    int finalTotalPrice    = 0;
                    int finalTotalQuantity = 0;
                    if (cart == null)
                        foreach (Order_Item o in orderItems)
                            //setting the latest price of the product in the cart
                            decimal foodItemPrice = db.Food_Items.FirstOrDefault(item => item.IsActive && item.Food_Item_Id == o.Food_Item_Id).Price;
                            o.Price = foodItemPrice;
                            if (o.Quantity < 1)

                        Order newCart = new Order()
                            Customer_Id   = customerId,
                            Order_date    = DateTime.Now,
                            Employee      = null,
                            Order_Items   = orderItems,
                            Food_Store_Id = null,
                            Submit_Status = false,
                            Creation_Date = DateTime.Now,
                            isActive      = true
                        cart = newCart;
                    //else if cart exists for customer
                        foreach (Order_Item orderItem in orderItems)
                            //find latest price of given orderItem
                            Food_Item foodItemForPrice = db.Food_Items.FirstOrDefault(item => item.IsActive && item.Food_Item_Id == orderItem.Food_Item_Id);
                            if (foodItemForPrice == null)
                            decimal foodItemPrice = foodItemForPrice.Price;
                            //find if item already exist in cart
                            Order_Item existingOrderItem = db.Order_Items.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Order_Id == cart.Order_Id && i.Food_Item_Id == orderItem.Food_Item_Id);
                            //if item doesn't already exist in the cart add new item
                            if (existingOrderItem == null)
                                if (orderItem.Quantity > 0)
                                    db.Order_Items.Add(new Order_Item()
                                        Order_Id = cart.Order_Id, Food_Item_Id = orderItem.Food_Item_Id, Quantity = orderItem.Quantity, Price = foodItemPrice
                            //else if item exists in the cart update quantity and latest price
                                existingOrderItem.Quantity = orderItem.Quantity;
                                existingOrderItem.Price    = foodItemPrice;
                    //Updating Total_Quantity and Total_Price in the db
                    IQueryable <Order_Item> orderItemList = db.Order_Items.Where(item => item.Order_Id == cart.Order_Id);
                    foreach (Order_Item orderItem in orderItemList)
                        finalTotalQuantity += (int)orderItem.Quantity;
                        finalTotalPrice    += (int)orderItem.Price * (int)orderItem.Quantity;
                        if (orderItem.Quantity < 1)
                    cart.Total_Quantity = finalTotalQuantity;
                    cart.Total_Price    = finalTotalPrice;

                    isUpdated = true;
                    throw new FoodOrderException();
